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庞德(Ezra Pound, 1885~1972)的《河商妻:一封信》(The River-Merchant’s Wife: A Letter)译自李白的《长干行》,很多西方读者就是通过这首诗了解到中国古诗的魅力的,此诗常被当成一首庞德的创作,其中从“十四为君妇”到“猿声天上哀”的译文如下:
At fifteen I stopped scow ling,
I desired my dust to be mingled w ith yours
Forever and forever and forever.
Why should I c limb the look out?
At sixteen you departed,
You w ent into far Ku-tou-yan, by the river of sw irling eddies,
And you have been gone five months.
The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead. 1
庞德当时并不懂汉语,某些地方的翻译并不到位,如典故“常存抱柱信”就没有译出,只是意译出了部分意思。“五月不可触”原意指五月份的季节里,看见一切都充满生机,而自己独守空房,了无生趣,十分伤心,译文you have been gone five months(你已离开五个月)是错误理解的结果。
庞德还翻译了汉武帝的《落叶哀蝉曲》,名之为Liu Ch'e:
The rustling of the silk is discontinued,
Dust drifts over the court-yard,
There is no sound of foot-fall, and the leaves
Scurry into heaps and lie still,
And she the rejoic er of the heart is beneath them:
A wet leaf that c lings to the threshold. 2
1938年,英国诗人奥登(1907~1973)同小说家衣修武德(Isherwood, 1904~1986)来到武汉,并去前线采访,他们一个用诗,一个用散文写下了他们在中国的见闻,合作而成《战地行》一书,于1939年出版。奥登的《中国十四行组诗》抒发了他对中国的关注,其中一首如下:
2汉武帝的《落叶哀蝉曲》如下:罗袂兮无声,玉墀兮尘生。虚房冷而寂寞,落叶依于重扃。望彼美之女兮,安得感余心之未宁?庞德的《刘彻》译文如下:绸裙的窸瑟再不复闻,/ 灰尘飘落在宫院里,/ 听不到脚步声,/ 乱叶飞旋着,/ 静静地堆积,/ 她,我心中的欢乐,睡在下面。/ 一片潮湿的树叶粘在门槛上。
Far from a cultural c entre he w as used:
Abandoned by his general and his lic e,
Under a padded quilt he turned to ic e
And vanished. He w ill never be perused
When this c ampaign is tidied into books:
No vital know ledge perished in that skull;
His jokes were stale; like w artime, he was du ll;
His name is lost for ever like his looks.
Though runeless, to instructions from headquarters
He added meaning like a comma when
He joined the dust of China, that our daughters
Might keep their upright carriage, not again
Be shamed before the dogs, that, where are w aters,
Mountains and houses, may be also men. 3
(W.H. Auden: Sonnets from China, XII)
女诗人凯莎(Carolyn Kizer, 1925~ )在诗歌《我这辈子曾经去过的地方》(Where I’ve Been All My Life, 1984)的第三节,采取主观介入的态度,描写了叙述者在1949年以前,坐火车经过中国的土地,亲眼看见中国的苦难:
The train w ill glide through fields of ric e and men,
Bodies like tongs, and glorious genitals,
Not alien as Chinese, but Adam-strange.
Rejoic ed by her first look at naked men,
Her soul sw ims out the w indow of the train!
She goes where newborn daughters c log the creeks;
Bank-portic os are strewn w ith starving rags.
Here the old dragon, China, thrashes, dying.
But the anc ient, virile music of the rac e
3他被使用在远离文化中心的地方,/ 又被他的将军和他的虱子所遗弃,/ 于是在一件棉袄里他闭上眼睛/而离开人世。人家不会把他提起。// 当这场战役被整理成书的时候,/ 没有重要的知识在他的头壳里丧失。/ 他的玩笑是陈腐的,他沉闷如战时,/ 他的名字和模样都将永远消逝。// 他不知善,不择善,却教育了我们,/ 并且像逗点一样加添上意义;/ 他在中国变为尘土,以便在他日/ 我们的女儿得以热爱这人间,/不再为狗所凌辱;也为了使有山、/ 有水、有房屋的地方,也能有人烟。(查良铮译)