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8B Unit 3 Online travel


一、The Clues of Teaching

Through asking and answering the questions, discussing the questions in groups and acting out the dialogues, arouse the interests of the students. Improve the students’ability to use the language and form the ability to use the language. Through practising , joining, cooperating and communicating, enable the students to form the habits of study and improve students’ ability to study.

二、Teaching Aims

1. To revise some names about computers.

2. To learn the new points passive voice.

三、Difficult Points

1. Words: widely e-dictionary restart connect properly

2. Structure: 主语+ am/is/are + done

主语+ was/were + done

四、Key Points

1. The changes of the verbs.

2. The usage of passive voice.

五、Teaching Equipments: Tape recorder pictures.

六、Teaching Procedures:

Step one Revision

The title of unit 3 is online travel. Last class, We learnt some words about computers , can you remember, What they are? Then ask some students to answer. Show some pictures of computer to students./i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word= %B5%E7%C4%D4%CA%F3%B1%EA&in=10757&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=8&rn= 1&di=53760832920&ln=1999&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1332151045406_R&ic=0&s=0

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Keyboard menu mouse printer screen.

Ask some questions to revise the words.

1. It is used for typing. Do you know what is it?

2. There are lots of words and pictures on it, what do we call it?

3. I find that it can put the words and pictures on paper, what is it?

Step Two presentation

Ⅰ. We all want to travel around the world and we learnt a new educational CD-Rom call ed “around the world in Eight hours”.

T: Who is the designer?

S: It is designed by Nancy Jackson.

T: What colour have you visited? (show a picture)

S: The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

T: Get the game now before it is sold out.
