《公共管理专业英语》Unit4 textB翻译

Appendix ⅡChinese Translations of Texts B (Units 4、5、7、8)参考译文第四单元全球化,方兴未艾如果组织一次对9.11事件后的世界最错误的寓言评选的话,那么赢家一定是伦敦大学经济系著名教授约翰·格雷,他的声明表示9/11事件预示着全球化时代的终结。


《公共管理英语》部分翻译(目前缺第四章、第六章、第七章翻译)第一章1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,省市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。
具体容如下:经济社会发展战略,工作目标和它们的完成情况;重大决策和政策的主动过程;财政预算和执行情况;专用基金的分配和重要物资的购买;主要基本建设计划和它们的招投标;政府投资的公共福利项目;政府审批的项目及完成情况;政府向公众承事项的完成情况;有关公民、法人、组织权益的法律实施;重大事件的处理;-官员的选拔任用,公务员的录用,先进工作者的评价,员工调动的原则改革及公众关心的其他问题;政府机构的职能和官员的职责;工作容、条件、流程和时间以及工作效果;工作原则,承担义务、对违反应承担义务的起诉方法及调查结果;Apart from opening administrative affairs to society, various de partments of the Guangdong Provincial Government have been required t o open their internal system construction, work operations and manage ment, specifically the self-discipline of officials; income and expen diture of the department; management of the human resources, distribu tion of income to workers and staff members as well as their welfare treatment; and other issues.除了向社会公开行政事务,省已经要求各政府部门公开机关部结构,工作运转方式和管理情况,特别是官员的自律情况;部门的收入和经费开支情况,工作人员的收入分配和他们的福利待遇,以及其它事项。

Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革)in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。
This new paradigm poses(形成,造成)a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。
All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。
A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。

Unit 1Opening Administration to the PublicCitizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunity to be a visitor at municipal(市政的) government meetings, thanks to the government's recent efforts to open its administration-adopting t he Measures for Inviting Citizens to listen to the Administrative Mee ting, which (生效,实施)on December 16, 2001. 安徽省蚌埠市的群众现在有机会出席旁听市政府的召开的会议了,这主要是得益于市政府最近采用并制定的开放式行政管理的措施而邀请市民出席旁听政府的一些行政管理方面的会议。
Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on adminis trative affairs行政事务. The number of citizen listeners invited to very important meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies(代表) to the city's people's congress, members of the local committee of t he Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, personages(要人,名流) of democratic parties, members of the Association of Indus try and Commerce and others. They must be at least 18 years of age, a nd willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.邀请出席每一次行政事务会议旁听的市民,受邀旁听市民的人数是根据会议的重要程度而定的。

Unit 10The Largest Recipient of Foreign Capital引资第一大国At the China Conference政治协商会上: The Year of Capital, held in Beiji ng on December 4, Shi Guangsheng石广生, Minister of Foreign Trade and Ec onomic Cooperation, said that in 2002, for the first time, China became the lar gest recipient接受者of foreign direct investment (FDI)外商直接投资in the w orld. He predicted that this year's FDI in China would exceed $ 50 billion. 在12月4日于北京举行的“中国会议:资本年”上,外经贸部部长说,2002年中国第一次成为世界上吸收外国直接投资的“第一引资大国”。
Shi noted that this achievement has been accomplished through positive, ra tional理性的and effective measures for utilizing foreign capital利用外资, unde r an overall situation of opening. 石广生表示:这一成就的取得是与全面开放的情况下,积极、理性及有效地利用国外投资分不开的。
China has maintained a strong momentum in utilizing foreign capital中国在利用外资过程中保持一种强劲的动力, while the FDI was declining globally然而,直接利用外资在全球正呈下降趋势. Latest statistics from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC)对外贸易经济合作部的最新统计显示show that by October 2002, the number of newly approved foreig n-funded enterprises外资企业had reached 27,630, an increase of 35 percent ov er the same period of last year; contractual foreign capital hit契约性外资达$ 75 billion, a rise of 36 percent: and actual use of foreign capital came to实际使用外资达$ 44. 7 billion, up 20 percent. 中国在全球外资直接投资不断下降的情况下,中国依然保持着利用外资的强劲势头。
Why Public Management Reform?为什么要进行公共管理改革?Public management reform is usually thought of as a means to an end, not an end in itself. 公共管理改革通常被认为是一种达到目的的手段,而并非目的本身。
To be more precise we should perhaps say that it potentially a means to multiple ends. 更准确说,我们可以认为它是一种潜在地达到多种目的的手段。
These include making saving (economies) in public expenditure, improving the quality of public services, making the operation of government more efficient, and increasing the chances that the policies which are chosen and implemented will be effective. 这些目的包括:节约公共开支(经济),提高公共服务的质量,使政府的运作更加有效,增加被选用的和实施的政策变得有效的机会。
On the way to achieving these important objectives, public management reform may also serve a number of intermediate ends, including those of strengthening the control of politicians over the bureaucracy, freeing public officials1 from bureaucratic constrains which inhibit their opportunities to manage and enhance the government’s accountability to the legislature and the citizenry for its policies and programs. 在实现这些重要目标的同时,公共管理改革还可能为一系列中间目标提供服务,包括强化政治家对官僚的控制和把公务员从官僚政治的束缚中解放出来,这些束缚阻碍了他们在政策和计划实施1公务员、国家公职人员、政府官员中管理和提升政府对立法部门和公民所负责任的机会。

Opening Administration to the Public政务公开得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,广东省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。

第一章1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,广东省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。

《公共管理英语》部分翻译(目前缺第四章、第六章、第七章翻译)第一章1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,广东省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。
具体内容如下:经济社会发展战略,工作目标和它们的完成情况;重大决策和政策的主动过程;财政预算和执行情况;专用基金的分配和重要物资的购买;主要基本建设计划和它们的招投标;政府投资的公共福利项目;政府审批的项目及完成情况;政府向公众承事项的完成情况;有关公民、法人、组织权益的法律实施;重大事件的处理;-官员的选拔任用,公务员的录用,先进工作者的评价,员工调动的原则改革及公众关心的其他问题;政府机构的职能和官员的职责;工作内容、条件、流程和时间以及工作效果;工作原则,承担义务、对违反应承担义务的起诉方法及调查结果;Apart from opening administrative affairs to society, various de partments of the Guangdong Provincial Government have been required t o open their internal system construction, work operations and manage ment, specifically the self-discipline of officials; income and expen diture of the department; management of the human resources, distribu tion of income to workers and staff members as well as their welfare treatment; and other issues.除了向社会公开行政事务,广东省已经要求各政府部门公开机关内部结构,工作运转方式和管理情况,特别是官员的自律情况;部门的收入和经费开支情况,工作人员的收入分配和他们的福利待遇,以及其它事项。


Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革)in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革。
This new paradigm poses(形成,造成)a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这个新的范例对几个原先被认为是传统公共行政的基础规则提出了直接挑战。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged.这几个真理被挑战。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes. 1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变。
All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革。
A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet, particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。

公共事业管理专业英语部分翻译The New Public Law新公共法The public law of the United Kingdom is defined by the prevailing(adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的)constitutional order(宪法秩序),the government and the various institutions (n. 制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构)of the state,he rights of the citizen and membership of the European Union.Local government exists with(与…共存)statutory (adj. 法定的;法令的;可依法惩处的)powers and responsibilities.There are since 1998 devolved powers to the Scottish Parliament,the Welsh Assembly(n. 装配;集会,集合),the Northern Ireland Assembly and since 1999 an elected mayor(n. 市长)for London.The public law of the United Kingdom has lately come of age(臻至成熟).There are several reasons for this development.Fundamental constitutional reforms have embraced(vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含)changes to the electoral system(选举制度),a more independent Bank of England withthe responsibility of adjusting interests rates(利息,利率)removed from the government of the day,reforms of the House of Lords(英国的上议院),and strategies(n. 策略,战略)to modernize(v 现代化)almost every aspect of government institutions and procedures.There is also a new freedom of Information Act 2000(2000年《信息自由法》).There are changes to the criminal justice system(刑事司法体系),tribunals(n. 法庭;裁决;法官席)and inquiries (n. 探究;调查;质询),and to the management of the courts system.The most celebrated and acclaimed (vt. 称赞;为…喝采,向…欢呼)innovation(n. 创新,革新;新方法)is the Human Rights Act 1998,which came fully into force in October 2000.The 1998 Act is likely to increase the use of judicial review (司法审查)and thus has the potential to shift(vt. 转移;改变)decision- making in public law matters from elected ministers (n. 部长;大臣)to the courts under the direction of increased judicial controls.academic terms,public law has broadly defined terms of reference including the academic discourse(学术话语)from lawyers,economists,historians and political scientists.There is also a judicial contribution.The development of administrative law is largely a product of judicial creativity(司法创造力)and self regulation(自我调节).Since the 1960s there is a remarkable judicial self-confidence in defining and articulating(v表达,表述)the role of the courts in public law matters.As Lord Donaldson remarked in 1984:从概念术语的角度来看,公法在它自身的技术规则与程序和分析技巧上有一定的发展。

《公共管理英语》部分翻译(目前缺第四章、第六章、第七章翻译)第一章1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Increasing Transparency增加透明度在部分城市和农村的基础上,今年的上半年,广东省已要求村及村以上的政府行政事务都要公开。
具体内容如下:经济社会发展战略,工作目标和它们的完成情况;重大决策和政策的主动过程;财政预算和执行情况;专用基金的分配和重要物资的购买;主要基本建设计划和它们的招投标;政府投资的公共福利项目;政府审批的项目及完成情况;政府向公众承事项的完成情况;有关公民、法人、组织权益的法律实施;重大事件的处理;-官员的选拔任用,公务员的录用,先进工作者的评价,员工调动的原则改革及公众关心的其他问题;政府机构的职能和官员的职责;工作内容、条件、流程和时间以及工作效果;工作原则,承担义务、对违反应承担义务的起诉方法及调查结果;Apart from opening administrative affairs to society, various de partments of the Guangdong Provincial Government have been required t o open their internal system construction, work operations and manage ment, specifically the self-discipline of officials; income and expen diture of the department; management of the human resources, distribu tion of income to workers and staff members as well as their welfare treatment; and other issues.除了向社会公开行政事务,广东省已经要求各政府部门公开机关内部结构,工作运转方式和管理情况,特别是官员的自律情况;部门的收入和经费开支情况,工作人员的收入分配和他们的福利待遇,以及其它事项。

1Opening Administration to the Public政务公开Citizens of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, now have the opportunit y to be a visitor at municipal government meetings, thanks to the gov ernment’s recent efforts to open its administration-adopting the Mea sures for Inviting Citizens to Listen to the Administrative Meeting, which came into effect on December 16, 2001.得益于2001年11月16日生效的政府最近实施的邀请市民旁听政府会议的行政事务公开改革措施,安徽省蚌埠市的市民现在有机会参加市政府会议。
Ten citizens are invited to be present at each meeting on admini strative affairs. The number of citizen listeners invited to very imp ortant meeting can vary. The listeners can be deputies to the city’s people’s congress, members of the local committee of the Chinese Peo ple’s Political Consultative Conference, personages of democratic, m embers of the Association of Industry and Commerce and others. They m ust be at least 18 years of age, and willingly to be a visitor at the meeting.每次行政事务会议邀请10名市民参加。

Chapter 2课本第一章An Era of Change改变的年代、时代Introduction引言There has been a transformation(转化、变革) in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries.在发达国家的公共部门的管理已经有了一个变革.This new paradigm poses(形成,造成) a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration。
These seven seeming verities(真理)have been challenged。
Economic problems in the 1980s meant governments reassessed(重新评估)their bureaucracies and demanded changes。
1980s的经济问题意味着政府重新评估他们的官僚制并且需要改变.All these points will be discussed at greater length(长度)later, but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.这些观点会在以后做更大范围的讨论,但是这里强调的主要是一点:一百年来很少发生变革的公共职业领域发生了全面变革.A new paradigm一个新的范例There is some debate over whether or not public managemnet,particularly the new public management, is a new paradigm for public sector management.有个争论,关于公共管理尤其是新的公共管理是不是公共部门管理的一个新的范例。

第一章1、There has been a transformation in the management of the public sectors of advanced countries. 发达国家公共部门的管理经历了一场转变。
2、This new paradigm poses a direct challenge to several of what had previously been regarded as fundamental principles of traditional public administration.这种新的典范对曾被认为是公共行政的一些基本的、几乎是永恒的原理提出了直接的挑战。
3、All these points will be discussed at greater length later,but the main point is there has been total change in a profession that saw little change for around a hundred years.虽然上述一切都值得深入探讨,这里强调的主要一点是,在100年来很少发生变化的公共部门职业领域,如今已经发生了全面的变革。
4、There is some debate over whether or not public management,particularly the new public management,is a new paradigm for public sector management.这里有一些争论,关于是否公共管理,特别是新公共管理是公共部门管理的新典范。
5、Some argue that paradigm is large hurdle to jump,requiring agreement among all a discipline's practitioners -- a more or less permanent way of looking at the world.一些人认为典范是巨大的障碍,需要协议在所有学科的实践者——或多或少永久看待世界的方式。
《管理学英语》参考译文Unit 4

Unit 4 Organizational Design and Culture组织设计与组织文化T ext A A Formal or Informal Organization正式组织或非正式组织Pre-reading T ask课前阅读Read the following questions first, which will help you understand the text below better, and then answer the questions after reading the text carefully.先看下面的问题,这些问题将有助于你更好地理解后面的课文,仔细地读完课文后再回答这些问题。
1. What is your personal understanding of an organization?你对组织的个人理解是什么?2. Are there any conflicts between a formal and an informal organization?正式组织和非正式组织之间存在冲突或矛盾吗?3. Which type of organization is more commonplace in modern society, the formal or informal one?在现代社会中,哪一种类型的组织更司空见惯(普遍)?是正式组织还是非正式组织T extOrganization is a word many people use loosely. Some would say it includes all the behaviors of all participants. Others would equate it with the total system of social and cultural relationships. Still others refer to an enterprise, such as the United States Steel Corporation or the Department of Defense, as an organization. But for most practicing managers, the term organization implies a formalized intentional structure of roles or positions.组织是很多人不精确使用的一个词。
自考英语二(00015)Unit 4 Text B 练习

Write down the meaning of the following phrases
• Bargain for
• Draw in
• Feel privileged to
• Niche market
• Have control over
• Potential clients
• Write out
• Keep…alive
• Motivating factors
• Extend beyond
• Bring… to the table
• Down payment
• At the forefront
• Light fixtures
• Marketing strategies
• Exceed boundaries
Section C (P178)
1. Their difficulty lies _i_n_ not knowing what to do next. 2. The committee now has to decide whether to exclude him _f_r_om__ the
competition. 3. I did not bargain _f_o_r_ her coming too . 4. Corbett resolved to seek _o_u_t__ the truth .
exclude...from... 从...中排除 seek out 找出,寻求 in place在工作,准备就绪
III. Translation
Section A (P178) 1. _T_h_o_s_e_w__h_o_f_e_e_l_p_r_iv_i_l_eg_e_d__t_o_w__o_rk__w_i_t_h_h_i_m__(所有有幸和他一起工作的 人) have special memories . (feel / be privileged to do)
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Recent Transformations Administration Theory:a revolution in public management?近代的变革管理理论:公共管理的改革Since the early1980s much work has been conducted in public administration theory and practice that claims to go beyond the conservative approach in the field.This “liberalization” of public administration is recognized today as the NPM trend.The self-identity problem of public administration was greatly aggravated by the launching of the idea of NPM.As noted by Kettl and Mitward,“public management is neithe r traditional public administration nor policy analysis since it borrows heavily from a variety of disciplines and methodological approaches.”Mainly drawing on the experience of the business/industrial/private sector,scholars have suggested taking a more demanding attitude to the dynamics,activity,and productivity of public organizations:however,“competing academic disciplines dueled to establish bridgeheads or,worse,virtually ignored each other as they developed parallel tracks on related problems”.Consequently,a cross-fertilization,which could have accelerated learning and improved performance of public systems,was delayed.自20世纪80年代初以来,很多工作都已经在公共行政理论和实践中开展,主张要超越公共行政领域的保守研究方法。
What are the roots of NPM,and in what way is it actually a new arena in the study of the public sector?Several theoretical foundations,as well as practical factors,can answer these questions.The first,and probably the deepest source of NPM,emerges from the distinction between two proximate terms or fields of research:administration and management.As noted earlier,since the late 1880s the monopoly on the term administration has been held bypolitical scientists.Such scholars as Goodnow and Wilson were those who perceived public administration as a separate and unique discipline that should consist of independent theory,practical skills,and methods.The term management,however,referred to a more general arena,used by all social scientists and mainly by those who practice and advance theory in organizational psychology and business studies.Consequently,conservative administration science tends to analyze the operation of large bureaucratic systems as well as other governmental processes aimed at policy implementation.Management,on the other hand,refers to the general practice of empowering people and groups in various social environments and in handling multiple organizational resources to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in the process of producing goods or services.新公共管理的根源是什么,以及以何种方式进行,实际上是公共部门研究的一个新领域吗?个别的理论基础和实践事实可以回答这些问题。
A consensus exists today that NPM has become extremely popular in the theory and practice of public arenas,but can we define it as a long-range revolution in public administration theory?No comprehensive answer exists to this question.Some will say that NPM has only revived an old spirit of managerialism and applied it in the public sector.Others will argue that this in itself has been a momentous contribution to public administration as a discipline in decline.Relying on an extensive survey of public management research in America,Garson and Overman argued that this increasing popularity was due to the more virile connotation of the term management than administration.Over the years,a growing number of political scientists have perceived public administration as an old and declining discipline;it was unable to provide the public with adequate practical answers to its demands,and moreover it left theoreticians with epidemic socialdilemmas waiting for exploration.Interesting evidence of this process could be found in many schools of public administration,which during the1980s and 1990s decided to become schools of public management.Looking for alternative ideas,management theory was proposed as the source for a new and refreshing perspective.It was suggested that public management rather than public administration could contribute to a new understanding of how to run the government more efficiently and thereby to surmount some of its pandemic ailments.今天存在一个共识,新公共管理在公共领域的理论和实践中已非常普遍,但我们可以把它定义为公共行政理论的长期革命吗?这个问题不存在统一的回答。