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一、Please write the English or Chinese expressions illustrative of the following drawings of typical tender workflow and typical contract workflow.(请写出下图所绘的典型的招标工作流程和典型的合同流程的英文或者中文)

二、Translate the following Chinese/English into English/Chine.


(一)设计/施工过程design/construct process

(二)房地产开发商the real estate developer

(三)投机性住宅市场the speculative housing market

(四)项目管理project management

(五)项目全寿命期project life cycle

(六)项目范围project scope

(七)专业化服务professional service

(八)重大基础项目建设infrastructure and heavy construction (九)住宅类房屋建设resident housing construction


institutional and commercial building construction

(十一)专业化工业项目建设specialized industrial construction (十二)专业咨询师professional counselor

(十三)总承包商general contractor

(十四)价值工程value engineering

(十五)竞争性招标competitive bidding


architectural and engineering(A/E)firm

(十七)运营与维护管理operation and maintenance management (十八)设计/施工公司design/construct firm


(二十)设施管理facility managemen

(二十一)预算安排budget arrangement

(二十二)进度安排scheduling arrangement





(二十七)临时性工作暂停temporary work stoppage

(二十八)土木工程civil engineering

(二十九)通用采购公告general procurement noticet

(三十)现场踏勘site visits

(三十一)技术规范与图纸specification and drawings

(三十二)建筑公司construction company


architectural and engineering(A/E)firm

(三十四)现场质量监督on site quality inspection

(三十五)施工图shop drawings

(三十六)施工合同construction contract

(三十七)设计/施工公司design/construct firm

(三十八)设施维护facility maintenance

(三十九)工程量清单bill of quantities

(四十)竣工图纸as-built drawings

(四十一)关键线路法critical path method(CPM)

(四十二)质量保证quality assurance

(四十三)全面质量控制total quality control

三、Short Answer Questions.(简要的回答问题)

(一)What does specialized industrial construction include? Can you give some examples?

Answer:P8 第二段1-3行(Specialized industrial construction usually ……or nuclear power plants.)

(二)What does infrastructure and heavy construction include? Can you give some examples?

Answer:P9 第二段1-4行(Infrastructure and heavy construction includes ……sewage treatment plants.)

(三)What is project management?

Answer:P20 第三段全部(Project management is the art of directing ……and participation satisfaction.)

(四)Which areas should be mastered for a project manager?

Answer:P21-22 第三段全部加粗黑体字(1-9点)

(五)What is competitive bidding ?

Answer:P66 第一段1-6行(competitive bidding is ……and by preventing favoritism.)

(六)Whether to bid on a project ?

Answer:P67 第二、三段自行归纳

(七)What do bidding documents generally include ?

Answer:P60 第四段4-8行(they generally include ……and necessary appendices.)

(八)What factors should be taken into account in prequalification of bidders ?

Answer:P60 第二段倒数1-3行三点

(九)What shall the Borrower firstly examine in evaluation of bids?

Answer:P62-63 第五段1-3行(The Borrower shall examine the bids ……Otherwise generally in order.)

(十)Which situations can the Borrower reject all bids ?

Answer:P63 第一段2-5行(If a bid is not ……it shall not be considered further.)

(十一)What does The Direct costs estimate include ?

Answer:P67 第四段4-5行(The direct costs estimate includes the costs of ……Involved in the construction.)
