


I Songs and games

1.Greeting :

T: hello everyone. I am Betty. Can you say hello Betty.

S: Hello Betty.

T: How are you today?

S: I am happy.’

T: what is the weather like today?

S: It is a sunny day.

T: Which color do you like?

S : I like green.


T: Everyone look, I will draw something for you. Guess! What is this? (偷偷的画一个东西让他们猜是什么,有点神秘感!)

T: Yes, you are right. It is a hen. Look! What is the hen doing? The hen is brooding eggs.

T: ok. Today if you are good, you can get my eggs. If you can get five eggs, you can get one dollar. So everybody come on.

3.Classroom rules:

T: Do you know how to get my eggs?

T: Can you speak Chinese in our classroom? No. So, class rules 1: English only.

T: Can you shake the chair like this? No. class rules 2: sit well.

T: Can you speak like this? No. I can’t hear you. So you speak loudly. 3. Speak loudly.

4.Sing a song:

T: Are you happy now?

S: Yes, I am happy.

T: Do you want to sing a song?

S: yes.

T: ok, everybody stand up. Let us sing

5.Roll call:

T: Just now, I think you did a great job. So each other can get one egg.

T : ok , now I will call your name one by one.

T : look! Who is she? Can you spell your name? ok , choose which one is your name! II Review and Games

Part 1: Shapes

a.Review (PPT)

T: look! What is the shape?

S: It is a circle.

T: How many sides and corners does the circle have?

S: The circle has no sides and no corners.



T: Just now I think you did a great job. You know all of the shapes. So this time, let us play a game.

T: Guess! Do you know what this is? Yes, you are right. This is a plate. Can you guess how to play with it? There are so many shapes. I will divide you into two groups. And two groups PK. The kid holds the plate, and the parents use the straw to absorb the paper shapes. Before the parent absorbs the shapes, the kids should say the name of the shapes, the sides and the corners. Everybody understand? And Betty and Mandy will demo first.


Part 2: Musical instruments

a. Review flash cards

T: This time, let us review the musical instruments.

T: When I show you the cards, you should tell me what the musical instrument is.


T: Look, there are so many cards on the floor. Do you know what are they? I am so Sorry. I don’t know. Can you help me? This time, when I click the radio, you should listen to the sounds. If you know, what the musical instruments are. You should tell your mommy or daddy quickly. I will give your numbers. If I call your number, you should answer my questions. This time is also two groups PK. So everybody you should come on.


Part 3: Pattern

a.Review & Game

T : everybody look the board. Do you know what it is? Daddy and mommy, have you seen the program running man? Yes! You are right. I know, you know what are they? T: Now this time, let us play a game with the thing.

T: ok! first, Betty and Mandy will demo first!

T : first, the kid should crawling on the floor from here to there. And then daddy or mommy you should take off your shoes and jump with the rope on this one. You should remember you jump five times. At last, the kid goes the board and answers my question. You should do it as quickly as you can, because you are in the same team. I will count the time for you. The on which group is quickly, you are the winner. You can get my present. So everybody you should come on.


III. sing a song

T : everybody , are you happy?

T : yes , I am happy.

At last, let us dance together. Daddy , mommy and kids stand up, let us dance together.



幼儿英语水果公开课教案 【活动目标】 1、培养幼儿对于英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动。 2、在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称。 3、鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。 【活动准备】 盒子和不透明小袋子一个,苹果、梨、橘子、香蕉的实物及图片各若干,一幅画有一棵大树的画,刀、碟子、餐纸,多媒体课件。 【活动过程】 1、热身运动。 Firstletusreviewthesong《eyesearsmouthandnose》 Eyesearsmouthandnose, Mouthandnose,mouthandnose, Eyesearsmouthandnose, It’smybody. 教师与幼儿边唱边做动作,以达到课前的热身准备。 2、学习水果单词。 (1)apple。 教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到幼儿面前,激发幼儿探索的欲望. T:Look!What’sthis? C:盒子

T:Yes.Abox T:What’sinthebox?Doyouknow? T:Ok,doyouwanttoknow?(引导幼儿说出Yes或No) Dingdingdong(敲盒子) T:Whowanttotry?(作举手状,并引导幼儿说出Letmetry) 当幼儿拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的),What’sthis? C:苹果 T:Yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复 读).readafterme,apple.(幼儿跟读) (2)pear 教师用已切好的雪梨给幼儿尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。 教师:Hum!(作吃的动作)It’swonderful! 然后分给幼儿吃:Eatit! 接着问幼儿:What’sthis?(梨) 教师:Yes,pear!readafterme,pear.(幼儿跟读) (3)orange 教师用餐巾纸把橘子包起来,然后示范闻一闻,再拿到幼儿面前给他们也闻一闻,并让他们猜猜是什么东西。 T:Hmm!(作闻的动作)Thesmellisgood. 然后拿到幼儿面前:Smellit! 接着问幼儿:What’sthis? C:橘子 T:Yes.Orange(教师也要用抑扬顿挫的声调反复读,让幼儿跟读)。


《新派英语启蒙册》(A)第一单元第一次(presentation)课参考教案 项目ITEMS 内容 CONTENTS 备注 NOTES 1)课时45′× 2 2)教学对象5—7岁无英语基础幼儿或低年级小学生 3)教学目标 1.To identify people in the classroom. 2.To greet and take leave. 3.To identify classroom objects. 4.To lead to the students’ interest. 5 To identify the colors red and yellow. 4)教学重点 1.To introduce oneself and great each other. 2.To talk about classroom objects. 3.To understand the teacher’s TPR. 5)教学难点及突破方法1.To control the class. 课前沟通,课上增强趣味,课后反馈. 2.The pronunciation of name, crayon, paper, scissors, yellow 注意纠音和方法得趣味性.例如:/m/ close your mouth. 3.To understand “What’s this?” Show me a chair, point and say. What’s this (in English)? 6)板书设计Welcome to join us ! Play our play 7)教具准备单词卡.学生名卡.与本课有关的实物教具. 8)课后作业 1.画一副学习英语的情景图画,并在画中给爸爸妈妈指出你学过的单词. 2.试着记住老师或同学的名字,下次上课主动向他们打招呼. 9)教学流程课前:1.提前拿到学生名单,开课前给每位学生打开班电话. 2.提前10分钟进教室和学生、家长进一步沟通. 课中:3.发表简短演讲(自我介绍,课程介绍等) 4.Warm up.(Say Hello and call teacher’s name) 5.由老师的英文名字引出小朋友们的英文名字. a.用手偶让学生理解What’s your name? My name is…. b.给每位小朋友发名卡,边发边教他们念自己英文名字. c.用手偶问小朋友,鼓励小朋友回答. 6.导入新单词. a.拿出teacher,boy,girl的卡片让学生边看边听老师读.每个词读 三遍. b.指着自己,男孩,女孩让学生绕有兴趣的跟读. c.老师拿出卡片问学生:teacher? teacher?鼓励学生回答Yes or No.老师依次拿出卡片和学生进行有节奏的问答. d.提示学生在第二节课还会学习更加有趣的单词. 课间休息. 7.Warm up: Match & Walk


大班英语公开课教案《Food》幼儿园大班英语教案:food Lesson 1 food (两个课时) 活动目标: 1、学习单词 chocolate , ice cream, eggs ,pizza , milk , vegetable , bread,dumpling , shrimp , peanut butter , potato chip. (选择性) 2、复习已学食物单词。 活动准备:食物图片(由学生现场画)。录音机一台,磁带一盒。 活动过程: 1、请幼儿把自己最喜欢吃的食物画出来,画得又快又好的同学作品展出,并导入课题。 2、引导学生学习单词。 (1)出示学生画的食物的图片,教师示范读音,幼儿跟读。 (2)教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。 (3)教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。 3、游戏超市 请几个幼儿扮收银员,其他幼儿扮顾客到超市购买食品,幼儿先看一看,挑选自己喜欢的事物,然后,到收银员那儿结账,必须连说三遍食物名称,收银员也连说三遍。

等幼儿全都买到食品后,教师再让幼儿说说购买食品名称。 Lesson 1 food 活动目标: 1、学习单词 chocolate ,vegetable , bread, hot-dog, noodles. 2、初步理解Do you like;;;;的含义,会做出肯定 或否定回答。 3、学习用部分单词作句型替换练习。 活动准备:食物图片。录音机一台,磁带一盒。 活动过程: 1、谈话导入:请幼儿说说自己喜欢吃什么食物。 2、出示图片:教师范读,幼儿跟读。教师出示图片,幼儿认读。教师纠音。教师读出单词,幼儿找出图片。 3、学习句型和对话: (1)教师讲解句型,示范读音,幼儿跟读。 (2)播放录音磁带,幼儿模仿跟读。 4、引导学生进行句型替换练习。任意出示一张食物图片,请幼儿说出句型。 5、游戏:yes or no. 把学生分成三组,根据教师出示的食物图片,一组幼儿问:Do you like;;;;喜欢吃的幼儿站到yes 的那一边,大声说: yes , I do.

幼儿英语优质课 教案

小一班英语公开课:I can walk. 活动目标: 1、初步学习儿歌:“I can walk ”。 2、能跟着老师大声地念儿歌并能跟着老师表演儿歌。 3、通过表演和演示教具相结合的方式,让幼儿初步感受动物与动词间的对应关系。 活动准备: 1、小鸟,小兔,小狗,大灰狼的头饰各一个,大青虫,骨头,胡萝卜各五份。 2、设有小鸟,小兔,小狗的家。 3、音乐,鸟叫,狗叫,黑板。 活动过程: 1、通过歌曲I am a cat营造英语氛围。 T: Good morning, guys. S: Good morning. T: A nice song, yes? Now let’s enjoy the song and sing with the CD. 2、通过情景表演,让幼儿初步感受句型“I can”, 初步学习儿歌“I can”。 ——引入情景表演。复习句型“Who is it?”“It’s me。” T:Ok, nice doing. I love you! C :I love you too! (1),学习I can fly T:Today,Some animals will come。But,Who are they?(做想状)Hear!(做听状)——老师带上鸟头饰躲在黑板后面做敲门动作。 T:音乐鸟叫声。 C:Who is it?Who is it? T:It’s me。It’s me。 ——老师说完从黑板后面飞出,边飞边说:“fly, fly, I can fly”。在幼儿面前走上一圈之后和幼儿打招呼。 T:Hello,Boys and girls。 C:Hello。 T:Nice to meet you! C:Nice to meet you too! T:Yes,I’m a bird。I can fly!(边说边做飞状) T:Now,Boys and girls,Let’s like a bird,Ok? C:OK! T:邀请数名幼儿一起做小鸟状,鼓励幼儿跟读。Oh,you, you, you, Stand up please!Let’s line up and follow me。When you walk,you should say:“fly, fly, I can fly”。Louder, please!


少儿英语动物教学教案 【篇一:幼儿英语教学教案--讲动物】 公开课教案 教学目的:学生了解上课常用指令的含义;掌握4种动物的英文叫法; 教学准备:hello song视频;教学ppt;图片,单词卡片,毛绒玩具,笑脸贴。 教学原理:通过教师的动作示范,展示课堂常用指令;使学生对指 令产生条件反射,自然掌握指令的含义。 采用趣味教学法,播放动物声音,展示动物图片,请学生触摸动物 毛绒玩具,动物图画。在听觉、视觉、触觉上刺激学生对动物的感知。在感知的同时教学生读出动物的英文名称,使学生能够将动物 和英文名称建立直接联系。 通过2个小游戏,巩固学生对英文名称的记忆。 运用指读的方法,使学生了解动物的英文单词。 应用指读、逐一分解的自然拼读法,教授单词发音。 【篇二:幼儿英语教学游戏教案】 英语教学游戏(一) 1、开火车:小朋友每人戴一个动物头饰,教师充当火车头,开到一 名小朋友面前,提问:“what are you?”,小朋友用句型“i’m a ?”回答。然后老师说“hello, ?”,请该小朋友上火车,两人开火车。又开 到一名小朋友面前,提问:“what are you?”,小朋友用句型“i’m a ?”回答,火车上的老师和小朋友一起说:“hello, ?”请该小朋友上 火车,三人继续开火车。游戏反复进行,直至全体小朋 友都上火车为止。可以开着火车到户外进行游戏。 2、猎人与动物:老师扮演猎人,小朋友们扮演各种小动物。播放 一段轻快的音乐,小动物们随音乐模仿自己所扮演的动物做动作。 当音乐停止时,小动物们要保持音乐停止前的最后一个动作不能动。“猎人”走到各个小动物面前,提问:“what are you?”,小朋友用句 型“i’m a ?”回答,回答正确可以坐下,若回答错误则被“猎人” 捉走。游戏可以反复进行。 3、超级打手:将字母aa、bb、cc、dd、ee、ff的卡片贴在黑板上,请2至3名小朋友站到集体前,每人手中拿一个塑料锤子,背


幼儿园教师常用英语口语 I. Reception入园接待1. Hi! / Hello! 你好!2. Good morning. 早上好。3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. 你好,见到你真高兴。 4. How are you? I am fine, thank you. 你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. 请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。 6. Come in, please. 请进。 7. Come on. / come here, please. 请过来。 8. Take off your coat. 脱掉外套。 9. Please put on your morning check- card. 请把晨检牌带好。 II. Group Activity集体活动1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me\\? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答? 4. Look at me. 看着我。 5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来/ 把手放下。9. Stop talking. 别说话。10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗?11. Read with me. 和我一起读。 12. Return to your seat. 回座位。13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立/ 坐下。14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 听我说/ 听音乐。16. Say it in English. 用英语说。17. Do you know? 你知道吗? 18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。19. Let’s write / draw something. 让我们来写点什麽/ 画点什麽。20. Let’s dancing / singing. 让我们来跳舞唱歌。21. Let’s listen to a story. 让我们听个故事。22. Let’s listen to the tape. 让我们听磁带。23. Let’s watch TV / a


xxxx英语公开课优秀教学教案 学习语言,一开始就是和文化打交道。而我们现在的英语教学,把语言和文化人为地隔离了,学习的是外语,而思想还是中国文化。下面就是小编给大家带来的幼儿园中班英语公开课优秀教学教案,希望能帮助到大家! 活动目标: 1、抓住情景的利用,提高幼儿对英语的兴趣 2、幼儿掌握新学形状单词:square、rectangle、triangle、oval 3、幼儿掌握新学色彩单词:red、yellow、pink 4、在幼儿体验游戏乐趣的同时,培养幼儿帮助他人的高尚情操 活动准备: 1、正方形、长方形、椭圆形、三角形的大色卡纸若干 2、玩具小狗一只、录音机和有小狗叫声的磁带各一 活动过程: 1、导入 教师与每名幼儿clap hands,say"hello"突然听见小狗的叫声(谁来了?Oh! A dog. Hellodog. What’s wrong with you?) 2、渐进 我们能为小狗做点什么呢?(教师出示各种图形,提议为小狗搭一个漂亮的房子)你知道这些图形的英语名字叫什么吗?(square、rectangle、triangle、oval )它们是什么颜色的?(red、yellow、pink) 现在我们到外面找个地方为小狗搭房子吧(要求:正确掌握今天新学的单词)玩个小游戏(教师出示图形看谁又快又准的说出它的形状和颜色)... 3、结束

房子搭好了,请小狗住进去休息一会儿(小狗睡着了,我们悄悄的回教室了,bye-byelittledog,嘘...)为表现突出的幼儿发自制小礼物.. 活动目标: 1、在“生日会”这一情境中感受过生日的快乐,并愿意为小朋友庆祝生日。 2、初步学习跟唱歌曲,理解Happy birthday to you的含义。 3、复习巩固儿歌“This Is My Family”,会做相应动作。 活动重点、难点: 初步学习跟唱歌曲,理解Happy birthday to you的含义。 活动准备: 1、歌曲磁带。 2、爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、宝贝图片、头饰各一张。 3、生日蛋糕一盒,娃娃家场景。 活动过程: 开始部分: 音乐手指游戏“My family”进入教室。 基本部分: 1、复习儿歌“This Is My Family”。 出示图片引导幼儿复习手指游戏,巩固单词Baby、Mummy、Grandfath、Grandmoth及baby、go to sleep、get up。 2、观看情境表演“过生日”,帮助幼儿理解Happy birthday to you的含义。 请配班老师手捧点燃蜡烛的蛋糕为教师或一幼儿过生日,主班老师引导幼儿感受生日会的快乐,并理解生日歌的含义。


朗文少儿英语入门级(一级) 教师:王冉Vicky A册(20课) 第1单元第1次课2011年5月29日周日 一、语言技能 1、听:在教师或图卡的帮助下,能听懂本课重点词汇和重点句子。 2、说:在教师的提示下,能对重点句式进行问答。 3、写:能写出本单元重点句子。 二、语言知识 1、重点词汇:red blue green one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 2、重点句型:(复习)Hello what’s your name? I’m______. What color is it? It’s blue. (新授)Good afternoon to you . What number is it? It is one. 三、家庭作业 常规作业:1、听:课本P2、P3页内容(CD1里06 、07的内容)每天三遍 2、写:抄写本次课重点词汇red green blue 一个三遍

3、背:本次课重点词汇(下次课听写) 第1单元第2次课2011年6月2日周四 一、语言技能 1、听:在教师或图卡的帮助下,能听懂本课重点词汇和重点句子,并做出反应。 2、说:在教师的提示下,能对重点句式进行问答。 3、写:能写出本单元重点词汇。 二、语言知识 1、重点词汇:book, book bag, chair, desk, marker, pencil, 2、理解词汇:(课堂常规)stand up sit down clap your hands stamp your feet 3、重点句型:Hello what’s your name? My name is^^^^. Good morning. Good afternoon What's this? It's a (red) pencil. 三、家庭作业 常规作业:1、听:课本P5内容(CD1里09的内容)每天三遍 预听本单元小故事P7P8(CD1里的10)每天三遍 2、写:写本次课重点词汇book, desk, marker一个三遍


幼儿园中班英语教案――颜色(优质课) 作者:杨丽艳杨丽梅来源:《幼儿教育教学活动设计》上传时间:2013-12-02 中班英语教案――颜色 【设计意图】 活动设计采取小组合作的学习方式,使幼儿在相互合作中共同学 习。巧妙地贯穿幼儿熟悉的“买气球”“变色”等游戏情境,激发幼儿 在游戏中主动学习的兴趣。 【活动目标】 1.通过游戏激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培养其学习英语的积极态 度。 2.幼儿能够灵活运用基本句型,能够较熟练地认读单词:blue,red, yellow;认读句子:What colour do you like? Do you like red? Yes,I do.No,I don’t. 3.培养幼儿合作学习的意识和习惯。 【活动准备】 所需的卡片、气球、水粉颜料、矿泉水瓶、矿泉水瓶盖(盖内侧顶 端涂有蓝、红、黄三 砷颜色的水粉颜料)等。 【活动过程】 一、热身运动 1.以一首英文歌曲Good Morning引入学习氛围中。 2.师生打招呼问好并自由对话,营造英语氛围。 HOW are you? I’m fine.Thank you! How old are you? I’m four years old.

What’S the weather’like today? Its a sunny day. Do you like sunny day?Yes. 3.出示图片,复习white、black、pink、purple、green,并提问幼儿:Do you like black? Peter:I don’t like black. Teacher:I like purple. 二、认识颜色 1.通过卖气球的情境引出新的教学内容。 Teacher:Balloon,balloon,Who want to buy my balloon?(教师扮演一个卖气球药人,手里拿红、黄、蓝三种不同颜色的气球,一边走一边卖。) Children:1 want to buy a balloon. Teacher:What colour do you like?(教师以这个句式引出所要传授的新知识。 Children:blue!(请幼儿跟读,以此类推。) 2.读单词卡:blue, red、yellow,使幼儿尝试颜色与字卡的对应,并了解他们之间的密切关系。 3.通过游戏来检查幼儿对字卡的掌握。 (1)师生一起玩“变色”游戏。 Teacher:I am very thirsty. Linda:Miss Yang.Water,Water.


少儿英语公开课教案 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

I. Contens New words: cat rabbit snake New sentences: ----what is this ----It is a... ... II. Teaching process: Step1: Greeting to each other: T---hello! Boys and girls. Now first, I' d like to introduce myself to you. My name is He Jin. So you can call Miss He(写黑板上领读几遍). When I say ' hello everyone!', you should say ' hello Miss He' . OK? S---OK! T---hello everyone!(show me you hands) S---hello Miss He! (有的学生不会,继续多练习几遍) 附注:T---sit up straight! S---one, two(带动作) Step2: Warming up: 分组---两组分别给对方组打招呼(复习第一部分)---拍手跺脚及反动作 1) T---(剪刀手势)what’s this S---剪刀(如果没有学生回答,老师先用汉语说,然后教学生读英语scissors, 并领读几遍) T---Now I am dividing you into two groups with this scissors. (手势剪 开)You are group apple. And you are group banana.(领读apple和banana)


旗开得胜英语公开课教案 大班英语教案 T:Children let’s sing a song ,OK? C:Ok! T:Look!今天我们班来了很多老师,我们一起跟老师打招呼吧! S:Good morning Miss! T:Follow me cry stop ! Follow me laugh stop ! Follow me eat stop ! Follow me stand up ! Follow me sit down !幼儿跟老师做 T:Children, look ,what’s this ? S:A T:Yes! Very good!Follow me A A ae ae ae S:A A ae ae ae T:Apple S:Apple T: A A ae ae ae ant S: A A ae ae ae ant T: A A ae ae ae cat S: A A ae ae ae cat T: A A ae ae ae hat S: A A ae ae ae hat 教师教幼儿认读单词 T:Oh!What is missing ? S:Apple, T:Yes !Oh!where is the apple?苹果在哪里啊? S:在你手上 T:Yes!Very good!Look!apple is here !OK!Follow me apple. 1

旗开得胜S:apple 以此形式让幼儿巩固单词 T:Who’s eat the apple ? S:Cat T:Apple apple in a cat! S: Apple apple in a cat! T:Where’s the ant! S:在帽子里 T:Very good!Ant ant in a hat S: Ant ant in a hat T:Follow me ! Ant ant in a hat! Apple apple in a cat! S: Ant ant in a hat! Apple apple in a cat! 教师引导幼儿读句子 T:Children do you want to play? S:Yes ! T:OK!Listen to me . When I say touch the cat ,you must touch it!Understand? S:Yes! T:Who can try? S:Let me try! 教师引导幼儿玩游戏 T:Today we learn “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat” Let’s say again! S: “apple” “ant” “cat” “hat” T:Very good! S:Very very good !Very very cool! Oh oh super! 2


英语教案 准备: Key Words:red, yellow, green, purple, orange, blue, brown, gold, silver Key Grammar: I like painting. I use (red). Teaching tools:瓶子、颜料、油画棒、颜色卡片、各种颜色的物品若干、炸弹卡、金牌、银牌、魔术布、10种颜色小卡、教学用书 祥案: T:Hi, everyone! I?m your English teacher. My name is Lily. Nice to meet you. Let me call your names. You say,“Here”.(点名,并对每名学生说Nice to meet you.)All right, let?s begin our class. At first, let?s do warm up. Follow me. Show me your hands. Clap,clap,clap your hands,as slowly as you can. Clap,clap,clap your hands, as quickly as you can. T: very good. Let?s go on. Shake,shake,shake your hands, as slowly as you can. Shake,shake,shake your hands,as quickly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands,as slowly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands,as quickly as you can T: Good job. Now show me your fingers. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers, as slowly as you can. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your finger, as quickly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists, as slowly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists,as quickly as you can. T: Ok, now everybody, let?s listen to this song.(在线播放主题曲,一起听一遍。) I like painting, I use many colors. I use red I use orange. I use yellow. I use green. I use blue. I use pink. I use purple. I use brown. I even use gold and silver. T:well,everybody stand up, let?s dance together.(老师带动作唱跳。)T: Look at the screen and listen to the audios.(注:当出现red、yellow等重点单词时,老师应指向课件相应的图片并跟读词汇,如听到I use red时,red为重点单词,老师应指向课件red图片,跟读red,让学生预知授课内容。) T: Today, we will learn something about colors. Look,I have a bottle and there is some water in it.(瓶子里装有一定量的水,瓶盖上涂有颜料,晃动水以魔术的形式呈现颜色。)T:Does water have colors? S:No. T:Yeah, water has no colors. Now I am a magician. Show me your hands, let?s say the magic words, Abracadabra.(说完咒语,开始晃动瓶子。)T:Wow,what color is it? It?s red.(拿出单词卡。)T:Follow me, red .S: red.(带读三遍)T:When I say red you should touch it and say red. From you. T: The first letter of red is R, let?s do it and say red.(带领学生做R字母操,并读red)T:very good. When I say R R R, you should say r r r. Ok? S:Ok. T: R R R. S:r r r.(反复练几次)T: r r r red, S:r r r red. T: when I say r r r ,you should say R R R,OK? S: OK! T: r r r S;R R R . T: great! What?s this? S:red. T: Follow me,r --e --d red.(出示单词卡)S: r --e --d red.(每个学生拼读一遍) T:Now I write down …red? on the blackboard.(要求全体一起拼)T:well, everybody, close your eyes,please.(随机擦掉一个字母)T:which letter is missing?S:r(多练几次)T:Ok, can you point and say red?(让学生应用,找出周围的红色事物) T:Now I use red to paint. I like painting. I use red. (黑板上准备一张大白纸,纸上画有未涂色的彩虹,学完后找学生用红色油画棒涂色并输出句型:I like painting,I use red,并带上涂颜色的肢体动作。)


朗文少儿英语教案 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

U n i t1M y c l a s s Lesson 1 (第一小节) 一.Good morning everyone!It’。。。. My English name is 。。You can call me 。。。.I hope you can have a good time in our class. 大家好,很高兴有这么多的小朋友和家长来到我们学校来学习英语,希望大家可以享受快乐学习英语的过程。我们是来上课的所以老师要对你们提出几点要求: (一)在课堂上不能说中文 (二)说英语的时候要大声 (三)回答问题举手说“teacher me” (四)当小朋友表现不好时,老师会说“Show me good”当老师说“ show me good”时,小朋友马上坐好 二.OK.Let’s begin our class.Now let great each other.At first ,I will introduce a friend to you.His name is Happy.Everyone say hello to happy!Happy says “hello everyone!”Happy will say hello to each of you, you must say hello to Happy! 三.This is morning now.Do you know how to great each other in the morning? Good morning! Ok.I will throw the ball to you,and I will say good morning to you. Then you throw it back to me.,and say good morning Diana. Ok. Now Let’s listen a song: Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Good morning dear tercher! Good morning to you! 四.Learn the letter Aa [ae]AAA ae ae ae A ae apple 五.(第二小节) You have known teacher’s name,but you don’t have english name.Now I have some cards,I have written many english names on these cards.You can chose one as your english name. Now everyone has your own name. How to ask other’s name ? What’s your name? My name is …… Play a game I will use a hammer hit on the blackboard.Students pass the ball ,when I stop .The one hold the ball will be asked “what’s your name?” Learn a song: Hello hello what’s your name? Play another game! Divide students into 2 groups, play a game ,PK,The one who answer the question quickly will win


第三次公开课教案 I Songs and games 1.Greeting : T: hello everyone. I am Betty. Can you say hello Betty. S: Hello Betty. T: How are you today? S: I am happy.’ T: what is the weather like today? S: It is a sunny day. T: Which color do you like? S : I like green. 2.奖励机制: T: Everyone look, I will draw something for you. Guess! What is this? (偷偷的画一个东西让他们猜是什么,有点神秘感!) T: Yes, you are right. It is a hen. Look! What is the hen doing? The hen is brooding eggs. T: ok. Today if you are good, you can get my eggs. If you can get five eggs, you can get one dollar. So everybody come on. 3.Classroom rules: T: Do you know how to get my eggs? T: Can you speak Chinese in our classroom? No. So, class rules 1: English only. T: Can you shake the chair like this? No. class rules 2: sit well. T: Can you speak like this? No. I can’t hear you. So you speak loudly. 3. Speak loudly. 4.Sing a song: T: Are you happy now? S: Yes, I am happy. T: Do you want to sing a song? S: yes. T: ok, everybody stand up. Let us sing 5.Roll call: T: Just now, I think you did a great job. So each other can get one egg. T : ok , now I will call your name one by one. T : look! Who is she? Can you spell your name? ok , choose which one is your name! II Review and Games Part 1: Shapes a.Review (PPT) T: look! What is the shape? S: It is a circle.


朗文新派少儿英语词 汇汇总

Unit 1 This is My Class Coloring Reading Singing Skating Talking Writing black blue brown green orange purple red white yellow eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty my your Unit 2 On the Playground Ball Balloon Bench Flower Kite Shoe Slide swing table Tree bug cat dog frog climbing hiding jumping rope sliding swinging ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy ninety one hundred(a hundred) behind in in front of on under

Unit 3 This is Our House Bathroom Bedroom dining room kitchen living room brother father grandfather mother grandmother parents sister bed bookcase chair clock curtains dresser lamp phone refrigerator rug sink sofa stove table toilet tub TV window Unit 4 My Community bank building fire station hospital park movie theater police station post office school restaurant street supermarket toy shop video shop between next to on but not Unit 5 Workers bus driver doctor firefighter nurse waiter police officer salesperson teacher bus fire truck jeep police car Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


少儿英语讲颜色的教案 【篇一:英语颜色的示范课教案】 unit8 colors教学案例 nancy2015年8月31日 unit 8 colors (第三课时 ) 一、教学目标: 1 、知识目标: 能听、说、认读 5种表示颜色的英语单词(red 、yellow 、blue、black 、green),并能用英语“ colors”这一话题进行简单的交流:what color is it?it’s___ . 2 、技能目标: ( 1)、能在实践中熟练应用所学的颜色。 ( 2)、在活动中体验互帮互助的乐趣,培养学生的想象力及细心观察周围事物的能力。 3 、情感目标: 通过游戏、魔术表演、创设情景对话等多种形式,激发学生对英语的热爱,培养孩子学习英语的兴趣。 二、教学重点和难点: ( 1)、掌握 red、 yellow、 blue、 green、 black的读法。( 2)、有关颜色的对话:what color is it?it’s___ .熟练应用。 三、教育理念: 本节课中通过魔术表演、角色扮演等环节的设计,来吸引孩子的兴趣,让孩子在有趣的情景中不知不觉地走上讲台,走到大家的面前表演、说英语,可培养孩子的自信与勇敢。 四、教学过程: step 1. greetings: (5分钟) s: good morning ,ms nancy! t: good morning, boys and girls! how are you, today? s: i am fine, thank you. t: which color do you like ? s: i like__.(抽查提问几个小朋友) t: great! thank you . sit down, please. step2 :warming — up(3分钟) t:now, let’s do a little warm-up. you can find some colors in it.ok?
