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课 时 教 学 方 案
总第 1 学 习 课 题 Reading--课时 授 类 本节第 2-3 课 型 课时
学 习 目 标
重 重 难 点 及 解 决 策 略

难 点
教学方法 教具准备 教学思路设计

情态动词 had better, should, ought to 的用法 三者都可用来提建议,其中 had better 语气最弱,should, ought to 语气最强。 他们的否定式分别是:had better not, should not, ought not to。 1. had better 意思是“最好”, 表示 。 说话人希望对方做什么,后接动词原形 had better not 则表示说话人希望对方 最好不要做什么。 You’d better not say that. Hadn’t we better take an umbrella? 你最好别说那样的话。 我们最好带一把伞吧? 我们最好带一把伞吧?
had better (I think I should) begin by introducing myself. 我最好(我想我应该)先作一下自我介绍 2. should 用以表示建议或劝告 Children should obey their parents. 儿童应该服从他们的父母。 He should stop smoking. 他应该戒烟。
You shouldn’t leave a baby alone in the house. 你不应该把小孩子一个人留在家中。 They should have called the police. 他们本应该叫警察的。 He should have known that the police would never allow this sort of thing. 他本应知道这样的事情警察是决不允许的。 3. ought to 1) 常用来表示因为有责任、义务,而应该做某事,通常与 should 意 思相近。 The students ought to obey the school rules. 学生们应遵守校规。 Oughtn't we to give him a chance to try? 我们难道不应该给他一个尝试的机会吗?

3) ought to 还可表示猜测,意思是“理应”,“总应该”。 If he started at seven, he ought to be here now.要是他七点钟出发,这会儿总应该到 了。

Exercise 1 on P5 1. You have a bit of fever. You _____________________. 2. You ______________________ if you want to be healthy. 3. If you are sick, you ___________ __________. 4. Before you eat an apple, you _________________________. 5. You don’t look well, you ________________________. 6. You have a bad cough, you _________________________ 7. This medicine will make you sleepy, you ______________________ 8. There is nothing seriously wrong with your knee, but you ____________. Exercise 2 on P6 1. First, you ought to talk to your friend about it before the dinner. 2. But if you don’t want to ask her, then you had better do what she does at the table. 3. Of course, you should try all the food you are offered. 4. However, you shouldn’t be too nervous. After all, you’re her guest and she will try her best to make you feel comfortable. Practice 1. ---- Write to me when you get home. ---- ______. A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can 2. ---- Will you stay for lunch? ---- Sorry, _____. My brother is coming. A. I mustn’t B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I won’t 3. ---- Did you scold him for his carelessness? ---- Yes, but ______. A. I’d rather not to B. I’d rather not have done C. I shouldn’t do D. I’d better not do 4. You didn’t go to the party yesterday, or I ______ you. A. would see B. could see C. might have seen D. might see 5. Look what you have done. You ______ have been careful. A. should B. can C. must D. may 6. The cat ______ hibernate(冬眠) in winter. A. don’t need B. doesn’t need to C. needs not to D. needs not
