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Unit 16 篇章翻译(四)










Part I:


Since 1949 when the Peopl e’s Republic of China was founded, the Chinese government has always placed education high on its agenda, and has promulgated multiple codes to safeguard the educational rights of its people, especially of ethnic groups, children, women and the disabled. Through uninterrupted efforts over the past five decades, China has made significant progress in its educational sector.

The nine-year compulsory education is being implemented nationwide in stages in a planned way. Primary schooling has been popularized in areas inhabited by 91% of the Chinese population. Higher education, occupational and polytechnic education, diversified adult education and ethnic education have been developing rapidly. All this have contributed to the formation of a multi-tiered, diversified and discipline-inclusive educational system in China and facilitated the cross-border communication and cooperation in the educational sector.

广东外语艺术职业学院是2001年经广东省人民政府批准建立的专科层次的全日制普通高等学校,主要为广东省基础教育承担培养培训外语、艺术、信息技术类教师的任务, 同时为社会发展需要培养各类专门人才。(Division) Guangdong Teachers College of Foreign Language and Arts is a public full-time institute of higher education, whose establishment was approved by Guangdong Provincial Government. It aims at nurturing and training teachers of English, arts, information technology for elementary (basic) education in Guangdong as well as all kinds of professionals demanded by the society.

学院在“广东外国语师范学校”和“广东艺术师范学校”的基础上组建而成, 拥有两个校区,校园花木葱茏,环境优美。作为原广东省教育厅直属的重点师范学校,重组前两校已有17年大专办学历史,积累了基础教育师资培养和培训的丰富经验。20多年来两校为社会培养了大量优秀的英语和艺术教育教学人才,其中不少毕业生已成为当地教育部门的领导、教学科研骨干和学术带头人,为发展教育事业做出了突出贡献,得到各地教育行政部门及社会各界人士的高度赞誉。

The College, established by merging Guangdong Foreign Language Teachers

School and Guangdong Teachers School of Arts, is composed of two sub-campuses, both of which have a pleasant environment with green grass and fresh air.

As the key teachers school under the direct leadership of former Guangdong Department of Education, both schools have offered college programs for 17 years, accumulating rich experience in teacher preparation and on-the-job training for teachers. Over the last two decades, a large number of outstanding students of English education and art education have graduated from the College, many of whom have become the backbones of the local educational bureau and the pillars of educational and academic research. They enjoy a reputation for their tremendous contribution to education.

Pillar: an active and important member of a particular field

学院设外语系、音乐系、美术系、学前教育系、信息技术系、中文系、基础部、现代教育技术中心和继续教育学院,开展全日制和成人学历教育。各类在校生近5000人。学院师资队伍年富力强、治学严谨、教学经验丰富、科研能力较强。(Adaptation) 现有专职教师264人,其中正、副教授71人,博士、硕士59人,具有中国和英、美、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国等不同国家的广泛的国际教育背景,教师的作品分别被人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂、瑞士博物馆等场馆收藏。此外,学院还聘有10名外籍教师。

The College possesses the Department of Foreign Language, the Department of Music, the Department of Fine Arts, the Department of Preschool Education, the Department of Information Technology, the Department of Chinese Language and Culture, the Center for Modern Educational Technology and the School of Continuing Education. Currently, there are about 5000 part-time and full-time students in the College.

The college is noted for a competent teaching staff with rich teaching experience and varied academic achievements. There are 264 full-time teachers, including 71 professors and associate professors, 59 doctors and masters. A lot of them have furthered their studies in Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand. Some teachers’ works are collected in the Great Hall of the People, the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the Museum of Switzerland. Furthermore, there are more than ten international teachers in the College each year.

Works: He pulled out a large green volume containing all of Chopin’s works.


Adaptation: The translation recasts the original so as to have the desired impact on an audience that is substantially different from that of the original; as when an adult text is adapted for children, a written text is adapted for television.

Part II:
