汉英翻译 鼓浪屿

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鼓浪屿是位于厦门西南隅的一个小岛,面积仅1.78平方公里,素以 “海上花园”的美称享誉中外,是国家级重点风景名胜区。它四面环海, 绿色葱茏。环境优美,风光秀丽。它还是全国独一无二的“步行岛”, 岛上空气清新,没有车马的喧嚣,却时闻琴声悠扬。
Gulangyu Island, a small island in southwestern Xiamen, covers an area of 1.78 square kilometers, and is known as “the Garden on the Sea”. It is surrounded by the sea, and has beautiful landscape. In 1988, it was listed as one of the state-level scenic spots. It is the only “on-foot” island because there are no vehicles.
菽庄花园建于1931年,位于岛南部,面向大海,背倚晃岩,东临观海园旅游村, 西眺港仔后海滨浴场。原是地方名绅林尔嘉的私人别墅,1955年改作公园。全园分 藏海、补山两部分,园在海上,海在园中。整座花园设计精巧,园内主要建筑“四 十四桥”就建在海上,涨潮时人走在桥上仿佛在碧波上踏浪而行。它既有庭院小园 的精巧雅致,又有浪飞鸥翔的雄浑壮观;动静对比,相得益彰,游人至此,流连忘 返。
厦门郑成功纪念馆是1962年为纪念收复台湾300周年而建立的。馆址日 光岩是郑成功屯兵扎寨的地方。该馆设有郑成功历史文物陈列品,通过文 物、文献、图表、绘画、雕塑、照片、模型等陈列品,系统介绍郑成功光 辉的一生。
Zheng Chenggong Memorial Museum
Zheng Chenggong Memorial Museum was set up in 1962 in honor of the 300th anniversary of his recovery of Taiwan. The museum is situated at the foot of the Sunlight Rock, where Zheng once stationed his troops. Zheng’s relics are displayed in the museum. Exhibits such as historical relics, cultural documents, charts, drawings, sculptures, photos and models reflect Zheng’s brilliant life. Conversion(转换法) 汉语动词-----英语名词
Shuzhuang Garden
Shuzhuang Garden, formerly a private garden, was built in 1931 at the foot of the Sunlight Rock, facing the sea, with the Sea-view Holiday Village in the east, and the bathing beach of the Rear Sea in the west. The garden consists of two parts, Canghai (Hiding the Sea) and Bushan (Adding Supplement to the Mountain). The main structure, the 44th Bridge, was built on the sea. Walking on the bridge when tide rises, it seems as if one were walking on the waves. The garden is elegant, yet grand in design.
Inversion(词序调整法) Addition(增译法)----- background information Omission(省略法)
日光岩 日光岩俗称“晃岩”,位于鼓 浪屿中部偏南的龙头山顶端,海 拔92.68米,为鼓浪屿最高峰。 The Sunlight Rock Also known as Huangyan, the Sunlight Rock is located on the top of Longtou Mountain (Dragon’s Head) south of Gulangyu Island. It is the highest peak in this area, 92.68 meters above the sea level. Inversion(词序调整法)
Rearrangement(重组法) Omission(省略法)
Annotation (加注法)
鼓浪屿是位于厦门西南隅的一个小岛,面积仅1.78平方公里,素以“海上花园 ”的美称享誉中外,是国家级重点风景名胜区。它四面环海,绿色葱茏。环境 优美,风光秀丽。它还是全国独一无二的“步行岛”,岛上空气清新,没有车 马的喧嚣,却时闻琴声悠扬。 主要景点介绍 日光岩俗称“晃岩”,位于鼓浪屿中部偏南的龙头山顶端,海拔92.68米,为鼓 浪屿最高峰。 厦门郑成功纪念馆是1962年为纪念收复台湾300周年而建立的。馆址日光岩是郑 成功屯兵扎寨的地方。该馆设有郑成功历史文物陈列品,通过文物、文献、图 表、绘画、雕塑、照片、模型等陈列品,系统介绍郑成功光辉的一生。 菽庄花园建于1931年,位于岛南部,面向大海,背倚晃岩,东临观海园旅游村 ,西眺港仔后海滨浴场。原是地方名绅林尔嘉的私人别墅,1955年改作公园。 全园分藏海、补山两部分,园在海上,海在园中。整座花园设计精巧,园内主 要建筑“四十四桥”就建在海上,涨潮时人走在桥上仿佛在碧波上踏浪而行。 它既有庭院小园的精巧雅致,又有浪飞鸥翔的雄浑壮观;动静对比,相得益彰 ,游人至此,流连忘返