第九讲 Repetition (重译法)

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重复英语中省略的名词,起到强调和明确的作用, 更符合译语习惯
1). I have fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule, so has he.
我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交 给他的工作。 2). Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 无知是恐惧的根源,也是敬佩的根源。 3). Before liberation many people could not read or write. 解放前,许多人不会读书,也不会写字。
D. 英语用some…and others…(some…, others…)连用的句子译
成汉语时主语往往是谓语重复形式的“的”字结构, 有时也可 以用“有的……,有的……”句式。
9). Some have entered college and others have gone to the countryside. 上大学的,上大学了,下乡的,下乡了。 或:有的上大学了,有的下乡了。 10). Some played soccer and others played basketball.
• e.g. Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, – but there is no peace. • — 先生们尽管高喊和平,和平,但是依然没有和平。 • e.g. “Day by day we are moving closer to Bagdad. Day by day we are moving closer to victory.” • — “我们一天天逼近巴格达,我们一天天接近胜利。”
2.为了强调而重复 Be polite, above all, to old people. 要有礼貌,尤其是对老年人要有礼貌。 Do whatever you please. 你喜欢做什么就做什么吧。 Gentlemen may cry Peace, peace---but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高喊“和平、和平”,但是依然没 有和平。
注意,联系例3)、4)、5),英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在 第二第三次往往只用前置词而省略动词,在汉语译文中则要重复 动词。有时连前置词都省略了, 但在译文中通常仍重复动词.
3. 重复代词
1). Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.
• 为了明确而重复
1. 重复名词 大家都知道, 英语句中若两个动词共用一个宾语, 宾语只在第二个动词之后出现一次。而在汉语中,这样的宾语 要在每个动词后出现,定语后的名词也如此。 重复动词后的宾 语名词,如:
1). We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 2). Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。
1). John is your friend as much as he is mine.
约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。 2). This has been our position –but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场——而不是他们的立场。 3). He became an enterpriser—all by himself. 他成为一个企业家——一个白手起家的企业家。
previous chapter. Here we mean to repeat the same words or phrases which are given previously in the version.
Repetition is employed for the sake of clearness, for the
Where are the books I left on the table? Do you mean the ones that have torn covers? No. They are what I wanted to throw away. I mean the ones covered in brown paper.
Leabharlann Baidu
英语句子常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语, 在译文中多要重复该动词。
1). Is he a friend or an enemy?
2). For a good ten minutes, he cursed me and my brother. 足足有十分钟之久,他既骂我,又骂我的兄弟。 3). What are they after? They are after name, after position, and they want to cut smart figures. 这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。
4). But we still have defects, and very big ones. 但是我们还是有缺点的, 而且还有很大的缺点。 5). The story of John is a story of groans and tears, of poor human beings destroyed by the capitalist. 约翰的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是资本 家摧残不幸的人们的故事。 6). A large family has its difficulties. 大(家庭)有大(家庭)的难处。
3.为使译文生动而重复 1)单字的重复 在英语句子中,有些动词在翻译成汉语时,出于从 现代汉语规范和表达习惯等角度的考虑,为使译文 生动活泼,原文的动词要采用“AA”“A-A”“A了A”等 形式的重复方法。 ①Please wait a minute.请等一等。 ②Try and do it again. 再试着做做看。 ③He stamped off, growling as he went. 他跺了跺脚,满腹牢骚地走开了。
修饰语),翻译时多不用代词而重复其作主语的名词,以达到 明确具体的目的。如 例4)、 5) 、6)
4). Happy family also had their own troubles. 幸福家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。 5). Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 强国有强国的策略,小国有小国的路线。 6). Each country has its own customs. 各国都有各国的风俗。
2). Everybody appreciates polite words and manners. 译:每个人都会赞赏礼貌的言辞和礼貌的举止。
3). They are loyal to the motherland and the people. 译:他们忠于祖国,忠于人民。
• 为了强调
• 为了强调,英语中往往重复关键词,以使读者加深印象。 汉译时可以采用同样手段。 – 英文中有重复的词,译文也重复同样的词
英语中有一个形容词修饰若干个名词或与若干个介词短语搭配 的现象,译成汉语时应该将形容词重复译出。
1). We want such materials as can bear high temperature and pressure. 译:我们需要能耐高温、高压的材料。
2). He hated failure; he had conquered it in his own life, risen above it, despised it in others.
他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且 藐视别人的失败。
B. 有时代词代替句中作主语的名词(多数情况下该名词前均有
他不再梦见风暴,不再梦见惊人的遭遇,也不再梦见 大鱼和搏斗。
5). But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. 可是他老婆不断地在他耳朵边唠叨个没完,说身上。他 懒惰,说他粗心,并且说他一家人都要毁在他的身上。
sake of emphasis, and for the sake of vividness.
重复法 是指在译文中适当地重复原文中出现过的词语,以使 意思表达得更加清楚;或者进一步加强语气,突出强调某些内 容,收到更好的修辞效果。一般而言,英语往往为了行文简洁 而尽量避免重复。所以,英语经常借助替代、省略或变换等其 他表达方法。相反,重复却是汉语表达的一个显著特点。在许 多场合某些词语不仅需要重复,而且也只有重复这些词语,语 义才能明确,表达才能生动。为了达到汉语译文准确、通顺和 完整的翻译标准,在英译汉中,常常使用重复译法。 He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人 的失败。
多数情况下,因为原语重复,译语为了生动或各自的惯用法, 以不同的方式进行重复。这种重复多为传达原文的生动性。
4). He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor of fights.
第九讲 Repetition (重译法) Strictly speaking, repetition is under addition, namely
supplying some necessary words in target language. But
this addition is different from what we discussed in
C. 再者,英语中关系代词或关系副词whoever, whenever, wherever
7). Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized. 谁犯了纪律,谁就该受到批评。 8). Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free. 你什么时候有空,就什么时候到我办公室来谈一谈。
勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;疼爱过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度, 即成贪婪。
一是为了明确; 二是为了强调; 三是为了生动。
We like blue less than red but more than green or yellow. 我们更喜欢红色而不那么喜欢蓝色,但比起绿色或黄色来 又较喜欢蓝色。 Mr. Jarden was playing for high stakes, but so was Mr. Marcus. 贾登先生的赌注下得很大,马库斯先生的赌注也不小。
我放在桌上的书呢? 你是指封皮撕了的那些书吗? 不是,那些是我想扔掉的书,我指的是包着棕色 纸皮的书。
重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过 所增加的是上文出现过的词。
Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.