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【英文摘要】The view of a country concerns the basic views and ideas of one country, mainly including the general contents such as its origin, nature, function, form, extinction, the relations between man and country, society and country, as well as the contrast between different views of a country. Marx’s view of a country is an important part of Marxism. Based on criticizing the previous researches, the classic writers of Marxism established their own special, systematic and sound view of a country. The Marxism referred in this paper is the Marxism in the narrow sense. Therefore, the Marxist Concepts on the State refer to the basic assessment and the fundamental view of both Marx and Engels on their state.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part deals with the vertical development of Marx’s view of a country. Based on the history and under the background of Marx’s thoughts development in different periods, this part will try to clear the whole developing process including its beginning, forming, developing and completing stages of Marx’s view of a country through studying Marx’s classics.The second part reveals the horizontal structure of Marx’s view of a country. Horizontally, this part will discuss the basic contents including the origin,

nature, function, form, extinction and the development of both man and country by analyzing classics of Marxism.The third part unlocks Marx’s and Hegel’s view of a country. They are interrelated in terms of the thoughts, but by criticizing Hegel’s view of a country, Marx’s view of a country is different.The final part concerns Marx’s and the western liberalism’s view of a country. Classical liberalism, neoliberalism and new classical liberalism have different views on the country or the government. Though they existed in order of the history, as they serve different classes, they were different from Marx’s view of a country.


【英文关键词】Marxism the view of a country Hegel the western liberalism ancient China 【目录】马克思主义国家观研究内容摘要

4-5Abstract5引言7-9一、马克思主义国家观的历史演进9-18(一) 马克思主义国家观的萌芽时期9-12(二) 马克思主义国家观的形成时期12-15(三) 马克思主义国家观的发展时期15-16(四) 马克思主义的国家观的完善时期16-18二、马克思主义国家观的横向结构18-31(一) 国家起源观18-20(二) 国家本质观20-22(三) 国家职能观22-24(四) 国家形态观

24-26(五) 国家消亡观26-28(六) 国家与人的发展
