第七章 书名和标题的翻译(2)

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2. 汉语文章标题的分类
1)、动宾结构式标题 “论……”,“试论……”,“略论……”,“浅论……” 英介词on+相应的宾语。 a). 论高等教育投资与管理模式的理论与实践 On the Theory and the Practice of Investment and Management Mode of/in Higher Education b). 试论近代中国科学教育产生的动因与背景 On the Causes and Background of of Chinese Modern Scientific Education
d). 略论高校人事聘用制度改革
Reforms in in Universities (Rules, Regulations, and in Universities )
3). Conversion
3. 文章标题翻译要点
1)、突出中心词 a). 英语专业阅读课总体教学法 Global Method of Teaching Reading to English Majors b). 论金融革命对企业性质的影响 of the Finance Revolution on the Nature of Firms c). 美国教育媒体中心的管理 of US Educational Media Center
e). 论郭沫若 On Guo Moruo (1892-1978), one of the founders of modern Chinese poetry, the pioneer and one of the founders of Chinese history plays, etc.
2)、名词性词组短语式标题 “……分析”,“……探析”,“……初探”, “……浅析”,“……研究”,“……讨论”
a). 构建发达的终身教育体系 全面建设小康社会的教育 Building a Lifelong Education System to Boost the Construction of a Well-off Society
b). 以美育促进大学生心理健康 Promoting Mental Health of College Students with Aesthetics Education
2). 简练醒目,高度概括
(1). 文字的省略
a). 论翻译研究的科学范式 The Scientific Paradigm of Translation Studies
b). 师专英语教育改革初探 in ELT in Teachers’ Colleges c). 英语听力训练方法探索 English Listening Practice
a). 听力理解中的文化障碍 Cultural Obstacles Listening Comprehension b). 基于语料库的适应性学习模式 Corpus-based Adaptive Learning Model c). 高稳定的增长与就业的条件 The Conditions High and Stable Growth and Development
a). 关于高等学校人才引进战略的思考 (具体方法措施 ) Strategies on the Recruitment of in Universities b). 关于加强大学生学风建设的思考 (ibid) On Improving of College Students
3)、偏正式或并列式标题 汉语的偏正结构或并列结构的词组短语 a). 英国大学和产业界之间的“伙伴关系”(偏正结构) The Companionship between the English University and the Industrial Circles
b). 语用学:中国的位置在哪里? --国内外语用学选题对比研究
(3). 正副标题均译
of Pragmatics Topics at Home and Abroad
a). 从可译性到可移性 --一项关于心理语言类型的实验研究 From Translatability to Transferability: An Experimental Study of Psychotypology
第七章 书名和标题的翻译
第一节 关于文章的标题
1. 标题 (headings)—标明文章内容的简短 语句。
The headings—words written as a title at the top of a piece of writing (article/essay/paper). 简练生动,严密质朴,立意新颖,鲜明醒目。
5). 提示性或带副标题的标题
(1). 在同一标题内用冒号或破折号来着重主题; (2). 用破折号来引 出副标题。
A. 保留原样 a). 大学生心理健康教育的新视野:冲突教育初探 A New Vision in Psychological Health Education for College Students: an Exploration of Conflict Education
B. 添加 a). 英汉同声传译技巧与训练 English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpreting: Skills and Training
b). 大有希望的包装行业 The Packaging: A Promising Industry
C. 省略 a). 译者与作家的意识冲突:文学翻译中一个值得深思 的现象 Conflicts in Perception between Literary Translators and Writers b). 西方语言哲学三个问题的梳理—语言哲学系列研究 之五 On Philosophy of Language
b). 宗教改革与西方教育现代化的起源(并列结构) Religious Reform and the Origin of Western Educational Modernization
c). 我国高等教育市场化的源头和动力 On the Origin and Dynamic of Marketization of Higher Education in China (论述性) 4)、陈述性句子式标题
d). 西部贫困地区大学生收费政策浅析 On the Policy in Poverty-stricken Areas in China’s West Regions
“…….思考”,“…….反思”,“……思索”等, reflection/reflections, considerations/thoughts a). 大学学科布局思考 Reflections on the Organization of Disciplines in the University b). 教育哲学研究的反思 Reflections on Educational Philosophy
c). 再现人物神韵的典范—王佐良译《雷雨》欣赏 On Wang Zuoliang’s English Version of the Chinese Play The Thunderstorm
6). 疑问式标题
a). 教育中,究竟是什么在妨碍创造? What on Earth Obstructs the Creativity in Education? (On the Factor that Obstructs Creativity in Education)
c). 农业现代化是扩大就业的物质基础 Modewk.baidu.comnization of Agriculture as the Material Basis for Enlarged Employment
d). 高校应重视马克思主义宗教观教育 (号召或呼吁性标题) Universities Should Pay Attention to Education in Marxist Religion View
3). 用词组代替句子
a). 用通俗文化为激励促进中学生的英语学习 The Use of Popular Culture as a Stimulus to Motivate Secondary Students’ English Learning b). 翻译就是征服 --尼采的翻译哲学 Translation Conquest—Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Translation
2). Omission
a). 关于西南少数民族问题 The of Minority Nationalities in the Southwest b). 论艺术的抽象 The Artistic Abstraction c). 从古代的政治流放地到现代的经济特区 --论海南岛与大陆文化认同的历史性特征 Historical Features of between Hainan Island and Chinese Mainland
b). 论二语词汇深度习得与发展特征 --关于“词义”和“词缀”习得的实证研究 Exploring Word Knowledge and Its Acquisition Patterns in Second Language: An Empirical Study of Word Meaning and Affixes
b). 教育历史:迷失在何处? Educational History: Where does It Lose Its Way? (The Puzzling Nature of Educational History)
c). 章太炎是什么派? The Political Stand of Zhang Taiyan
analysis, study, probe, research, discussion
a). 教育的新制度主义分析 An Analysis of Neoinstitutionalism in Education b). 西方现代教育观发展初探 Discussions on of Education in the West c). 美国高等教育分权的立法机制探析 On the Separation of Powers on the Framework of American Higher Education Legislation
c).试论我国建设社会主义时期反封建残余的斗争 The Struggle against Vestiges of Feudalism in Socialist China (陈述性)
d). 论蔡锷 On Cai E, a Leader of the Revolt against the Restoration of Monarchy in 1915
4). 副标题的翻译
a). 当代西方翻译研究概论 --兼谈Maria Tymoczko的翻译观 A of Contemporary Translation Studies in the West
(2) 省略正标题保留副标题
a). 回眸西方翻译理论发展的百年历程 --评韦奴蒂的《翻译研究读本》 Laurence Venuti’s The Translation Studies Reader
4. 具体翻译技巧
1). Inversion a). 我们对香港问题的基本立场 Our Basic Position on the Question of Hong Kong
b). 稳定世界局势的新办法 A New Stabalizing the World Situation
c). 香港专栏杂文的评价 on Miscellaneous Essays in Hong Kong