高级口译教程 笔记 unit 10 SCIENCE REPORT

高级口译教程经典背诵版之科技报告TEXTPASSAGE ONE英译汉:1.My topic today is “The Car and Air Pollution”.我今天的话题是“轿车与空气污染”。
2.In particular, I want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car.具体说来,我想先讨论一下轿车引起空气污染的途径,然后我们如何控制和减少由轿车产生的空气污染。
3.First, then, how does the car cause air pollution?首先,轿车如何导致空气污染?4.What happens is that the car’s internal combustion engine is a kind of chemical factory on a small scale.桥车内燃机实际上是一座小型化工厂。
5.It uses a mixture of petrol and air, and this mixture explodes and burns, to produce the energy which propels the car.内燃机所用的燃料是汽油和空气的混合物。
6.But while this is happening, many complicated chemical reactions are taking place.但是许多复杂的化学反应也同时发生。
7.In particular, part of the petrol-air mixture is not completely burned up, and so the exhaust gases from the engine contain some very dangerous chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, lead and hydrocarbons.具体而言,部分汽油空气混合物不能完全燃烧,并且发动机产生的废气包含着一些非常危险的化学物质,比如一氧化碳、氮氧化物、铅和碳氢化合物。
《高级口译教程》三 四版配套核心词汇

参观访问天坛the Temple of Heaven午门Meridian Gate社稷坛Altar of Land and Grain保和殿Hall of Preserving Harmony坤宁殿Palace of Earthly Tranquility养心殿Hall of Mental Cultivation长安寺Temple of Eternal Peace灵光寺Temple of Divine Light德和殿Temple of Harmonious Virtue佛香阁Pavilion of the Fragrance of Buddha宁寿宫Palace of Peace and Longevity布达拉宫Potala Palace皇穹宇Imperial Heavenly Vault仁寿堂Hall of Benevolence and Longevity金水桥Golden Water Bridge居庸关Juyongguan Pass万寿山Longevity Hill龙王庙Temple of the Dragon King城隍庙Temple of the Town God夫子庙Temple of Confucius孔府Manor of Confucius’ Descendants人民英雄纪念碑Monument to the People’s Heroes 颐和园Summer Palace拙政园Humble Administrator’s Garden圆明园遗址Ruins of Yuanmingyuan白塔White Dagoba雍和宫Yonghe Lamasery雨花台Terrace of the Raining Flowers独秀峰Peak of Unique Beauty七星岩Seven Star Crag九龙壁Nine Dragon Wall敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang玉佛寺Jade Buddha Temple大清真寺Great Mosque黄帝陵Huang Di Mausoleum十三陵Ming Tombs沧浪亭Pavilion of Surging Waves寒山寺Hanshan Temple虎丘山Tiger Hill灵岩山Divine Cliff Hill二泉池Erquan Pool鼋头渚Tortoise Head Garden长江三峡Three Gorges on the Yangtze日月潭Sun Moon Lake瑶琳仙境Yaolin Wonderland人物访谈第一篇国际清算银行行长president of the Bank for international settlements宏观经济macroeconomic浮动汇率floating foreign exchange rateworld economic projection 世界经济预计impetus 动力reassuring 让人放心command economy 计划经济fiscal policy 财政政策surplus and deficit 赢余和赤字deterioration 最坏;最低点without precedent 第一次pact 公约curb deficits 防止财政状况恶化pension commitments 养老金投入yields on nominal bonds 名义收益率deflation 紧缩exchange rate appreciation 货币升值domestic liquidity 国内流动资金precipitous move 突然变动stifle 葬送workable measures of transition 可行的过度措施stance 姿态第二篇新千年the new millennium新纪元the new age精髓essence陶器pottery京剧戏装Costumes of Peking Opera莫高窟复制品the replica of the Mogao Grottoes青铜战车the bronze chariot战国早期的礼仪乐器ritual musical instruments produced early in the Warring States Period 八音度a range of octave音域宽wide range定音tone setting瑟,笙,箫,鼓se, sheng, xiao, drums整理collate骨哨bone flute摇篮cradle舞台服饰performance costumes夸张和象征的手法exaggeration and symbolic means名模famous model大会发言第一篇20国集团g 20(group of 20)央行行长Central Bank Governor生物科技bio-technology科技进步日新月异science and technology have been making continuous progress金融风暴financial turbulence贸易壁垒trade barriers保护主义protectionism取长补短make full use of favorable condition and promote complementarity注入新的活力inject new vitality to关税tariff减免债务debt relief优惠贷款concessional load转轨国家countries in transition灵活务实flexible and pragmatic由温饱到小康a period of having only basic needs met to a comfortable life历史性跨越a historic breakthrough底子薄weak economic basis全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in an all-around way科学发展观the guideline of scientific development扩大内须expand domestic demand科技含量高high scientific and technological content转变经济增长方式the transformation of the economic growth mode提高自主创新能力enhance innovative ability促进城乡区域协调发展facilitate a balanced development between rural and urban areas 以人为本people-centered顺应时代潮流as a response to the trend of our times第二篇in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中incubator 孵卵器inception 涌现undergrad 大学生reengineer 调整reduce inventory 缩短开发周期cumulative 日积月累compound rate 复利率operating margin 营业利率turnover 周转次数outstanding receivable 未清应收帐strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略customer-driven 以顾客为驱动力service-oriented 服务型put a new premium on 高度重视managerial competence 管理能力Fortune 500 companies 财富500强expertise 专门技术win-win thinking 双赢思维group synergy 协作精神hold sb. accountable for 让……放手做hold a grudge against 怀恨在心国际关系第一篇纪念……成立……周年commemorate … anniversary of the founding of 恪守承诺commitment to联合国宪章宗旨和原则the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter 善邻之道live together in peace with one another as good neighbors划时代意义epoch-making里程碑milestone人类社会沧桑巨变stupendous changes in human society国际舞台风云变幻vicissitudes in the international arena地区热点问题regional hot spot issue民族分裂势力regional separatists极端宗教势力religious extremist毒品走私drug trafficking传染性疾病communicable disease坚持多边主义uphold multilateralism摈弃冷战思维abandon the Cold War mentality标本兼治address both symptoms and root causes裁军与军备控制disarmament and arms control防止核扩散prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons包容精神the spirit of inclusiveness文明多样性diversity of civilization兼容并蓄的和谐世界harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other休戚与共的命运interests and destinies第二篇subsequent endeavor 此后的努力humanitarian 人道主义者refrain 不以non-intervention 不干涉domestic jurisdiction 内部事务the minimum doe of conduct 最起码的行为准则the Security Council 安理会paralysis 瘫痪veto right 否决权incapacitate 无所作为nuclear weapon proliferation 核武器扩散communicable disease 传染性疾病buffer conflicts 缓解冲突enforcement 强制meddle 管闲事manifold 多种多样permeate 渗透practice tolerance 宽容忍让transcend differences 超越差异convergence of interests 共同利益的汇合点coercion 高压政治tackle 处理旅游观光第一篇广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery如诗如画poetic and picturesque名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty兵马俑terra-cotta soldiers and horses故宫the Imperial Palace五岳之首the most famous of China's 5 great mountains峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal山外有山mountains beyond mountains融自然与文化景观于一体embody natural scenery and cultural heritage奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls, old-age pine trees andpavilions历代文人雅士书法家famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty 石刻碑文stone inscription重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty华夏祖先Chinese ancestors吉祥之地propitious place祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth联合国教科文组织UNESCO世界自然与文化遗产World heritage Commission第二篇geological accident 地质变化the earth's crust 地壳temperate climatic zone 热带地区unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草Great Barrier 大堡礁Ayer's Rock 阿叶尔斯石柱山Kakadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院skiing resort 滑雪场gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值camping park 野营公园caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆,公寓住所international cuisine 国际烹饪水准ethnic restaurant 风味餐厅departure tax stamp 离境印花税票American Express 美国运通信用卡科学报告第一篇中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the development of TCM战国时期the Warring States Period黄帝内经Huang Di’s Classic of internal Medicine神农本草经Sh ennong’s herbal classic主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions and toxic character药典pharmacopoeia救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying职业道德规范professional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老defer senility相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and interdependence有机的整体an organic whole诊断疾病diagnose disease阴阳对立制约yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining互根互用be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other相互转化mutually transformational健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of good health指导思想guiding concept临床治疗方法clinical treatment针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion按摩推拿medical massage气功疗法deep breathing exercises赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim中医专业队伍TCM professionals综合医院general hospital第二篇astrobiology 天体生物学nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧气photosynthesis 光合作用equilibrium 平衡meteor 流星embedded 埋植carbon compound 碳化合物hypothesis 假设Antarctic 南极的aesthetics 审美观the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨debris 碎片comet 彗星The Azores 亚速尔群岛Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪organic molecule 有机分子spectrographic 摄谱的disseminate 散布prebiotic life 前生物生命galaxy 银河系礼仪祝辞第一篇阁下Your Excellency...建交the establishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of other countries落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China不懈努力make unremitting efforts与时具近keep pace with the times第一要务the primary task发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance科学发展观scientific outlook和谐社会harmonious society互利共赢win-win本着……的精神it is in the spirit of一贯奉行in the persistent pursuit of双边关系bilateral relations祝酒join sb in a toast第二篇mission 代表团gracious hospitality友好款待convey 转达bosom friend 知己thriving and robust 蓬勃向上megalopolis 特大型城市boast 以……为自豪unequalled 不能与……相媲美miraculous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起financial giants 金融业的巨头business community商业界manufacturing industry 制造业IPR(intellectual property rights) 知识产权joint consultancy service 合资咨询服务机构transnational corporation 跨国公司last but not least 最后at one's earliest convenience 在其方便的时候,尽早……cherish 珍惜economic recession 经济不景气ensure a sustained growth 确保持续增长on the occasion of 请允许我借……的机会……商务谈判第一篇进出口商品交易会import and export commodities fair 销售部经理sales managersupply department 采购部brochure 宣传小册子scope of business 经营范围machine tool 机床workmanship 工艺make an inquiry 询价quotation 报价C.I.F Seattle 西雅图到岸价(*cost, insurance. freight)调整价格adjust the pricecompetitive 具有竞争力bulk 很大substantially 大大地展台exhibition stand第二篇经营的新品new line of business汽车零部件auto partsupdate 调整at the cost of 不惜以……为代价our part 我方发盘/报盘offer折扣discountsupplies 货物free sample 免费样品inspection 检验floor offer 底盘counter-offer 还盘合同格式format of contract规格specification单价unit price保险费由贵方承担the insurance premium should be borne by your sidebusiness transaction 生意顺利成交外交政策第一篇外国使节diplomatic envoy复杂而深刻的变化complex and profound changes各种问题相互交织various threats are intertwined指导国际关系的准则norms governing international relations切实履行implement in real earnest以强凌弱的霸权主义bully the weak and pursue hegemony文明的多样性the diversity of civilizations万物并育而不相害all living creature grow together without harming one another道并行而人不相悖ways run parallel without interfering with one another相互借鉴、取长补短learn from each other in mutual emulation相互包容、求同存异mutual tolerance, seek agreement while shelving differences减免债务reduce and forgive debts军事联盟military alliance动辄诉诸武力resort to use or threat of force摈弃冷战思维the Cold War mentality should be done away with核武器扩散nucleus weapons proliferation跨国犯罪trans-boundary crimes生态恶化environmental degradation永远不称霸never seek hegemony维护国家主权和领土完整safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity睦邻、安邻、富邻政策the policy of creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood 奔腾不息的时代潮流irresistible tide of the times第二篇diplomacy 外交手段monetary structure 货币组织military deterrence 军事威慑utmost purpose 最高宗旨subordinate 服从于overshadow 黯然失色initiative 主动行动downright distrust 不信任的传统utility 利用authorization 授权sponsorship 操办intervention 干预take…into account 考虑到the IMF 国际货币基金组织trade deficits 贸易赤字commitment 致力于war-torn 遭受战争破坏elite 上层人物military alliance 军事联盟demobilization/remobilization 遣散军队/重组军队文化交流第一篇民为贵people being the most important巨大活力the immense vitality生动写照vivid reflection生存权subsistence right立国之本the foundation to build the country不懈努力make unremitting endeavor相辅相成the two are complementary to each other 民族先人ancestor初步繁荣昌盛initial prosperity吸收和借鉴absorb and draw upon fruits of祖国统一reunification of the country繁衍multiply伟大复兴the great rejuvenation先行者forerunner区域自治regional autonomy宪法保障protected by the Constitution崇高目标lofty goal亲仁善邻benevolence and good-neighborliness国之宝箴treasured maxim第二篇millennium 千年landmark 标志性reclusive 避世隐居Danish architect Jorn Utzon 丹麦设计师钧恩乌特松with media access 有机会接触媒体architectural icon 建筑业偶像in the pantheon of 在……的万神殿中pluck 淘汰a complete one-off 空前绝后was quite at odds with 相去甚远rectilinear 垂直式maverick genius 独树一帜的奇才promontory 海角backdrop 背景in high dudgeon 一怒之下manifold difficulties 各种各样的困难seductive beauty 有魅力的纯美patron 资助人信息时代第一篇筹备会议preliminary meeting处理程序性问题address procedure issue智能化intelligence computerization多样化diversification信息通信技术infocom technology结构调整architecture readjustment升级换代upgrading融语音、数据、图像于一体integrate voice date and image宽带高速信息网high-speed broadband information network全方位地满足业务需求meet various service requirements in all dimensions 制约因素reason宏观调控macroeconomic control市场管制market regulation规避市场风险avoid market risks创新的融资机智innovative financing mechanism资金的多元投入for more financing channels911事件September 11 terrorist attack应急系统emergency system数字鸿沟digital divide第二篇don 穿上scaffold 框架thermostat 恒温计EKG 心电图仪telemetric system 遥测系统emulate 仿效symbiosis 共生现象software programmer 软件编程师collaborate 合作debug 调试neuron 神经元tackle 解决interstellar 星际microprocessor 微型处理器ad hoc 特别的cell phone 手机the heftiest desktop 最先进的台式机fight off an attacking wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂simpleton 傻子emergent behavior 突发性的行为mischievous and sinister 恶意antithetical 对立的resilience 应变能力seismic activity 地震活动geomagnetic storm 地磁风暴a worrisome spike 麻烦reroute traffic 改变行动路线Inter-Planet 星际网asteroid 小行星unmanned probe 吾人驾驶探测器proprietary (信息)专有feel tingles on one’s spine 感觉到脊椎的震颤宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原a soil deposit plain land常住居民permanent residents慈悬浮列车the maglev train长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta龙头作用play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty 石油化工产业the petrochemical industry精细化工产业the fine chemical家用电器产业the home electrical appliance industry生物医药产业the bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry支柱产业pillar industry历史文物保护单位sites of historical interest and cultural relics under protection 海派文化Shanghai regional culture美食家gourmet清真authentic Muslim万国建筑博览会exhibition of the world's architecture内环线高架道路elevated inner beltway野生动物园the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动New year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会Temple Fair桂花节Sweet Osmanthus Festival海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold 乘骐骥以驰骋兮on your steed galloping来吾道夫先路on my road pioneering聪明,精明,高明bright, smart, wise第二篇British Commonwealth 英联邦physically spread out 布局分散predominant 主导conglomeration 聚结commute 外来工作者prominent landmark 显著的地貌标志Saint Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂monarchy 君主政体coronation 加冕礼Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫hub 中心slum 贫民窟lavish 豪华philharmonic orchestra 爱乐乐团venue 场所cornucopia 各类successive eras 各个阶段chronologically 从历史上repository 陈列馆premier art collection 最重要的美术作品striking portraits of Britons 不列颠人逼真的肖像饮食文化第一篇烹饪艺术culinary art民以食为天food is the paramount necessity of the people 推陈出新creative efforts色、香、味color, aroma and taste摆放layout冷盘cold dishes原料raw material作料调配the blending of seasoning调味艺术the art of proper seasoning食物质地the texture of food刀功slicing technique乳猪suckling pig点心pastries黄酒yellow rice wine烈性白酒strong white liquor敬酒toast with小啜take a sip馒头steamed bread热卡calories主食staple food第二篇food style 饮食习惯solid diet 丰盛的食物health food 保健餐Little Italy 小意大利城Germantown 德国城native specialties 家乡特色菜Creole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味physical well-being 身体健康ironic 讽刺的preservative 防腐剂cheese 奶酪中国改革第一篇翻天覆地的变化earthshaking changes面貌焕然一新take on a brand-new look出/入境旅游outbound/inbound travel村/居委会village committee/urban neighborhood committee解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing落实科学发展观follow a scientific approach of development以人为本,执政为民put people first in administration着力搞好宏观调空concentrate on doing macro-regulatory work well激发创造活力stimulate creativity实施稳健的财政政策follow prudent fiscal policy三农工作是重中之重work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority加强农田水利建设intensify development of irrigation and conservancy project多渠道转移农业富余劳动力transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs推进产业结构优化升级optimize and upgrade the industrial structure加强生态建设strengthen ecological improvement推进财税体制改革promote the reform of fiscal and tax system加强精神文明建设promote social and ethical progress加强行政能力建设和政风建设improve the government’s administrative capacity and style of work建设服务型政府service-oriented government意气风发in high spirits同心同德、再接再厉united with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts第二篇overstate 夸大turn one’s back on 对……封闭anarchy 政治混乱warlordism 军阀割据make up lost ground 收复失地springboard 跳板with gusto 满怀热情subsistence farming 自然经济marginal productivity 边际生产力tariff barrier 关税壁垒bolster 保持joint venture 合资企业incremental capital output ratio 资本产出比率reckon 估计purchasing power parity 购买力平价capital accumulation 资本积累demographic forecasts 人口统计学上的预见hiccup 磕磕碰碰forerunner 前驱dwarf 让……相形见绌外事接待第一篇制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd副总经理deputy managing director研究生graduate student论文paper研究成果research findings实验助手lab assistant市中心downtown area假日酒店Holiday Inn旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee招待所guesthouse舒适如归make sb. comfortable不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work排忧解难help sb. out第二篇Stanford University 斯坦福大学a land of wonder 充满奇观的国家head office 总部magical power 神奇的魅力Oriental 东方的Confucianism 儒家思想Taoism 道家学说inexplicable 难以言表的set foot on 踏上……的土地cosmopolitan city 国际大都市maximize 充分利用in no time 不久rewarding 有成效的参观访问第一篇学位点degree program国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers 博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering网络教育online education科举制imperial examination日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again 人文精神humanistic spirit披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close examination治学态度educational philosophy取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions社会转型时期a period of social transition百年传承之名校a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem第二篇Vancouver 温哥华Canada’s gateway to the pacific 加拿大通往太平洋的门户The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸Oil refining 炼油Metal fabricating 金属锻造Printed matter 印刷Real estate 房地产Triple 增至3倍Quadruple 增至4倍Quintuple 增至5倍High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店Ethnic group 少数民族团体Planetarium 天文馆Aquarium 水族馆Skating rink 溜冰场Botanical garden 植物园Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树Sap 树液syrup 糖浆。
Science10 Lab Report Template

Acids & Bases Lab TemplateHypothesis: Before the test, we guess that except the baking soda solution will be the base, the other solutions will be the acid. The acid solution will turn PH test paper into red, base will turn blue. Purpose: To identify the pH of solutions using different pH indicators.Equipment:Lab goggles Lab coat Pipettes Test tubesSpotting sheetBeaker(Purple litmus paper)(Red litmus paper)PH test paper5 different solutions of varying pH:Cola Vinegar The Solution of Baking sodaLemon juiceWaterProcedure:1.Measure same volume of each solution and put them into different test tubes.2.Line up all test tubes in a test tube rack and give them a letter from A to E.3.Write done the solution’s letter and put them into the data collecting form.ing a pipette, add some drops of each solution (About 2-3 drops) onto the spot plate.ing a strip of test paper, test solution A. Record the color that the litmus paper turns when in thesolution, in the data table.6.Repeat step 5 for solutions B, C, D and E one by one.7.Judge each solution as an acid, base, or as neutral on the data table by the color of the test paper atlast.8.Clean all equipment, put them in the correct place, after that taking care with chemicals.Results Table:Discussion QuestionsWhat was the main purpose of this lab?The main idea of this lab was to study the base and acid around our daily life.Why is it important to learn about acids and bases?It is important to learn about acids and bases because in this way, we can keep away from the dangerous things. Also we can balance our body PH value by taking different kinds of food with different PH value.The information we have learned here will help us because in the later study life, this can give the basic knowledge about chemistry.List the substances you tested from most acidic to most basic.The most acidic solution is Vinegar with a pH of 2.The second acidic solution is Lemon juice with a pH of 2.The third acidic solution is Cola with a pH of 3.The most neutral solution is water with a pH of 7.The most basic solution is Baking soda solution with a pH of 9.Were the results you achieved expected? Explain your answer.The results I achieved were expected. I think this because our team do the experiment very good and organized, so we got the most specific PH value.Conclusion:This is a very good lab. I got that team work is very important because if you lost some steps, your team members can check it for you to make sure the steps of the experiment is correct. Also it is a good chance to improve myself: I can restudy the usage method of the equipment again.Do your results support or reject the hypothesis?My results support the hypothesis because when I was young, my family teach me every basic chemistry knowledge so most of the time I can give a reasonable suppose.How do your results compare to another set of results?My results are the same when I compare them to someone else’s results. This is because we do the same experiment with same variable so we got the same result.How you can improve your lab?If I were to do this lab again, I would change the form has more cells that we can record more data.。
高级口译教程 笔记 unit 10 SCIENCE REPORT

UNIT TEN SCIENCE REPORT第一篇中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the development of TCM战国时期the Warring States Period黄帝内经Huang Di’s Classic of internal Medicine神农本草经Shennong’s herbal classic主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions and toxic character药典pharmacopoeia救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying职业道德规范professional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老defer senility相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and interdependence有机的整体an organic whole诊断疾病diagnose disease阴阳对立制约yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining互根互用be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other相互转化mutually transformational健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of good health 指导思想guiding concept临床治疗方法clinical treatment针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion 按摩推拿medical massage气功疗法deep breathing exercises赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim中医专业队伍TCM professionals综合医院general hospital第二篇astrobiology 天体生物学nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧气photosynthesis 光合作用equilibrium 平衡meteor 流星embedded 埋植carbon compound 碳化合物hypothesis 假设Antarctic 南极的aesthetics 审美观the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨debris 碎片comet 彗星The Azores 亚速尔群岛Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪organic molecule 有机分子spectrographic 摄谱的disseminate 散布prebiotic life 前生物生命galaxy 银河系PRACTICE TEXT ONE1.我很高兴在这里向各位简要介绍我国传统的医学,即中医。

英语口译基础教程unit10-13英语口译基础教程unit 10-13Unit 10P1The Information T echnology Industry council (ITI) is an elite group of the nation’stop high-tech companies and is widely recognized as tech industry’s most effective lobbying organization in Washington. ITI helps member companies achieve their objectives through building relationships with Members of Congress, Administration officials, and foreign governments; organizing industry-wide consensus on policy issues; and working to enact tech-friendly government policies. ITI works to reduce barriers that stifle innovation, increase access to global markets, promote e-commerce expansion, protect consumer choice, and enhance the global competitiveness of our companies.信息技术产业协会,ITI,是一个国内顶尖高科技公司组成的精英团队~被公认为是业界在华盛顿最有效的游说组织。
口译UNIT 10 第十单元教案

UNIT 10 第十单元Analysis of Passages语篇分析Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand cohnesion and connection.☆ master the techniques of descriptions and expression.Warm-up (准备)1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpreters of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2. Instructor is to present a piece of news of the week.Theory of Interpretation X (口译理论十)Instructor is to explain the First part, “Reading Prelude” of Unit 10 of the textbook. Students have been asked to read this part before the class.1.语篇的两个基本特征:衔接和连贯衔接(Cohnesion):照应、省略和替代、连接词语、词汇衔接。
Memoria Technica (记忆法)1. Listen to the following passage, and try to catch the key words and details, then retell them in your own words:Jane AustenJane Austen (1775-1817), a British novelist, famous for her witty studies of early-19th-century English society. She is also a prominent figure in British literature. She is gifted beyond words. Her novel Pride and Prejudice was once listed as one of the ten most famous novels in the world .//Jane was born on 16 December 1775, at her father‟s rectory at Steventon in Hampshire, the seventh in a family of eight children. Her father, George Austen, was a handsome, affectionate, sweet-tempered, firm character and ability to work hard.//Jane Austen‟s grandfather belonged to the middle class‟s lower levels: he was a Tonbridge surgeon, a comparatively poor man. Moreover, both of her grandparents died when her father was still a boy . //However, her father‟s education was paid by one of his rich uncles. Because of his hard-working, he earned his scholarship to St. John‟s College, Oxford. // He took orders as a priest in the Church of England in 1760; he returned to Kent to take up the job of second master at his old school. //Three years later he went back to his Oxford College as assistant Chaplain. In 1764, he married Cassandra Leign, Jane‟s grandmother then .//2. Students listen to the following passage once and reproduce the main idea and as many details as they can in English.Cost to Go to HarvardTo get into the top colleges like Harvard, Brown and Stanford, you need good grades, and even better SAT scores, right? Well, not if you happen to be the son or daughter of a wealthy donor or a celebrity. And there are some other back-door policies that may surprise you. Pulitzer prize winning journalist Daniel Golden wrote all about it in his new book "The Price of Admission : How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges. Mr. Golden is the Deputy Bureau Chief in Boston for the Wall Street Journal, and he joins us now from that city.Thanks Dan for joining us.Thanks for having me.Un, now, we've heard about legacy applications all the time, you know, the, the kid of , you know, some /alumni of a college always get into the front of lines, so to speak, but you seem to be saying that it's worse than that, and more widespread than that? Knock it down for us.Yeah, the, the preference for the rich, err, children of the rich is not limited to alumni children. There is also a, a college admissions euphemism called "Development Preference," which is a preference for children of politicians or celebrities or corporate executives who you might ex, expect to give a lot of money if their children are accepted. Then, there‟s all the "Athlete Preferences" that favor kids that play blue-blood sports, you know, squash, sailing ,err, women's crew ,or men's crew, too, equestrian events, even Polo, err, athletes in those prep school sportsget, get preference as well.Err just to take the other side for a minute. Say I am a wealthy donor, I am not, but let's just say. (ok) I am, I am a wealthy donor, right, you know, my kid is, say, a B student, but you know, boy, I love my kid, I am a great parent, I am out there batting for my kid. You know, apparently, colleges pay, even though tuition is 30,000 dollars, the college actually pays 40,000 for a kid to really educate them. What's wrong with me giving, well I think a million dollars is the going rate, my kids get in and that money helps all the other students?Well, first of all , it's , it's, it‟s fundamentally unjust, I mean, these colleges are nonprofit. They're supposed to be err, educating the diamonds in the rough, and, and fulfilling goals of, you know, upward mobility and, and equal opportunity. So for every kid they allow in, like your son, the B-student, they're passing over 8 or 10A-students with tremendou s test scores who just don‟t have the money to pay up , so there is the unfairness there. The other thing is that, err, they can raise money in other ways besides, err, lowering their admission standards. Err, in my book, I document how Caltech and some other schools, they raise plenty of money, they have sizeable endowments, and yet, they don't use these preferences, they don't give an edge to alumni children, or children of corporate executives who can give them a lot of money. They assess students strictly on merit, and yet, they're able to raise money. So , it's not a, it's a false dilemma to say the only way they can raise money is by giving a break to ah, B or C students who happen to be rich.Is it really the case, Daniel, that president Bush's daughter Lauren applied the Princeton, sent the application in a month late, a month late, and was accepted? And I see my friends' kids applying to school ,they're sweating bullets, prep testing for SATs, begging, pleading , doing everything they can, trying to make themselves. And here she is, just sort of throwing it in a month late and getting in. That's outrageous.Yeah, that's right, I mean, she, she did apply late, and that's not an isolated instance, I mean, the, the children of the very rich and powerful, they have completely different admissions experience. Err, for example, they are much more likely to have an interview directly with the admissions dean, err rather than with a staffer. The president of university might show up to escort them around/ campus. Ah, if they are waitlisted, they often get preference taken over the way off / the waitlist. Harvard even has something called "the Z list" where it puts children of alumni and, and big donors where they are waitlisted, although sometimes they have assurance they‟ll be eventually accepted, and that at the end of the year after everybody goes home, and, and the rejected students can't complain any more,they‟re quietly accepted, not for that September, but the September after , after they take a gap year. So ,there's all kinds of mechanisms that colleges use systematically to favor, err, wealthy children.Ok, speaking of "the Z-list " at Harvard. You (Yes) went to Harvard.Yes, I did.Err, when …(Were you on the Z-list, Dan?)… Yeah, when did you getinterested in this school? Was there something at Harvard maybe that made you start thinking something was going on?Well, maybe to a certain extent it was in my subconscious when I was at Harvard because I was not a legacy or a kid of preference, I was not a member of the elite social clubs. So I noticed there was a world / I wasn‟t really a part of . But, it just, err, evolved, you know , years later , just a few years ago , for my reporting for the Wall Street Journal on the Michigan affirmative action case where, you know, white students were suing the University of Michigan saying , "Hey, we got rejected, and we should've been accepted, because we have better records than ah, black students who got in ". and I started looking at affirmative action for some of the privileged white students at, at Michigan and many other elite universities. (Hmm) And, err, we're running out of time here, but, I wanna get to, who gets hurt in this kind of, of process and situati on? I mean, we‟ve, we‟ve talked about various stratum...various ethnic groups. Who gets hurt in this?Well, the biggest victims are the kids who are not connected and particularly Asian-American students. I interviewed one young woman, Asian-American, got, you know, tremendous SAT scores, 15 something out of 1600 . I said "congratulations" and she said "no, no, we call that an Asian fail. If you don't have 1600 (Hmm) and you're Asian, (Hmm) you‟re not getting in the Ivy League …cause there‟s so many tremendous Asian-American candidates, and then also outstanding middle class and working class, err, white students who don't have a connection. You know, these colleges say, we take one out of ten, but if you don't have a connection, you put your odds probably one in 20, one in 30, one in 40. You know , it's a very uneven ,err, unfair system that they're, they're applying to.Stenography (口译笔记)实战操练一:Part 2 of the Unit 10, Exercise 1.实战操练二:Stenographic practice on the following speeches:肖建中,丽水学院党委书记:以发展为主题,以改革为动力,抓住机遇,开拓创新,把丽水学院建成具有较高办学水平、鲜明地、特色的本科院校,为浙江省特别是丽水市经济社会的跨越式发展作出新贡献。

Part A About the theme后发现代化国家 a new comer striving formodernization借鉴国际经验draw experience from internationalpractice在和平崛起进程中in the process of (its/her) peacefulrise以自己为主rely on itself关注和解决问题address and resolve problems走出……道路blaze a trail能源节约energy conservation形成中国特色的节约方式shape up a China styleenergy-saving approach农村富余劳动力superfluous rural labor force有中国特色的stamped with Chinesecharacteristics解决这个世界级的大难题tackle the formidable universalproblem引导农村富余劳动力有序流动provide guided and orderly flow ofredundant rural labor forcebetween the countryside and thecity提高就业和创业本领enhance one’s skill to enter theworkforce or to start his ownbusiness保持东部沿海城市发展活力maintain the dynamics of economicgrowth of eastern costal areas掠夺别国资源loot resources of other countries输出意识形态和价值观念export its own ideology and values掠夺式经营the predatory operation model消耗人类不可再生资源consume unrenewable resources己所不欲;勿施于人What you do not want done toyourself, do not do to others.Part B For Structure极其需要be badly in need of在……进程中in the process of(中国的现代化一定要)有(中国特色)bear比如for instance在……问题上with regard to人均per capita热衷于be bent on不做某事refrain from doing sth.Unit Nine II主题词汇绝非易事it is anything but easy (it is no easy thing …)排在后列lag behind (the world)人均资源占有量per capita hold of resources短缺be in tight supply生态环境ecological environment环境污染严重severe pollution生态状况恶化deteriorating ecological conditions资源消费巨大huge consumption of resources回收率低low reclamation成为……的瓶颈become a bottleneck for sth.中国经济保持可持续性发展become a bottleneck for the sustainabledevelopment of the Chinese economy既要注重公平、减少差距,又要保持活力、提高效率balance emphasis on equality and narrowingdown gaps against efforts to maintain vitalityand enhance efficiency in economic activity 科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥High technology content, good economicreturns, low energy consumption, minimumenvironmental pollution, and full use of laborresources决心走出一条新的工业化道路be determined to blaze a new road inindustrialization近代in modern world history新兴大国传统的崛起之路the conventional development model ofemerging big powers以意识形态划线draw the line between friends and enemies onideological basis以暴力手段掠夺资源谋求世界霸权seek world domination by looting resourcesaround the world by force冷战对峙称霸争霸take the Cold-War confrontational approach inthe power struggle for world hegemony不合时宜的社会治理模式the anachronistic public governance model致力于构建和谐社会commit itself to the build-up of a harmonioussociety出现问题problems cropping up活力与失范并存vitality coexisting with disorder效率与失衡并存efficiency running alongside imbalance构建政府调控机制frame. a governmental regulatory mechanism 提高执政水平enhance governance capability改进社会服务improve public service奋发图强brace up泛用词汇应对cope with在……方面in terms of而且……coupled with面对in the face ofconfronted with有……特点的characterized by寒假班的学员们,这是高口的最后一篇了,i这篇中的词组与之前我们上课时讲过的有很多重复的单词。

Vocabulary Work
生态农业建设 the development of eco-agriculture 森林覆盖率 forest acreage 水土流失 soil erosion 生物多样性 biodiversity 脊椎动物 vertebrate 自然保护区 nature reserves 珍稀濒危物种 rare and endangered species 繁育基地 rescue and breeding bases 基因保存中心 genetic reserves 履行国际义务 fulfill the international obligations
10-2:环境保护 Environment Protection
我们欣慰的看到,越来越多的珍稀濒危的野生动物 和植物在人工照料下保持了稳定的种群,有的已成 功回归自然。
We are relieved by the fact that stable populations for rare and endangered species of wild fauna and flora are maintained under human watch. Some of the endangered species have been successfully reintroduced to nature.
Vocabulary Work
诺贝尔文学奖 the Nobel Prize for Literature 坚信真理和正义的存在 convince that truth and justice are prevalent

In 1998, great changes took place in the income and consumption levels of urban residents. The yearly average income amounted to 5,160 yuan, increased by 3.4% than that of the previous year.工人和职员在国营和集体企业里的收入仍是家庭的主要收入。
Incomes of workers and staff members in the state-owned enterprises and collective work-units are still the mainstay of families' income. The income of scientific and technology researchers stood second in 12 main trades in the country. Their incomes increase according to their education level.最近几年,城镇居民消费结构由温饱型向小康型转变。
In recent years, the consumption pattern of urban residents has transformed from subsistence to a comfortable life. For instance, in 1998, the money spent on clothing was 4.4 percent less and the quality of food was improved while the consumption of grain relatively reduced. The accelerating rhythm of life has encouraged more socialization in food consumption. In 1998, the rate of people dining out increased by 10.4%.浦东新区的崛起使这块黄金宝地成为海外投资的热点,如今投资金额已达530亿美金。

《高级口译教程》(第四版)配套核心词汇(科学报告)《高级口译教程》(第四版)配套核心词汇(科学报告)量子力学 quantum mechanics天体物理学 astrophysics遗传工程 genetic engineering生物化学 biochemistry环境科学 environmental science温室效应 greenhouse effect生命层 biosphere食物链 food chain定律 law定理 theorem方程式 equation公式 formula假说 hypothesis虚拟现实 virtual reality计算机文化 cyberculture超文本传送协议 hypertext transfer protocol三维全息图像 three-dimensional holographic image网民 netizen网络世界 cyber world; cyberia网络空间 cyberspace网吧cybercafé主页 home page网上冲浪 Web-surfing万维网搜索引擎 Web search-engine计算机辅导设计/制造 CAD (computer-aided design)针灸穴位 acupuncture points and meridians针刺疗法/麻醉 acupuncture therapy/anesthesia艾灸/拔火罐/气功疗法moxibustion/cupping/breathing technique therapy刮痧疗法 skin scraping therapy with water or vegetable oil理疗 physical therapy切脉 feeling the pulse偏方 folk prescription秘方 secret prescription (of excellent curative effect)相生相克 mutual generation and restriction阴阳五行学说the theory of yin-yang and five elements (of metal, wood, water, fire and earth)内伤七情(喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊)internal causes (of joy, anger, worry, thought, grief, fear and surprise)外感六淫(风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火) external causes (of wind, cold, dryness, wetness, heat and fire)草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉 four properties of medical herb: cold, hot, warm and cool草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸 five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty五行学说是关于物质相生相克的理论,相生关系为木生火、火生土、土生金、金生水、水生木,相克关系为木克土、火克金、土克水、金克木、水克火。

Some Useful Idioms
• • • • 人多好办事。 Many hands make light work. 起承转合 Opening, developing, changing approach and concluding – the 4 steps of Chinese classic writing 皮笑肉不笑 Put on a false smile 令人哑口无言 Strike somebody dumb, strike somebody speechless • • • • • • • • • • 莫须有的罪名 Fabricated charges 明一套,暗一套 Do one way in the open and another in secret 勉为其难 Undertake to do what is beyond one’s power 惊天地,泣鬼神 Startle the universe and move the gods –very moving 惊慌失措,手忙脚乱 Be thrown into panic and utter confusion
An Advanced Course in Interpretation
Unit 10
Some Useful Idioms
• 三十六行,行行出状元。 • Every profession produces its own leading authority. / Every trade has its own master. • 精诚所至,金石为开。 • Absolute sincerity will move a heart of stone. / No difficulty is insurmountable if one sets his mind to it. • 旧瓶装新酒 • New wine in old bottles – new content in old form • 苦干加巧干 • Work both arduously and skillfully • 只可意会,不可言传 • Can be understood but not described • 将在外,君命有所不受。 • A field general is not bound by the emperor’s orders. • 君子动手,小人动手。 • A gentleman uses his tongue, a bastard, his fists.

高级口译教程(第三版)配套核心词汇汇编第一单元:外事接待第一篇制药有限公司pharmaceutical Co. Ltd副总经理deputy managing director研究生graduate student论文paper研究成果research findings实验助手lab assistant市中心downtown area假日酒店Holiday Inn旅馆招待费hotel accommodation fee招待所guesthouse舒适如归make sb. comfortable不尽如人意之处inconvenience in life and work排忧解难help sb. out第二篇Stanford University 斯坦福大学a land of wonder充满奇观的国家head office 总部magical power 神奇的魅力Oriental 东方的Confucianism 儒家思想Taoism 道家学说inexplicable 难以言表的set foot on 踏上……的土地cosmopolitan city 国际大都市maximize 充分利用in no time 不久rewarding 有成效的第二单元:礼仪祝辞第一篇阁下your excellency...建交the establishment of diplomatic relations近海石油勘探offshore oil exploration积贫积弱,任人宰割enduring impoverishment, long-standing debility and was for a time at the mercy of ot her countries落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks刻骨铭心的教训never-forgotten lesson中华民族伟大复兴the rejuvenation of China不懈努力make unremitting efforts与时具近keep pace with the times第一要务the primary task发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance 科学发展观scientific outlook和谐社会harmonious society互利共赢win-win本着……的精神it is in the spirit of一贯奉行in the persistent pursuit of双边关系bilateral relations祝酒join sb in a toast第二篇mission 代表团gracious hospitality友好款待convey 转达bosom friend 知己thriving and robust 蓬勃向上megalopolis 特大型城市boast 以……为自豪unequalled 不能与……相媲美miraculous rise 奇迹般地迅速崛起financial giants 金融业的巨头business community商业界manufacturing industry 制造业IPR(intellectual property rights) 知识产权joint consultancy service 合资咨询服务机构transnational corportation 跨国公司last but not least 最后at one's earliest convenience 在其方便的时候,尽早……cherish 珍惜economic recession 经济不景气ensure a sustained growth 确保持续增长on the occasion of 请允许我借……的机会……第三单元:商务谈判第一篇进出口商品交易会import and export commodities fair 销售部经理sales managersupply department 采购部brochure 宣传小册子scope of business 经营范围machine tool 机床workmanship 工艺make an inquiry 询价quotation 报价C.I.F Seattle 西雅图到岸价(*cost,insurance.freight)调整价格adjust the pricecompetitive 具有竞争力bulk 很大substantially 大大地展台exhibition stand第二篇经营的新品new line of business汽车零部件auto partsupdate 调整at the cost of 不惜以……为代价our part 我方发盘/报盘offer折扣discountsupplies 货物free sample 免费样品inspection 检验floor offer 底盘counter-offer 还盘合同格式format of contract规格specification单价unit price保险费由贵方承担the insurance premium should be born by your sidebusiness transaction 生意顺利成交第四单元:旅游观光第一篇广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery如诗如画poetic and picturesque名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty兵马俑terra-cotta sodiers and horses故宫the Imperial Palace五岳之首the most famous of China's 5 great mountains峻拔突兀majestic and precipitous appeal山外有山mountains beyond mountains融自然与文化景观于一体embody natural scenery and cultural heritage奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls,old-age pine trees and pavilions 历代文人雅士书法家famous ancient writers,scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty石刻碑文stone in script ion重峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another经典佳作great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty华夏祖先Chinese ancestors吉祥之地propitious place祭祀天地offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth联合国教科文组织UNESCO(c=cultural,其他不必说了吧?)世界自然与文化遗产World heritage Commission第二篇geological accident 地质变化the earth's crust 地壳temperate cllimatic zone 热带地区unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草Great Barrier 大堡礁Ayer's Rock 阿叶尔斯石柱山Kakadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院skiing resort 滑雪场gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值camping park 野营公园caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆,公寓住所international cuisine 国际烹饪水准ethnic restaurant 风味餐厅departure tax stamp 离境印花税票American Express 美国运通信用卡第五单元:大会发言第一篇20国集团g 20(group of 20)央行行长Central Bank Governor生物科技bio-technology科技进步日新月异science and technology haave been making continuous progress 金融风暴financial turbulence贸易壁垒trade barriers保护主义protectionism取长补短make full use of favorable condition and promote complementarity注入新的活力inject new vitality to关税tariff减免债务debt relief优惠贷款concessional load转轨国家countries in transition灵活务实flexible and pragmatic由温饱到小康 a period of having only basic needs met to a comfortable life历史性跨越 a historic breakthrough底子薄weak economic basis全面建设小康社会build a moderately prosperous society in an all-around way科学发展观the guideline of scientific development扩大内须expand domestic demand科技含量高high scientific and technological content转变经济增长方式the transformation of the economic growth mode提高自主创新能力enhance innovative ability促进城乡区域协调发展facilitate a balanced developent between rural and urban areas 以人为本people-centered顺应时代潮流as a response to the trend of our times第二篇in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中incubator 孵卵器inception 涌现undergrad 大学生reengineer 调整reduce inventory 缩短开发周期cumulative 日积月累compound rate 复利率operating margin 营业利率turnover 周转次数outstanding receivable 未清应收帐strategic sourcing initiative 开源节流战略customer-driven 以顾客为驱动力service-oriented 服务型put a new premium on 高度重视managerial competence 管理能力Fortune 500 companies 财富500强expertise 专门技术win-win thinking 双赢思维group synergy 协作精神hold sb. accountable for 让……放手做hold a grudge against 怀恨在心第六单元:宣传介绍第一篇地势平坦的冲积平原 a soil deposit plain land常住居民permanent residents慈悬浮列车the maglev train长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta龙头作用play a leading role清朝乾隆,嘉庆年间during the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing of Qing Dynasty石油化工产业the petrochemical industry精细化工产业the fine chemical家用电器产业the home electrical appliance industry生物医药产业the bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry支柱产业pillar industry历史文物保护单位sites of historical interest and cultural relics under protection 海派文化Shanghai regional culture美食家gourmet清真authentic Muslim万国建筑博览会exhibition of the world's architecture内环线高架道路elevated inner beltway野生动物园the Wildlife zoo迎新撞钟活动New year's Greeting Bell-striking庙会Temple Fair桂花节Sweet Osmanthus Festival海纳百川,有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold 乘骐骥以驰骋兮on your steed galloping来吾道夫先路on my road pioneering聪明,精明,高明bright,smart,wise第二篇British Commonwealth 英联邦physically spread out 布局分散predominant 主导conglomeration 聚结commute 外来工作者prominent landmark 显著的地貌标志Saint Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂monarchy 君主政体coronation 加冕礼Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫hub 中心slum 贫民窟lavish 豪华philharmonic orchestra 爱乐乐团venue 场所cornucopia 各类successive eras 各个阶段chronologically 从历史上repository 陈列馆premier art collection 最重要的美术作品striking portraits of Britons 不列颠人逼真的肖像第七单元:参观访问第一篇学位点degree program国家级重点社科研究基地key social science research centers博士后科学研究流动站post-doctoral research stations国家级重点学科national key disciplines两院院士academicians of the Chinese academy of science and the Chinese academy of engineering网络教育online education科举制imperial examination日月光华,旦复旦兮brilliant are the sunlight and the moonlight after night the day dawns again人文精神humanistic spirit披荆斩棘,筚路蓝缕negotiate various impediment博学而笃志,切问而近思extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with close ex amination治学态度educational philosophy取精用弘的学术思想the academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest怀抱超旷的才隽学人graduates with brilliant scholarship高等教育发展的重中之重priority among institutions of high learning承前启后inherit fine tradition and usher in the future mission精诚团结,共襄盛举strive together in good faith文理工医科综合性大学 a comprehensive university with a complete range disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine全面提升知名度和影响力elevate influence and visibility in all dimensions社会转型时期 a period of social transition百年传承之名校 a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem第二篇Vancouver 温哥华Canada’s gateway to the pacific加拿大通往太平洋的门户The Panama Canal 巴拿马运河Natural ice-free harbor 天然不冻港Manufactured goods 制成品Lumber and paper milling 伐木、造纸Oil refining 炼油Metal fabricating 金属锻造Printed matter 印刷Real estate 房地产Triple 增至3倍Quadruple 增至4倍Quintuple 增至5倍High-rise office building 摩天办公楼Boutique 时装礼品店Ethnic group 少数民族团体Planetarium 天文馆Aquarium 水族馆Skating rink 溜冰场Botanical garden 植物园Conservatory of exotic plants 异国植物花房Maple tree 枫树Sap 树液syrup 糖浆第八单元:人物访谈第一篇:国际清算银行行长president of the Bank for international settlements宏观经济macroeconomic浮动汇率floating foreign exchange rateworld economic projection 世界经济预计impetus 动力reassuring 让人放心command economy 计划经济fiscal policy 财政政策surplus and deficit 赢余和赤字deterioration 最坏;最低点without precedent 第一次pact 公约curb deficits 防止财政状况恶化pension commitments 养老金投入yields on nominal bonds 名义收益率deflation 紧缩exchange rate appreciation 货币升值domestic liquidity 国内流动资金precipitous move 突然变动stifle 葬送workable measures of transition 可行的过度措施stance 姿态第二篇新千年the new millennium新纪元the new age精髓essence陶器pottery京剧戏装Costumes of Peking Opera莫高窟复制品the replica of the Mogao Grottoes青铜战车the bronze chariot战国早期的礼仪乐器ritual musical instruments produced early in the Warring States Period 八音度 a range of octave音域宽wide range定音tone setting瑟,笙,箫,鼓se, sheng, xiao, drums整理collate骨哨bone flute摇篮cradle舞台服饰performance costumes夸张和象征的手法exaggeration and symbolic means 名模famous model第九单元:文化交流第一篇民为贵people being the most important巨大活力the immense vitality生动写照vivid reflection生存权subsistence right立国之本the foundation to build the country不懈努力make unremitting endeavor相辅相成the two are complementary to each other 民族先人ancestor初步繁荣昌盛initial prosperity吸收和借鉴absorb and draw upon fruits of祖国统一reunification of the country繁衍multiply伟大复兴the great rejuvenation先行者forerunner区域自治regional autonomy宪法保障protected by the Constitution崇高目标lofty goal亲仁善邻benevolence and good-neighborliness国之宝箴treasured maxim第二篇millennium 千年landmark 标志性reclusive 避世隐居Danish architect Jorn Utzon 丹麦设计师钧恩乌特松with media access 有机会接触媒体architectural icon 建筑业偶像in the pantheon of 在……的万神殿中pluck 淘汰a complete one-off 空前绝后was quite at odds with 相去甚远rectilinear 垂直式maverick genius 独树一帜的奇才promontory 海角backdrop 背景in high dudgeon 一怒之下manifold difficulties 各种各样的困难seductive beauty 有魅力的纯美patron 资助人第十单元:科学报告第一篇中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the development of TCM战国时期the Warring States Period黄帝内经HuangDi’s Classic of internal Medicine神农本草经Shennong’s herbal classic主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions and toxic character药典pharmacopoeia救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying职业道德规范professional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老defer senility相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and interdependence有机的整体an organic whole诊断疾病diagnose disease阴阳对立制约yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining互根互用be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other 相互转化mutually transformational健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of good health指导思想guiding concept临床治疗方法clinical treatment针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion按摩推拿medical massage气功疗法deep breathing exercises赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim中医专业队伍TCM professionals综合医院general hospital第二篇astrobiology 天体生物学nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧气photosynthesis 光合作用equilibrium 平衡meteor 流星embedded 埋植carbon compound 碳化合物hypothesis 假设Antarctic 南极的aesthetics 审美观the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨comet 彗星The Azores 亚速尔群岛Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪organic molecule 有机分子spectrographic 摄谱的disseminate 散布prebiotic life 前生物生命galaxy 银河系第十一单元:饮食文化第一篇烹饪艺术culinary art民以食为天food is the paramount necessity of the people 推陈出新creative efforts色、香、味color, aroma and taste摆放layout冷盘cold dishes原料raw material作料调配the blending of seasoning调味艺术the art of proper seasoning食物质地the texture of food刀功slicing technique乳猪suckling pig点心pastries黄酒yellow rice wine烈性白酒strong white liquor敬酒toast with小啜take a sip馒头steamed bread热卡calories主食staple food第二篇food style 饮食习惯solid diet 丰盛的食物health food 保健餐Little Italy 小意大利城Germantown 德国城native specialties 家乡特色菜Creole accent to the food 克里奥耳口味physical well-being 身体健康preservative 防腐剂cheese 奶酪第十二单元:中国改革第一篇翻天覆地的变化earthshaking changes面貌焕然一新take on a brand-new look出/入境旅游outbound/inbound travel村/居委会village committee/urban neighborhood committee解决温饱问题solve the problem of food and clothing落实科学发展观follow a scientific approach of development以人为本,执政为民put people first in administration着力搞好宏观调空concentrate on doing macro-regulatory work well激发创造活力stimulate creativity实施稳健的财政政策follow prudent fiscal policy三农工作是重中之重work relating agriculture, rural areas and farmers remains top priority加强农田水利建设intensify development of irrigation and conservancy project多渠道转移农业富余劳动力transfer surplus rural labor to nonagricultural jobs推进产业结构优化升级optimize and upgrade the industrial structure加强生态建设strengthen ecological improvement推进财税体制改革promote the reform of fiscal and tax system加强精神文明建设promote social and ethnical progress加强行政能力建设和政风建设improve the government’s administrative capacity and style of work建设服务型政府service-oriented government意气风发in high spirits同心同德、再接再厉united with one heart and one mind, continue our concerted and unyielding efforts 第二篇overstate 夸大turn one’s back on对……封闭anarchy 政治混乱warlordism 军阀割据make up lost ground 收复失地springboard 跳板with gusto 满怀热情subsistence farming 自然经济marginal productivity 边际生产力tariff barrier 关税壁垒bolster 保持joint venture 合资企业incremental capital output ratio 资本产出比率reckon 估计purchasing power parity 购买力平价capital accumulation 资本积累demographic forecasts 人口统计学上的预见hiccup 磕磕碰碰forerunner 前驱dwarf 让……相形见绌第十三单元:信息时代第一篇筹备会议preliminary meeting处理程序性问题address procedure issue智能化intelligence computerization多样化diversification信息通信技术infocom technology结构调整architecture readjustment升级换代upgrading融语音、数据、图像于一体integrate voice date and image宽带高速信息网high-speed broadband information network全方位地满足业务需求meet various service requirements in all dimensions 制约因素reason宏观调控macroeconomic control市场管制market regulation规避市场风险avoid market risks创新的融资机智innovative financing mechanism资金的多元投入for more financing channels911事件September 11 terrorist attack应急系统emergency system数字鸿沟digital divide第二篇don 穿上scaffold 框架thermostat 恒温计EKG 心电图仪telemetric system 遥测系统emulate 仿效symbiosis 共生现象software programmer 软件编程师collaborate 合作debug 调试neuron 神经元tackle 解决interstellar 星际microprocessor 微型处理器ad hoc 特别的cell phone 手机the heftiest desktop 最先进的台式机fight off an attacking wasp 击退发起进攻的黄蜂simpleton 傻子emergent behavior 突发性的行为mischievous and sinister 恶意antithetical 对立的resilience 应变能力seismic activity 地震活动geomagnetic storm 地磁风暴a worrisome spike 麻烦reroute traffic 改变行动路线InterPlaNet 星际网asteroid 小行星unmanned probe 吾人驾驶探测器proprietary (信息)专有feel tingles on one’s spine感觉到脊椎的震颤第十四单元:外交政策第一篇外国使节diplomatic envoy复杂而深刻的变化complex and profound changes各种问题相互交织various threats are intertwined指导国际关系的准则norms governing international relations切实履行implement in real earnest以强凌弱的霸权主义bully the weak and pursue hegemony文明的多样性the diversity of civilizations万物并育而不相害all living creature grow together without harming one another道并行而人不相悖ways run parallel without interfering with one another相互借鉴、取长补短learn from each other in mutual emulation相互包容、求同存异mutual tolerance, seek agreement while shelving differences减免债务reduce and forgive debts军事联盟military alliance动辄诉诸武力resort to use or threat of force摈弃冷战思维the Cold War mentality should be done away with核武器扩散nucleus weapons proliferation跨国犯罪trans-boundary crimes生态恶化environmental degradation永远不称霸never seek hegemony维护国家主权和领土完整safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity睦邻、安邻、富邻政策the policy of creating an amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood 奔腾不息的时代潮流irresistible tide of the times第二篇diplomacy 外交手段monetary structure 货币组织military deterrence 军事威慑utmost purpose 最高宗旨subordinate 服从于overshadow 黯然失色initiative 主动行动downright distrust 不信任的传统utility 利用authorization 授权sponsorship 操办intervention 干预take…into account考虑到the IMF 国际货币基金组织trade deficits 贸易赤字commitment 致力于war-torn 遭受战争破坏elite 上层人物military alliance 军事联盟demobilization/remobilization 遣散军队/重组军队第十六单元体育运动全民健身运动nationwide fitness program 中超联赛cheering squad棒球运动记者scribe拉拉队长cheer-leader, rooter king掷钱猜先toss运球dribble擦网球net ball擦边球edge ball/ touch ball抽杀成功hit through大满贯grand slam大力扣杀hammer吊球drop shot点球penalty kick任意球free kick乌龙球own good劲射power shot第一双打first pair第一发球权first inning第一发球员first server队长袖标(足球) skipper’s armband头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed 二流选手scrub/second-rater锋利扣杀razor-sharp smash高难度动作stunner, stunt好出风头的运动员exhibitionist, grandstander 花样游泳water ballet临时主教练caretaker coach抢跑false start; beat the gun入水时水花很少clean entry三连冠three successive championship险胜cliff-hanging win; narrow victory自行车越野赛cyclo-cross滑板车scooter减肥体操slimnastics日光浴室solarium体育酒吧sports bar申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games新北京,新奥运New Beijing, Great Olympics绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运green, high-tech and people-friendly Olympic Games 球场court第十五单元:国际关系第一篇纪念……成立……周年commemorate ….anniversary of the founding of恪守承诺commitment to联合国宪章宗旨和原则the purpose and the principles of the UN Charter善邻之道live together in peace with one another as good neighbors划时代意义epoch-making里程碑milestone人类社会沧桑巨变stupendous changes in human society国际舞台风云变幻vicissitudes in the international arena地区热点问题regional hot spot issue民族分裂势力regional separatists极端宗教势力religious extremist毒品走私drug trafficking传染性疾病communicable disease坚持多边主义uphold multilateralism摈弃冷战思维abandon the Cold War mentality标本兼治address both symptoms and root causes裁军与军备控制disarmament and arms control防止核扩散prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons包容精神the spirit of inclusiveness文明多样性diversity of civilization兼容并蓄的和谐世界harmonious world where all coexist and accommodate each other 休戚与共的命运interests and destinies第二篇subsequent endeavor 此后的努力humanitarian 人道主义者refrain 不以non-intervention 不干涉domestic jurisdiction 内部事务the minimum doe of conduct 最起码的行为准则the Security Council 安理会paralysis 瘫痪veto right 否决权incapacitate 无所作为nuclear weapon proliferation 核武器扩散communicable disease 传染性疾病buffer conflicts 缓解冲突enforcement 强制meddle 管闲事manifold 多种多样permeate 渗透practice tolerance 宽容忍让transcend differences 超越差异convergence of interests 共同利益的汇合点coercion 高压政治tackle 处理一、高频词汇、短语民间艺术folk arts高雅艺术refined art戏剧艺术theatrical art电影艺术cinematographic art爱国主义精神patriotism文化产业culture industry文化事业cultural undertaking文化交流cross-cultural communication文化冲突culture shock乡村文化rural culture民族文化national culture表演艺术performing art文化底蕴cultural deposit华夏祖先the Chinese ancestors同宗同源of the same origin中国文学Chinese literature中国武术Chinese martial art/Kung Fu中国书法Chinese calligraphy哲学家philosopher四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China火药gunpowder造纸术paper-making印刷术printing指南针the compass四书the Four Books大学the Great Learning中庸the Doctrine of the Mean论语the Analects of Confucius孟子the Mencius孔子Confucius孟子Mencius老子Lao Tzu庄子Chuang Tzu墨子Mo Tzu孙子Sun Tzu中国画traditional Chinese painting水墨画Chinese brush painting; ink and wash painting 武术门派styles or schools of martial art习武健身practice martial art for fitness古代格斗术ancient form of combat武林高手top martial artist气功Qigong; deep breathing exercises空手道karate拳击boxing击剑fencing跆拳道tae kwon do柔道judo中国武术协会Chinese Martial Art Association 武侠小说tales of roving knights/kung fu novels汉学家sinologist偏旁部首radical笔画stroke中国热Sinomania汉语的四声调the four tones of Chinese characters平声level tone上声rising tone仄声falling-rising tone去声falling tone孙子兵法the Art of War西游记Journey to the West; Pilgrimage to the West 三国演义Romance of Three Kingdoms红楼梦Dreams of the Red Mansions水浒传Heroes of the Marshes; Tales of the Water Margin 资治通鉴History as a Mirror春秋the Spring and Autumn Annals史记Historical Records诗经the Book of Songs; the Book of Odes书经the Book of History易经I Ching; the Book of Changes礼记the Book of Rites三字经three-character scripture/three-word chant八股文eight-part essay/stereotyped writing五言绝句five-character quatrain七言律诗seven-character octave四合院quadrangle京剧Peking Opera独角戏monodrama杂技acrobatics相声witty dialogue comedy, standup comedy马戏circus show哑剧pantomime; mime踩高跷stilt walk说书story-telling木偶戏puppet show口技ventriloquism京剧票友amateur performer of Peking Opera篆刻seal cutting图章seal工艺workmanship/craftsmanship手工艺品handicraft泥人clay figure唐三彩trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty陶器pottery苏绣Suzhou embroidery文房四宝the four stationary treasures of the Chinese study-a writing brush,an ink stick, an ink stone and paper寓言fable神话mythology传说legend十二生肖zodiac公历gregorian calendar阴历lunar calendar对联antithetical couplet天干heavenly stem地支earthly branch闰年leap year二十四节气the twenty-four solar terms本命年one’s year of birth in the circle of twelve years 传统节日traditional holidays春节Spring Festival元宵节Lantern Festival清明节Pure Brightness Festival端午节dragon boat festival中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day 才子佳人gifted scholars and beautiful ladies中华文明Chinese civilization朝代dynasty中外学者Chinese and overseas scholars考古学家archaeologist人类学家anthropologist进化论Darwinism无神论atheism宿命论determinism启蒙运动enlightenment辩证的dialectic先知illuminati佛教Buddhism儒教Confucianism道教Taoism形而上学metaphysics基督教Christianity新教Protestant天主教Catholicism洗礼baptism伊斯兰教Islam教堂Church寺庙temple修道院abbey礼拜堂chapel斋月Ramadan; month of fast喇嘛Lama邪教cult宗教仪式religious ritual异教徒infidel宗教矛盾religious contradictions孔庙temple of Confucius天主教堂cathedral《中高级口译考试词汇必备》篆书seal script / seal character隶书……official script行书 running script草书……cursive script楷书……regular script拜年pay a new year visit爆竹、鞭炮firecracker除夕Eve of Chinese new year春联spring couplets辞旧迎新 bring out the old year and ring in the new饺子boiled dumpling锅贴pot sticker庙会temple fair鸣钟辞旧岁ring out the old year年画traditional new year pictures年夜饭the eve feast / family reunion dinner on lunar new year's eve 年终大扫除year end household cleaning守岁stay up late on the new year's eve压岁钱new year gift money / money given to children as a new year gift舞龙dragon dance元宵sweet sticky rice dumplings花灯festival lantern灯谜lantern riddle狮子舞lion dance清明节 Pure Brightness Festival扫墓perform sacrifices to one's ancestors or relatives祭祖offer sacrifices to the ancestors踏青go for an outing in spring赛龙舟 dragon-boat race粽子pyramid shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bambooleaves亡灵departed soul忠臣loyal minister屈原the poet月饼mooncake赏月appreciate the glorious full moon桂花sweet osmanthus赏菊admire the beauty of chrysanthemum登高climb mountain中药TCM(traditional chinese medicine)秦始皇 the first emperor / emperor Qin皇太后 empress dowager汉高祖刘邦founder of the Han dynasty (206 B.C---220 A.D)文明摇篮cradle of civilization明清两代Ming and Qing dynasties中华文明Chinese civilization历史学家historian地理学家geographer江南水乡the south of the lower reaches of Yangtse River水乡景色riverside sceneryculinary artcolor, aroma and tastelayoutcold dishraw materialsblending of seasoningart of proper seasoningtexture of foodslicing techniquessuckling pigspastryyellow rice winestrong white liquortoasttake a sipsteamed bread/buncalorystaple food中高级口译翻译经典词群1、“…化”现代化→modernize市场化→marketize地区化→regionalize多极化→polypolarize干部队伍的革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化。

Topic One ReceptionTeaching procedure:I. Introduction :1. Introduction of the arrangement of the course.Text book: An advanced course of interpretationAim: Improve students English speaking ability and interpretation skill.II. Class activities:1. Greetings with the students.2. Warming up activities:A.Easy interpretation practice: a. C-E: 一天,一位丈夫陪伴妻子买东西。
过了一会,妻子指者外面的月亮对丈夫说:亲爱的,你看天上的月亮多美啊!丈夫没加思索回答到:啊,亲爱的,多少钱?b. E-C Thanksgiving is the fourth Thursday inNovember.People get together with friends and family for abig meal. Many people eat roast turkey, potatoes, cranberrysauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Most people don’t workthe Friday after Thanksgiving, so it’s a long four-dayweekend. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.3.Text book activities:P6A. An Introduction to InterpretationThe Definition of Interpretation:口译是一种通过口头表达形式,将所听到(间或读到)的信息准确而又快速地由一种语言转换成另一种语言,进而达到传递与交流信息之目的的交际行为,是人类在跨文化,跨民族交往活动中所依赖的一种基本的语言交际工具。

(一)ListeningWarming Up听力考试三大考点:>音>语>题▲注意音变(连读)e.g. 1.quite~ill~at~ease (=nervous=panic=jitters=cold feet)2.pop~art~exhibit▲词汇积累(注意某些词的发音)deposit reverse rate存款准备金率exchange rateinterest ratetrade surplus/deficit 贸易顺差/逆差sandbreak 防风林full of beans=red-blooded=energetic=on the go=having a lot of energy精力充沛humanitarianism 人道主义(练发音)→abbr. ≤4 lettersYou cold shoulder. (give sb. a cold shoulder 对……冷淡) (pun,一语双关)Tomato, tomato. (前者发/tə'meitəu/,后者发/təˈmɑ:təu/)半斤八两trans-oceanic 跨海大桥Ukraine/ ju:'krein/ 乌克兰siren (不是念“死人”)汽笛,报警器Buick 别克▲四大热点经济:Greece、Dubai、credit crisis……环保:Copenhagen accord健康:obesity、Asthma安全:nuclear crisis▲词的深度seism (=earthquake), seismicdeluge (=flood)havoc (=disaster, catastrophe)Morakot 台风莫拉克(顺带各种台风诡异名字)注意人名的各种固定翻译e.g. Dr. Sun Yatsen 孙中山Chou Yunfat 周润发landfall v.风暴登陆meteorology 气象学▲文化特色词Culture notes——(→:意为,取代)down-sizing 裁员the disadvantaged = the poorchairperson主席→chairmanmail carrier →mailmanflight attendant空中乘务员police officer →policemanprostitutepensioner →senior people/ old people想去洗手间的委婉说法:wash my handspick some flower (0.0)find the John (John无故躺枪)go somewherego to the restroom/ bathroomdomestic engineer →servantdomestic executive →housewife (这两个说法太冠冕堂皇了!……)中文音译过去的词(吐槽无力):Bonsai 盆栽Coolie 苦力Unit 1音的考点注:C:辅音V:元音Semi-V:半元音1sound liking多词连读stepping~on~an~anttake~it~out~on me朝我出气tough it outC+V→S:night outmax out 精疲力竭brush up on sth.突击复习burn the midnight oil 开夜车(=cram)more haste, less pace. 欲速则不达。

新东方高级口译笔记高级口译笔记一、文化交流(Cultural Exchange)汉字的四声(平声、上声、仄声和去声)the four tones of Chinese characters, namely, the level tone, the rising tone, the falling-rising tone, and the falling tone笔画 stroke部首 radical偏旁 basic character component象形文字 pictograph独角戏 monodrama/one-man play皮影戏 shadow play折子戏 opera highlights单口相声 monologue comic talk对口相声 comic cross talk说书 monologue story-telling传说 legend神话 mythology寓言 fable武术 martial art气功 controlled breathing exercise气功疗法 breathing technique therapy春联 spring couplet剪纸 paper-cut戏剧脸谱 theatrical mask草药的四气:寒、热、温、凉four properties of medicinal herb: cold, hot, warm and cool草药的五味:酸、苦、甘、辛、咸 five tastes of medicinal herb: sour, bitter, sweet, hot and salty二十四节气 the twenty-four solar terms天干地支 the heavenly stems and earthly branches清明节 the Pure Brightness Day端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival文化事业 cultural undertaking民族文化 national culture民间文化 folk culture乡土文化 native/country culture跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication文化冲击 culture shock表演艺术 performing art舞台艺术 stage art流行艺术 popular/pop art高雅艺术 elegant/high art电影艺术 cinematographic art十四行诗 sonnet三幕六场剧 a three-act and six-scene play音乐舞台剧 musical复活节 Easter万圣节 Halloween内容与形式的统一 unity of content and form古为今用,洋为中用。


高口口译E-C Unit 10.Everyday Diet 日常饮食Passage 1Fruits and vegetables occupy a prominent place in the daily diet of indivi duals. Well-balanced menus should include items that originate in horticul turists Greenhaus Orchards and other fields, like orange juice, apples, jel ly,corn ,pickles and tomatos etc. Approximately 30% of all the food cons umed by the world are produced by horticulturists.Even the flowers placed on the tables are the results of horticulturists eff orts.Horticulture provides effectively plenties of food for the human beings. Horticultural crops represent at least 20% of the total agricultural produc tion.The annual income from teh production,processing and utilization is at least 15 Billion Dollars.We can not estimate accurately the values of c rops from home gardening.occupy a prominent place in...在...中占据重要的位置well-balanced daily diet 平衡的日常饮食sth deprived from.../sth originate in... 来自于...的pickle 腌菜approximately大约the results of sbs efforts 来自于...的努力成果annual income 年收入the income from production, processing, utiliza tion of...生产,加工,利用estimate exactly 精确估算...Passage 2We added capsaicin, the fiery chemical in red peppers to either breakfas t or the pre-load appetizer at lunch,then measured who muh people ate afterwards. In a test of 13 women we found the adding red pepper to br eakfast markedly cut the hunger between that meal and lunch, and tend ed to pare down the number of calories they ate at midday. When we t est ten men, we found the appetizer spiked with red pepper held down t heir calories intake at the lunch or in a snack.We believe, that the red p epper can act as a nonpharmacological stimulant, boosting the activitz of sympathetic nerve system.when that happen you feel less hungry.capsaicin 辣椒素火辣的物质fiery chemicalspreload-appetizer 加餐cut the hunger 减少饥饿感pare down the number of calories 减少卡路里pare down expenses减少开支pare down the houshold expenses to the minimium 将家庭开支减少到最低appetizer spiked with red pepper 加了红辣椒的开胃餐at midday 在中午held down the calories intake 减少卡路里的摄取act down as... serve as ... 作为...non-pharmacological stimulant 非药物兴奋剂boost the activity of...促进...的活动the sympathetic nerve system 交感神经系统Passage 3My bigest hope for the coming future is that there will be a reaction aga inst diets and food fads though frankly i cant see it happening.My New Year wish would be the word Lite disappear from the english la nguage. Or better still for the diets in books sold at airport to prove to b e fatal so that their authors got sued for millions dollar in american court s.Such diets are pernicious.we are already seeing the malnourished childre n in even wealthy LA suburbs And the cases of child anorexia and eatin g problems are increasingly linked to the parental neuroses rather than media imags.Perhaps we'll learn in the future thatif you want to lose wei ght, you simply need to eat less and that in general food is good for yo u.If you eat sensibly, you can stay healthy.Your appetitide can seem a wild creature inside you, demanding to be f ed. It doesnt even speak the same language you do. The words with w hich you are familiar, fat and thin , mean onthing to insistant hunger.So how do we tame the monster You could drug it with obesity medicait on , but with side effects as insomnia headaches and high-blood pressur e.You could try to overcome it with willpower,namely saying no the high-calories food, but end up feeling deprived.You could cage by following a more cruel and artificial eating regimen called diet to defeat your appeti teOr you can dosth natural proved to workDont try to beat your appetite, satisfy it instead. I think satiety, the feelin g of fullness is the missing ingredient in the weight management. What creats satiety, mainly volume, the simple bulk of the food.If you consume low energy density meals,lots of substance but relatively few calories, you will redily satisfy your appetite without gaining weight. Cooking has already be a leisure activity in Britian, look at all those tele vision programs.I do think we are eating out more and more in restaura nts., as a regular event more in the French style than for some special occassion. And i hope good cooking in Britian will spread to all levels.Its already happening to an extent through pubs, though there is still a lon g way to go.good food in Britian is curretnly not very democratic.As for what we eat,well, some of the science-fictions books that predicat e that we would all be slurping japanese noodles have proved to be not too far from the truth.I think we will see pan-Eurasian foods more popul ar in the near future.Will GM food win acceptance? There will be move ments of genes between species that could not be crossed by conventio nal breeding methods.Thats not to say that food produced by conventional agriculture will disa ppear, but simply that food-buying patterns will ploralize There will be a niche Market for conventional foodstuffs just as there is for organic food. It may even be that GM(genetically modified) food will become food of p references because consumers come to appreciate the health benefits of reduced pesticide use.No doubt there will be some mistakes with GM c rops too.But they shouldnt put us off progress.reaction against ...反对。
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UNIT TEN SCIENCE REPORT第一篇中国古代药王神农氏Shennong, the celebrated herbal master of ancient China中医史上的萌芽阶段the embryo stage in the development of TCM战国时期the Warring States Period黄帝内经Huang Di’s Classic of internal Medicine神农本草经Shennong’s herbal classic主治、功用和毒性primary treatments, functions and toxic character药典pharmacopoeia救死扶伤healing the sick and saving the dying职业道德规范professional work ethic食补保健food treatment approach延缓衰老defer senility相互作用、互为依存be of mutual influence and interdependence有机的整体an organic whole诊断疾病diagnose disease阴阳对立制约yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining互根互用be interdependent and mutually promoting消长平衡proportionally change with the decrease of one, resulting in, or from the increase of the other相互转化mutually transformational健康的要素be essential for the maintenance of good health 指导思想guiding concept临床治疗方法clinical treatment针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion 按摩推拿medical massage气功疗法deep breathing exercises赢得广泛赞誉win worldwide acclaim中医专业队伍TCM professionals综合医院general hospital第二篇astrobiology 天体生物学nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧气photosynthesis 光合作用equilibrium 平衡meteor 流星embedded 埋植carbon compound 碳化合物hypothesis 假设Antarctic 南极的aesthetics 审美观the Leonid meteor showers 狮子座流星雨debris 碎片comet 彗星The Azores 亚速尔群岛Infrared spectrographs 红外线摄谱仪organic molecule 有机分子spectrographic 摄谱的disseminate 散布prebiotic life 前生物生命galaxy 银河系PRACTICE TEXT ONE1.我很高兴在这里向各位简要介绍我国传统的医学,即中医。
It is my great pleasure to give you a brief introduction to China’s traditional medichine, known as “traditional Chinese medicine,”2.中医起源于6000年前的神农氏时代,这位著名的中医古代药王所生活的时代被认为时中医史上的萌芽阶段。
TCM originated with shennong, the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China who lived about 6 000 years ago, a time which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of TCM.3.战国时期的中医理论著作《黄帝内经》标志着中国医学独特的理论体系的形成。
Huang di’s Classic of Internal Medicine, the theoretical work on TCM that emerged in the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), marks the establishment of Chinese medicine’s unique theoretical system. To date, this classic work is still considered as the theoretical basis guiding traditional Chinese medicine.4.中医名著《神农本草经》总结了秦朝前的经验,共记载药物365种,按主治、功用和毒性分为三大类,是中国的一部历史最悠久的药典。
Shennong’s Herbal Classic, the famous TCM work that sums uo medical experiences prior to the Qin (221-207BC) Dynasty, records 365 varieties of medicinal herbs and classifies primary treatments, functions and toxic character. This is the earliest pharmacopoeia ever found in China.5.中医在长期发展过程中,逐渐形成了一整套医学原则和观点。
During its long process of evolution , the TCM science has gradually developed, yielding a complete set of medical principles and concepts.6.首先,中医认为“万物一和为贵”。
First, TCM believes that “ Nothing compares to a human life”. It regards “healing the sick and saving the dying” as its professional work ethics.7.第二,中医注重无病防病,强大以食补板件来延缓衰老,减少疾病。
Second, TCM places emphasis on the early prevention of diseases, advocating the food treatment approach, that is, efforts should be focused on maintaining good halth through the intake of nourishing food to defer senility and reduce the risk of contracting diseases.8.第三,中医理论认为,社会环境与自然环境相互作用、互为依存,人的身心也是一种相互作用、互为依存的关系。
Third, the TCM theory argues that the relationship of social and natural environment, as well as the relationship of the human body and spirit, is one of mutual influence and interdependence; organs and different systems with various functions. Therefore, TCM doctors try to diagnose the patients’disease by finding out the relationships between humans and nature, between human and society, between the human body and psychology of humans, and among the various segments of the human body.9.第四,中医认为,阴与阳存在与人体内,相互作用‘互为依存。
Forth, the TCM science maintains that yin and yang, the two opposing and complementary principles in nature, exist in the human body, mutually functional and dependent. According to the philosophical view of TCM , the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually opposing and constraining , interdependent and mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease of one resulting in, or form, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational. The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health. And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop. Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appreciate balance between the two.10.最后,中医人体内的系列运动贯穿于人的一生,这种系列运动在西医叫做“新陈代谢”。