
1.If all the sky were parchment and all the sea were ink按“青天做纸张”之语,西方各国诗人皆有之,常以“碧海化墨水”为对。
P.192.New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。
P.353.behind its attributes须在未具性德以前,推其本质。
P.374.“Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” 意在言外,得意忘言,不以词害意。
P.435.To hold, as’t were, the mirror up to nature.持镜照自然。
P.606.selective imitation取舍之工。
P.607.This is an art / Which does mend nature, change it rather, but/ That art itselfis Nature (The Winter’s Tale, IV, iv. Polixenes)莎士比亚尝曰:“人艺足补天工,然而人艺即天工也。
”p.618.In shape the perfection of the berry, in light the radiance of the dewdrop.(Lord Tennyson; A Memoir, by his son, Vol. I, P.211)体完如樱桃,光灿若露珠。
P.114(Alexander Smith: A Life Drama)9.“A poem round and perfect as a star. ”“诗好比星圆。
”P.11410.“It used to be said of a famous cricketeer that he bowled or batted with his head. ”(S. Alexander: Beauty and Other Forms of Value, p.25)画以心而不以手。

(钱钟书- 围城)翻译关键词:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,华氏一百度“左右”译文:Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectableas peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love. Who would have thought that while the temperature hovered around 100 degrees every day, this sweet, cool ice cream manner of hers was completely ineffective. (美Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途翻译笔记:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜* 这句话出自于《苍鹰击割爱》。
文中译为as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and icedelectable是一个GRE的词汇,常用在来说食物美味的,或者某件事或人是令人愉快的。
例如:What delectable dinner it is!这顿晚餐真是美味极了!还有什么词语可以来形容女子美貌的呢?是不是想到了“沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花”?沉鱼落雁makes the fish sink and wild geese fall闭月羞花a beauty which obscure the moon and make flowers blush对啦?小编小哈扯开一下,大家知不知道,这两个词是形容哪四位古代美女哒?华氏一百度“左右”* 这里特别指出左右,是不是有点奇怪?左右无非就是left and right?哈哈,我们来看,文中是怎么翻译的。
钱钟书 翻译 例句

拜论原文:Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. In separation theone who goes away suffere less than the one who stays behind.钱钟书译文:此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。

对婚姻也罢,职业也罢,人生的愿望大都如此” 这一内涵。
Miss Su felt that Miss Pao’s exposed body constituted an insult to the body politic of the Chinese nation.赏析:译者明晓作者的幽默语气,并通过选词把这一幽默坚持到底。
译文的“constitute” 极妙,是一个正式的、会与制度相关的词语。
When men students saw Miss Pao, they burned with lewd desire, and found some relief by endlessly cracking jokes behind her neck.赏析:钱钟书先生以一组对仗的四字词语“心头起火”和“口角流水”,营造了极强的画面感。
有人叫她“熟食铺子”(Charcuterie),因为只有熟食店会把那许多颜色暖热的肉公开陈列; 又有人叫她“真理”,因为据说“真理是赤裸裸的”。
Some called her a charcuterie- a shop selling cooked meats-because only such a shop would have so much warm-colored flesh on public display. Others ca lled her “Truth”, since it is said that “the truth is naked.”赏析:译文替换原文的括号,采用破折号“——”对词语进行解释。

汉译英翻译:窗 Random Thoughts on the Window又是春天,窗子可以常开了。
It is spring again and the window can be left open as often as one would like. As spring comes in through the windows, so people——unable to bear staying inside any longer——go outdoors. The spring outside, however, is much too cheap, for the sun shines on everything, and so does not seem as bright as that which shoots into the darkness of the house. Outside the sun-slothed breeze blows everywhere, but it is not so lively as that which stirs the gloominess inside the house. Even the chirping of the birds sounds so thin and broken that the quietness of the house is neededto set it off. It seems that spring was always meant to be put behind a windowpane for show, just like a picture in a frame.同时,我们悟到,门和窗有不同的意义。

1.If all the sky were parchment and all the sea were ink按“青天做纸张”之语,西方各国诗人皆有之,常以“碧海化墨水”为对。
2.New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。
3.behind its attributes须在未具性德以前,推其本质。
4.“Not of the letter, but of the spiri t; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”意在言外,得意忘言,不以词害意。
5.To hold, as’t were, the mirror up to nature.持镜照自然。
6.selective imitation取舍之工。
7.This is an art / Which does mend nature, change it rather, but/ That art itself is Nature (The Winter’s Tale, IV, iv. Polixenes)莎士比亚尝曰:“人艺足补天工,然而人艺即天工也。
”8.In shape the perfection of the berry, in light the radiance of the dewdrop. (Lord Tennyson; A Memoir, by his son, Vol. I,体完如樱桃,光灿若露珠。
9.“A poem round and perfect as a star. ”(Alexander Smith: A Life Drama)“诗好比星圆。
”10.“It used to be said of a famous cricketeer that he bowled or batted with his head. ”(S. Alexander: Beauty and Other Forms of Value, )画以心而不以手。

1.If all the sky were parchment and all the sea were ink按“青天做纸张”之语,西方各国诗人皆有之,常以“碧海化墨水”为对。
P.19 2.New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。
P.353.behind its attributes 须在未具性德以前,推其本质。
P.374.“Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit givethlife. ” 意在言外,得意忘言,不以词害意。
P.435.To hold, as ’t were, the mirror up to nature.持镜照自然。
P.606.selective imitation取舍之工。
P.607.This is an art / Which does mend nature, change it rather, but/ That art itselfis Nature (The Winter ’s Tale, IV, iv. Polixenes) 莎士比亚尝曰:“人艺足补天工,然而人艺即天工也。
”p.618.In shape the perfection of the berry, in light the radiance of the dewdrop.(Lord Tennyson; A Memoir, by his son, Vol. I, P .211)体完如樱桃,光灿若露珠。
P.1149.“A poem round and perfect as a star. (Alexa”nder Smith: A Life Drama )“诗好比星圆。
”.P11410.“It used to be said of a famous cricketeer that he bowled or batted with his head. (”S. Alexander: Beauty and Other Forms of Value, p.25 )画以心而不以手。

Even as I bear sorrow in my heart, but my belly ever bids me eat and drink, and brings forgetfulness of all that I have suffered. 钱译:吾虽忧伤,然思晚食。吾心悲戚,而吾腹 命吾饮食,亦可稍忘苦痛 (荷马史诗---奥德修斯 )
情貌兼似,意切形存: Making small thing appear great and great thing small. 钱译:“小物说似大,大物说似小”;
贯通融会,意达形新 Not too slender nor too stout,but the mean between the two. 钱译:“不太纤,不太浓,得其中”。
钱钟书译文: 嗔骂、嬉笑、啼泣,各态咸宜,七 情能生百媚。
One man was maimed in his legs, while another has lost his eyesight. The blind man, taking the lame man on his shoulders, kept a straight course by listening to the other’s orders. It was bitter, all-daring necessity which taught them how, by dividing their imperfections between them, to make a perfect whole.

钱钟书英译欣赏(续)钱钟书英译欣赏(续)2006-07-13 18:29 星期四s按:7月7日,我在敝博写了一篇《钱钟书英译欣赏》,当时没有发完,还剩下5个句子。
6、原文:“In summer I`m disposed to shirk, /As summer is no time for work./In winter inspiration dies/For lack of outdoor exercise./In spring I’m seldom in the mood, /Because of vernal lassitude ./The fall remains. But such a fall!/We’ve really had no fall at all.”(美国人小诗)钱译:炎夏非勤劬之时;严冬不宜出户游散,无可即景生情,遂尔文思枯涸;春气困人,自振不得;秋高身爽,而吾国之秋有名乏实,奈何!——《管锥编》1408页7、原文;“After a certain age every milestone on our road is a gravestone of our funeral procession.”钱译:人至年长,其生涯中每一纪程碑亦正为其志墓碑,而度余生不过如亲送己身之葬尔。
——《管锥编》1439页8、原文:“If all seas were ink and all rushes pens and the whole Heaven parchment and all sons of men writers, they would not be enough to describe the depth of the mind of the Lord.”(塔木德语)钱译:海水皆墨汁,芦苇皆笔,天作羊皮纸,举世人作书手,尚不足传上帝之圣心。

14. All around was open loneliness and black solitude, over which a stiff breeze blew. 译文:周围一切,只是一片空旷的荒寒,一团漆黑 的僻静,一股劲风,在上面吹动。(张谷若) 15. She denied it, denied everything, bone and stone. 译文:她矢口否认,死不认帐!(郭建中) 16. It was morning but the winter sky was dark. 译文:一个冬天的清晨,天色十分阴暗。
17. The ignorant old woman who ruled for the entire last half of the nineteenth century did more than any other single person to hold back China’s progress. 译文:那个愚蠢无知的老太婆统治了十九世纪后五十年, 使中国不能进步,她可算功劳第一。(张振玉) 18. Let us go into this deserted woodman’s hut, and see how he has passed the long winter nights and the short ans stormy days. 译文:那边有一座樵夫的小屋,樵夫本人不在,但我们也不 妨进去看看。冬夜漫长,冬日苦短而多风雪,这种生活真 是够那樵夫忍受的。(夏济安)
1. Get a livelihood, and then practise virtue. 译文:先谋生而后修身。(钱钟书译) 2. There are books and books. 译文:书有种种,好坏不一。 3. These alterations of mood were the despair and joy of Ethan Frome. 译文:她这样一会儿一种情绪,叫伊坦时而灰心, 时而高兴。(吕叔湘译) 4. I’m not the first man who has made mistakes. 译文:自来出错的人多了,我又不是头一个。

下面是钱钟书先生翻译的经典作品:1.拜伦致情人语:Everything is the same, but you are not here,and I still am. In separation the one who goes away suffer lessthan the one who stays behind.钱译:此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。
一不留神,竟超过了原文,成了倾诉离别之苦的绝唱;也完美地实践了他提出的翻译的“化境”Focus onthe translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version forthe sake of the Chinese reader (既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味)之说。
2.Happy the people whose annals are tiresome.钱译:国史沉闷,国民幸运。
评析:译句之美,美在工整、对仗,况且“闷”和“运”韵母相似,读起来也很上口,钱钟书先生还有一译,与此译有异曲同工之妙:Happy the people whose annals are vacant.国史无录,国民有福。
3.《管锥编》:One man was maimed in his legs, while anotherhas lost his eyesight. The blind man, taking the lame man on his shoulders, kept a straight course by listening to the other’s orders. It was bitter, all-daring necessity which taught them how, by dividing their imperfection between them, to make a perfect whole.钱译:一跛一盲,此负彼相,因难见巧,何缺成全。

(钱钟书- 围城)翻译关键词:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜,华氏一百度“左右”译文:Miss Su, who pictured herself in the words of the familiar saying, "as delectableas peach and plum and as cold as frost and ice," decided she would allow Fang to humbly gaze at her in admiration and then prostrate himself to beg for her love. Who would have thought that while the temperature hovered around 100 degrees every day, this sweet, cool ice cream manner of hers was completely ineffective. (美Jeanne Kelly, Nathan K.Mao <译> –Fortress Besieged)资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途翻译笔记:艳如桃李,冷若冰霜* 这句话出自于《苍鹰击割爱》。
文中译为as delectable as peach and plum and as cold as frost and icedelectable是一个GRE的词汇,常用在来说食物美味的,或者某件事或人是令人愉快的。
例如:What delectable dinner it is!这顿晚餐真是美味极了!还有什么词语可以来形容女子美貌的呢?是不是想到了“沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花”?沉鱼落雁makes the fish sink and wild geese fall闭月羞花a beauty which obscure the moon and make flowers blush对啦?小编小哈扯开一下,大家知不知道,这两个词是形容哪四位古代美女哒?华氏一百度“左右”* 这里特别指出左右,是不是有点奇怪?左右无非就是left and right?哈哈,我们来看,文中是怎么翻译的。

例如“诗”这个比喻中的关键字眼“ the, The”以及“栩栩如生”这个比喻中的关键字眼“ vivid,To make them seem like a living person”。
可是仔细阅读后,却发现并不是如此,例如,“活泼”一词应该解释为“ lively, lively, active”,而这个比喻的真正内涵是“ attractive”,而不是“ lively”,更不是“ lively”,因为这两个单词在短语中均未被提及,不存在相互呼应之处。
二、词汇上的不足三、句子停顿和韵律上,英语多为“ there is”“ there are”等短句,这不利于表达意思的完整表达,如“ There is no place like home”,停顿在一般,容易让读者误解,或许在想:“这句话还没有说完呢,怎么就突然停下来了?”类似的还有“ There are some good books in this book”。

让人惊艳的翻译1. 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云See the best, blind to the rest.2. 吃一堑,长一智A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. (钱钟书译)3. 中华儿女多奇志,不爱红妆爱武装Chinese people prefer to face the powder rather than powder the face. (许渊冲译)4. 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
From hill to hill no bird in flight, from path to path no men in sight.(许渊冲译)5. 亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔.For this it is that my heart takes most delight in,And though I died nine times, I should not regret it.(张璐译)6. 何以解忧,唯有杜康。
Wine, but wine.7. 先谋生而后修身Get a livelihood and then practice virtue.(钱钟书译)8. 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
So dim, so dark, So dense, so dull, So damp, so dank, So dead! (林语堂译)9. In me the tiger sniffs the rose.心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。
(余光中译)10.Some of us get dipped in flat,Some in satin,Some in gloss.But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent,and when you do,nothing will ever compare.有人住高楼,有人在深沟。

的小诗集》(Epigerams of against Martial)[8]。许多人都能从自己的阅读经验 里找出补充的例子。
林纾的翻译所起的“媒”的作用,已经是文学史上公认的事实[9]。他对若干读者 也一定有过歌德所说的“媒”的影响,引导他们去跟原作发生直接关系。我自己就是 读了他的翻译而增加学习外国语文的兴趣的。商务印书馆发行的那两小箱《林译小 说丛书》是我十一二岁时的大发现,带领我进了一个新天地、一个在《水浒》、 《西游记》、《聊斋志异》以外另辟的世界。我事先也看过梁启超译的《十五小豪 杰》、周桂笙译的侦探小说等等,都觉得沉闷乏味[10]。接触了林译,我才知道西 洋小说会那么迷人。我把林译里哈葛德、欧文、司各特、迭更司的作品津津不厌地 阅览。假如我当时学习英文有什么自己意识到的动机,其中之一就是有一天能够痛 痛快快地读遍哈葛德以及旁人的探险小说。四十年前[11],在我故乡那个县城里, 小孩子既无野兽电影可看,又无动物园可逛,只能见到“走江湖”的人耍猴儿把戏或 者牵一头疥骆驼卖药。后来孩子们看野兽片、逛动物园所获得的娱乐,我只能向冒 险小说里去追寻。因为翻来覆去地阅读,我也渐渐对林译发生疑问。我清楚记得这 个例子。哈葛德《三千年艳尸记》第五章结尾刻意描写鳄鱼和狮子的搏斗,对小孩 子说来,这是一个惊心动魄的场面,紧张得使他眼瞪口开、气也不敢透的。林纾译 文的下半段是这样:
彻底和全部的“化”是不可实现的理想,某些方面、某种程度的“讹”又是不能避免 的毛病,于是“媒”或“诱”产生了新的意义。翻译本来是要省人家的事,免得他们去 学外文、读原作的,却一变而为导诱一些人去学外文、读原作。它挑动了有些人的 好奇心,惹得他们对原作无限向往,仿佛让他们尝到一点儿味道,引起了胃口,可 是没有解馋过瘾。他们总觉得读翻译象隔雾赏花,不比读原作那么情景真切。歌德 就有过这种看法,他很不礼貌地比翻译家为下流的职业媒人(Uebelsetzer sind als geschaftige Kuppler anzusehen)——中国旧名“牵马声价[7]。要证实那个想象,要揭去 那层遮遮掩掩的面纱,以求看得仔细、看个着实,就得设法去读原作。这样说来, 好译本的作用是消灭自己;它把我们向原作过渡,而我们读到了原作,马上掷开了 译本。勇于自信的翻译家也许认为读了他的译本就无需再读原作,但是一般人能够 欣赏货真价实的原作以后,常常薄情地抛弃了翻译家辛勤制造的代用品。倒是坏翻 译会发生一种消灭原作的效力。拙劣晦涩的译文无形中替作品拒绝读者;他对译本 看不下去,就连原作也不想看了。这类翻译不是居间,而是离间,摧灭了读者进一 步和原作直接联系的可能性,扫尽读者的兴趣,同时也破坏原作的名誉。法国十七 世纪德·马露尔神父(Abbe de Marolles)的翻译就是一个经典的例证,他所译古罗 马诗人《马夏尔的讽刺小诗集》(Epigerams of Martial)被时人称为《讽刺马夏尔

1. 《傲慢与偏见》
翻译:英文原版名为“Pride and Prejudice”,中文版由钱钟书翻译。
2. 《了不起的盖茨比》
翻译:英文原版名为“The Great Gatsby”,中文版由杨绛翻译。
3. 《麦田里的守望者》
翻译:英文原版名为“The Catcher in the Rye”,中文版由施蛰存翻译。
4. 《1984》

Business Sees Profits in Education:Challenging Public SchoolsBy Irving H.Buchen由于私人企业的介入,美国的教育正在经历一系列快速、惊人的变化。
cation in the United States is undergoing a rapid and dramatic series of changes caused by private enterprise moving into the field.教育吸引私人企业有三个原因。
cation attracts the private sector for three reasons. First, it can be financially rewarding. Education is estimated to be a $600 billion market, more than the budget for the Department of Defense. The biggest single market is kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12), valued at $310 billion in 1998. Additionally, lifelong learning and training programs for businesses and organizations are growing areas.第二,教育受到严重的压力,虽然内部尽全力进行改革,但人们对这个既有的体制信心不足。

吃一堑长一智钱钟书译英文In the vast landscape of Chinese proverbs, "Eating a tumble and gaining wisdom" stands as a timeless piece of advice, encapsulating the essence of experience and learning. This proverb, often shortened to "Eat a tumble, grow a wisdom," embodies the understanding that setbacks and failures, while painful, are valuable teachers that lead to personal growth and wiser decision-making. When Qian Zhongshu, a renowned Chinese scholar and translator, took on the task of translating this proverb into English, he did not simply convey the literal meaning; he strove to capture the profound wisdom and cultural resonance hidden within.The translation challenge lay in finding an English expression that could convey the same level of insight and brevity as the original Chinese proverb. Qian Zhongshu's translation, "A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit," achieves this balance beautifully. It maintains the parallelism of the original, using "a fall" to represent the tumble and "a gain" to signify the wisdom gained. By using "pit" and "wit," Qian creates a vivid image thatresonates with the original Chinese, while maintaining the rhythmic quality of the proverb.The translation's success lies in its ability to evoke the same emotional and intellectual response in English-speaking audiences as it does in native Chinese speakers. It captures the idea that while falling may be painful, it is through these experiences that we learn the most valuable lessons about life and ourselves. This translation is not just a linguistic feat; it is a cultural bridge, connecting the insights of ancient Chinese wisdom to a global audience.Qian Zhongshu's translation of "Eating a tumble and gaining wisdom" is a testament to his profound understanding of both Chinese culture and the nuances of the English language. His translation not only preserves the essence of the original proverb but also enhances its universal appeal, making it accessible and relevant to people across different cultures and languages. Through his translation, Qian Zhongshu has ensured that this timeless piece of advice will continue to guide and inspiregenerations of learners, both within China and beyond its borders.**吃一堑长一智:钱钟书的英文翻译**在中国谚语的丰富宝库中,“吃一堑长一智”这句至理名言占据着举足轻重的地位。
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1.If all the sky were parchment and all the sea were ink按“青天做纸张”之语,西方各国诗人皆有之,常以“碧海化墨水”为对。
P.19 2.New forms are simply canonization of inferior genres.百凡新体,只是向来卑不足道之体忽然列品入流。
P.353.behind its attributes须在未具性德以前,推其本质。
P.374.“Not of the letter, but of the spirit; for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.”意在言外,得意忘言,不以词害意。
P.435.To hold, as’t were, the mirror up to nature.持镜照自然。
P.606.selective imitation取舍之工。
P.607.This is an art / Which does mend nature, change it rather, but/ That art itself is Nature (The Winter’s Tale, IV, iv. Polixenes)莎士比亚尝曰:“人艺足补天工,然而人艺即天工也。
”p.618.In shape the perfection of the berry, in light the radiance of the dewdrop. (Lord Tennyson; A Memoir, by his son, Vol. I, P.211)体完如樱桃,光灿若露珠。
P.1149.“A poem round and perfect as a star. ”(Alexander Smith: A Life Drama)“诗好比星圆。
”P.11410.“It used to be said of a famous cricketeer that he bowled or batted with his head. ”(S. Alexander: Beauty and Other Forms of Value, p.25)画以心而不以手。
P.21111.A direct sensuous apprehension of thought.能以官感领会义理。
P.23212.Be thou thine own home, and in thy selfe dwell;/Inn any where, continuance maketh hell./ And seeing the snaile, which every where doth rome, /Carrying his owne house still, still is at home.(Complete Poetry and Selected Prose, ed. J. Hayward, pp.153-4)万物皆备于身,方之蜗牛戴壳,随遇自足,著处为家。
——约翰唐(John Donne)名篇: (To Sir Henry Wotton)P.23213.“Poetry should strike the Reader as a working of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a Remembrance. ”(Letter to Taytor, 27 Feb. 1818, H. E. Rollins, ed., Letters I, 238)“好诗当道人心中事,一若忆旧而得者。
” ——济慈(Keats) 论诗第一要义(axiom)P.25514.ear pleasure悦耳P.26915.mind pleasure餍心P.26916.unreasonable or magical element不落理路、神幻无方。
P.26917.natural magic魔力P.26918.inspiration落笔神来之际P.26919.catharsis情欲宣泄P.27020.purification斋心洁己P.27021.All Arts aspire to the condition of music.佩特谓诸艺造妙皆向往于音乐之空灵澹荡。
P.27122.Most imitative of arts(S. H. Butcher: Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, P.122)“乐在诸艺中最近自然。
”P.27123.committed fornication意淫P.27324.mental fictions乱真P.27325.“All emotion, Of thorough enough, would take one to heaven.”“一切情感,充极至尽,皆可引人入天。
” P.28826.“This creative reason thinks eternally. Of this unceasing work of thought,however, we retain no memory, because this reason is unaffected by its objects. ”(Aristotle’s Psychology, with Introduction and Notes, by E. Wallace, ” P.161, P.272)“无时间性,变易不居,勿滞于物,不可记忆。
” P.28927.“None can care for literature in itself who do not take a special pleasure in the sound of names. ”“凡不知人名地名声音之谐美者,不足以言文。
”——史梯芬生《游美杂记》(Stevenson: Across the Plains Tuesday)P.29528.“Silence and speech acting together”“语言与静默协力”——卡莱尔论象征P.30929.“Leave something to the willing intelligence of the reader. ”须留与读者思量。
——佩特论文P.30930.thinking intently of his own name英诗人丁尼生常言自思其名字,系念不散。
P.31231.“and the earth looked black behind them, /as though turned up by plows. But it was gold,/All gold—a wonder of the artist’s craft. ”—Iliad, XVIII 630-32 “犁田发土,泥色俨如黑。
”P.31832.“O! One glimpse of the human face, and shake of the human hand, is better than whole reams of this cold, thin correspondence, etc. ”—Works, ed. E. V. Lucas, VI, 175“得与其人一瞥面、一握手,胜于此等枯寒笔墨百函千牍也。
噫!” P.320 33.habitualization, automatization落套刻板P.32034.defamiliarization使熟者生P.32035.rebarbarization使文者野P.32036.“Grace of style comes from arrangement. ”“词意位置得当,文章遂饶姿致。
”P.32537.repose, perfect fitness一字之稳当P.32838.“I have such a sensitive ear that the repetition of a word irritates me threepages away. ”—A. Rhodes, The Poet as Superman, 46“至谓一字在三页后重出,便刺渠耳。
”——邓南遮P.32939.“We have had the brow and the eye of the moon before; but what have we reserved for human beings, if their features and organs are to be lavished on objects without feeling and intelligence? ”—Letters: Later Years, ed. E. de Selincourt, I, 436“语已有月眉、月眼矣。
”——华兹华斯P.34440.“The first is physical. The second is intellectual and is much higher. The third signifies a nobler power of the soul which is so high and so noble that it apprehends God in His own naked being. ”—Sermon XIX, in James M. Clark, Meister Eckhart, 220, cf. 62“学为有上中下三等:下学以身;中学以心知;上学以神,绝伦造极,对越上帝。
” ——十四世纪德国神秘宗师爱克哈特(Meister Eckhart)P.36641.Meister Eckhar t, Sermon, XII:“I take a basin full of water, place in it a mirror and put it below the sun’s disc. The reflection of the sun is the sun within the sun, and yet the mirror remains what it is.”“以一镜照形,以余镜照影,镜镜相照,影影相传;是形也、与影无殊,是影也、与形无异。
”P.37142.“If Galil eo had said in verse that the world moved, the Inquisition might have left him alone. —quoted in R. Gittings, The Older Hardy, Penguin, 1980, 120“苟伽俐略只作诗述其地球转动说,则宗教法庭或且任纵之而不问。