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在学习英语的过程中,我们会发现许多英语句子的语序和汉语一致。主语在前,谓语在后,既“主语+谓语” 的顺序排列这种语序英语中称为自然语序(Natural Order),谓语在前,主语在后,叫倒装语序。倒装语序又分为两种: 整个谓语在前,叫完全倒装; 部分谓语(情态动词、助动词、连系动词)在前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之后,叫部分倒装。

全部倒装(Full Inversion ):即句中整个谓语都在主语之前。


1. Here comes the bus. (公共汽车就要到了、即The bus is coming here.)

2. Away went SARS. (SARS走了。即SARS went away.)


here(这儿)-there(那儿);now(现在)-then(那时); up(上)-down(下);in(里)-out(外); nearby(附近)-away(远);before(前)-back(后); left(左)-right(右).


come(来)-go(去); rush(冲); live(住); lie(位于); sit(坐)-stand(站)………. (二)做状语的方位词语放句首,后加不及物动词(常是be, stand, sit, lie等动词的句子里),再加名词。

1. Off the southwest of Africa lies the Cape of Good Hope. (好望角在非洲西南海域.).

2. Soon they arrived at a hotel, in front of which sat a beggar.(不久他们到达了宾馆,在宾馆前面坐着一位乞丐.)

这类方位词语为: in front of(在前面)-at the back of(在后面); at the top of(在上面) at the bottom of(在下面); in the middle of(在中间);at the foot of(在脚下)………..


(三)固定句型there be,后加名词,名词单复数决定be动词的单复形式。

1.There is a book and three pens on the desk. (课桌上有一本书和三只钢笔).

2. There are six chairs and a round table in the dining, room.(餐厅里有六把椅子和一张圆桌.)

(四) 在直接引语全部或部分置于句首的句子里,引述动词(常为及物动词)和它的主语(名词)往往要倒装。

1. “I will always do a nything I can for you to make sure of your happiness.” Promised Sydney Carton. (悉尼·卡尔顿许诺:“为了确保你生活幸福,我愿意永远为你做一切可能做的事”、)


如:‘Why didn't you join us?" Our monitor asked me.


1. Lying on the floor was a boy infected with SARS. (躺在地上是一个感染了SARS的男孩。)

2Shown together with these products were models of cars and bikes.(和这此产品一道展出的还有汽车和自行车的模型。)

(六)在下列祝愿语中Long live sb./sth.(…万岁!)

1.Lon g live the people’s R epublic of China.(中华人民共和国万岁!)


二、部分倒装(Partial Inversion ):即句中谓语的一部分在主语之前,这一部分是指情态动词.助动词或系动词be部分倒装分类如下:


1. Could you spare me a few minutes? (我可以占用你几分钟吗?

2. Can not you know SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome?(难道你不知道SARS代表severe acute respiratory syndrome?)



1.Only yesterday did he know he was wrong.

2.Only here can you learn English well.(只有在这儿,你才能把英语学好.


1.Only by speaking English aloud can you improve your spoken English.(只有通过大声朗读英语,你才能提高口语.

2.Only through sheer luck did the boy get a full mark. (只纯属走运,那男生得了满分.


1.Only until she received a letter of acceptance from college could the girl be happy.(只有那女孩接到了大学录取通知书时,她才能高兴.

2. Only when you need my help will you come up to me.(只有当你需要我时,你才会想到我的.
