



高级综合商务英语1课件unit1Unit 1: The Global EconomyIntroduction:In today's interconnected world, understanding the global economy is essential for businesses to thrive. This unit will cover key concepts related to the global economy, including international trade, economic systems, and exchange rates. By gaining a deeper understanding of these topics, students will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace.Key Concepts:1. International Trade:International trade plays a crucial role in the global economy, enabling countries to exchange goods and services across borders. In this section, students will learn about the benefits of international trade, including increased economic growth, market access, and specialization. They will also explore key trade theories, such as comparative advantage and the theory of absolute advantage.2. Economic Systems:Different countries have different economic systems that dictate how resources are allocated and goods and services are produced and distributed. Students will learn about the four main types of economic systems – capitalism, socialism, communism, and mixed economies – and their key characteristics. They will also examine the impact of globalization on economic systems and the rise of global supply chains.3. Exchange Rates:Exchange rates play a crucial role in international trade, as they determine the value of one currency relative to another. In this section, students will learn about the factors that influence exchange rates, including interest rates, inflation, and political stability. They will also explore the mechanics of foreign exchange markets and how exchange rates are quoted and calculated.Case Studies:To enhance their understanding of the global economy, students will analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the concepts covered in this unit. These case studies will include examples of successful international companies that have leveraged international trade to expand their business, as well as examples of countries that have experienced economic crisesdue to mismanagement of their economic systems and exchange rate policies.Conclusion:By mastering the concepts covered in this unit, students will be better prepared to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the global economy. Whether they are pursuing a career in international business, finance, or trade, a solid understanding of the global economy will be a valuable asset in today's competitive marketplace.。

_高级综合商务英语1_参考答案-Unit 1-副本

_高级综合商务英语1_参考答案-Unit 1-副本

Unit 1 GlobalizationLead-in1. Quiz1) B 2) C 3) D 4) A 5) A2. A Mini CaseSuggested answers:●As Zara continues to expand, it might have to open other distribution centers onother continents. Language, culture, and work relations may vary significantly from the closely-managed operation currently in place in Spain. The company may run into more specific challenges in accommodating customers‘requirements due to a lack of cultural sensitivity. Zara‘s expansion globally may pose the challenge of moving from a more centralized management style to a more global style.●Lorena needs to ensure that she has a truly international team in place withmembers from both multilingual and multicultural background; draw up a plan on how global logistics will support global expansion; start a succession plan and train new logistics managers who could be ready to take on overseas responsibilities; and encourage store managers to include suggestions on cultural specifics which may help in making the final product and brand expansion successful.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1.Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T fortrue, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) T 2) F 3) T 4) F 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) F 9) T 10) NG2.Essay Questions1)The modern multinational companies have had passed through three phases. Firstcame the 19th-century ―international model‖, with firms based in their home country and selling goods through overseas sales offices. This was followed by the classic multinational firm in which the parent company created smaller versions of itself in countries around the world. And now it has been replaced by a single integrated global entity in which the firm will move people and jobs anywhere in the world, based on the right cost, the right skills and the right business environment.2)The big attractions from emerging markets are low-cost labor, highly skilledpersonnel, and a chance to cooperate with the government as a potential customer.3)They are lacking the management talents who can practice and support businessoperating models that will allow them to generate profitable growth in more mature markets over the long term.4)The single biggest challenge facing Western multinationals is the lack ofemerging-market experience in their senior ranks. Moreover, multinationals have great trouble retaining the managers they do have in emerging markets.―Well-trained, good, honest people are scarce in emerging markets. Multinationals are better at training these people than emerging-market companies, which prefer to poach them once they are trained.‖II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) cutting-edge 2) commoditized 3) aggressive 4) forge 5) benchmark 6) blueprint 7) expatriates 8) deploy 9) ferocious 10) substantial III.Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) ―In the 97 years of the company‘s history, never had a particular kind of product or merchandise been managed outside the U.S.,‖he says excitedly, noting that ―Latin America now reports to Shanghai.‖2) But the assault on its services business led by a trio of Indian outsourcing upstarts, Tata Consulting Services, Infosys and Wipro, posed a big threat to the field that might be the main sources of growth for the company as expected by Mr. Palmisano.3) In many emerging markets the most attractive potential customer is the government, because of the government‘s urgent needs to improve the infrastructure facilities in a wide range, from the mobile telephone networks to roads, airports and ports, energy and water supply.4) A 2007 study of China‘s top 200 publicly traded companies found that it is still difficult even for the leading companies in China to compete with those global giants.5) American multinationals now have a ―ferocious interest in attracting non-Americans to the board‖, but they can find only a few qualified executives from the European countries, not to mention those from emerging markets.2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Because of the fact that hot labor markets in emerging markets are causing extremely high turnover rates, every big multinational is aiming to win the ―war for talent‖ and taking it as one of the most urgent issues.2) It is believed that as a big multinational company it enjoys advantages in recruiting and retaining talented managers than the local competitors.3) Despite the growth of their revenue which increased on the back of China‘s continued economic growth, they could only create half of the value of their global competitors.4) No longer the ―young bucks or retirement-posing types‖as they used to be,nowadays the expatriate managers appointed by multinationals to work in emerging markets are generally of a much higher quality.5) Compared with those old multinationals, the firms in emerging markets are typically lacking the depth of management talent, though the founders are often impressive.IV.Translation1.Sentence Translation1) 这一雄心勃勃的策略是对来自新兴市场的激烈竞争做出的回应。

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 10《Career Planning》ppt课件1

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 10《Career Planning》ppt课件1

and so on
They are interested in art,music,dance and so on . 他们对艺术、音乐、舞蹈等感兴趣。
show up show-showed-showed/shown
Eg:She must have gone out early ,for she had not shown up for breakfast .
V. 有差异,会变化
People vary much in their ideas . 人们在想法上差异很大。 That sort of thing varies from person to person . 那种事情因人而异。
这种差别可以用这样的事实解释:个子大 的人的皮肤与其体重相比较要比个子小的 的人少一些。 This different might be explained by the fact [that big people have less skin compared to weight than do small people.] 句中由that引导的从句,说明前面名词fact 的内容,是同位语从句。
① 停留 与stay同义,可以换用 ② 作连系动词, “继续保持,仍然处于某种 状态” Eg:Please remain here till I return . 请呆到我回来。 If you don’t eat you’ll just have to remain hungry .
2. highly 主要表示很高的程度,除修饰动词(如 speak, praise, think of等)外,还通常用于修饰分 词或形容词(尤其是那些由动词派生而来的形容词, 有时相当于 very 或 much)。如: He speaks very highly of you. 他十分赞赏你。 It’s a highly amusing film. 那是部很有趣的电影。 The people were highly pleased. 人们都很高兴。 His report is highly scientific. 他的报告是很科学 的。 She is a highly educated woman. 她是受过高等 教育的女人。

bec高级Unit 1 a

bec高级Unit 1 a

Suggested answer:
According to the manager's brief, about half of the employee's time should be spent taking personal responsibility for meeting objectives (yellow). However, the employee feels that this is not the case. Blue work is double the amount envisaged in the brief. As can be seen from the grey, white and pink segments, the employee also perceives himself to be involved in certain activities outside the job brief. Moreover, the incidental grey work which the employee is asked to do in addition to his job may be detracting from the core yellow work.
Teaching Contents
Background Information Vocabulary preparation Speaking: Describing work roles Detailed study of Reading 1 Listening Language: present simple and present continuous Detailed study of Reading 2 Extra Vocabulary Assignment


2.Do you care about the changes of the weather?
3.How important is the weather in
Read all the words
Step3 Do the exercises about pronunciation
3. favor _________ (形容词)
4. concentrate ____________(名词)
5. resist _________ (名词)
6. adapt ___________ (名词) Step5 Homework
Preview the text
Remember the new words : climate undergo adapt burn resist light region
高教版中职英语(拓展模块)uint 10《career planning》(第1课时)word教案 unit10第一课时 step1 warming up answering the following questions and say something about the local climate. 1.what is the climate like in your city or town? 2.do you care about the changes of the weather? 3.how important is the weather in people's life? step2 new words read all the words step3 do the exercises about pronunciation climate adapt burn region compare agriculture storm block heat humid frozen interrupt step4 word formation 1. agriculture ____________ (形容词) 2. possible _________ (反义词) 3. favor _________ (形容词) 4. concentrate ____________(名词) 5. resist _________ (名词) 6. adapt ___________ (名词) step5 homework preview the text remember the new words : climate undergo adapt burn resist light region compare significant agriculture crop storm interrupt impossible frozen block humid heat confine favorable adjust

《新理念职业英语 商务英语》教学课件 Unit 10 Career Planning

《新理念职业英语 商务英语》教学课件 Unit 10 Career Planning
新理念职业英语 商务 英 语
Unit 10 Career Planning
Reading A
Listening & Speaking
Reading B
Vocabulary & Structure
Unit 10 Career Planning
3 Stage 1: Self Understanding
• Know yourself: preferably through an objective psychometric test, what are your current and potential abilities, personal interests and behavioral tendencies.
• Find out specifically whether the “significant others”(e.g. your classmates, professors, summer-job coworkers, friends, family members, etc.) agree or disagree with your own self-perception of your abilities, preferences and characteristics and to what extent.
Task 3 The following are factors worth considering in career planning. Discuss with your partner, then put these factors in order according to its importance and explain why. A. Teamwork spirit B. Confidence C. Educational background D. Interest E. Personality F. Values and goals G. Professional skills H. Gender ①___ ②___ ③___ ④___ ⑤___ ⑥___ ⑦___ ⑧___




































E时代高职英语——综合教程(3) 第一单元

E时代高职英语——综合教程(3) 第一单元

Having so many choices can seem overwhelming ( 压倒性的). That is where a map comes in handy.
Unit 1 Career Planning
Watch the video again and fill in the blanks.
options that _s_u_p__p_o__r_t_s multiple areas of interest. If you have no idea where you are _h_e__a_d__e_d__, you can benefit by observing the landscape. Making
high school education that directly supports your personal and career goals.
If you have some_i_d_e__a_s___ about what you want to do, but don’t know for sure, you may choose a
Unit 1 Career Planning
Go! — The Vehicle
Your __o_w__n_____ personal voyage is unique to you. Every student has a unique destination and a _u__n_i_q_u__e__ way of getting there. It’s time to step into your future.
more fluid way to navigate. You can make several stops along the way. Trying new things to


• What they fear is that environment policy will be sidelined until it is too late.
Part I Words and Expressions
emaciated (line. 2, para.2) adj. extremely thin and weak because of illness or
lack of food 骨瘦如柴的
• ...horrific television pictures of emaciated prisoners. • The animals had lost weight noticeably, becoming lean,
almost emaciated.
Part I Questions about Part I
Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement?
This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.
downs before returning to Apple in 1997.



《高级综合商务英语1》参考答案参考答案-高级综合商务英语1IntroductionIn this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the answers for the course "Advanced Integrated Business English 1". This course focuses on various aspects of business language and communication skills, covering topics such as effective presentations, negotiation tactics, and intercultural business communication. By understanding the correct answers to these questions, students will have a solid foundation in advanced business English.Section 1: Effective Presentations1. What are the key elements of a successful business presentation?- Clear and concise introduction- Well-structured content- Engaging visuals- Effective use of language- Confident body language- Convincing conclusion2. How can you grab the audience's attention at the beginning of a presentation?- Start with a captivating story or anecdote related to the topic- Pose a thought-provoking question- Use shocking statistics or facts- Begin with a relevant quote or proverb3. What strategies can be utilized to maintain audience engagement during a presentation?- Incorporate interactive elements, such as mini quizzes or group discussions- Use visuals and multimedia to illustrate key points- Include personal anecdotes or examples to make the content relatable- Ask rhetorical questions to stimulate audience thinkingSection 2: Negotiation Tactics1. What is the importance of preparation in negotiation?Preparation plays a crucial role in negotiation as it allows individuals to:- Identify their objectives and priorities- Understand the other party's interests and needs- Research and gather relevant information- Develop a strategy and anticipate potential counterarguments2. What are some effective negotiation tactics?- Active listening to understand the other party's perspective- Building rapport and maintaining a positive relationship- Clearly articulating one's interests and needs- Offering and negotiating concessions- Utilizing persuasive language and supporting arguments with evidence3. How can cultural differences impact negotiation strategies?Cultural differences can influence negotiation strategies in several ways:- Communication styles: Direct or indirect communication norms- Decision-making processes: Consensus-based or individual-based decision-making- Power dynamics: Hierarchical or egalitarian power structures- Time orientation: Short-term or long-term focusSection 3: Intercultural Business Communication1. What are the challenges of intercultural business communication?- Language barriers: Differences in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar- Nonverbal cues: Varied interpretations of body language and gestures- Cultural norms: Different expectations regarding greetings, formality, and directness- Contextual understanding: Potential misunderstandings due to diverse backgrounds and experiences2. How can intercultural communication be improved in a business setting?- Develop cultural sensitivity and awareness through training and research- Adapt communication styles based on the cultural context- Clarify and confirm understanding through active listening and paraphrasing- Seek feedback and ask questions to bridge potential gaps in understanding3. What role does technology play in intercultural business communication?Technology enables:- Instantaneous communication across different time zones- Remote collaboration through video conferences and virtual meetings- Language translation tools for written and spoken communication- Access to global markets through e-commerce platformsConclusionThis article provided a comprehensive overview of the answers for the course "Advanced Integrated Business English 1". By understanding the key elements of effective presentations, negotiation tactics, and intercultural business communication, students will be equipped with the necessary skills to excel in the dynamic world of business. Mastering these concepts andstrategies will lead to improved professional communication and increased success in international business endeavors.。

新高教版中职英语拓展模块uint 10《career planning》第5课时优秀教案(重点资料).doc

新高教版中职英语拓展模块uint 10《career planning》第5课时优秀教案(重点资料).doc

Unit10 第五课时Step1 RevisionReview the new words and phrases learnt in the text “Climate and People’s Life”Step2: Grammar:1. 方式状语从句表示动作的方式,常见的引导方式状语从句的关联词有:as (),as if/ as though ( ), the way ( )等。

I have changed it as you suggested.He paused as if /as though he found a difficulty.如果方式状语从句所表示的不是真实情况,则用虚拟语气。

He loves me as if I were his son.The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man.The injured man acted as if nothing had happened to him.2. 比较状语从句引导比较状语从句的从属连词有:as……as ….. ( ) not as/so……as……( ), than ( )等。


(1)as……as…..和not as/so……as……用于同级比较,句中使用形容词或副词的原级。

This ruler is as long as that one. This ruler is not as/so long as that one.Mary dances as well as Kate. Mary doesn’t dance as/so well as Kate.(2) than 用于不同级比较,句中使用形容词或副词的比较级, 在比较级前可以加表示程度的状语。

如:much, far, a lot, even, still, a little, a bit, slightly 等。


Some employment opportunities require applicants to take exams, often including personality tests. This places the personality as a key determinant of whether a person does or does not get a position. If someone is rejected for a position because of a personality mismatch, it becomes more likely that the next occupational choice will lean toward a different field.
Lead-in Discussion
Study the following personality models and then discuss with your partner about your personalities and the types of jobs you each may fit.
Lead-in Hints
Success isn’t always about matching a job to a personality; it can also result from the personality opening up more opportunities in the work force -- often through effective networking. Extroverts tend to have a much larger network than introverts, affecting the number of external connections they have to the work force. This will place them at a distinct advantage if it means they wind up with more occupational choices.
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Mechanic, Farmer, Assembly-Line Worker
Biologist, Economist, Mathematician
Social Worker, Teacher, Counselor
Accountant, Manager Bank Teller
Ambitious, Energetic
பைடு நூலகம்
Lead-in Discussion
Study the following personality models and then discuss with your partner about your personalities and the types of jobs you each may fit.
Lawyer, Salesperson
Prentice Hall, 2001
Imaginative, Idealistic
Chapter 8
Painter, Writer, Musician
Lead-in Hints
1. How does personality affect career?
Unit 10
Career Planning
1. Lead-in 2. Text A: How to Change the World 3. Text B: How Will You Measure Your Life?
Lead-in Discussion
1. How do you think is one’s personality related to his career?
2. What traits should a person have to be a successful business man?
3. What is your ideal career? And what preparations have you made for it?
Lead-in Discussion
Some employment opportunities require applicants to take exams, often including personality tests. This places the personality as a key determinant of whether a person does or does not get a position. If someone is rejected for a position because of a personality mismatch, it becomes more likely that the next occupational choice will lean toward a different field.
Lead-in Hints
Success isn’t always about matching a job to a personality; it can also result from the personality opening up more opportunities in the work force -- often through effective networking. Extroverts tend to have a much larger network than introverts, affecting the number of external connections they have to the work force. This will place them at a distinct advantage if it means they wind up with more occupational choices.
Lead-in Hints
A person with a personality not suited to the job will perform far worse than a well-suited person. Put an introvert in a job that requires constant communication, and you might be looking at someone that performs poorly on a day-to-day basis. Other fields, such as creative and design fields, need to be occupied by people with an aptitude for inventiveness. Mismatches can produce poor job performance and ultimately lead to alternative career choices.
The “Big-Five” Personality Model
Extroversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability
Prentice Hall, 2001
Chapter 8
Holland’s Personality-Job Fit Theory
Discuss with your partner what personalities or skills are needed for each of the following jobs?
• Educator • Sales people • PR • HR • Politician • Artists
Realistic Investigative
Social Conventional
Shy, Stable, Practical Analytical, Independent Sociable, Cooperative
Practical, Efficient