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Unit Four Developing Quality and Competitive Advantage
作者:南开大学 商学院 李桂华
Business School of Nankai University
innovative: adj. Marked by or given to innovations. 革新的,创新的 optimize: v. To make as perfect or effective as possible.使最优化使尽可能地完善或有效 usher: v. To precede and introduce; inaugurate: 宣 告,展示介绍;开始,开创: exotic: adj. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange:异乎寻常的;奇异的: strenuous: adj. Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion: 艰巨的需要巨大努力,能量或投入的: hazardous: adj. Marked by danger; perilous. 带有危 险性的;危险的 navigational: adj. The act or practice of sailing, or of piloting an aircraft.导航的 artificial intelligence: The ability of a machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence. 人工智能
Business School of Nankai University
The managers at Harley-Davidson faced the same situation that managers around the world are facing today. The extremely competitive nature of the global business environment requires companies to produce high-quality goods in the most efficient way possible or else be shredded by the competition. In almost every industry you can name, this global challenge has caused companies to reexamine their definition of quality. High efficiency, few defects, fast production, low costs, excellent customer service, broad market reach, innovative products and processes, less waste, and high flexibility are all objectives that improve quality by adding value to the good or service being produced. Companies pursue these objectives in order to maintain competitive advantage. And as HarleyDavidson’s managers learned, the level of quality that a company aspires to is a strategic decision that affects the of production process. Business School Nankai
Business School of Nankai University
prototype: n. An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on which later stages are based or judged. 原型 chassis: n. The rectangular steel frame, supported on springs and attached to the axles, that holds the body and motor of an automotive vehicle. 底盘 carousel: n. A circular conveyor on which objects are displayed or rotated旋转式传送带 profitable: adj. Yielding profit; advantageous or lucrative.有利可图的 outmaneuver: v. To overcome (an opponent) by artful, clever maneuvering.智胜在机 智、谋略上胜过(对手) tenant: n. One that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another.佃户 medieval: adj. Relating or belonging to the Middle Ages.中世纪的 CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Production and operations management [(POM)生产和运作管理] is the coordination of an organization’s resources for manufacturing goods or producing services. Like other types of management, POM involves the basic function, of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. It also requires careful consideration of the company’s goals, the strategies for attaining those goals, and the standards against which results will be measured. mass customization 大规模定制(生产)— using mass production techniques to produce customized goods. The company’s next goal is to use batch-of-one manufacturing, in which every product is made to order from scratch and virtually no standard inventory is kept on hand.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅
助 制 造 --- The use of computers to control production equipment is called computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). In a CAD/CAM system, computer-aided design data are converted automatically into processing instructions for production equipment to manufacture the part. This integration of design and production can increase the output, speed, and precision of assembly lines, as well as making customized production much easier. In addition, the latest CAD/CAM software allows company departments to share designs and data over intranets and the Internet, enabling geographically dispersed departments to work together on complex projects.
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) 灵活制造系FMS is a manufacturing
system which links numerous programmable machine tools by an automated material handling system of conveyors or AGVs. The system is controlled by a central computer network. With flexible manufacturing, changing from one product design to another requires only a few signals from the computer. Each machine changes tools automatically, making appropriate selections from built-in storage carousels that can hold more than 100 tools. In addition, the sequence of events involved in building an item can be completely rearranged.
Business School of Nankai University
Key Terms and Concepts
Computer-Aided Design and Engineering 计算机辅助设计和施工computeraided design (CAD) is the application of computer graphics and mathematical modeling in the design of products. A related process is computer-aided engineering (CAE) is the use of computergenerated three-dimensional images and computerized calculations that allow engineers to test products.