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1.1 The restaurant manager oversees each phase of service provided to the customers.


1.2 Distinctive Sofitel feature: in Class A hotels, a sommelier helps customer select a wine.



Operation Staff服务人员


3.1Ensure correct glasses are placed on the table确保正确的杯具摆放在餐桌上

- Red wine glass should be used for red红葡萄酒用红葡萄酒杯,他比白葡萄酒杯


wine, it is bigger than white wine glass,

style varies depending on outlet.

- For some special French red wines we

are using special glasses对一些特别的法国红葡萄酒应选用特别的酒杯

3.2 Collect the bottle of wine that has been ordered 选取被点的葡萄酒

- When collecting the wine, we should

check: Name & vintage to ensure that it

corresponds with what the guest

has ordered.当取酒时应检查名称,年份以确保其正确性

- Check if Label is not ripped. 检查酒标是否有破损

- Bottle is clean.酒瓶干净

3.3 Present the bottle in full name 酒瓶展示

– from the right hand side在右手边进行

3.3 Holding the neck of the bottle with your hand firmly, angle the bottle and cut the foil below it 右手牢牢的握住瓶颈,倾斜酒瓶,割去锡皮

- The foil cut should be clean cut and below the lip on the neck of the bottle割去锡皮时应在瓶颈处的瓶盖处

- When inserting the corkscrew, we should hold the bottle firmly and by the neck在插入酒钻时应注意牢牢的握住瓶颈。

3.4 Utilizing the level extract the cork slowly without popping it. 利用杠杆的力量将木塞慢慢取出

- Be careful not to break the cork注意不要折断木塞

- Slowly until 1/2 inch from the end of the cork take between finger and thumb and

extract gently ensuring not to pop the cork慢漫的直到距木塞底部1/2英寸处用大


3.5 Wipe the neck of the bottle with the cork擦拭瓶口

- We wipe the neck of the bottle to remove the debris/sediment


3.6 The service cloth is folded into

a pad and placed along the palm of

the right hand, the end of which is

free to fold around the bottom of the

wine bottle 服务巾叠好,部分放在右手掌中,剩余部分包裹葡萄酒瓶底部

- Wrap the cloth around the bottle to

prevent drip of wine服务巾包裹葡萄酒瓶底部是防止酒滴出

3.7 Give a taste of wine to the host. Pour only as small amount of wine into the glass for this purpose, from the right hand side 在右手边给主人倒酒品尝,仅仅倒一点- Pour a taste of wine for host to tray to check: The wine is of good quality. 给主人倒酒品尝是为了检查酒质

- When pouring the wine, you should ensure: Bottle firmly held. Label facing customer. Neck of bottle doesn't touch glass 在倒酒时必须确保:酒瓶握牢,酒标对客,瓶颈不碰到酒杯

3.8 Wait for the host's sign that it is to his satisfaction 等候主人表示他的满意

- The host normally indicates the wine is to his satisfaction by that: He will say so. Nod / acknowledge主人通常会用一些方法表示他的满意:语言,点头,手式3.9 Serve ladies first, then gentlemen and host last, always commencing from the host's right & progressing anti-clockwise. 先女士后男士,主人最后。自主人右手开始逆时针进行

Fill glasses half full Twist the bottle as you finish pouring-1/2 twist clockwise每杯倒五成满,在倒酒时注意收瓶时旋转半周

- When serving the guests, you should follow the order: Ladies first in order of seniority anti-clockwise. Gentlemen next in order of seniority. Gentlemen next in order of seniority. The host should be served last 当服务顾客时应遵循的原则:先女士后男士,主人最后

- 1/2 twist clockwise旋转半周

- Catch any drips防止酒滴落
