具体而言,我们预计在以下几个方面获得一些有意义的结果:1. 从标题长度和内容方面来看,中英文标题的表现是否存在显著差异?2. 英文标题相对于中文标题,是否更倾向于使用简单的单词和短语?3. 在标题翻译方面,翻译是否会对新闻传达产生影响?4. 本研究的结果是否能够帮助中英两种文化之间更好地理解对方的新闻传媒?。
校园英语 / 语言文化英汉新闻标题的词汇经济性对比研究汉口学院外语学院/彭芹【摘要】本文从词汇方面探讨英汉新闻标题的语言经济的形式。
【关键词】经济性 英语新闻标题 汉语新闻标题一、引言新闻是一种应用文体,是我们日常生活中接触频率最高的文体之一。
二、语言的经济性Grice (1975:48)提出的“合作原则”包含了四个准则,其中的“量准则”规定了人们说话时应该提供的信息量:使自己所说的话达到(交际的现时目的)所需求的详尽程度,不能使自己所说的话比要求的更详尽。
英国语言学家Leech(1983:177)在《语用学原则》一书中提出了“经济原则” (Economy Principle)。
例如:《Chi-na to witness 9.8%GDP growth》(《中国日报》)。
此则标题直接简练地指出中国的GDP增速有望达到9.8%,“to witness”,动词不定式的用法在英语新闻中表示“将来”之意,用一个“to”就可以表示即将发生的事情,简单直观。
例如《Toyota“deeply sorry”for safety flaws》(《中国日报》)。
IntroductionNews is usually composed of three parts: headline, lead and body. The headline is a concentrated generalization of the news content, revealing to the reader the main idea of the news in the most concise form. In order to attract readers, both Chinese and English headlines usually use various rhetorical devices in the forms such as clipped words, initialisms, acronyms, short words, loanwords, invented words, slangs, etc. Rhetoric is a kind of artifice that use accurate, distinct and vivid language to express one‟s mind. Researches carried out in the past are mostly on the styles of writing characteristic, translating artifices and so on with a macroscopical view. On the basis of some research results about Chinese and English headlines in the past, this paper analyzes and compares the rhetoric between Chinese and English headlines. Then I will set forth concretely the major factors affecting the differences between them. The main body of my thesis is unfolded mainly from following aspects: Part I is to explain the universality of rhetoric in the headline, and it includes the definition, categories and necessity of rhetoric in news headlines.Part II is the main point of this paper. This part analyzes characteristics of rhetoric both in Chinese and English news headlines and differences between them.Part III illustrates several typical examples of Chinese and English headlines tocontrast.Part IV is also a comparatively important part, concretely analyzing the factors affecting the differences: different cultures and modes of thinking.This paper makes use of many study methods such as illustration, comparison, analogism and so on., which make my study have more. real feelings and guiding significance.from /1.The Universality of Rhetoric in News Headlines1.1 Definition of RhetoricRhetoric is a branch discipline of linguistics. It is not a new subject.It has a long history both in the West and in China.The word “rhetoric” originated from Greek “rhetorike” and was first defined as the art of persuasion, equivalent to argumentation by Aristotle. Rhetoric has ever been given different definitions by many scholars in the history. Such as Aristotle, in the 4th century B. C., first defines rhetoric as the art of persuasion which was found to suit any subject. And John Locke,an English philosopher of the late 17th century, describes rhetoric as the science of oratory or the art of speaking with propriety, elegance and force. In The Philosophy of Rhetoric, I. A. Richards(1893一1979)defines rhetoric in two ways: “how words work in discourse” and “the study of misunderstanding and its remedies”(Hu Shuzhong, 2002).According to Oxford Concise Dictionary of Linguistics, “Rhetoric is traditionally a discipline concerned with the effective use of language, to persuade, give pleasure, and so on”In fact, the word can be used in various contexts, and sometimes it takes on a derogative meaning, that is, elaborate language which is intended to impress but is often insincere, meaningless or exaggerated.But as an academic term, it is now widely acknowledged that “rhetoric” refers to the “art of using language impressively or persuasively, especially in public speaking” (Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, Fourth Edition). In China, Chen Wangdao, in his Origin of Rhetoric,defined rhetoric as an effort to adjust the language so as to convey thought and feelings appropriately. Luo Xiaosuo in his Modern Rhetoric(1994 ) statesthat rhetoric refers to methods, techniques or laws of language application, whose purpose is for a better conveyance of thought and feeling as well as a good adaptation to a certain context. While the book Comparison and Translation (1994) explains that rhetoric is a kind of language activity, a science exploring the rules on how to enhance the language expressiveness.These definitions show that different people have studied and defined rhetoric from different perspectives. These definitions also reflect the functions of rhetoric in a language, especially in speeches. Rhetorical devices are quite largely applied to achieve the purpose of persuasion. Apparently, rhetoric can efficiently embody the speaker‟s mind, arouse emotional climax, create magical charm,promote mutual understanding and so on. In general, rhetoric is closely concerned with language form (lexical form, phonetic form and grammatical forms for the purpose of strengthening the expressiveness.) There are three basic elements in rhetoric: fact, reason and feeling. Any piece of written discourse contains a combination of these elements. Knowing how to combine these elements will help writers shape, elaborate and refine their own work in order to achieve a better rhetorical effect.1.2 Classifications of Rhetorical DevicesRhetorical devices are generally classified into two categories: communicative rhetorical devices and aesthetic rhetorical devices. They are also respectively equal to passive rhetoric and active rhetoric in Origin of Rhetoric raised by Chen Wangdao. Communication rhetorical devices emphasize the diction and sentence organization, stressing the logical thinking and accurate narration, while aesthetic rhetorical devices mainly focus on the use of figures of speech. Figures of speech refer to those rhetorical devices dealing with the way words are made to mean other than what they would normally imply. For example, it is more vivid and colorful to say that sun “jump from the horizon like a yolk” in the sky instead of saying simply that it “rise from the horizon”in the sky. Here “jump from the horizon like a yolk”is both a simile and a personification. Such figures of speech as simile, metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, personification, and paradox, make up the most commonly used ones nowadays. They are ways of making our language figurative. Figures of speech canbe divided into three groups in light of the linguistic level they are practiced. They are figures of speech as practiced with sounds, figures of speech as practiced with words, and figures of speech as practiced with sentences.The news rhetoric as a kind of tactic meaning must obey certain principles in the news execution. Firstly, it should be correct and frondose, fresh and vivid, popular and understandable. Finally, it should obey the principle of truth, balance and neutrality.1.3 The Necessity of Exploring Rhetoric in News HeadlinesNewspapers serve mainly to provide information on events from all over the world. It is, however, difficult and impossible for most readers to read all the news articles in the daily newspapers because of their various interests and the time constraint. They have, therefore, to be selective in reading newspapers and readers rely on the headlines in making such a selection. The main function of news headlines is to provide a gist of the main content of the news articles so that readers still have the general picture of the news stories even without reading the texts. In addition, the special typographical layouts of news headlines, such as large and colorful fonts, can make them stand out so that readers can locate them easily and at the same time, attract readers‟ attention.Bell and Baskette et al. note that the reading process and the production process of newspapers are different. Generally, we read newspapers in this order:Headlines ----------------------------------News texts However, The creation of news headlines actually is the final stage of the newspaper production. The spatial constraint in newspapers does not allow editors to put every thing into the headlines. Instead, they have to pick out the salient information from the news stories to be highlighted in the headlines. They will choose appropriate linguistic expressions, sentence structures or rhetorical devices which can best fit the information to be expressed in the headlines. In addition, information which is assumed among the readers or can be inferred from the context is always elicited from the headlines (Chin & Tsou 1997). Therefore, the language used in the news headlines is not a random choice. What‟s more, the language used in newsdiscourses is not just to convey information to readers, but it also can manifest the use of language in the community and subsequently, namely, it can “reflect and influence the formation and expression of culture, politics and social life” (Garrett & Bell 1997). It is admitted that headlines are one of the key components in newspapers and they are considered to have their own characteristics and status in the news discourses (van Dijk 1986 and Bell 1991).It is claimed that the features embodied in news headlines are not solely linguistic phenomena, “but also relate to the role which this kind of language has to play, in other words, …extra-linguistic factors‟ will be also taken into consideration” (Vandenbergen 1981, p. 29). These so-called “extra-linguistic factor s” highly correlates to the social, political and cultural context of the corresponding community. Therefore, the comparative study of the words in different news headlines can reflect some social differences between the communities.2. Rhetorical Comparison between Chinese and English Headlines2.1 Characteristics of Rhetoric in Chinese News HeadlinesIn Chinese, rhetoric is translated as xiuci. In fact, it is not an appropriate translation because the connotations of two do not coincide in many aspects preferred to use xiuci as a catachresis of rhetoric. It is believed that with the introduction of western rhetorical theories into China, the coinciding aspects of two disciplines would be more. In our country, the wo rd “rhetoric‟‟ is always associated with tropes and other means of polishing language. Chen Wangdao figures that rhetoric is an “endeavor”. Zhang Zhigong held that it is a “process” while Wang regarded it as an “activity” (Hu, 2002). No matter “endeavor”, “process” or “activity”, the main theme in the studies of rhetoric in Chinese tradition is always something about the effect of language. Liu Fuyuan (1999) held rhetoric in ancient China emphasized transfer of feelings and meanings while western rhetoric stressed persuasion, which was determined by different thought styles of two traditions, that is, Chinese think much of feelings while western people prefer logic.Gu Yueguo (1989) proposed that in terms of the form of rhetorical thought; “language-as-center” is the soul of Chineserhetoric while “purpose-as-center” is the cor e of western rhetoric. He also concluded the influence of this difference on the development of rhetoric.First, Chinese rhetoric manifests in choosing and polishing language while how to realize the purpose is the most essential in western rhetoric.Secondly, because of this difference, Chinese rhetoric focuses more on the unit of sentence or smaller units. The research of a discourse is the domain of other disciplines. Western rhetoric has already been applied to many aspects of human life, no matter of language or non-language. The objects of studies are much broader.Thirdly, in recent years, the scope of Chinese rhetoric has been broadened to the type of writing, which is an inev itable result of the “language-as-center” characteristic of it. However, in western world, the research about the type of writing is only a branch of linguistics instead of rhetoric.2.2 Characteristics of Rhetoric in English News HeadlinesRhetorical figures are also called “figures of speech” or “figures of rhetoric”. In the ancient western rhetoric, the basic meaning of rhetorical figures is “the use of a figurative word or expression (mainly nouns) to substitute the name of one thing”(Cong Xingzi, 1990, 136). Quintilian, the great rhetorician of ancient Rome, once defined rhetorical figures as “manners of speaking that are far removed from the ordinary and natural manner” (Dubois, 1981,10).Western rhetoric has much broader scope of study and has already been applied to many aspects of communication. The emphasis is put not only on the form of language and its c ontext but also on how communicators try to control and make favorable elements to realize their purposes. The English people favor direct styles, the linear way of writing. When they are writing, they are inclined to come quickly to the core of a message. English headline writers are unlikely to seek rhetorical devices for help because each English letter takes up a space unit. More words could only add to the difficulty of word counting. Among the different rhetorical devices discussed, English headlines show a preference for alliteration. Written English, ever since it was born, is a representative of spoken English. And ancient western scholars put much emphasis frequently on spoken language. As a result, alliteration, closely related tosound, is used.2.3 Rhetorical Differences between Chinese and English HeadlinesChinese headline writers take greater advantage of figures of speech than English ones. Sometimes when the news gist is not so complicated and allows more space for the headlines than is needed, Chinese headline writers may turn to figures of speech to fill in the space or to perfect the headlines so as to make them impressive. English headline writers are unlikely to seek rhetorical devices for help because each English letter takes up a space unit. More words could only add to the difficulty of word counting.Among the different rhetorical devices discussed, English headlines show a preference for alliteration while dui‟ou is the favorite in Chinese headlines. Written English, ever since it was born, is a representative of spoken English. Ancient western scholars put much emphasis frequently on spoken language. As a result, alliteration, closely related to sound, is used. For example,1)“Bye, bye balanced budget”Alliteration is used in the news headline. The repeated “b” sound at the beginning of the words makes the headline sound witty and lively.2)“Fit or Fat?”This is the headline of an article that tries to persuade people to exercise more. Alliteration is used to be very precise and expresses the potential caution.Generally speaking, styles of Chinese and English news title are quite different. Chinese headlines are wrriten much more for literary grace and get used to antitheses and rhyme, while English headlines seem plain and simple.It foucus on present the facts.The betaking of rhetorical devices in English headlines are limitied,and there are more commonly used as following: allusion, metaphor, personification, assonance, alliteration, repetition, pun, transferred epithet ,inversion and so on; Chinese authors prefer parallelism, metonymy, loop, aphorisms, dingzhen, antithesis, pun, euphemism and so on(from /)3. Cases Study on the Rhetorical Comparison between Chinese and English headlines3.1 The Common Figures of Speech in English and Chinese Headlines,1 .Alliteration and End RhymeAlliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables. Journalistic writing aims to attract the readers. Alliteration is a very effective way to reach this aim. It is used for the sake of brevity,short but and vividness. It is one of the oldest devices in English poetries, and still in wide use nowadays. Let‟s look at some examples:(1) Jazzy in Jazzy, Sassy in Sweater. (The Times, Oct 27, 2001)In this sentence, there are two “J” and two “S” in initial. It makes the headline sound witty and lively. In fact alliteration is the commonest figure of speech employed in English headlines. It can produce a musical effect. Besides alliteration, assonance and consonance can once for a while be found in English headlines. Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds while consonance the repetition of interval consonant sounds:(2) Rolls-Royce rally gets green light (The Times Oct 16, 2001)The consonants [r], [1] and [g] are repeated.The vowel repetition occurring at the end of the words is welcome in Chinese headlines. It is a kind of rhyme, sameness of sound between words or syllables at the end of the lines. For example:(3)“毛病”都一样抄你没商量( People ‟s Daily Nov 19, 2001)(4)宣纸照片留奇景诗话摄影古换新( People's Daily Nov 15, 2007)In these two sentences, the vowel [ang] and [in] are repeated at the end of the lines. This is the end rhyme.2.AntithesisAntithesis means the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in a balanced structural form to achieve force and emphasis. Antithesis is the symmetry on aesthetics. This well-balanced form as well as condensed content leads to linguistic brevity and rhythm.(5) Best of times, worst of times (Time, 1991)(6) England's blessing, Ireland's curse (The Times, Aug. 13, 2001)(7) AIDS: accept it, fight it (21st Century, June 28, 2006)(8) Talks go on, bombs go off (21 S` Century, May 5, 2005)Antithesis makes the headlines above sound beautiful. When we make pauses in reading the examples above, we find “best of”,“times”, “England's” and “accept it”rhyme with “worst of”, “times” “Ireland's” and “fight it” respectively. Example (8) doesn‟t want to be lagged behind and use alliteration (“go on”and “go off”) to take rhyme‟s place.Sometimes different Chinese headlines are put together on the page to form a dui‟ou and usually set vertically so that they look like a couplet(对联). Here are two heads (originally set vertically) taken from Guangming Daily on Oct 3, 2001:(9)江苏两岸同胞话团圆西宁高原月明照升平“江苏”and“西宁”,“两岸”and“高原”,话”and“照”,and“团圆”and “升平”are couples of correspondence.3. MetaphorA metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things achieved by identifying one with the other(see Li Guonan, 1999).The Chinese counterpart of metaphor may be yinyu,jieyu and niwu. In a yinyu, both the tenor and the vehicle appears; in a jieyu the tenor is simply left out; in a niwu the person is compared to an object or is given the characteristics of an object. Whatever forms it is in Chinese, the metaphor is condensed and thus finds favor in the headline writer's eyes, especially in the Chinese writer‟s. Here are examples:(11)Go on you donkey, laugh! (The Mmes Aug 25, 2001)(12)Betrayal, the secret weapon of war (The Times Oct 23, 2001)(13)泳池三花争艳(China Youth Daily Nov 18, 2001)(14)城市“蜘蛛网”入地(People Daily Nov 1, 2001)“Donkey”here refers to circus clowns and “betrayal” is compared to the secret weapon of war, while the three flowers“三花”are the Chinese female swimmers“罗男”,“齐晖”and“罗雪娟”who were the winners of Ninth National Games. And“蜘蛛网”is in fact wires set up privately and in a mess, which look just like spider webs.Of the three Chinese counterparts of metaphor,metonymy i s the most frequently used device, because it leaves out the tenor and is therefore more compact.4. Metonymy, Synecdoche and AntonomasiaThe substitution of one word for another which it clearly suggests, as the effect for the cause, the concrete for the abstract, etc., is known in rhetoric as metonymy. Synecdoche is a kind of metonymy-the substitution of the big for the small and vice verse. Antonomasia is the substitution of the proper noun for the common noun and vice verse(ibid, 26).All these English devices are included in a Chinese figure of speech- metonymy. Some examples are listed below,(15)Wall Street falls again (The Times Sept 4, 2001)“Wall Street” in effect means the Wall Street stock market: the big substitutes the small.(16)World of grief captured in photo project (The Times Oct 27, 2001)The headline writer employs an antonomasia and substitutes “America” with "world of grief ‟.(17)辽宁锐气足大连失误多国脚统领辽连大战(China Youth Daily Nov 2, 2001) “辽宁”is the substitution for Liaoning football team(辽宁足球队),“大连”for Dalian football team(大连足球队)and“国脚”for the national footballers(国家足球队员).5. AllusionAllusions in writing are references to well-known persons, things or events, which writers assume are familiar to their readers. English has a tremendous amount of allusions, which result from mythology, legends, fables, fairy tales, the Bible, famous literary works, historical figures or events. Not only do writers use allusion to save time and space, but they also give their readers the pleasure that comes from seeing similarities or hearing echoes of ideas. Thus, allusion is widely employed in the news headline to help it convey its intended meaning in a brief and attractive way.(18)The hell that is Afghanistan is no myth, even Prometheus found it tough (The Times Oct 19, 2001)Prometheus is a god in Greek mythology, who stole fire to human kind and thus was chained to a crag of the Caucasus, while his liver was chomped daily by an eagle and organ-transplanted by the Olympian Health Service by night. Here the writer wants to show that the Afghanistan people are always involved in wars and their livesare hard, even harder than Prometheus‟.(19)游客岂是“唐僧肉”(People Daily Nov 5, 2001)“唐僧”is one of the main characters in The Journey to the West, whose flesh, once eaten, is believed to keep one permanently alive, and thus he becomes the hunt of demons and ghosts. The writer uses a rhetorical question to show that tourists travel simply to be relaxed not to be cheated out of their money.Most of the allusions in headlines are presumed by the head writer to be known to native readers, and their presence can make headlines simple and short, but with complex meanings indeed. However, to foreign readers, such allusions may be an obstacle to reading comprehension. Therefore allusion demands foreign readers' knowledge of the native culture, literature and history.8. PersonificationPersonification is a figure of speech, inanimate objects. Personification is favorably which attributes human qualities to used in news headlines.(20) With this ring BT, 21 Via Net wed (China Daily, Mar. 8, 2002)This piece of news is co-operate Endowing with Chinese to inform people that British Telecom is scheduled to privately owned telecom service provider 21 ViaNet.21 ViaNet with life and comparing BT to ring, example (1) seems more attractive than the straightforward one “BT takes 21ViaNet as partner”. The tone of the straightforward one is neutral and plain, while the original reveals the author's sensation towards the benefits of WTO and the Chinese company‟s cooperation with the oversea s. By metaphor and personification, we can even sense the author‟s sincere congratulation to the engaged 21 ViaNet in this headline.(21) Come on, daisy, light my life (The Times Aug 25, 2001)“Daisy” is a kind of flower, but in this head it is personi fied so that it seems able to understand the writer's words.(22) 被剥皮的红豆衫在流泪(Nanfang Daily Oct 18, 2001)The writer uses personification simply to tell readers that firs, just like human beings, have lives and feelings, too, and that human cruel action should be accused. The head, meanwhile, presents a touching picture of miserable firs to us and so callson us to protect firs.9. Rhetorical QuestionsA grammatical question is asked for an answer, but a rhetorical one is not. It is asked in order to get a definite response. It is not asked because the writer does not know the answer, but asked for the probable effect on the audience, which has been abstained by the deliberate expression in the following content, thus making the article vivid and powerful. The headline writer often uses such a rhetorical question to lure readers into the body for the answer:(23) 13 days on, who‟s winning this war? (The Times Oct 19, 2001)There is no clue to the answer in the headline, and readers have to go on to the body if they are curious. The answer indeed lies in the body: America and Britain are not likely to win the war on Afghanistan.(24)谁来“叫板”( China Youth Daily Oct 22, 2001)The writer does know the answer. In the body he proposes that players in Chinese clubs should be bold enough to charge the Chinese Football Association with interference10. ApostropheApostrophe is a figure of speech in which “a thing, place, idea or person (dead or alive)is addressed as if present, listening to and understanding what is being said”(Sha Zhaoyu, 1995: 41).It can sometimes be found in both English and Chinese headlines: (25)The bottom line is, Kate, that women on TV do get by on looks alone (The Times Oct 29, 2001)This head is about the writer's feeling on the result of the best TV actress in Britain. Kate, as widely considered the better of the two nominees, fails because she is not as beautiful as the other nominee though she performed excellently. The writer expresses his indignant view and uses this head as if he is writing to Kate.(26) 你好,苏伊士运河(China Youth Daily Nov 17, 2001)The writer is here addressing the Suez Cannel. It seems as if the channel is capable of understanding the writer's words. Used so, apostrophe reveals the writer's kindly attitude towards and appreciation of the Suez Cannel.11. Zeugma(拈连)Zeugma is a figure of speech by which a single word is made to modify or to govern two or more words in the same sentence, either properly applying in sense to only one of them, or applying to both in different senses (Feng Cuihua, 1983: 63).Such a device can save space and make the sentence compact, so it is sometimes employed in English and Chinese headlines:(27) It‟s cricket: bombs and borders cannot stop Afghanistan's team(The Times Oct 16, 2001)“Stop” originally can only govern“bombs”,but here it also modifies “borders”, meaning that the blockade along the Afghan border-lines cannot prevent the Afghanistan people from attending the cricket tournament in Pakistan.(28) 离婚离出蹊跷事(Wenhui Daily Oct 18, 2001)一女士要求男方拿出违约金30万The first“离”is a modifier of“婚”while the second is made deliberately to govern the phrase“蹊跷事”,which, despite so, reads smooth.3.2 Rhetorical Devices Commonly in Chinese Headlines but Rarely in English HeadlinesBesides the figures of speech discussed above there are still some devices commonly found in Chinese headlines, but rarely in English headlines:1 .Simile(明喻)A simile makes a comparison between two or more unlike things having at least one quality or characteristic in common. The comparison is purely imaginative, that is, the resemblance between the unlike things exists only in our minds, in our “inward eye”and not in the nature of the things themselves ( Feng Cuihua, 1983:3).It is usuall y expressed by “like” or “as” in English and“象”,“如”,“恰似”,etc., in Chinese. Though it is rarely, if ever, used in English headlines, it is a common device in Chinese headlines, normally expressed by“如”,“似”,“象”,“好比”and so on, which are no longer than two characters. For example:(29) 机遇象条河(China Youth Daily Feb 28, 2007 )In this sentence, the writer compares the tenor“机遇”,to the vehicle“河”,to show that everyone has opportunities; the problem lies in whether we can find and take them, instead of letting t hem “flow” like a river.2 RepetitionRepetition can strengthen the language power so as to convey strong emotion andheighten the rhythm of language, and when it is used in the headline, it enables them tobe eye-catching and ear-pleasing.In Chinese headlines, however, it is usually the repetitive use of the same word or phrase, aimed at showing emotion in an emphasizing way. As the repetitive use of the same word or phrase is not appreciated in English, repetition almost never appears in English headlines.(30)孩子!孩子!孩子! ( Nanfang Daily June 7, 2005)—江西省广电幼儿园火灾直击The repetition of “children” is in fact an echo of the desperate cry on the spot. Along with three exclamation marks, the repetition vivifies the terrible scene and confusion, and thus the alarm is sounded against fire.3. Parallelism(排比)Parallelism consists of phrases or sentences of similar structures and meanings placed side by side, balancing each other(see Li Guonan, 1999: 434).English parallelism may be composed of two or more phrases or sentences, and Chinese parallelism is of more than two phrases or sentences, and is a usual device in headlines:(31)抓党风促政风带民风(Guangming Daily Oct 30, 2001)This head includes three clauses placed in a balanced structure showing their causal relationship, so it sounds rhythmical and forceful.4 Dingzhen(顶真)Dingzhen is to take the end of the text as the beginning of the next, which。
比如《Trump signs new executive order》(特朗普签署新行政命令),这个标题里只有4个单词,但已经明确了新闻事件的主要内容。
北京理工大学珠海学院信息学院学生会月大会活动策划书2011年北京理工大学珠海学院信息学院“月大会”活动策划书主办:信息学院团总支学生会2011年11月18日北京理工大学珠海学院信息学院学生会月大会活动策划书2011年目录一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十、十一、十二、十三、十四、前言活动名称活动时间活动地点活动主题活动对象活动背景活动目的活动实施流程工作人员安排注意事项工作要求细则应急预案附录 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 7 8 8 10 10北京理工大学珠海学院信息学院学生会月大会活动策划书2011年一、前言北京理工大学珠海学院概况北京理工大学珠海学院是经中华人民共和国教育部批准,于2004年5月8日正式成立的普通高等学校。
汉英报纸新 闻标题的另一大特 点,就是频 繁运用
省 略 策 略 。英 语 标 题 省 略 最 多 的 是 冠 词 和 助 动 词 “ o t
b ”。如: e
文 的t k ,既是 小词又是单 音节词语 。同样,在 中文 ae
汉英报纸新 闻标题 的词法 共性
无论是英语报 刊,还是汉语报 刊 ,其标题 都遵 循 以醒 目的文 字,简短 的语 言 ,生动形 象地概括 新闻大 意 这一 原则 。在这 一原则 的指导下 ,我 们就可在 英 汉报纸新闻标题 中找 出以下一些共 同点。 ( )小词或单音节词语 的大量使 用 一
( )缩略 语 的 大 量 应 用 二
往 的不 断深 入, 阅读英语 报刊 ,掌握 世界资讯 ,将在
各 个 领 域 起 到 越 来 越 重 要 的 作 用 。作 为 新 闻 “ 睛 ” 眼
的标题 ,是 新闻 内容和新 闻价值 的高度概括 。熟练把 握 新闻标题 ,对 深入 了解 新闻 内容及 价值十分 重要 。
阔” (《 光明 日报 》,2 1年3 日第8 0 0 月2 版)。
试 想 ,如 果 在 上 述 报 纸 新 闻 标 题 使 用 全 称 的 话 ,
如 : “ p c a i e v c s f e s w r t l s e S e i lA r S r i e u f r o s o ss
r0 Y0t a’ s Pres nt t t i de 0 ake “f u11
7 2 1 , T m s ( 国空军特种部 队遭受6 年来最 , 00 ie) 英 0 大损失 ); “ 世博场馆及配套设施 已完成9% (《 5” 人
一条英语新闻标题"The President's Speech on Climate Change"(总统关于气候变化的讲话)直接表达新闻事件的主要内容,简洁明了。
比如一句英语新闻标题"New Policy Aims to Reduce Traffic Congestion"(新政策旨在减少交通拥堵)采用了简练的主谓宾结构,直接表达政策的目的和效果。
语言风格:中文新 闻标题中经常使用 生动、形象的语言 ,以吸引读者的注 意力。
直接明了:英文 新闻标题通常直 接表达新闻事件 的核心内容,简
注重事实:英文 新闻标题注重事 实,避免使用夸 张、煽情的词汇。
语言风格:英文 新闻标题的语言 风格较为正式, 使用专业术语和
比喻:使用比喻来形象 地表达新闻事件的主题
拟人:将非人事物赋 予人的情感和性格,
双关:利用单词的多义 性,使标题具有双重含
押韵:使用押韵的标 题,使新闻标题更具
比喻:在中英文新闻标题中都广泛使用,使标题更加生动形象 拟人:在中英文新闻标题中都有使用,使标题更具有感情色彩 对比:在中英文新闻标题中都有使用,突出新闻事件的重要性和关注度 押韵:在中英文新闻标题中都有使用,使标题更加朗朗上口,易于记忆
直接陈述事实: 直接告诉读者 发生了什么事
强调重点:突 出事件的关键 信息,如时间、 地点、人物等
使用比喻、拟 人等修辞手法: 使标题更具吸 引力和生动性
引用权威人士 或机构的言论: 增加标题的可 信度和权威性
直接陈述事实:简洁明了,直接告诉读者发生了什么 使用数字和百分比:让读者快速了解事件的关键信息 引用当事人的话:增加新闻的真实性和可信度 使用比喻和拟人:使标题更具吸引力和生动性
标题用词:中文标题常用 成语、谚语等,而英文标 题则更注重使用专业术语
英新闻标题常用简称,如NASA(National Aeronautics andSpace Administration)。
英语新闻标题常用词汇主要有:1. 动词:常用的动词包括表示行动或事件发生的词汇,如:announce(宣布)、launch(发射)、attack(袭击)等。
2. 名词:英语新闻标题中经常出现具体的名词,如人物、地点、事件等。
3. 形容词:英语新闻标题中的形容词通常用于修饰名词,增强新闻事件的情感色彩,吸引读者的注意力,如:deadly(致命的)、massive(大规模的)等。
1. 动词:汉语新闻标题中的动词也常常表示事件发生、行动进行等,如:公布、发生、举行等。
2. 名词:汉语新闻标题中的名词也通常与新闻事件的主题相关,但相对于英语新闻标题来说,汉语新闻标题中的名词更加直接、简练,少用修饰性的词语,如:会议、讲话、案件等。
3. 形容词:汉语新闻标题中的形容词相对而言使用较少,通常在需要强调新闻事件的特点或重要性时才会出现,如:重大、突发、严重等。
【关键词】中英文、网络新闻标题、对比研究、构成要素、语言风格、信息传达方式、文化因素、读者反馈、启示、未来发展趋势1. 引言1.1 研究背景:中英文网络新闻标题的重要性在当前信息爆炸的时代,网络新闻已成为人们获取信息的重要渠道,而新闻标题作为新闻内容的门户和精华部分,在吸引读者注意、传递信息、引发共鸣等方面起着至关重要的作用。
1.2 研究目的:探讨中英文网络新闻标题的差异网络新闻标题作为新闻信息传播的第一道门户,在吸引读者注意、传达信息、引发关注等方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 浅析新闻中模糊语的翻译2 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Food Cultures3 从目的论的角度浅析美国电影字幕翻译4 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 175 567 12 485 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析6 论基督教教义对美国人慈善观的影响7 从植物词看英汉文化差异8 从思维方式看中英科普文章的差异9 以拉康的镜像理论分析电影《法国中尉的女人》10 从女性主义视角分析《飘》中斯佳丽人物形象11 An Analysis of the Cultural Identity in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club12 商务英语的词汇特征及翻译策略13 用批评性语言分析中美主要矛盾14 “反偶像的偶像”乔治奥威尔15 从《打鱼人和他的灵魂》看王尔德的唯美主义16 从简?奥斯汀作品中的礼仪看英国人的社交心理17 《欢乐之家》孤独灵魂的自我发现18 违反合作原则所表达的会话含义—以《越狱》中Theodore Bagwell话语为例19 An Analysis of the D Film Alice in Wonderland from the Perspective of Gothicism20 论英语广告的语言特点21 英汉死亡委婉语对比研究22 论海明威《死在午后》的悲观主义色彩23 Cultural Differences Reflected in the Concept of Dragon24 A Comparative Study of Cultural Connotations of Yellow and Huang in English and Chinese25 论《德伯家的苔丝》中的女性主义意识26 Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies27 金钱决定婚姻28 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵及其翻译29 杰克?伦敦《野性的呼唤》中人生哲学的主题分析30 《荒原》中的神话溯源31 论英语新闻翻译中的文化干扰及相应对策32 女性形象下的女权主义思想——浅析汤亭亭小说《女勇士》33 A Probe into Charles Dickens’ Family Values Reflected in A Christmas Carol34 从叙事结构分析电影《撞车》中对种族歧视问题的诠释35 《无名的裘德》主人公人物形象浅析36 论《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人文化传统37 文化差异视域下英语报刊硬新闻的翻译38 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略39 论跨文化人才非语言交际能力的培养40 运用弗洛伊德人格理论解读《吸血鬼日记》中的吸血鬼形象41 文化语境对中西商务谈判的影响42 The Archetype of the Ugly Duckling in The Secret Garden43 Comparative Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Animal Words44 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names45 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved46 试从大卫?科波菲尔分析狄更斯的人道主义精神47 英语幽默的认知语用分析48 商务英语中的缩略词研究49 A Comparison of the English Color Terms50 《榆树下的欲望》埃本悲剧命运探析51 浅析英文电影在高中英语教学应用52 论《西游记》中文化因素的翻译策略——以詹纳尔和余国藩的英译本为例53 对中国英语语言教学中进行跨文化意识培养的研究54 从语域角度分析《瓶中信》中书信的语言特色55 简奥斯汀作品中的讽刺和说教主义56 初中英语课堂教师话语分析57 《永别了,武器》中的自然象征意义58 “垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析59 The Study of Symbolism in Moby Dick60 谈新闻发布会口译中的礼貌原则61 从心理学角度探析爱米莉的爱情悲剧62 How Can Women Survive—Consideration of Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own63 浅析英语习语的翻译原则和方法64 透过霍尔顿看《麦田里的守望者》中的代际关系65 职场女性的言语行为的礼貌原则66 浅析英语歧义句的成因及消除67 对比分析嘉莉妹妹与简爱的女性形象68 An Analysis of Realistic Literature Under the Enlightenment in Robinson Crusoe69 英语电影名的汉译艺术70 《天路历程》与《西游记》的精神共鸣71 肯德基在中国成功的本土化营销策略72 中西饮食文化对比研究73 A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation74 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究75 埃德加?爱伦?坡小说《黑猫》的写作技巧应用分析76 路易斯——现实世界在非现实世界的投影——解读《夜访吸血鬼》的现代性77 对希腊神话和中国神话中“爱”的比较及其文化影响初探78 从《西风颂》初析雪莱的反传统人格特征79 海明威《雨中猫》的文体分析80 英语教学中的文化意识81 当爱遇见不爱——浅析《马可百万》中的三对情爱关系82 合作学习在初中英语写作教学中应用的可行性研究83 如何运用情景教学法进行初中英语词汇教学的探讨84 Yellow Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West85 是受害者还是恶棍——重新解读夏洛克86 爱默生超验主义对世纪美国人生观的影响——以《论自助》为例87 On the Chinese Loanwords from English88 中英死亡委婉语对比分析89 旅游英语翻译的研究90 《紫色》中“家”的解读91 从语用原则视角分析政治演讲中的语用策略92 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现93 中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究94 “生活大爆炸”中美式幽默的翻译方法研究95 论《蝇王》中戈尔丁对人性之恶的解析96 浅谈我国服装行业的网络营销97 珀西?雪莱抒情诗意象研究98 The Religious Thoughts in The Pilgrim’s Progress99 论新闻英语的语言特点100 流行音乐与大众文化101 世纪美国男权社会下女性的成长——解读《觉醒》中埃德娜的觉醒过程和原因102 广告的翻译103 《理智与情感》的现实主义特征104 从女性主义视角看《蝴蝶梦》105 试析跨文化交流中文化休克现象及对策106 查尔斯?达尔内——《双城记》中一个内心充满矛盾的人物107 觉醒的女性意识:《嘉莉妹妹》中女性主义分析108 论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质109 Analysis of Tony’s Tragedy in A Handful of Dust110 归化与异化翻译策略在英译汉语菜名中的应用111 命案现场——阿加莎死亡观简析112 Escapism in The Picture of Dorian Gray113 《智血》中主要人物生命历程解读(开题报告+论)114 《荆棘鸟》之宗教观115 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved116 论艾米莉?狄金森诗歌中的死亡观117 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象118 初中英语课堂教学现状调查119 Research on the Expression of the Speaker’s Intention in English and Chinese Conversation 120 对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析121 On the Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry from Aesthetic Perspective—Based on the different English versions of ―Tian Jing ShaQiu Si‖122 《荆棘鸟》女性意识浅析123 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识124 从生态女性主义角度解读《宠儿》125 《雾都孤儿》中的善与恶126 游戏教学在小学英语课堂中的运用127 威廉福克纳《圣殿》小说创作里的自卑情结128 英语新闻标题的前景化129 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由130 目的论指导下的导游词英译策略研究131 目的论在英文电影片名汉译中的应用132 When Chinese Tradition Meets Western Culture: Comparison between Qi Xi and Valentine’s Day133 论莎士比亚的宗教思想134 浅析美国高等教育的创新135 从功能理论角度分析电影《点球成金》字幕翻译136 中西礼貌用语的语用对比研究137 论第二语言习得与教学中的互动138 礼貌原则视角下奥巴马演讲技巧的分析139 Cause Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Cross-cultural Communication140141 从黑人女性主义解读《宠儿》中塞丝的觉醒142 A Study on Theme Slogan Translation—from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory143 浅谈奥巴马演讲中的语用策略144 《织工马南》中的因果关系说145 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的叙事艺术146 美国俚语的文化特征及社会功能147 A Comparison of the English Color Terms148 浅析《老人与海》中的悲剧色彩149150 非言语交际在中西文化中的差异151 A Comparison of the English Color Terms152 Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning153 小学英语学习策略及研究154 A Comparison of the English Color Terms155 The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and Occidental Classical Gardens156 美国梦的矛盾心理-伟大的盖茨比主题分析157 论《福谷传奇》中的象征158 作者菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中所表现的双重人格159 合作原则与关联理论比较160 英语非限定性动词的语言分析161 A Study on Strategies of Effective Teaching in the Junior Middle School EFL Classroom 162 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan163 解读托尼?莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》中的成长主题164 大学英语电影教学现状及对策分析165 从目的论角度看企业推介材料的中译英技巧-以家具产品介绍为例166 The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray167 《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析168 An Interpretation of Nightingale in The Nightingale and the Rose169 哈金小说《等待》中的女性悲剧分析170 浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突171 Improving Senior High School Students’ Oral English by Applying English Songs172 维多利亚时代的乡村图景——小说《德伯家的苔丝》展现的威塞克斯农业社会173 On Success of Gone with the Wind174 劳伦斯小说中的女性形象175 习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究176 论《傲慢与偏见》中简?奥斯丁的女性主义177 通过分析《德伯家的苔丝》中主要人物形象分析哈代的宿命论思想178 英语词汇学习策略179 评析杰克伦敦小说《荒野的呼唤》中巴克的象征意象180 Hardy’s View of femini sm from Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure181 《动物农庄》中的象征意义研究182 The Research of Language Art in English Class183 中英文新闻标题对比研究184 不同文化背景下的中美家庭教育对比185 The Influence of Westward Movement on American National Character186 企业文化对其竞争力的影响187 分析《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的二元性188 论中西教育观的差异189 礼貌原则在商贸信函中的应用190 论初中生英语学习资源策略培养191 美国电影中的英雄主义解析192 从《永别了,武器》看海明威的战争观193 中美商务接待文化差异194 从女性主义视角分析《飘》中斯佳丽人物形象195 任务型英语教学的理论与实践探讨196 合作原则在动画中的应用197 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby198 On The Narrative Perspective Type of J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace199 Eco-Critical Reading of The Call of the Wild200 浅谈金融危机对中国汽车产业影响。
汉语的时态助词主要有三个 :“着 ”、 “了”、“过”。 其中,“着” 表示持续动态; “了”表示完成时,已发生;“过”则表示一 度或曾经发生的行为或状态。
台湾犯罪分子恶劣行径令人发指 拐骗大陆女子私渡去台湾遭缉捕强行将 人推下海
从这则新闻标题中我们很难判断出 事情发生的具体时间。
但同日的英文版《中国日报》的标题 是:
Beijing Condemns Taiwan Sea Mur-
der 在这则新闻标题中就体现了“新闻现
代时”的基本原则,用现在时体现了过去 的概念。
句法研究探究的是句子的各个组成 部分和它们的排列顺序和规律。 英汉两种 语言分别属于印欧语系和汉藏语系,它们 在语言表现形式上风格迥异,在句法结构 上也存在着很大的差异。
英汉新闻标题的句型对比 英语新闻标题的基本句型。 在阅读英 语新闻标题时,我们可以看到很多符合英 语基本句型要求的完整的句子。 如: CIA destroyed 92 interview tapes (New
编校:郑 艳
短语构成的新闻标题, 即 “动词+对象宾 语”。 其中, 动词对对象宾语起支配、 关 涉的作用。 这种结构在陈述报道中功能 性较强, 简洁鲜明, 同时生动活泼, 富 有动感, 可以很快吸引读者的注意和关 注。
例如:加快推进科学重建 加快推进 科学发展(《人民日报》2009 / 3 / 21)
就情景喜剧的创作而言,情景喜剧不 仅在叙事结构上要做足文章,还要在从原 点回到原点的这一过程中力求曲折新奇、 引人入胜,备足足够的悬念。 很多优秀的 情景剧都有这样一个特征:往往是在特定 的情景中,慢慢将“包袱”口扎紧,然后加 快 节 奏 , 最 后 用 一 两 场 戏 抖 开 “ 包 袱 ”, 达 到“意料之外,情理之中”的效果。 因此,中
(一) 词汇差异在选词上,二者都喜用缩略语、大众化词语和时髦用语,差异主要体现在以下方面:1英.文标题大量选用简短小词,节省版面。
一、英汉新闻标题的语言特征1. 英语新闻标题的语言特征英语新闻标题通常简洁明了,精炼概括,使用的词汇量少,但信息量大,重点突出。
2. 汉语新闻标题的语言特征汉语新闻标题注重表达方式的丰富多样,灵活运用成语、俗语、谚语等文化特色词汇,使标题更富有表现力和感染力。
1. 形式上的差异英语新闻标题偏向简洁明了,词汇量少,使用的词汇通常是通俗易懂的常用词和短语,力求突出新闻的要点。
《China's economy grows by 6.9% in 2017》。
2. 语言习惯上的差异英语新闻标题通常采用简单句式或者短语作为标题,追求简洁明了,力求重点突出。
如在表达环保问题时,英语新闻标题可能会直截了当地使用“Environment Protection”,而汉语新闻标题可能会加上“清洁美丽家园”等修辞词汇。
3. 文化特征上的差异英语新闻标题往往更加客观、直接,注重事实的陈述,遵循英语语言的表达习惯。
Vo 1 . 3 5 No . 3
开 封 教 育 学 院学 报
J o u r n a l o f Ka i f e n g I n s t i t u t e o f E d u c a t i o n
2 0 1 5年 3月 2 0日
Ma r . 2 0 201 5
们之间的异同, 并将这类研究用于其他相关领域。作 为 现代语 言 学研究 的一个 重要领 域 , 对 比语言 学 主要 是为了研究语言学 习和翻译过程 中不同语 言之间的 差异 , 探 讨 不 同语 言 在 语 法 、 用词、 语 境 设 计 等 多 重 层 次下 的对 比和研 究 , 从语 言 应 用 习惯 、 民族语 言 问 题 等方 面对 不 同语 言类 型进 行有 针对 性 的对 比研究 。 就 中英新闻标题而言 , 就是从中英文新闻标题 的用词 方法、 语 法结构等方 面进行有针对性 的对 比研究 , 帮 助写作主体更加透彻地了解英汉两种语言在表达方 式 等方 面 的区别 , 以及 在新 闻标题 写作 方 面的差 异 。 二、 英汉 新 闻标 题 用词特 点对 比分 析
( 一) 语 用学理 论
学、 跨 文 化语 用 学 等 多方 面 的宏 观 研究 , 也包 括 对语 名 词 使 用 而 言 , 由于 名词 本 身 具 有 非 常 强 的 语 言 功
言产生的认知角度的微观研究。 在语用学的研究中, 主要 考察 语 言 的功 能性 视角 , 结合 语 言运作 的认 知 、 社 会和 文化 因素 形成 独 特 的研究 思路 , 从语 用 角度 探 索语 言 的功 能 , 并考 察人 类交 际所 必需 的社 会 背景 信 息 。 而对 于新 闻标题 而 言 , 作 为一 种 具有 特殊 意义 的
最新 以新闻标题为例探究中英新闻语言特色的异同-精品
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内容提炼程度不同 评价新闻内容方式各异 新闻标题的结构有别 修辞手法各异 编辑形式不同
中文标题是多层次的 ,具有一定的深度和广度,且 倾向于总体性 ,着眼于尽可能详尽完整地囊括新闻内 容。中文标题本身就是一条超微型新闻。而英文标 题则能趋于“重点化”,即着力于以精炼的文字概 括出新闻中最重要的某一点或方面来吸引读者。 如: 谢军获国际象棋世界冠军 Xie Jun ends Soviet hold on chess title
经常用在汉语新闻标题中的修辞手法有比喻、比 拟、借代、排比、复叠、对偶、对照、衍化、双 关、设问、质问、反问、拈连等。 如: 让外国车穿“中国鞋” 东风轮胎厂四年创汇1 600 多万美元 (比拟) 而英文新闻标题中常用的修辞手段有:押韵、幽 默、比喻、夸张、排比、双关和借用典故、成语 等。 如:Foreigners lend flair (押韵)
标题Байду номын сангаас作用
标题(headline) 是新闻的一个不可分割的组成 部分。标题得势,则全文皆振。汉语新闻标题 的主要功能有:划分与组织新闻内容;揭示新闻 内容,供受众选择阅读内容;评价新闻内容;吸引 读者阅读;美化版面并表现报纸的风格。英语 新闻标题的作用主要表现在:提炼新闻内容;美 化版面形式。可见,英汉新闻标题作用的共同 点是画龙点“睛”,美化版面。
汉英形式相同,但是其内容和表达上有差异 如: 尘埃落定 布什发表当选演讲 Bush Gives Long - Awaited Acceptance Speech
总之,汉语新闻标题侧重“动”,英语新闻标 题侧重“静”。 英语新闻标题还有其自身的措词、语法特点。 通过英汉新闻标题对比来学习翻译亦不失为一种 好方法,它对我们将来对语言学的学习会有很大 的帮助。
Thank you
汉语新闻标题的结构分为复合式和单一式。 复合式结构的标题是由主题、引题和副题 共同组成的,可以是引题加主题或主题加副 题的形式,也可以是主题、引题和副题三者 俱全的形式 。 如: (主)南信大高标准海内外招才引智 (副)最高可获百万元年薪 而英文新闻标题则主要采用单层式标题 如: Tiger’s desperate search for a win
1.汉语用分隔的主谓短语,英语用完整的 句子; 2.汉语用名词短语,英语用完整的句子; 3.汉语用名词短语,英语也用名词短语,但 语序不一致; 4.汉语用简单句,英语用名词+ 介词短语 或副词短语 如: 亚太经合组织 畅谈亚太经贸 Leaders Discuss Asian Trade at APEC Summit
汉语可以通过四种方式来评价新闻内容:一、 通过对新闻事实的选择进行评价;第二、通过对标 题内容主次的安排进行评价;第三、直接对事实发 表议论;第四,可以通过语言文字的运用。而英语 则较多地选择褒贬鲜明的词语制作标题。 如: 冰人! 耐冻六十一小时 New York Gets an Icy Magic Performance