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Unit 1

Modern philosophers do not say much about friendship, but ancient philosophers thought it was essential to ethics(伦理学、道德学) and the good life. They also did not think men and women could have 1 , with which most people might 2 today. For Aristotle, friendship was a necessary part of a healthy, well 3 life, the good life. Ken points out that we owe something 4 our friends; what happens if the obligations 5 with one's morality? There is clearly a philosophical concern 6 friendship. John asks why

living a life by yourself is not simply sufficient, why are friends 7 ? For Martha Nussbaum, friendship is about 8 the things we care about. She says that one can understand the things one cares about 9 when that person shares it with others, where we can help someone for his/her own 10 .

All this sharing is nice, but Ken asks about friends we keep, with 11 we have large 12 over politics or

religion for instance. Clearly there is a difference here. Martha notes that there are different 13 for friendships, some are for pleasure, shared business, or deeper goals, things that make your life 14 .

There is also a moral significance behind friendship 15 what you owe your friends or they 16 you. For Martha, the most important factor is giving time to another person. The American legal system also regards the secrets shared in a relationship like a marriage as 17 for friendship. There

is also a 18 of empathy(同感,共鸣) and sympathy for friends.

Is friendship a genetic 19 ? Ken believes we are coalition-forming(组合,结合) creatures, and that humans morally flourish by 20 another as a mirror, who also has concern for you.

1. A) friendship B) love C) children D) morality

2. A) disapprove B) discuss C) disallow D) disagree

3. A) functioned B) functioning C) functions D) function

4. A) with B) for C) on D) to

5. A) conflict B) fight C) oppose D) compete

6. A) under B) beyond C) behind D) outside

7. A) called B) claimed C) demanded D) needed

8. A) sharing B) allotting C) dividing D) possessing

9. A) more B) forever C) worse D) better

10. A) account B) sake C) favour D) interest

11. A) that B) which C) whom D) them

12. A) disagreements B) arguments C) misunderstandings

D) conflicts

13. A) bottoms B) bases C) roots D) stands

14. A) hopeful B) dependent C) meaningful D)


15. A) viewing B) including C) regarding D)


16. A) owe B) lend C) debt D) help

17. A) serious B) urgent C) crucial D) fateful

18. A) place B) role C) point D) part

19. A) trait B) code C) leftover D) material

20. A) depending B) trusting C) holding D) having


1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. C


D 8. A 9. D 10. B

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. B 20.


Unit 2

eenagers in love have a higher risk for depression, alcohol problems and delinquency than those who do not get romantically involved. And 1 girls, especially younger ones, are at

a(n) 2 higher risk for depression than boys.

The greater 3 of teen girls to romances might explain, 4 , 5 females begin 6 higher rates of depression

in adolescence than males. The analysis of almost 8,200 teens

is the first nationally representative study to 7 the impact of romantic relationships 8 adolescent
