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Symbolic Meanings
• Young GoБайду номын сангаасdman Brown 1. Young young, pure and simple Brown 2.Brown gloomy and dark forest which is outside the village.
• Faith is Brown`s wife, and the word “faith” in English means something people stick to for all. Brown also stick to his faith firmly. In this novel, no matter in the dream or in reality, the presence of Faith is a great shock of Brown because he always believes that the God is up above, faith is down below, and he is sure to resist evil. He hovers in the forest and wants to go back to Faith because he loves his wife and he also wants to find his faith to others and God again. And when he finds that his wife is also in the forest, he thinks his faith has gone. This “faith” can be his wife as well as his faith towards others and God.
• 霍桑的文学艺术才能使出众的。他的作品结 构和形式都是经过精心设计的。他特别注重人 物的心理描写,对人物复杂的心理写得深入细 致。 • 在《好小伙子布朗》中,对布朗的心理世界 刻画的惟妙惟肖,例如他说:“ There is no good on earth; and sin is but a name, come ,devil ,for to thee is this world given.” • 后 的 一 段 描 写 : “ And maddened with despair , so that he laughed loud and long, did Goodman Brown grasp his staff and set forth again, at such a rate, that he seemed to fly along the forest-path, rather than to walk or run.”有思想 才有行动,才有故事,才有人物间的相互关系。
• the Puritanism has a great influence over American at that time, even it has a great power on the state power. puritan is very popular in that religious area.
• Most of the affairs in the novel happen in the night. In literary, the night is always connected with some negative emotions, such as evil, corruption, temptation and the hell. At first we are not clear about the purpose of Brown`s journey, and till the appearance of the elder person and the sight of his evil ancestors and Christians, we find it a journey of evilness of human nature.
• 在这部作品中,布朗和菲斯的爱情故事的解释最终带有 宗教元素,体现了人类在神面前对所犯的罪恶的无助。 • 作品中这样描写布朗的无助: • the cry of grief ,rage , and terror, was yet piercing the night, when the un-happy husband held his breath for a response. There was a scream, drowned immediately in a louder murmur of voices, fading into far-off laughter, as the dark cloud swept away, leaving the clear and silent sky above Good-man Brown. • 这种思想在一定程度上表现出清教思想在道德、情感和 心理对大众的作用,尤其是对书中主要人物的作用,并揭 示了社会与个人的紧张矛盾。
Pink Silk Ribbon
• The pink silk ribbon is talked about five times. Pink is the color between red and white. Red always means perversions and white always means pure and innocent. Therefore, some critics think that pink is not perversions and not pure, but a pure condition which is tarnished.
Original sign
• Original sig(1)出生以来,每个人都有罪的痕 迹,人就有动机上的扭曲的心(心术不正), 很容易犯任何动机上的罪;(2)这内在的罪 性乃是一切实际上犯罪的根源;(3)这是用 一种神秘的方法,由亚当传递给我们的,他是 我们在神面前头一个代表。 • 原罪的说法就是:我们不是因为犯了罪才成为 罪人,乃是因为我们是罪人,所以才犯罪,人 生来就有受罪奴役的性情。 • n
• 在《好小伙子布朗》这篇小说中,作者塑 造的各种形象是充满寓意的,霍桑通过象 征主义写作手法,将人性的伪善以及阴暗 面刻画得入木三分,从而很好地表达出其 小说创作所重复表达的原罪主题,体现了 他的清教徒思想。在作者当时所处的资本 主义迅速发展的大背景下,霍桑对现实中 的种种矛盾和变化感到迷惑和无能为力, 只能将思索反映到小说中布朗的思想斗争 上。