图表数据Figures & Statistics

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图表数据Figures & Statistics



The rate of inflation has skyrocketed.

The ratio of smokers to non-smokers was 3:2.

Twelve percent of the population is 55 or older.

Only a small percentage of personal income should go toward housing.

The world population is increasing at a geometric ([d?i?'metrik] 几何学的,几何学上的,几何学图形的) rate.

The number of computer companies has increased sevenfold.

By 2010,oceanic levels will rise by 2%.

House prices rose 5% last year.

The statistics showed that there was a 30% increase in the sales over the previous year.


Surveys have shown that almost half of all male high school seniors-and nearly 20 percent of all ninth grade boys can be called "problem drinkers"... Over 5,000 teenagers are killed yearly in auto accidents due to drunken driving.

A national survey by the Institute for Social Research of the University of in which 17,000 of the nation's 2.7 million high school seniors were questioned about their use of drugs, revealed a continuing downward trend.

50.9 percent of those questioned in 1989 reported that they had at least tried an illicit(非法) drug like marijuana or cocaine [k??'kein], as against 53.9 percent in 1988 and 56.6 percent in 1987.

Writing In English: X University: July 2001(50 students)
Students Type of
Writing Frequency(average) Length(average)
56 essay 5 per term 2,750 words
30 report 3 per term 5,000 words
14 dissertation 1 per year 10,000 words
10 thesis 1 per year 8,000 words
In July 2001 , a survey was conducted among 50 overseas postgraduate students at X University. The purpose of the survey was to discover the type, frequency and length of academic writing that was expected of the students by their supervisors or tutors. 56% of the students wrote essays, of an average frequency of 5 per term,of an average length of 2750 words...


和统计数据常常涉及数字计算问题,尤其是倍数和百分比,增加和减少的表示方法。 正确的倍数表达也是学术写作中的一项重要技能。几种主要表达方法有: 1.增加数字主要有以下几种表示方法,注意其译法。
1 )表示2倍,一般用twice或double。
twice as much/many as..是……的2倍(比……大一倍)
twice as large as..两倍于……(比……大一倍)
twice larger than..是……的2倍(比……大一倍)

to be the double of..是……的2倍

increase by 5 times增加了5倍(增加到6倍)
increase to 6 times增加到6倍(增加了5倍)
multiply… 6 times增加到6倍(增加了5倍)
6 times larger/greater than..增加到6倍(增加了5倍)
6 times as large as...为……的6倍(比……多5倍)
6 times the size/length of...是……的6倍
A is larger than B by 6 times. A的大小是B的6倍。

increase sixold增加到6倍(增加了5倍)
increase by a factor of 6增加了5倍

reduce to 40% (the result is 40%)下降到40%
reduce by 40% (40% of降低了40%
reduce to 1/3减少到1/3 (或减少了2/3)
reduce by 2/3减少到1/3 (或减少了2/3)
reduce by a factor of 5降低或减少了4/5 (即降低或减少到1/5 ) twice less than..为……的1/3 (或比……减少2/3)
1/3 as large as..为……的1/3 (或比……减少2/3)
2/3 smaller than..为……的1/3 (或比……减少2/3)
cut by one-third 减少了1/3

reduce by 4/5减少了4/5
reduce to 4/5减至4/5
用times或-fold不论在任何种句型中都表示包括基数100%在内,如要表示增加了5倍,要用 six times或sixfold。
increase by 6 times增加了5倍
increase sixfold增加了5倍

如用factor表示增加的倍数,则译为"增加或增大n-1 "倍;如果是表示减少,就译为”减少或 降低了n-1/n 倍”。
increase by a factor of 8增加了7倍
reduce by a factor of 5减少了4/5

?在优化机构和提高效益的基础上,国内生产总值到2020年力争比2000年翻两番。综合国力 和国际竞争力明显增强。
On the basis of optimized structure and better economic returns, efforts will be made to quadruple the GDP of the year 2000 by 2020, and China's overall national strength and international competitiveness will increase markedly.


了83.5亿美元,比2000年的77亿美元增加了8.4%,这是 自1998年以来最高的一次收入。
Movie ticket sales reached an estimated $8.35 billion in 2001, up 8.4% from $7.7 billion in 2000, the largest gain since 1998.

History tells us that if immunization rates were to drop, even by as little as 10-15 percent, we would soon face a resurgence of these diseases and the devastating effects associated with them.

3.数量词语前缀表示法(Prefixes Indicating Numbers, Measures & Weights) 在阅读和写作中,我们常常会用到数词。为了帮助学习者在浩如烟海的单词中掌握数词,现将英语中表示数字、数量的前缀,归纳在一起,以便能更好地记忆单词和扩大词汇量。实践证明分析词的结构,了解常用词的词根及词缀的含义是学习词汇的最有效的方法之一。

Prefixes Indicating Numbers
semiconductor 半导体
semicircle 半圆
semifinal 半决赛

hemi- half
hemisphere 半球

uni- one unity 一致
mono- one monoxide([m?'n?ksaid])
single monorail 单轨铁路
bi- two bicycle 自行车
bilingual 双语的
di- two dioxide 二集化物
dialogue 对话
duo- two duotone(['dju:?t?un])

tri- three triangle 三角形
trilogy (['tril?d?i])
quadr- four quadrangle 四边形
quadruple 四倍

penta- five pentagon 五边形,五角形
pentagraph 相连的五个字母

sex- six sexangle 六边形,六角形
hexa six hexagon ['heks?g?n]
hexahedron 六面体
sept- seven septangle 七角形, septuagenarian [septju?d?i'n??ri?n]
octa- eight octopus 章鱼
octagon 八边形,八角形 nona- nine nonagon ['n?n?g?n]九边形
nonagenarian 九十多岁的人 nonet [n?u'net] 九重奏
deca- ten decade 十年
decaliter(['dek?li:t?]) 十升
multi- many multiply 增加乘法
multiangular 多角的
multilateral 多边的 multimedia 多媒体 many
poly- many polygon 多边形,多角形 polygraph 多产作家 :
polytechnical [p?li'teknik?l

centi- hundred centigrade百分度
one hundredth (1%) centimeter centiliter 厘升

Kilo- one thousand (000)

kilometer 公里
kilogram 千克 kiloliter千升

milli- one thousand (1/1000)

milligram 毫克
milliliter 毫升
Millennium 千禧年
omni- all omniparity 一切平等
omnipotent 全能的
omnipresent (ubiquitous [ju:'bikwit?s]
mini- small minicam minibus

Useful Sentence Patterns and Expressions

As can be seen from the table/in the pie chart, (圆图)...

As (is) shown in Table 1/Figure 2..

According to the bar graph/the rec

ent poll/the latest census report, .,. A survey was conducted among...
It can be seen from the diagram/graph/statistics that.

This picture shows..
This diagram represents the trend towards...
This graph shows an upward/a downward trend.. There was a slight marked rise/increase..
There was a rapid/sudden drop/fall/decrease...
It has declined to..

less than a quarter of...

on (an) average
over the period from 1998 to 2002

in the 7 years spanning from 1990 to 1996 during the late 20h and early 21st centuries during the past half century.
early in the 19th century
by/in the beginning/end of the 1990s
in the future decade

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English

1.使用几种新药物之后,本病的发病率下降到0.1%,而医疗费用则减少了70%。 2.我们正在试验中的新设备将使误差概率降到1/6 (降低了5/6)。 3.小孩的剂量有时为成空军人剂量的1/3。
5日本的单亲家庭从1990年的5.1%增加到1999年的5.2%。 a.在过去10年间,票房总收入比原来增加将近2倍,而售出的票数只增加了30%。 7.在1-2年期间国防开支还会使GDP再增加1%到1.5%。

Directions: Translate the folowing into Englsh using several ways to express times.

