







南京航空航天大学金城学院 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 系部经济系 专业国际经济与贸易 学生姓名陈雅琼学号2011051115 指导教师邓晶职称副教授 2015年5月

Economic policy,tourism trade and productive diversification (Excerpt) Iza Lejárraga,Peter Walkenhorst The broad lesson that can be inferred from the analysis is that promoting tourism linkages with the productive capabilities of a host country is a multi-faceted approach influenced by a variety of country conditions.Among these,fixed or semi-fixed factors of production,such as land,labor,or capital,seem to have a relatively minor influence.Within the domain of natural endowments,only agricultural capital emerged as significant.This is a result that corresponds to expectations,given that foods and beverages are the primary source of demand in the tourism economy.Hence,investments in agricultural technology may foment linkages with the tourism market.It is also worth mentioning that for significant backward linkages to emerge with local agriculture,a larger scale of tourism may be important. According to the regression results,a strong tourism–agriculture nexus will not necessarily develop at a small scale of tourism demand. It appears that variables related to the entrepreneurial capital of the host economy are of notable explanatory significance.The human development index(HDI), which is used to measure a country's general level of development,is significantly and positively associated with tourism linkages.One plausible explanation for this is that international tourists,who often originate in high-income countries,may feel more comfortable and thus be inclined to consume more in a host country that has a life-style to which they can relate easily.Moreover,it is important to remember that the HDI also captures the relative achievements of countries in the level of health and education of the population.Therefore,a higher HDI reflects a healthier and more educated workforce,and thus,the quality of local entrepreneurship.Related to this point,it is important to underscore that the level of participation of women in the host economy also has a significantly positive effect on linkages.In sum, enhancing local entrepreneurial capital may expand the linkages between tourism and other sectors of the host country.


从形合与意合辩证法角度观古诗翻译策略 (潘静20084033042 英语师范三班) 摘要:形合( hypotaxis ) 和意合(parataxis)是英语和汉语篇章组织的常用手段,也是英汉两种语言的重要区别所在。本文提出应当运用哲学中的辩证法原理看待语言中的形合与意合,真正做到学术研究全面、客观、严谨以及科学。一方面,要重视句子及其以下层面的语言特点:英语侧重形合,汉语侧重意合;另一方面,更要研究英汉语的意合与形合在句子层面以上(段落、篇章)所具备的不同作用:英语篇章使用词汇手段等意合组织方式,而汉语篇章中则采用重复和骈偶等形合手段【1】。本文利用对《枫桥夜泊》这首古诗的英译研究分析,强调辩证地、动态地看待英汉语中的形意合问题,改进汉语古诗翻译策略,使译作体现并契合原诗作者的思想与内容,使译作读者明白并理解原诗的内涵与文化。 关键词:形合意合辩证法古诗翻译 Abstract: The very common means of English and Chinese discourse are hypotactic and paratactic, as well as the important differences. This paper argues that hypotaxis and parataxis in a language should be researched in a dialectic way. Only in this way, can academic research become more complete and objective. On the one hand, our attention should be paid to the characteristics of English and Chinese sentences and structures below the sentences leve l–English is more hypotactic while Chinese is more paratactic. On the other hand, it is very important and necessary to study the different functions of hypotactic and paratactic structures at the level of paragraphs in the two languages. Lexically paratactic structures are often found in English paragraphs, and hypotactic structures in the form of repetition and parallelism are frequently employed in Chinese. The author attaches the high importance to research languages in a dialectic way by the analysis of Mooring at night by Maple Bridge. So that we can find some strategies about the poem translation and make the successful exchange of two kinds of people with various background. Key words: hypotaxis, parataxis, dialectic way, poem translation 1.引文 形合与意合是英汉对比研究和翻译理论研究的重要课题之一,也是英汉语篇组织的重要手段之一。所谓形合就是依仗形式(包括词的变化形态,词汇的衔接等)将语言符号由“散”(个体的词)到“集”(组织乃至语篇)的语言组织手段,具有外显性和刚性;而意合则是依仗意义,即内在的逻辑关系组织语言的手段,具有内隐性和柔性。


Advantages of Managed Code Microsoft intermediate language shares with Java byte code the idea that it is a low-level language witha simple syntax , which can be very quickly translated intonative machine code. Having this well-defined universal syntax for code has significant advantages. Platform independence First, it means that the same file containing byte code instructions can be placed on any platform; atruntime the final stage of compilation can then be easily accomplished so that the code will run on thatparticular platform. In other words, by compiling to IL we obtain platform independence for .NET, inmuch the same way as compiling to Java byte code gives Java platform independence. Performance improvement IL is actually a bit more ambitious than Java bytecode. IL is always Just-In-Time compiled (known as JIT), whereas Java byte code was ofteninterpreted. One of the disadvantages of Java was that, on execution, the process of translating from Javabyte code to native executable resulted in a loss of performance. Instead of compiling the entire application in one go (which could lead to a slow start-up time), the JITcompiler simply compiles each portion of code as it is called (just-in-time). When code has been compiled.once, the resultant native executable is stored until the application exits, so that it does not need to berecompiled the next time that portion of code is run. Microsoft argues that this process is more efficientthan compiling the entire application code at the start, because of the likelihood that large portions of anyapplication code will not actually be executed in any given run. Using the JIT compiler, such code willnever be compiled.


文献综述怎么写 1) 什么是文献综述? 文献综述是研究者在其提前阅读过某一主题的文献后,经过理解、整理、融会贯通,综合分析和评价而组成的一种不同于研究论文的文体。 2) 文献综述的写作要求 1、文献综述的格式 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,而文献综述介绍与主题有关的详细资料、动态、进展、展望以及对以上方面的评述。因此文献综述的格式相对多样,但总的来说,一般都包含以下四部分:即前言、主题、总结和参考文献。撰写文献综述时可按这四部分拟写提纲,再根据提纲进行撰写工作。 前言,要用简明扼要的文字说明写作的目的、必要性、有关概念的定义,综述的范围,阐述有关问题的现状和动态,以及目前对主要问题争论的焦点等。前言一般200-300字为宜,不宜超过500字。 正文,是综述的重点,写法上没有固定的格式,只要能较好地表达综合的内容,作者可创造性采用诸多形式。正文主要包括论据和论证两个部分,通过提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,比较不同学者对同一问题的看法及其理论依据,进一步阐明问题的来龙去脉和作者自己的见解。当然,作者也可从问题发生的历史背景、目前现状、发展方向等提出文献的不同观点。正文部分可根据内容的多少可分为若干个小标题分别论述。 小结,是结综述正文部分作扼要的总结,作者应对各种观点进行综合评价,提出自己的看法,指出存在的问题及今后发展的方向和展望。内容单纯的综述也可不写小结。 参考文献,是综述的重要组成部分。一般参考文献的多少可体现作者阅读文献的广度和深度。对综述类论文参考文献的数量不同杂志有不同的要求,一般以30条以内为宜,以最近3-5年内的最新文献为主。 2、文献综述规定 1. 为了使选题报告有较充分的依据,要求硕士研究生在论文开题之前作文献综述。 2. 在文献综述时,研究生应系统地查阅与自己的研究方向有关的国内外文献。通常阅读文献不少于30篇,且文献搜集要客观全面 3. 在文献综述中,研究生应说明自己研究方向的发展历史,前人的主要研究成果,存在的问题及发展趋势等。 4. 文献综述要条理清晰,文字通顺简练。 5. 资料运用恰当、合理。文献引用用方括号[ ]括起来置于引用词的右上角。 6. 文献综述中要有自己的观点和见解。不能混淆作者与文献的观点。鼓励研究生多发现问题、多提出问题、并指出分析、解决问题的可能途径,针对性强。 7. 文献综述不少于3000字。 3、注意事项 ⒈搜集文献应尽量全。掌握全面、大量的文献资料是写好综述的前提,否则,随便搜集一点资料就动手撰写是不可能写出好的综述。 ⒉注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。在搜集到的文献中可能出现观点雷同,有的文献在可靠性及科学性方面存在着差异,因此在引用文献时应注意选用代表性、可靠性和科学性较好的文献。 ⒊引用文献要忠实文献内容。由于文献综述有作者自己的评论分析,因此在撰写时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。引用文献不过多。文献综述的作者引用间接文献的现象时有所见。如果综述作者从他人引用的参考文献转引过来,这些文献在他人


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


林纾小说文学翻译论文 在译自狄更斯的《董贝父子》(DombeyandSon)小说中,林纾描述了 董贝一家由盛而衰的不幸遭遇以及社会底层人们的生活疾苦,希望以 此引起人们的深刻反思,从而改良政治,推动社会变革。在《迦茵小传》(JoanHaste)、《巴黎茶花女遗事》(Ladameauxcamélias)、《块肉余生述》(DavidCopperfield)、《离恨天》(PauletVirginie)等小说中,都传递出对西方社会自由、平等婚恋 观的肯定,表现出强烈的反封建礼教色彩和人文精神。 而同时,林纾为使译作被广大读者所接受,他在翻译过程中适时迎合 主流意识形态、考虑国人的心理接受水准,对原著内容进行删减或改编。在《黑奴吁天录》的《例言》中,林纾曾写道:“是书言教门事 孔多,悉经魏君节去原文稍烦琐者,本以取便观者”。因此,在不影 响情节叙述的前提下,他将书中原著作者抒发宗教情怀、宣扬宗教力 量的大篇幅相关基督教义的描写大量删去,以剔除宗教局限性对作品 思想意义的影响。此外,为迎合国人的阅读习惯,将大量细致的环境 描写、人物心理描写删减或缩译以突出作品的故事情节。例如,《块 肉余生述》开篇第一章原著作者关于医生的127个词的大段描写,被 林纾仅以“医生平惋不杵人,亦不叱狗”11个字一笔概括,堪称经典。同时,为顺应我国传统儒家思想“以孝治天下”“百善孝为先”的价 值理念,林纾还将很多原著的书名加以中国化转译,例如,将英国作 家哈葛德的《蒙特祖马的女儿》(Montezuma’sDaughter)译为《英 孝子火山报仇录》、将大畏克司蒂穆雷的TheMartyredFool译为《双 孝子喋血酬恩记》、将狄更斯的《老古玩店》(TheOldCuriosityShop)译为《孝女耐儿传》、将Dr.JohnsonandHisFather译为《孝子悔过》等。 第二,林纾还采用异化策略,在坚持使用古文笔体翻译西文小说以挽 救古文逐渐衰亡命运的同时,积极改良章回体等文言叙事传统,借鉴 西方文学元素,介绍浪漫主义、现实主义等西方文学的创作手法,以 通过“以彼新理,助我行文”赋予古文更加丰富的价值和表现力,另


英文翻译 英语原文: . Introducing Classes The only remaining feature we need to understand before solving our bookstore problem is how to write a data structure to represent our transaction data. In C++ we define our own data structure by defining a class. The class mechanism is one of the most important features in C++. In fact, a primary focus of the design of C++ is to make it possible to define class types that behave as naturally as the built-in types themselves. The library types that we've seen already, such as istream and ostream, are all defined as classesthat is,they are not strictly speaking part of the language. Complete understanding of the class mechanism requires mastering a lot of information. Fortunately, it is possible to use a class that someone else has written without knowing how to define a class ourselves. In this section, we'll describe a simple class that we canuse in solving our bookstore problem. We'll implement this class in the subsequent chapters as we learn more about types,expressions, statements, and functionsall of which are used in defining classes. To use a class we need to know three things: What is its name? Where is it defined? What operations does it support? For our bookstore problem, we'll assume that the class is named Sales_item and that it is defined in a header named Sales_item.h. The Sales_item Class The purpose of the Sales_item class is to store an ISBN and keep track of the number of copies sold, the revenue, and average sales price for that book. How these data are stored or computed is not our concern. To use a class, we need not know anything about how it is implemented. Instead, what we need to know is what operations the class provides. As we've seen, when we use library facilities such as IO, we must include the associated headers. Similarly, for our own classes, we must make the definitions associated with the class available to the compiler. We do so in much the same way. Typically, we put the class definition into a file. Any program that wants to use our class must include that file. Conventionally, class types are stored in a file with a name that, like the name of a program source file, has two parts: a file name and a file suffix. Usually the file name is the same as the class defined in the header. The suffix usually is .h, but some programmers use .H, .hpp, or .hxx. Compilers usually aren't picky about header file names, but IDEs sometimes are. We'll assume that our class is defined in a file named Sales_item.h. Operations on Sales_item Objects


Analysis of the role of complaint management in the context of relationship marketing Author: Leticia Su′arez ′Alvarez, University of Oviedo, Spain Abstract This research aims to contribute to the relationship-marketing strategy by studying the role of complaint management in long-term relationships. Two factors distinguish it from other studies: it takes into account two types of customers, consumers and firms, and the result variable selected is the probability of ending an ongoing relationship. Two questionnaires were designed for every population. One of them was auto-administrated to a sample of consumers in the north of Spain, and the other one was sent to a representative sample of Spanish firms. The data analyses were conducted using structural equation modeling. The findings confirm the importance that theory accords to the relationship-marketing strategy, and also provide evidence for the importance of complaint management. Thus having a good complaint-handling system and trained and motivated staff who are fully committed to the firm’s objectives are fundamental requisites for firms to be able to build a stable customer portfolio. Keywords complaint management; relationship marketing; relationship termination; trust; satisfaction Introduction Nowadays, the main task for tourism firms is undoubtedly to deliver superior value to customers. One way that these firms can achieve part of this value is by maintaining quality relationships with their customers. In fact, it is well known that managing these relationships is critical for achieving corporate success. Thus the general aim of the present research is to analyze the most important factors that contribute to relationship stabilization between tourism firms and their customers. This research canters on retail travel agencies. We chose this particular type of tourism firm for two reasons. First, competition between retail travel agencies is becoming much more intense, fundamentally due to the advent of the Internet as an alternative distribution channel for tourism services (Wang & Cheung, 2004). The second reason is the current phenomenon of disintermediation, or the tendency of some tourism service providers to contact the end-customer directly. Because of these two developments, retail travel agencies urgently need to develop a strategy that allows them to maintain a stable portfolio of customers over time if they are to remain in the market for the long term. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we set out a causal model that incorporates a number of factors that can condition the future of the relationships between travel agencies and their customers. Specifically, we chose two variables that


关于文学翻译的论文范文2篇 关于文学翻译的论文范文一:接受美学视阀下的儿童文学翻译研究 一、审美特征 首先,儿童文学相较成人文学最突出的特点是其独有的稚拙性。为适应儿童的口味,儿童文学作品往往稚嫩、淳朴、清新自然,具有成人文学所没有的原初本真的“傻里傻气”。这种稚拙之美通过的作家的笔深入作品中,折射出儿童内心真实的思想和情感。其次,提及儿童文学,人们就会联想到浪漫与想象、梦幻与诗意、神秘与瑰丽的意境。儿童文学的审美创造往往与幻想联系起来。没有幻想就没有儿童文学。儿童的理性思维偏弱、现实感不强,分不清现实与想象,也不懂得事物的内在联系。为接近儿童的心灵世界,儿童文学主张要张扬幻想。优秀的儿童文学作品应该能为儿童打开通往幻想世界的大门。再次,寓言这种文学形式被儿童常态化适用。在童趣审美意象组成的单纯简约的外层结构下,儿童文学浓缩着创作主体的复杂深厚的社会文化积淀。单纯想象的审美符号体系下,寓言形态的儿童文学容易被儿童接受,引发共鸣。蕴含于作品中关于社会、人类、自然等复杂的深层内涵可以在儿童的成长过程中潜移默化的释放能量,帮助儿童对社会、世界的认知,健康人格的建立。 二、语言特征

首先,儿童文学的语言浅显易懂。儿童年龄小,生活经验少,思维能力弱,语言能力在逐步完善,儿童文学作品的语言必须浅显、简洁、准确、流畅,能够被儿童读者理解接受,并未儿童的语言习得提供范本。其次,儿童文学的语言具象化。由于儿童抽象思维差,以形象思维为主,儿童文学的语言是形象、生动、具体、动态的。运用儿童熟悉、常见的具体形象进行描述,把人物和事物的声音、色彩、形状、神态等具体、直接的表现出来,与儿童闹钟的形象相吻合。再次,儿童喜游戏玩乐的特点决定了儿童文学语言的幽默性。幽默有趣的东西符合儿童的心理要求,可以引起他们的兴趣,启发他们快乐的情趣。有经验的儿童文学作者往往把“引起兴趣和引人发笑”作为写作的一个重要原则。 三、接受美学理论 接受美学(receptionaesthetics)是20世纪60年代后期出现的一种文艺美学思潮,也是文学研究领域中兴起的一种新的方法论。由于它主要探讨读者能动的接受活动在文学传播中的地位和作用,因此也被称为“接受理论”、“接受研究”。其代表人物是德国康斯坦茨学派的姚斯(hansrobertjauss)和伊瑟尔(wolfgangiser)。这一理论的一个重大突破就是确立了读者的中心地位,使西方文论实现了从“作者中心”和“作品中心”向“读者中心”的现代转向。文学作品要以读者为中心,读者为导向,相应的,儿童文学的翻译应该以儿童为中心,儿童的审美要求、视野期待是译者翻译活动的重要指导指标。 四、接受美学理论下的儿童文学翻译 1.以儿童读者为中心


长江大学工程技术学院 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 外 文 题 目 Matlab Based Interactive Simulation Program for 2D Multisegment Mechanical Systems 译 文 题 目 二维多段机械系统基于Matlab 的 交互式仿真程序 系 部 化学工程系 专 业 班 级 化工60801 学 生 姓 名 李泽辉 指 导 教 师 张 铭 辅 导 教 师 张 铭 完 成 日 期 2012.4.15 顶层配置在管路等,要求设备,所有设要求,对调整使案,编是指机确保机组中资料试

外文翻译 二维多段机械系统基于Matlab 的交互式仿真程序 Henryk Josiński, Adam ?witoński, Karol J?drasiak 著;李泽辉 译 摘要:本文介绍了多段机械系统设计原则,代表的是一个模型的一部分的设计系统,然后扩展 形成的几个部分和模型算法的分类与整合的过程,以及简化步骤的过程叫多段系统。本文还介绍了设计过程的二维多段机械系统的数字模型,和使用Matlab 的软件包来实现仿真。本文还讨论测试运行了一个实验,以及几种算法的计算,实现了每个单一步骤的整合。 1 简介 科学家创造了物理模型和数学模型来表示人类在运动中的各种形式。数学模型 使创建数字模型和进行计算机仿真成为可能。模型试验,可以使人们不必真正的实 验就可以虚拟的进行力和力矩的分解。 本文研究的目的是建立一个简单的多段运动模型,以增加模型的连续性和如何 避免不连续为原则。这是创建一个人类运动模型系统的冰山一角。其使用matlab 程 序包创建的数字模型,可以仿真人类运动。 文献中关于这一主题的内容很广泛。运动的模式和力矩的分解在这些文献中都 有涉猎。动态的平面人体运动模型,提出了解决了迭代矩阵的方法。还值得一提的 是这类项目的参考书目,布鲁贝克等人提出了一个模型——人腿模型,这个以人的 物理运动为基础的平面模型仿真了人腿——一个单一的扭簧和冲击碰撞模型。人腿 模型虽然简单,但是它展示人类的步态在水平地面上的运动特征。布鲁贝克等人还 介绍,在人腿模型的双足行走的基础上,从生物力学的角度而言,符合人体步行的 特征。这个模型具有一个躯干,双腿膝盖和脚踝。它能够合理的表现出人多样的步 态风格。一个仿真人类运动的数学模型反应出了人的部分运动状态。 图1. 力的分解 2 力的分解


Technique summary on the deformation monitoring towards the high side-slope of the diversion tunnel Abstract.This paper discusses in length the deformation monitoring towards the high side-slope of the diversion tunnel. The diversion tunnel lies on the left side of the dam. Its main task is to diverse the water so that the construction on the dam can be fulfilled successfully. On one hand, it tells us how to build the plane (two-dimensional) control network and how to conduct the horizontal displacement; on the other hand, it tells us how to set up the vertical control network and how to carry out the vertical displacement. Keywords:diversion tunnel, high side-slope, deformation monitoring, Horizontal displacement, vertical displacement 1 Introduction to the diversion tunnel The diversion tunnel and its related projects lies on the opposite side of the underground workplace, namely, the left bank of the Shuibuya Valley. Its natural slope is 255 meters high, consisting of soft rocks and hard rocks. The geological structure is so complicated. Specifically speaking, the slope contains two parts, with the above part hard and the below part soft; meanwhile, it also contains lots of fissures. To protect the worker’s safety during the construction period, it is quite necessary to carry out the rigorous monitoring towards the high side-slope. 2 Coordinate system (1)Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System, 1954; (2)Wusong Altitude system, 1956; (3)Gauss projection 3° Zone; (4)Central Meridian 111°. 3 Introdution to deformation of Structures When the structure is being constructed and in use, so many factors will cause five phenomena, such as: structure subsidence, structure displacement, structure oblique and structure fissure etc. These factors mainly include: the uneven geological component of the foundation, the difference of the physical attribute of the soil, the rigid deformation of the soil, the change in the underground water, the change of the atmospheric temperature, the self
