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2. 否定句:

主语+have/has+not +过去分词+(其他)。

3. 一般疑问句


Yes, S+have/has.

No, S+have/hasn’t.




●just (谓语动词之前) before(句末)

●so far= up to now, by now(到如今,迄今为止)

●in the past/last few years, (过去几年来)

●these days(这几天)

●since/ever since(自从,从那时起)

●for+ 时间段:for two years



I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影了。(还记得内容)

Jim has just lost his book.吉姆刚才把书丢了。(还没找到)



For 12 weeks/three minutes

●since+ 时间点(起点)

since 9 o'clock this morning


since two weeks ago=for two weeks

for a year=since a year ago;

since 2000=for 9 years


The Greens have lived in Macao since they moved to Macao from Paris.格林一家从巴黎搬到澳门之后就一直住在澳门。


1.Are you sure you _______________(lose) the book?----Yes, I ___________(look) for it everywhere, but I still can’t find it.

2.We ___________ already ___________(copy) these words.

3. Jim _______________(just, watch) a football match. He is so tired and hungry.

4. ___________you ever _____________(travel) on a train?

5. ---______ they _______(see) the film yet?

---Yes.They_____________(see) it already.

----When______they______(see) it? ----They _______(see)it just now.

6.---- ________ her sister ____________(be) to Nanning?

----No,she_________( never,be) there before.




He has learned French for three years.他学法语已经三年了。

He learned French for three years.他曾经学过三年法语。

Who has taken my bag? I couldn't find it.谁拿走了我的包?我找不到了?

He cleaned the house yesterday.他昨天打扫过房间。

The room is clean, for he has cleaned it already.房间很干净,因为他已经打扫过了。


He has done some washing yesterday.

He did some washing yesterday.



1. --- Where __you __ (put) the book? I can’t see it anywhere.

--- I ___(put) it right here. But now it’s gone.

A. did ; put; put

B. have; put; put

C. did; put; have put

D. have; put; have put

2. We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose _______ to her?

A. was happening

B. happens

C. has happened

D. happened

3. Hello, I ____ you were in London. How long _________ here?

A. don’t know; were you

B. hadn’t known; are you

C. haven’t known; are

D. didn’t know; have you been

4. I’m glad to tell you that we _____ the work in less time than we _____ expect ed to.

A. finished; were

B. have finished; are

C. have finished; were

D. had finished; were

5. It _____ that pleasant music keeps people from becoming tired at their work.

A. finds

B. has found

C. was found

D. has been found

6. When I was at college I _______ three foreign language but I ________ all except a few words of each.

A. spoke; had forgotten

B. spoke; have forgotten

C. had spoken; had forgotten C. had spoken; have forgotten

7. —I’m sorry, Mary, I ______ your radio for such a long time.

—Never mind.

A. keep

B. kept

C. have kept

D. am keeping

8. —Where have you ______ these days?

—I have ______ to Yangzhou with my friends.

A. been, gone

B. been, been

C. gone, been

D. gone, gone
