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Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
手术是外科治疗的重要手段 手术不是外科治疗的唯一手段 手术效果不仅取决于手术操作,围手术期处
理(perioperative management)也十分重要
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
二、阑尾切除术 (appendectomy)
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
术前准备:①临床检查;②了 解伤口情况;③防治体液代 谢失衡;④防治感染用药
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
皮肤清创 清除失活组织 重要组织(血管、
神经、肌腱、骨折 断端等)清创
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
纠正代谢紊乱,适当 营养支持
观察生命体征,维持 重要脏器功能的稳定
防治感染 伤肢的观察 伤口的观察
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
骨折的整复和固定 血管修复 神经修复 肌腱修复 伤口引流 伤口闭合
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
对开放性创伤及时、正确地采用 手术方法清理伤口、修复重要组 织,使开放污染的伤口变为清洁 伤口,有利于伤口的一期愈合。
目的1:清理创口,防止感染 目的2:修复重要组织
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
择期手术 限期手术 急诊手术
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
清洁伤口:无菌手术的切口 污染伤口:有细菌污染但未
发展到感染 感染伤口:伤口出现红肿、



二 期 换药、引流 愈 合
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
准确把握手术适应证, 选择合适的手术时机
根据实际情况进行充分、 必要的术前准备
合理选择术式、规范操 作,尽量避免副损伤
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
一般:6—8小时,主要由感染潜伏期决定 伤口局部抵抗力强、冬季气温低等情况下可适当延
环境温度 损伤程度 污染程度 局部、全身抵抗力
感染潜伏期 清创时限
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
严格遵循无菌操作规程 尽量不用止血带 按解剖层次仔细探查 “去死保活”,妥善修
复 固定、引流、缝合
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City 's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.