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某项诉讼请求的强制执行是以法院令状这 种特殊诉讼形式的存在为前提的,而这就 使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法 的“诉讼行为”所构成的体系。
If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced;
Case law
•Stare decisis
Text——Part One
The United States is at once a very new nation a very old nation
“Equity”——doing equity
deciding ex aequo et bono 决定公平且善良(拉丁语)
was first granted by the King, and later by his Chancellor as "keeper of the King' s conscience", to afford relief in hardship cases.
Every law has no atom of strength, as far as no public opinion supports it.
Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery
若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫 没有力量的。
美国废奴运动领袖 菲力普斯 W
Two periods of legal history:
•On May 14, 1607, the Virginia Company explorers landed on Jamestown Island to
establish the Virginia English colony
•It is old
It is the oldest of the "new" nations —
the first one to be made out of an Old World colony.
the oldest written constitution the oldest continuous federal system the oldest practice of self-government
The Period of the English •The RevolutiConoaloryniWesar in America
The Period of the United States
Common law legal system 普通法系
Record of the present fifty States 当前50个州的记载
The intricate network of relationships between States and Nation 各州与联邦之间错综复杂关系的记载
The reports of the United State s Supreme Court fill 350 volume s
enforcement 强制执行; claim 请求; action 诉讼行为; writ 法院令状; classical Roman law 古罗马法
The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of ‘action’ similar to that of classical Roman law.
and tort law.
这一制度在(1258年)“牛津条例”禁止 新令状产生以后变得固定下来;除非“本 案令状”允许了灵活性的例外,后者后来 发展成合同与侵权法。
The narrow limits of the forms of actio n and the limited recourse they provid ed led to the development of equity la w and equity case law.
•It is a new nation
•Compared with many other countries
与其他国家相比 it is constantly being renewed by
the addition of new elements of population and of new States 不断有新的人口成分和新州的加入
当一百多年来成百上千的文件敲击出始 终如一的音调时,我们可以说这就是基 调。
•Part Two
The American legal system, like the English, is methodologicall y mainly a case law system.
and legal methodolog y
The common law is historically the common general law —— with supremacy over local law — — which was decreed by the itineran t judges of the English royal court. 普通法在历史上是普通综合法,由英国 皇家法院的巡回法官颁布的普通综合法 地位高于地方法。
•Common law legal system
•Case law
•形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳 大利亚,新西兰,爱尔兰,印 度、巴基斯坦,马来西亚和新 加坡,香港地区也采用英美法
•Civil law legal system
The whole of its history belongs in the period since the inventio n of the printing press.
•The whole of its history is recorded
诉讼形式的限制及其提供的有限追索权 导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的产生。
•由英国衡平法法院的大法 官在处理专门的申诉案件时 ,为避免过分重视令状和程 序方面的技术性问题,而集 中考虑案情的理据得失,最 终发展出有别于普通法的法 律规范,就是衡平法。
And the American record
Comprehensiv e
复杂 •Immense 繁多
Record of the colonial era 殖民时代的记载
Record of the Nation since 1776 国家从1776年开始的记载
there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist.
没有法院令状为前提的诉讼请求,就没有 追索权,因而该诉讼请求也就不存在。
This system became inflexible when the
for events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are part of the printed record of the United States
那些在意大利、法国或英国过去的 传说中湮没的那些事件,是美国有 文字记载历史的一部分。
•Statutory law
•法国和德国为代表,还 有瑞士、意大利、奥地利 、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰 、西班牙、葡萄牙、日本 等
Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law an d the extensive and steadily growing statutory continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law.
首先由国王,以后由作为“国王良知守护人”的 大法官作出,以便对难以解决的案例提供救济 。
In the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an independent legal system and judiciary (Court of chancery)which competed with the ordinary common law courts.
"Provisions of Oxford" (1258) prohibited the
creation of new writs, except for the flexibility
which the "writ upon the case" allowed and
which later led to the development of contract
想要探索美国法律历史的人面对的 是5000多巨册的法律案例。
No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be sai d to reveal the character of a people or of their government.
没有哪一个或者少数几个文件可以准 确地揭示一国人民或政府的特征。
When hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent not e, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote.
私法的大多数领域主要包括判例法, 以及广泛的不断增加的成文法,这些 成文法继续通过判例法受制于有约束 力的法律解释。
•Knowledg e •Technique
• central importanc e
for an understandin g of American law
The reports of some States are almost equally voluminous.
联邦最高法 院判例汇编
The reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases.