
从解剖学的角度来看,皮肤由三层组成:表皮(epidermis)、真皮(dermis)和皮下组织(subcutaneous tissue)。

颗粒层 棘层 基底层
EM:透明角质颗粒无被膜,致密均质 状,角蛋白丝伸入其中。
板层颗粒多,位于胞质周边部,与细 胞膜贴连。所含糖脂等释放到细胞间 隙内,在细胞外形成多层膜状结构, 构成阻止物质透过表皮的主要屏障。
是生成黑色素的细胞,在胚胎早期由神 经嵴发生,后迁移到皮肤中。
分布:散布于表皮的基底细胞之间,真 皮中亦有少数。在身体各部的数量有明 显差别,在前额有2000个∕平方毫米,四 肢为1000个∕平方毫米。
LM:特殊染色可显示为有多个较长并有 分支突起的细胞。
EM:丰富的细胞器,主要特点是有多个 长圆形小体—黑素小体。该小体含酪氨 酸酶,可将之转化为黑色素,黑素体充 满色素后成为黑素颗粒。黑素颗粒被输 送至基底细胞内,黑素颗粒棕黑色,是 决定皮肤颜色的重要因素。
散在于毛囊附近的表皮基底细胞间,数 量很少,1个/平方厘米。
EM:核 较小,不规则,胞质内有许多有 膜的含致密核芯的小泡,与肾上腺髓质 细胞的分泌颗粒相似。
功能:不清楚,可能是感觉细胞,感受 触觉刺激。
EM:游离核糖体丰富,高尔基复合 体,板层颗粒(细胞内含脂质的分泌颗 粒)—直径0.1-0.5μm,有膜包被,内有明 暗相间的平行板层,内容物主要是糖脂和 固醇,主要分布细胞周边并以胞吐的方 式将脂质排放到细胞间隙,形成膜状物。
(3)颗粒层(stratum granulosum)
为 3-5层较扁的梭形细胞组成,位于棘 层上方

THE SKIN (cont.)
Dermis Deeper and thicker of the two primary skin layers and
THE SKIN (cont.)
Accessory structures of the skin (cont.)
Skin glands
Sweat or sudoriferous Sebaceous
Sweat or sudoriferous glands
Eccrine sweat glands Most numerous, important, and widespread of the sweat glands Produce perspiration or sweat, which flows out through pores on skin surface Function through life and assist in body heat regulation
Basis of fingerprinting Improves grip for tool use and walking
THE SKIN (cont.)
Deeper reticular layer of dermis : filled with network of tough, interlacing, collagenous and stretchable elastic fibers

医学专业英语皮肤以下是医学专业英语中与皮肤相关的词汇:1. 皮肤(Skin)2. 皮疹(Rash)3. 皮肤瘙痒(Pruritus)4. 皮肤炎(Dermatitis)5. 牛皮癣(Psoriasis)6. 湿疹(Eczema)7. 痤疮(Acne)8. 粉刺(Zits)9. 黑头粉刺(Blackheads)10. 白头粉刺(Whiteheads)11. 脓疱(Pimples)12. 红斑(Erythema)13. 水疱(Blisters)14. 溃疡(Ulcers)15. 瘢痕(Scars)16. 色素沉着(Hyperpigmentation)17. 皮肤脱屑(Desquamation)18. 表皮(Epidermis)19. 真皮(Dermis)20. 皮下组织(Subcutaneous Tissue)21. 毛发(Hair)22. 指甲(指甲)23. 油性皮肤(Oily Skin)24. 干性皮肤(Dry Skin)25. 敏感性皮肤(Sensitive Skin)26. 油性痤疮(Oily Acne)27. 酒渣鼻(Rosacea)28. 毛周角化病(Keratosis Pilaris)29. 黄褐斑(Melasma)30. 日光性皮炎(Sunburn)31. 晒伤(Sunburned)32. 冻伤(Frostbite)33. 烧伤(Burns)34. 伤口愈合(Wound Healing)35. 瘢痕形成(Scarring)36. 皮肤老化(Skin Aging)37. 光老化(Photoaging)38. 皮肤癌(Skin Cancer)39. 基底细胞癌(Basal Cell Carcinoma)40. 鳞状细胞癌(Squamous Cell Carcinoma)41. 黑色素瘤(Melanoma)42. 皮肤移植(Skin Transplantation)43. 皮肤活检(Skin Biopsy)44. 激光治疗(Laser Therapy)45. 光子嫩肤(Photorejuvenation)46. 强脉冲光治疗(Intense Pulsed Light Therapy)47. 化学剥脱(Chemical Peels)48. 果酸换肤(Alpha-Hydroxy Acids Peels)49. 磨皮治疗(Dermaplaning)50. 皮肤保湿剂(Skin Moisturizers)51. 防晒霜(Sunscreen Creams)52. 去角质剂(Exfoliants)53. 治疗药物(Therapeutic Agents)54. 非处方药(Over-the-Counter Medications)55. 内分泌失调(Endocrine Disorders)56. 系统性疾病(Systemic Diseases)57. 环境因素(Environmental Factors)58. 个人因素(Individual Factors)59. 社会因素(Social Factors)60. 不良生活方式(Unhealthy Lifestyles)。

3.梅克尔细胞merkel cell
位置:位于表皮基底细胞之间。 LM:具有短指状突起。 EM:胞质含有致密核芯的小泡,细胞底 部与盘状的感觉神经末梢接触。 功能:不明,可能感受触觉。 来源:原始的表皮细胞
• 二、真皮dermis
• 真皮由致密结缔组织组成。分为两层: (一)乳头层papillary layer (二)网织层reticular layer
1.基底层stratum basale 2.棘层stratum spinosum 3.颗粒层stratum granulosum 4.透明层stratum lucidum 5.角质层stratum corneum
• 位置:位于基底细胞之间 LM:胞体圆形,突起伸入基底层和棘层, 胞质内含有黑色素。 EM:胞质中有椭圆形小体,称黑素体, 内含酪氨酸酶,能将酪氨酸酶转化为黑色 素。 功能:产生黑色素 来源:神经嵴
2.郎格汉斯细胞langerhans cell
LM:具有树枝状突起。 EM:胞核呈不规则形或分叶形,胞质内含有特殊的 伯贝克颗粒,切面呈网球拍状或杆状,内有一条纵行 的致密 功能:抗原呈递细胞 来源:骨髓
• 2.顶泌汗腺:又称大汗腺,位于腋窝、乳晕、 肛门周围。腺腔大,分泌物粘稠,被细菌分解 后产生特别的臭味,称狐臭。
(二)立毛肌(arrector pili muscle) 是一束斜行的平滑肌,一端附着于毛囊,一端止 于真皮乳头层。
(三)皮脂腺sebaceous gland: 泡状腺
1.腺泡 2.导管
• (四)汗腺sweat gland:
• 单管状腺 • 1.局泌汗腺:又称小汗腺

Epidermis [?p?'d?m?s]:表皮表皮是皮肤的最外层,包括5个亚层,最外层为角质层。
Dermis ['d?m?s]:真皮真皮包括2个亚层,有血管和淋巴管、汗腺、神经纤维等。
根据上述有关词根的解释,derm表示皮肤,可以联想为Dermis 是真正的那一层皮肤。
Subcutaneous [,s?bkj?'tenj?s]:皮下的sub-表示在…之下,下一级,次;-aneous表示形容词subcutaneous tissue皮下组织皮下组织包括脂肪和结缔组织的皮下层,有血管、淋巴管、神经等。
比如时NPUAP/EPUAP 压疮分期系统里面描述:Ⅱ期压疮:Partial thickness loss of dermis(真皮层部分破损)Ⅲ期压疮:Full thickness tissue loss, subcutaneous fat may be visible butbone, tendon or muscle are not exposed(全皮层破损,可见皮下脂肪,但是骨骼,肌腱或肌肉未暴露)又比如对伤口进行分类时:Partial-thickness wounds involve the epidermis and extend into, but not through, the dermis.部分皮层伤口涉及表皮破损,也可能损伤真皮,但没有穿透真皮。
Full-thickness wounds penetrate through the fat and involve muscle, tendon, or bone.全皮层伤口穿透脂肪,可涉及肌肉,肌腱或者骨骼暴露。

人体表面解剖学(Superficial Anatomy)是一门研究人体外部形态的分支学科。
Anat of Skin 皮肤解剖学

Rich Callahan MSPA, PA-C ICM I Summer 2009
Before Pathophysiology Comes Anatomy • One of the keys to your knowledge of skin disease is understanding the anatomy of the skin and the particular way a given skin disease affects it. • Anatomy of skin also important during dermatologic procedures like skin biopsy, excisions and ED&C.
First line of defense is the stratum corneum, which is primarily composed of laminated keratin.
Definition of Keratin (From Taber’s Medical Dictionary) • “A family of durable protein polymers that are found only in epithelial cells. They provide structural strength to skin, hair and nails. The fibrous protein is produced by keratinocytes.” • Thoroughly understanding the process of keratinization which takes place in the epidermis will unlock answers for many skin diseases because so many of them are disorders of it.

1、总论[Introduction] superior[上] inferior[下] Cranial[头侧] Caudal[尾侧] anterior[前] posterior[后] ventral[腹侧] dorsal[背侧] medial[内侧] lateral[外侧] internal[内] external[外] superficial[浅] profundal[深] proximal[近侧] distal[远侧] ulnar[尺侧] radial[桡侧] tibial[胫侧] fibular[腓侧] 2、运动系统[locomotor (kinetic) system] vertebrae[椎⾻] cervical vevtebrae[颈椎] thoracic vertebrae[胸椎] lumbar vertebrae[腰椎] sacrum[骶⾻] sternum[胸⾻] rib[肋⾻] thoracic cage[胸廓] skull[颅] frontal bone[额⾻] parietal bone[顶⾻] sphenoid bone[蝶⾻] ethmoid bone[筛⾻] mandible (submaxilla)[下颌⾻] maxilla (supermaxilla)[上颌⾻] nasal bone[⿐⾻] coronal (sagital, lambdoid) suture [冠状(⽮状,⼈字)缝] orbit[眶] clavicle[锁⾻] scapula (shoulder blade)[肩胛⾻] sternum (breast bone)[胸⾻] manubrium sterni (presternum)[胸⾻柄] midsternum[胸⾻体] xiphoid[剑突] humerus[肱⾻] radius[桡⾻] ulna[尺⾻] carpal bone[腕⾻] metacarpal bone [掌⾻] phalanges[指(趾)⾻] hip bone[髋⾻] ilium[髂⾻] ischium [坐⾻] pubis[耻⾻] femur [股⾻] patella[髌⾻] tibia[胫⾻] fibula [腓⾻] articulation[关节] ligament[韧带] flexion[屈] extension[伸] adduction[收] abduction[展] pronation[旋前] supination[旋后] circumductoin[环转] vertebral column[脊柱] intervertebral disc[椎间盘] temporal-mandibular joint[颞下颌关节] shoulder joint[肩关节] elbow joint[肘关节] radiocarpal joint[肩关节] radiocarpal joint[桡腕关节] pelvis[⾻盆] hip joint[髋关节] knee joint[膝关节] ankle joint[踝关节] muscle [肌⾁] tendon[肌腱] fascia[筋膜] tendinous sheath[腱鞘] trapezius[斜⽅肌] latissimus dorsi[背阔肌] sternocleidomastoid[胸锁乳突的] scalenus [斜⾓肌] pectoralis major[胸⼤肌] intercostales[肋间肌] diaphragm[膈肌] inguinal canal[腹股沟管] masseter[咬肌] temporalis[颞肌] deltoid[三⾓肌] biceps brachii[肱⼆头肌] triceps brachii[肱三头肌] axillary fossa [腑窝] gluteus maximus[臀⼤肌] quadriceps femoris[股四头肌] triceps surae[⼩腿三头肌] femoral triangle[股三⾓] 3、内脏[Viscera] viscera[内脏] oral cavity[⼝腔] lip[唇] cheek[颊] palate[腭] tooth[⽛] dentes[⽛] tongue[⾆] parotid gland[腮腺] pharynx[咽] esophagus[⾷管] stomach gaster[胃] duodenum[⼗⼆指肠] jejunum[空肠] ileum [回肠] large intestine[⼤肠] caecum[盲肠] vermiform (appendix)[阑尾] colon[结肠] rectum[直肠] anal canal[肛管] dentate line[齿状线] anus[肛门] liver (hepar)[肝] porta hepatis[肝门] gallblader[胆囊] pancreas[胰] nose[⿐] nasal cavity[⿐腔] laryngeal cavity[喉腔] vocal cord[声带] trachea[⽓管] bronchi[⽀⽓管] lung [肺] pulmonary[肺的] pleura[胸膜] mediastinum[纵隔] kidney[肾] renal pilvis[肾盂] ureter[输尿管] urinary bladder[膀胱] urethra[尿道] testis[睾丸] epididymis[附睾] ductus deferens[输精管] spermatic cord[精索] prostate[前列腺] scrotum[阴囊] penis[阴茎] ovary[卵巢] uterine tube[输卵管] uterus[⼦宫] vagina[阴道] clitoris[阴蒂] mamma (breast)[*] mammary papilla (nipple)[*] perineum[会阴] pelvic diaphragm[盆膈] peritoneum[腹膜] omentum[膜] 4、⼼⾎管系统[Cardiovascular system] heart[⼼] capillary[⽑细⾎管] atrium[⼼房] ventricle[⼼室] tricuspid valve[三尖瓣] bicuspid valve[⼆尖瓣] aortic valve[主动脉瓣] pulmonary valve[肺动脉瓣] sinuatrial node[窦房结] atrioventricular node[房室结] atrioventricular bundle[房室束] right/left bundle branch[右/左束⽀] coronary artery[冠状动脉] coronary sinus[冠状窦] pericardium[⼼包] aorta[主动脉] innominate artery[⽆名动脉(头臂⼲)] common carotid artery[颈总动脉] carotid sinus [颈动脉窦] internal(external) carotid artery[颈内(外)动脉] facial artery[⾯动脉] subclavian artery[锁⾻下动脉] mesenteric artery[肠系膜动脉] common iliac artery[髂总动脉] popliteal artery [腘动脉] vena cava [腔静脉] internal jugular vein[颈内静脉] cephalic vein[头静脉] basilic vein[贵要静脉] saphenous vein[隐静脉] lymphatic duct[淋巴导管] thoracic duct[胸导管] lymph node[淋巴结] spleen[脾] sensory organ[感觉器] receptor[感受器] visual organ[视器] eyeball [眼球] cornea[⾓膜] sclera[巩膜] choroid [脉络膜] ciliary body[睫状体] iris[虹膜] retina[视膜] optic disc[视神经盘] macula lutea[黄斑] aqueous humor[房⽔] lens[晶状体] vitreous body[玻璃体] eyelid [眼睑] conjunctiva[结膜] lacrimal gland[泪腺] vestibulocochlear organ[前庭蜗器] ear( auris) [⽿] auricle[⽿廓] acoustic meatus[⽿道] tympanic cavity[⿎室] tympanic membrane[⿎膜] pharyngotympanic tube [咽⿎管] bony(membranous) labyrinth[⾻(膜)迷路] vestibule [前庭] semicircular canal[半规管] cochlea[⽿蜗] cochlear duct[蜗管] olfactory organ[嗅器] gustatory organ[味器] taste bud[味蕾] central nervous system[中枢神经系统] peripheral nervous system[周围神经系统] visceral nerve[内脏神经医学教.育搜集] afferent nerve[传⼊神经] efferent nerve[传出神经] neuron[神经元] axon [轴突] dendrite[树突] glia [神经胶质] gray matter [灰质] white matter[⽩质] cortex[⽪质] madulla[髓质] nucleus[神经质] ganglion[神经节] fasciculus[神经束] nerve[神经] spinal nerve[脊神经] cervical plexus[颈丛] brachial plexus[臂丛] lumbar plexus[腰丛] sacral plexus [骶丛] phrenic nerve[膈神经] median nerve[正中神经] ulnar nerve[尺神经] radial nerve[桡神经] femoral nerve[股神经] ischiatic nerve[坐⾻神经] common peroneal nerve[腓总神经] cranial nerve[颅(脑)神经] olfactory nerve[嗅神经] optic nerve[视神经] oculomotor nerve[动眼神经] abducent nerve[展神经] facial nerve[⾯神经] vestibulocochlear nerve[前庭蜗神经] glossopharyngeal nerve[⾆咽神经] vagus nerve[迷⾛神经] accessary nerve[副神经] hypoglossal nerve[⾆下神经] autonomic nervous system[⾃主神经] vegetative nervous system[植物神经] sympathetic nerve[交感神经] parasympathetic nerve[副交感神经] spinal cord[脊髓] encephalon (brain)[脑] brain stem[脑⼲] medulla oblongata[延髓] pons [脑桥] mesencephalon[中脑] midbrain[中脑] cerebellum[⼩脑] diencephalon[间脑] thalamus[丘脑] hypothalamus[下丘脑] hypophysis[垂体] telencephalon[端脑] cerebrum[⼤脑] cerebral cortex[⼤脑⽪质] corpus striatum[纹状体] internal capsule[内囊] spinothalamic tract[⽪质脊髓束] medial lemniscus[内侧丘系] lateral lemniscus[外侧丘系] spinal lemniscus[脊髓丘系] trigeminal lemniscus[三叉丘系] suprasternal fossa[胸⾻上窝] supraclavicular fossa[锁⾻上窝] infraclavicular fossa[锁⾻下窝] armpit (axillary fossa)[腋窝] midsternal (midian) line[胸⾻中线(正中线)] anterior midian line[前正中线] parasternal line[胸⾻旁线] midclavicular line[锁⾻中线] mammillary (nipple, milk) line[乳线] posterior (mid-, anterior) axillary line[腋后(中,前)线] scapular line[肩胛线] midspinal line[脊柱中线] dorsomedian line[后正中线] linea paravertebralis [脊椎旁线] the left (right) upper abdomen (quadrant)[左(右)上腹] epigastrium[上腹部] the middle abdomen[中腹部] the lower abdomen[下腹部] linea pararectalis[腹直肌旁线] anterior superior spine[髂前上棘] symphysis pubis (symphysion)[耻⾻联合] ischial tuberosity[坐⾻结节] groin (inguen)[腹股沟] popliteal fossa[腘窝] upper extremity(limb)[上肢] lower extremity(limb)[下肢] posterior superior spine[髂后上嵴] anterior (dorsal) part of chest(前(后)胸部) scapular region[肩胛区] anterior (posterior) fontanelle[前(后)囱]。

皮 脂 腺
3. 皮脂的成分 甘油三酯(占50%) 甘油二酯 胆固醇 蜡酯 鲨烯 并含有棒状杆菌. 酵母菌. 螨虫等
皮 脂 腺
4. 皮脂的功能 a. 润泽毛发 b. 润滑皮肤
c. 防止皮肤水分蒸发
d. 使皮肤呈弱酸性,抑制杀灭细菌
皮 脂 腺
5. 皮脂的分泌过程
细胞破碎后释出脂质团块,与细胞碎片结合 组成皮脂,经过在毛囊上1/3处的开口进入 毛囊,再由毛囊排至皮肤表面。
• • • • •
4、具有: ①抵御外界冲击力 ②支撑皮下组织 ③储存水、电解质及血液 ④有调节体温的作用。
四、皮下组织:了解 (Subcutaneous tissue)
皮下组织 (subcutaneous tissue)
• 又称皮下脂肪层
• 由疏松结缔组织和脂肪小叶构成;
• 此层还分布有汗腺、毛根、血管、淋巴管 和神经。
• 是生成黑素的细胞,位于基底层,来源于外胚叶的神 经嵴,以后移至皮肤中,分散至基底细胞之间,约占基底 细胞的10%。此外,可见于毛发、粘膜、眼色素层和软脑 膜等处。在暴露部位的皮肤、乳晕、腋窝、生殖器及会阴 区较多。其功能是产生黑素。每个黑素细胞借助树枝状突 起伸向邻近的基底细胞和棘细胞,输送黑素颗粒。每个黑 素细胞的树枝状突起大约可与10~36个角质细胞相接触, 形成一个表皮黑素单元。 • 黑素颗粒进入角朊细胞后象伞样聚集于细胞核顶上方,起 到吸收和遮档紫外线,保护基底层,保护细胞核免受辐射 损伤。日光照射可促进黑素的生成。黑素的多少决定了皮

现在让我们来一起学习吧!A1. Abdomen(腹部): The region of the body between the thorax andthe pelvis that contains the stomach, liver, intestines, and other digestive organs.2. Achilles tendon(跟腱): A strong fibrous cord that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone.3. Adipose tissue(脂肪组织): Connective tissue that stores fat cells.4. Alveoli(肺泡): Tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.5. Aorta(主动脉): The main artery that carries oxygenated bloodfrom the heart to the rest of the body.B1. Bladder(膀胱): A muscular sac that stores urine produced by the kidneys.2. Bile(胆汁): A bitter, greenish-yellow fluid produced by the liver that helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.3. Brain(大脑): The control center of the nervous system, responsible for processing and coordinating sensory information and motor responses.4. Bronchi(支气管): The two main branches of the trachea that lead to the lungs.5. Bones(骨骼): Rigid organs composed of calcium, phosphorus, and collagen fibers that provide support, protection, and movement.C1. Cartilage(软骨): Flexible connective tissue found in the joints, nose, and ears that provides support and reduces friction between bones.2. Circulatory system(循环系统): The system responsible for the transport of blood, oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and wastes throughout the body.3. Colon(结肠): The longest portion of the large intestine, responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from undigested food.4. Cranial nerves(脑神经): The 12 pairs of nerves that arise directly from the brain and are responsible for sensory and motor functions of the head and neck.5. Capillaries(毛细血管): Tiny blood vessels that connect arterioles to venules and facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products between cells and blood.D1. Diaphragm(膈肌): A dome-shaped muscle below the lungs that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and plays a crucial role in breathing.2. Digestive system(消化系统): The system responsible for the breakdown and absorption of food, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas.3. Dorsal cavity(背腔): The posterior cavity of the body that contains the cranial and vertebral cavities.4. Dendrite(树突): Branch-like extensions of a nerve cell that receive incoming signals and transmit them to the cell body.5. Dermis(真皮): The middle layer of the skin that contains blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands, and nerve endings.E1. Esophagus(食道): A muscular tube that connects the throat to the stomach and transports food from the mouth to the stomach.2. Endocrine system(内分泌系统): The system responsible for producing and releasing hormones to regulate various bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, and reproduction.3. Epidermis(表皮): The outermost layer of the skin that provides protection against pathogens, water loss, and UV radiation.4. Epithelial tissue(上皮组织): Tissue that covers the external and internal surfaces of the body, including the skin and mucous membranes.5. Excretory system(排泄系统): The system responsible for eliminating metabolic waste products from the body, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.F1. Femur(股骨): The longest and strongest bone in the body, located in the thigh region.2. Frontal lobe(额叶): The anterior part of the cerebral cortex responsible for higher cognitive functions, including decision-making, problem-solving, and emotion regulation.3. Flexor(屈肌): A muscle that bends or flexes a joint.4. Fallopian tubes(输卵管): Tubes that extend from the ovaries to the uterus and serve as the site for fertilization of the egg by sperm.G1. Gallbladder(胆囊): A pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile produced by the liver.2. Glomerulus(肾小球): A network of tiny blood vessels in the kidney where blood filtration occurs.3. Gonads(性腺): The reproductive organs that produce gametes –ovaries in females and testes in males.4. Glands(腺体): Organs that secrete hormones or other substances, such as sweat glands and salivary glands.H1. Heart(心脏): A muscular organ that pumps oxygenated blood to the body and deoxygenated blood to the lungs.2. Hypothalamus(下丘脑): A small region of the brain that acts as a control center for regulating body temperature, hunger, thirst, and hormone production.3. Humerus(肱骨): The bone in the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow.4. Homeostasis(动态平衡): The ability of the body to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes.I1. Integumentary system(皮肤系统): The system composed of the skin, hair, nails, and associated glands, responsible for protection, temperature regulation, and sensory reception.2. Incisor(切牙): The sharp-edged front teeth used for cutting and biting food.3. Inferior vena cava(下腔静脉): The largest vein in the body that returns deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart.4. Iris(虹膜): The colored part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil and regulates the amount of light entering the eye.J1. Joint(关节): The point of connection or articulation between two or more bones, allowing for movement and flexibility.2. Jejunum(空肠): The middle portion of the small intestine responsible for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.K1. Kidneys(肾脏): The paired organs responsible for filtering waste products, excess nutrients, and water from the blood to form urine.2. Keratin(角蛋白): A tough protein found in the epidermis, hair, and nails that provides strength and protection.L1. Lungs(肺): The paired respiratory organs responsible for gas exchange, supplying oxygen to the blood and removing carbon dioxide.2. Liver(肝脏): The largest gland in the body that produces bile, detoxifies harmful substances, stores nutrients, and performs other vital metabolic functions.3. Lymphatic system(淋巴系统): The network of vessels, lymph nodes, and organs responsible for defending the body against pathogens and maintaining fluid balance.4. Ligaments(韧带): Strong bands of connective tissue that connect bones and provide stability to joints.M1. Muscles(肌肉): Contractile tissues responsible for movement, support, and heat production in the body.2. Medulla oblongata(延髓): The lower part of the brainstem responsible for controlling vital functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.3. Molars(磨牙): The back teeth used for grinding and chewing food.4. Metabolism(新陈代谢): The sum of all chemical reactions that occur in the body to maintain life and energy balance.N1. Nervous system(神经系统): The complex network of nerves and cells that transmit signals between different parts of the body, enabling communication and coordination.2. Nephron(肾单位): The functional unit of the kidney responsible for filtering blood and producing urine.3. Neurons(神经元): Nerve cells that transmit electrical signals throughout the body.4. Nasal cavity(鼻腔): The hollow space inside the nose that filters, warms, and moistens inhaled air.O1. Ovaries(卵巢): The female reproductive organs that produce eggs and release hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.2. Osteoporosis(骨质疏松): A condition characterized by weak and brittle bones, often associated with aging or hormonal changes.3. Optic nerve(视神经): The nerve that carries visual information from the retina to the brain.P1. Pancreas(胰腺): An organ that produces insulin and other digestive enzymes to regulate blood sugar levels and aid in digestion.2. Pituitary gland(垂体): The master gland of the endocrine system that controls the release of hormones from other glands and regulates growth and development.3. Pharynx(咽部): The muscular tube at the back of the throat that serves as a passageway for food and air.4. Patella(髌骨): The kneecap, a small bone located in front of the knee joint.5. Pupil(瞳孔): The opening in the center of the iris that controls the amount of light entering the eye.Q1. Quadriceps(四头肌): A group of four muscles at the front of the thigh that help extend the leg and stabilize the knee joint.2. Quiescent(静止的): Inactive or dormant, often used to describe cells or tissues with reduced metabolic activity.R1. Retina(视网膜): The light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye that contains photoreceptor cells responsible for detecting and processing visual stimuli.2. Radius(桡骨): One of the two bones in the forearm, located on the thumb side.3. Rib(肋骨): Curved bones that form the rib cage, protecting the organs in the thoracic cavity.4. Renal artery(肾动脉): The blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the kidneys.S1. Spinal cord(脊髓): The long, thin bundle of nerves that extends from the brainstem to the lower back, transmitting sensory and motor signals between the brain and the rest of the body.2. Stomach(胃): A muscular organ that receives and breaks down food through mechanical and chemical digestion.3. Small intestine(小肠): The part of the digestive tract where most of the nutrient absorption takes place.4. Spleen(脾脏): An organ located behind the stomach that filters the blood, stores red blood cells, and helps in the immune response.5. Sweat glands(汗腺): Glands in the skin that produce sweat to regulate body temperature.T1. Trachea(气管): The windpipe, a tube that carries air from the throat to the bronchi.2. Thyroid gland(甲状腺): A gland in the neck that produces hormones important for metabolism, growth, and development.3. Testes(睾丸): Male reproductive organs that produce sperm and release testosterone.4. Tendon(肌腱): A flexible band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone.5. Temporal lobe(颞叶): The lobe of the cerebral cortex responsible for auditory processing and memory.U1. Urethra(尿道): The tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.2. Uterus(子宫): A hollow, muscular organ in females where the fetus develops during pregnancy.V1. Vein(静脉): Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart.2. Ventricle(心室): One of the two lower chambers of the heart that pumps blood out of the heart and into the circulatory system.W1. White blood cells(白细胞): Cells of the immune system that defend the body against pathogens and foreign substances.2. Wrist(腕关节): The joint that connects the hand to the forearm.X1. Xiphoid process(剑突): The small, cartilaginous extension at the lower end of the sternum.Y1. Yolk sac(卵黄囊): A membranous sac that provides nourishment to the developing embryo in the early stages of pregnancy.Z1. Zygote(受精卵): The cell formed by the union of an egg and sperm during fertilization.希望这个人体解剖英语词汇大全对你有所帮助!通过学习与人体结构和功能相关的英语词汇,你将更好地理解人体解剖学的知识。

医学的英文形容词医学是一门涉及生物、植物和人际关系的非常复杂的学科,它包含了大量的英文形容词,如abdominal(腹部的)、anatomical(解剖学的)、adhesive(粘接的)、circulatory(循环的)、cardiac(心脏的)、dental(牙科的)、dermatological(皮肤病学的)、diabetic (糖尿病的)、epidemiological(流行病学的)、exocrine(外分泌的)、gastric(胃的)、gynecological(妇科的)、hematological (血液学的)、immune(免疫的)、infectious(传染的)、interventional(介入的)、microbiological(微生物学的)、neoplasm (肿瘤的)等等。
除了医学术语,医学也有种类繁多的药物,比如analgesic(止痛药)、antibiotic(抗生素)、antimalarial(抗疟药)、anti-inflammatory(抗炎药)、antiviral(抗病毒药)、anxiolytic (抗焦虑药)等等。
除此之外,在医学行业中,许多专业术语还有着特定的英文形容词,例如tympanic(鼓膜的)、otologic(耳科的)、anesthesiological (麻醉学的)、neonicatal(新生儿的)、ophthalmologic(眼科的)、angiological(血管学的)、urological(泌尿学的)等等,用来描述不同的医学领域。

以下是一些常见的医学词汇和概念:1. Anesthesia-麻醉2. Biopsy-活体组织取样3. Cataract-白内障4. Dermatology-皮肤科学5. Electrocardiogram-心电图6. Flu-流感7. Gastroenterology-胃肠病学8. Hematology-血液学9. Immunology-免疫学10. Laparoscopy-腹腔镜检查11. Neurology-神经学12. Ophthalmology-眼科学13. Pathology-病理学14. Radiology-放射学15. Surgery-外科学16. Ultrasound-超声波二、医疗机构在医学专业英语中,必须掌握医院、诊所和实验室等医疗机构的用语。
以下是医疗机构的一些英文表达:1. Ambulance-救护车2. Clinic-门诊3. Emergency Room-急诊室4. Hospital-医院5. Intensive Care Unit-重症监护室6. Laboratory-实验室7. Pharmacy-药房8. Radiology Department-放射科9. Surgery Department-手术科10. Ward-病房三、临床操作医学专业英语还包括与临床操作相关的内容。

皮肤科专业英语词汇一.导论皮肤性病学dermatovenerology皮肤病学dermatology性病学venerology二.皮肤的结构皮肤skin皮沟skin grooves皮嵴skin ridges有毛的薄皮肤hairy thin skin无毛的厚皮肤hairless thick skin表皮epidermis角质形成细胞keratinocyte角蛋白keratin基底层stratum basale棘层stratum spinosum Odland小体颗粒层stratum granulosum透明角质颗粒keratohyline granule透明层stratum lucidum角质层strantum corneum黑素细胞melanocyte黑素小体melanosome表皮黑素单元epidermal melanin unit郎格罕斯细胞Langerhans cellBirbeck颗粒麦克尔细胞Merkel cellMerkel细胞-轴突复合体Merkel cell-neurite complex桥粒desmosome中央层central stratum间线intermediate line附着板attachment plaque桥粒芯desmosome core桥粒芯糖蛋白desmoglein,Dsg桥粒芯胶蛋白desmocollin,Dsc桥粒斑desmosomal plaque桥粒斑蛋白desmoplakin,DP桥粒斑珠蛋白plakogloubin,PG半桥粒hemidesmosome亚基底致密斑subbasal dense plague整合素integrin基底膜带basement membrane zone,BMZ 透明层lamina lucida板层素laminin锚丝anchoring filament致密层lamina densa网板reticular lamina锚原纤维anchoring fibril真皮dermis乳头层papillary layer网状层reticular layer胶原纤维collagen fibers胶原原纤维collagen fibril网状纤维,嗜银纤维reticular fibers网状原纤维reticular fibril弹力纤维elastic fibers弹力蛋白elasticin微原纤维microfibril基质matrix蛋白多糖proteoglycan皮下组织subcutaneous tissue皮肤附属器cutaneous appendages 毛发hair毳毛vellus hair毛根hair root毛干hair shaft毛球hair bulb毛囊hair follicles毛乳头hair papilla内毛根鞘inner root sheath外毛根鞘outer root sheath结缔组织鞘dermal root sheath生长期anagen退行期catagen休止期telogen皮脂腺sebaceous glands小汗腺eccrine glands顶泌汗腺apocrine glands甲nail甲板nail plate甲半月nail lunula甲廓nail wall甲根nail root甲床nail bed甲母质nail matrix三.皮肤的功能:屏障,吸收,感觉,分泌和排泄,体温调节,代谢,免疫皮肤免疫系统skin immune system黏附分子adhesion molecules整合素家族integrin family免疫球蛋白超家族immunoglobulin superfamily 选择素家族selectin family钙粘素家族cadherin family四.皮肤性病的临床表现及诊断斑疹macule斑片patch瘀点petechia瘀斑ecchymosis斑块plaque丘疹papule斑丘疹maculopapule丘疱疹papulovesicle丘脓疱疹papulopustule风团wheal水疱vesicle大疱bulla脓疱pustule结节nodule囊肿cyst糜烂erosion溃疡ulcer鳞屑scale浸渍maceration裂隙fissure瘢痕scar萎缩atrophy痂crust抓痕excoriation苔藓样变lichenification尼氏征,棘层松解征Nikolsky sign破片压诊diascopic examination 皮肤划痕试验dermatographic tset五.皮肤组织病理学1.表皮角化过度hyperkeratosis角化不全parakeratosis角化不良dyskeratosis颗粒层增厚hypergranulosis棘层肥厚acanthosis乳头瘤样增生papillomatosis疣状增生verrucous hyperplasia假上皮瘤样增生pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia 细胞内水肿intracellular edema气球状变性ballooning degeneration网状变性reticular degeneration细胞间水肿intercellular edema海绵形成spongiosis棘层松解acantholysis基底细胞液化变性liquefaction of basal cellKogoj微脓肿-颗粒层+棘层上步Munro微脓肿-角质层内Pautrier微脓肿-表皮内or外毛根鞘色素失禁incontinence of pigment2.真皮纤维蛋白变性fibrinoid degeneration嗜碱性变性basophilic degeneration粘液变性mucinous degeneration弹力纤维变性degeneration of elastic fibers肉芽肿granuloma渐进性坏死necrobiosis六.常用试验室技术直接免疫荧光法direct immunofluorescence,DIF间接免疫荧光法indirect immunofluorescence,IIF斑贴试验patch test皮内试验intracutaneous testWood灯梅毒快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验rapid plasma regain test,RPR性病研究实验室试验venersal disease research laboratory test,VDRL 不加热血清反应素试验unheated serum regain test,USR梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验treponema pallidum paticle agglutination,TPPA 梅毒螺旋体血凝试验treponema pallidum particle hemagglutination assay,TPHA 荧光螺旋体抗体吸收试验fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test,FTA-ABS一.病毒性疾病1.单纯疱疹herpes simplex单疱病毒HSV隐性或亚临床感染incubative or subclinical infection疱疹性口龈炎herpes gingivostomatitis新生儿单纯疱疹neonatal herps simplex疱疹样湿疹eczema herpeticum即kaposi水痘样疹Kaposi's varicelliform eruption 接种性单纯疱疹=疱疹性瘭疽incubation herpes simplex2。

皮肤科专业英语词汇一.导论皮肤性病学dermatovenerology皮肤病学dermatology性病学venerology二.皮肤的结构皮肤skin皮沟skin grooves皮嵴skin ridges有毛的薄皮肤hairy thin skin无毛的厚皮肤hairless thick skin表皮epidermis角质形成细胞keratinocyte角蛋白keratin基底层stratum basale棘层stratum spinosum Odland小体颗粒层stratum granulosum透明角质颗粒keratohyline granule透明层stratum lucidum角质层strantum corneum黑素细胞melanocyte黑素小体melanosome表皮黑素单元epidermal melanin unit 郎格罕斯细胞Langerhans cellBirbeck颗粒麦克尔细胞Merkel cellMerkel细胞-轴突复合体Merkel cell-neurite complex桥粒desmosome中央层central stratum间线intermediate line附着板attachment plaque桥粒芯desmosome core桥粒芯糖蛋白desmoglein,Dsg桥粒芯胶蛋白desmocollin,Dsc桥粒斑desmosomal plaque桥粒斑蛋白desmoplakin,DP桥粒斑珠蛋白plakogloubin,PG半桥粒hemidesmosome亚基底致密斑subbasal dense plague整合素integrin基底膜带basement membrane zone,BMZ 透明层lamina lucida板层素laminin锚丝anchoring filament致密层lamina densa网板reticular lamina锚原纤维anchoring fibril真皮dermis乳头层papillary layer网状层reticular layer胶原纤维collagen fibers胶原原纤维collagen fibril网状纤维,嗜银纤维reticular fibers网状原纤维reticular fibril弹力纤维elastic fibers弹力蛋白elasticin微原纤维microfibril基质matrix蛋白多糖proteoglycan皮下组织subcutaneous tissue皮肤附属器cutaneous appendages 毛发hair毳毛vellus hair毛根hair root毛干hair shaft毛球hair bulb毛囊hair follicles毛乳头hair papilla内毛根鞘inner root sheath外毛根鞘outer root sheath结缔组织鞘dermal root sheath生长期anagen退行期catagen休止期telogen。
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called shaft Arrector pili —specialized smooth muscle that produces
Stratum corneum— outermost layer of keratin-filled cells
Skin pigment—deepest epidermal layer is responsible for production of pigment, which gives color to the skin The brown pigment melanin is produced by specialized cells in this layer (melanocytes)
composed largely of connective tissue
Upper papillary layer of dermis characterized by parallel rows of tiny bumps called dermal papillae
Ridges and grooves in dermis form pattern unique to each individual
THE SKIN (cont.)
Accessory structures of the skin
Hair Soft hair of fetus and newborn is called lanugo Hair growth requires epidermal tubelike structure
Stratum germinativum—inner layer of cells that continually reproduce; new cells move toward the surface As cells approach the surface, they are filled with a tough, waterproof protein called keratin; eventually cells flake off
Dermal-epidermal junction—specialized area between two skin layers Blisters can caused if this junction is damaged or destroyed
THE SKIN (cont.)
Dermis Deeper and thicker of the two primary skin layers and
Number of elastic fibers decreases with age and contributes to wrinkle formation
Dermis also contains nerve endings, muscle fibers, hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, and many blood vessels
“goose bumps” and causes hair to stand up straight
THE SKIN (cont.)
Accessory structures of the skin (cont.)
Receptors Specialized nerve endings—make it possible for skin
Basis of fingerprinting Improves grip for tool use and walking
THE SKIN (cont.)
Deeper reticular layer of dermis : filled with network of tough, interlacing, collagenous and stretchable elastic fibers
to act as a sense organ Tactile (Meissner’s) corpuscle /Merkel cell—capable
of detecting light touch Close to the skin surface Pacini corpuscle—capable of detecting pressure Located deep in the dermis Free nerve endings –pain Krause end bulbs (bulboid corpuscles) – lowfrequency vibration
Байду номын сангаас
THE SKIN (cont.)
Accessory structures of the skin (cont.)
Nails Produced by epidermal cells over terminal ends
of fingers and toes Visible part is called nail body Root lies in a groove and is hidden by cuticle Crescent-shaped area nearest root is called lunula Nail bed may change color with change in blood flow
The Integumentary System and Body Membranes
Structure —two primary layers called epidermis and dermis Epidermis Outermost and thinnest primary layer of skin Composed of several layers of stratified squamous epithelium