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3. 公司名称应符合国家有关规定。公司只能使用一个名称。 经公司登记机关核准登记的公司名称受法律保护。 译文:A company’s name shall be in conformity with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state. A company shall only have one name. A company’s name approved and registered by the company registration authorities shall be protected by the law. 4. 外国公司在中华人民共和国境内设立分支机构的登记,按照 国务院有关规定办理。 译文:The registration of a branch or a subsidiary set up by a foreign company within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the relevant administration regulations issued by the State Council.
状语的译法 主句中状语一般放在shall 后面,行为动词之前。 1. 对外贸易经营者依法自主经营,自负盈亏。 译文:Foreign trade dealers shall, in accordance with the law, enjoy full autonomy in their business operation and be responsible for their own profits and losses. 2. 经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信 用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。 译文:Business operators shall, in their market transactions, comply with the principles of voluntariness, equality, fairness and good faith, and observe generally recognized business ethics.
主语的译法 主语要尽量放在句首。中文的法律条文一般是主动语态,、 而且往往由于修辞上的需要把目的状语放在句首,而主语放 在后面,(即语言重点后置)。我们在翻译时应按照译入语 的习惯,进行调整,把主句放在句首。 1. 为了保护合同当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促 进社会主义现代化建设,制定本法。 译文:This Law is formulated and enacted in order to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties to contracts, safeguard the social economic order and promote the progress of the socialist modernization drive.
一、法律文本中译英 (一)选词用词
1. 本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外 贸易经营活动的法人和其它组织。 A. “本法”译为this Law, 即中华人民共和国对外贸易法 (Foreign Trade Law of the People’s republic of China),由于是 特指,因此要大写。 B. 原文中“是指”,意为“应是”, 译为shall cover. C. 原文中“依照”,即“根据”的意思 , 通常有三种译法: under, in accordance with, pursuant to. D. 原文中“本法规定”应理解为“本法条款的规定”, 译成 the terms, conditions and provisions hereof. (古体词可避免重复, 使行为准确、简洁)
谓语动词的译法 由于英语词汇,包括动词,具有一词多义的特点,为了使译 入语的动词正确表达原文的意思。我们在翻译法律文件时, 应按译入语的行文习惯,采用同义词连用,即取两个或两 个以上动词同义词的共义,以确保译入语的准确性。 例如:本协议由甲方和乙方签订。 译文:This agreement is made and entered into by and between Party A and Party B. 1. 当事人订立合同,应当具有相应的民事权利能力和民事权利 能力。当事人依法可以委托代理人订立合同。 译文:The parties shall, in concluding and entering into a contract, have appropriate capacity for civil right and capacity for civil conduct. The parties may, in accordance with the law, conclude and enter into a contract through an agent.
2. 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门依照本法主管全国对外贸易工 作。 A. “部门”译成authorities. B. “主管部门”中“主管”意为“负责,译成be responsible for,“主管全国经济贸易工作”中“主管”译成in charge of. C. 这“主管”是“管理”的意思,这里指行政管理,翻译成 administration. 译文:The authorities responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council shall, pursuant to this Law, be in charge of the administration of foreign trade of the entire country.
Legal English Ⅰ
May 20, 2013
法律文件属于公文文体。各类法律文献,无 论是中文还是英文在用词和句子结构方面都 有自己的特点。法律语言自成体系,它要求 用词准确、正规、鲜明、并有相当的专业术 语。掌握原语和译入语的上述特点,是翻译 法律文件的根本。
法律文本中译英 选词用词; 句子结构(主语的译法、谓语动词的译法、定语 的译法、状语的译法)。 法律文本英译中 词的理解与翻译; 词组的理解与翻译; 句子结构的理解与翻译;
定语的译法 法律文件要求用词准确,句子结构严密,行文具有独解性。 翻译定语时定语尽量挨近所修饰的词。并且,为了使译文 清楚,通常用such…as作为关系代词,引导定语从句,把所 修饰的词放在such 和 as 之间。 1. 平等主体的公民、法人和其它组织之间发生的合同纠纷和其 它财产权益纠纷,可以仲裁。 译文: Contractual disputes and other disputes over rights and interests in property between such citizens, legal persons and other organizations as are equal subjects may be arbitrated.
2. 合同无效、被撤销或终止的,不影响合同独立存在的有关解 决争议方法的条款的效力。 译文:Where a contract is null and void, revoked or terminated, the validity of such relevant clause on the ways for settling disputes as is independently existing in contract shall not be affected. 3. 《企业法人营业执照》、《营业执照》分为正本和副本,正 本和副本具有同等法律效力。 译文:A Business License of Enterprise Legal Person and A Business License shall be divided into such originals and duplicates as have the equal legal effect.
2. 为了发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,促进社会主义市 场经济的健康发展,制定本法。 译文:This Law is formulated and enacted in order to develop foreign trade, safeguard the foreign trade order and promote the sound development of the socialist market economy. 3. 发包人不得将应由一个承包人完成的建设工程肢解成若干部 分发包给几个承包人。 译文:The party awarding a contract shall not divide such a contract project as shall be done and completed by one contractor into several parts so as to be done and completed by several contractors.
2. 为了规范价格行为,发挥价格合理配置资源的作用,稳定市 场价格总水平,保护消费者和经营者的合法权益, 促进社 会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。 译文:This Law is formulated and enacted in order to standardize pricing activities, give play to the role of pricing in rationally allocating resources, stabilize the general level of market price, protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers and business dealers and promote the sound development of the socialist market economy. 3. 为了强化预算的分配和监督职能,健全国家对预算的管理, 加强国家宏观调控,保障经济和社会的健康发展,根据宪 法,制定本法。 译文:This Law is formulated and enacted in accordance with the Constitution in order to strengthen the distribution and supervision functions of budget, improve the budget management of the State, intensify the macro-regulation and control of the State, and ensure the sound development of economy and society.
Old English 在here, there, where后加后缀。 Here—this; there—that; where—what/which e.g. hereinafter 在下文中 hereby 兹,特此 herein 于此,此中 thereto 另外 thereof 其中 whereas 鉴于 whereby 凭借 whereupon 因此 hitherto 迄今 译文:Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall cover such legal entities and other organizations as are engaged in foreign trade dealings in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions hereof.