信任与儿童发展 ppt课件

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• 因此,我们从儿童对不同信息提供者的信任、儿童恐惧的非习得 性、从依恋关系的角度看儿童信任,最后还探讨了儿童不信任的 顺序从多方面探讨了儿童信任。
1、Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant Testimony 评价并靠近一个陌生的动物:儿童对提供信息者陈词的信任 (徐景)
• 然后,邀请被试抚摸这个“动物”(其实是个放在箱子里的玩 具)。
• Finally, we conducted Experiment 1B to determine whether a comparison group of children trusted each informant at a baseline level, in the absence of competing testimony.
• 最后,做实验1B,探讨一个对照组是否相信每个信息提供者(作 为基线水平),没有矛盾信息。
• we expected participants to endorse the zookeeper’s claims to a greater extent than those of the maternal figure.
一个具有前瞻性的范式,通过积极消息和非焦虑性反应的建模是否可以 降低儿童的恐惧感(杨波)
3、 Young Children’s Trust in Their Mother’s Claims: Longitudinal Links With Attachment Security in Infancy 儿童对于母亲言辞的信任:与在婴儿期的依恋安全型相关的纵向 研究 (耿银凤)
Bቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱCKGROUD
• Sensitivity to Variation in Expertise 对于专业性变化的敏感性 • Valence Effects in Social Cognition 社会认知中的效价效应 • Previous research has examined effects of valence, parental
transmission of information and experimenter transmission of information on children’s animal perceptions. • 先前的研究已经考察了效价效应,父母传递信息和实验人员传递 信息对儿童感知动物的影响。
4、The Development of Distrust 儿童不信任的发展(王丽)
Evaluating and Approaching a Strange Animal: Children’s Trust in Informant
Te s t i m o n y
评价并靠近一个陌生的动物:儿童对提供信息者 陈词的信任
Present Research
• The primary question of interest, addressed in Experiment 1A, was whether children endorsed information from the zookeeper or the maternal figure and whether endorsement was influenced by valence.
• 首先在实验1A中探讨儿童是否支持来自动物园管理员或母亲形象 的人的信息,这种支持是否受(情绪)效价的影响。
• Afterward, participants were invited to pet the “animal” which was a stuffed toy concealed in a crate.
2、Can Rachman’s indirect pathways be used to unlearn fear? A prospective paradigm to test whether children’s fears can be reduced using positive information and modelling a non-anxious response
• 信任是儿童社会性发展过程中的一项重要内容,是指儿童在人际 交往过程中,一方对另一方的能力和道德的确定性而形成的一种 相互依赖感及相应的行为表现。
• 儿童期是智力发展与知识学习的重要时期之一。对信息与信息源 的评估与甄别,以及批判性接受信息的能力,对儿童知识的构建 至关重要。
Child Development( 2014) IF:4.235
报告人:徐景 2015-6-9
• Children display selective trust in others as sources of information about the world.
• 作为了解世界的信息来源,儿童对别人表现出了选择性信任。 • With age, there is increased sensitivity to subtle differences in
informant accuracy. • 随着年龄增长,对提供消息的人的正确性的细微差别变得更敏感。 • children’s perceptions of animals are influenced by experience (Field
& Storksen-Coulson, 2007), observation (e.g., Broeren, Lester, Muris, & Field, 2011), and verbal transmission of information (Field & Lawson, 2003). • 儿童对动物的感知受经验,观察和口头信息传输的影响。