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Pettigrew’s Width Scale
Multiple Choice (20), eg. Ornithologists tell us that the best guess of the average speed of birds in flight would be about 17 miles per hour. What do you think is the speed in flight of the fastest bird? A 25 B 105 C 73 D 34 Those subjects who consistently choose the alternatives farthest from the given mean are considered broad categorizers.
Advantages of field-dependence: perceive the whole picture, the larger view, the general configuration of a problem or event. Affectively, people who are field-independence are generally more independent, competitive and self-confident. Field-dependent people tend to derive their self-identity from persons around them, and are usually more empathic and perceptive of the thoughts and feelings of the others.
Category Width
Category Width refers to certain people’s tendency to include many items in one category, even some that may not be appropriate (broad categorizers), or to other people’s tendency to exclude items even when they may belong (narrow categorizers)
Relation to SLL
Broad Categorizers would likely commit many errors of overgeneralization Narrow Categorizers may formulate more rules than are necessary to account for TL phenomena. (H.D. Brown 1973 & Schumann 1978)
Relation to SLL
Field-dependent persons will, by virtue of their empathy, social outreach, and perception of other people, be successfully in learning the communicative aspects of a second language. No one seems to deny the plausibility of this second hypothesis, little evidence has been gathered to support it. The principal reason for the dearth of such evidence is the absence of a true test of field dependence.
◆ References
Style is a term that refers to consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preference within an individual. Styles are those general characteristics of intellectual functioning (and personality type, as well) that especially pertain to you as an individual, that differentiate you from someone else.
Cognitive Style
Christina S200918004
◆ The definition of Style ◆ The definition of Cognitive Style ◆ Several Cognitive Style
※ Field Independence & Dependence ※ Category Width ※ Reflectivity & Impulsivity ※ Ambiguity Tolerance ※ Visual & Auditory Styles ※ Analytic & Gestalt
Advantages an来自百度文库 Disadvantages
Advantages of field-independence: distinguish parts from a whole concentrate on something (reading a book in a noisy train station) analyze separate variables without the contamination of neighboring variables Disadvantages of field-independence: only see the parts, fails to see their relationship to a whole. (You can’t see the forest for the trees)
Ambiguity Tolerance
Ambiguity Tolerance is a style that concerns the degree to which you are cognitively willing to tolerate ideas and propositions that run counter to your own belief system or structure of knowledge. Related to “open-minded and closed-minded”
Advantages and Disadvantages
The person who is tolerant of ambiguity is free to entertain a number of innovative and creative possibilities and not be cognitively or affectively distributed by ambiguity and uncertainty. Too much tolerant of ambiguity makes people become “wishy-washy” accepting virtually every proposition before them, not efficiently subsuming necessary facts into their cognitive organizational structure.
Reflectivity & Impulsivity
Individuals who have a reflective cognitive style tend to mull things over when making a decision. An impulsive person tends to make a quick guess when they faced with uncertainty. They are also called Systematic and Intuitive style. (David Ewing 1977)
Relation to SLL
Field-independence is closely related to classroom learning that involves analysis, attention to details, and other focused activities. Important Figures that support this kind of view Naiman et al 1978 Hansen and Stansfield 1981&1983 L. Hansen 1984 Abraham 1985 Chapelle and Roberts 1986
Relation to SLL
Reflective students were slower but more accurate than impulsive students in reading (Doron 1973) Impulsive children make more errors in reading their mother tongue than children whose cognitive style is reflective, which was found among the sample of adult learners of ESL in the USA (Messer 1976)
(Tarone et al. 1976)
Cognitive Style
The way we learn things in general and the Particular attack we make on a problem seem to hinge on a rather amorphous link between personality and cognition, this link is referred to as cognitive style; When cognitive styles are specially related to an educational context, where affective and physiological factors are intermingled , they are usually more generally referred to as learning style.
Field Independence & Dependence
Field-independence style: the ability to perceive a particular, relevant item or factor in a “field” of distracting terms. Field-dependence style: conversely, the tendency to be “dependent” on the total field so that the parts embedded within the field are not easily perceived, though that total field is perceived more clearly as a unified whole.