实用英汉互译教程2 Basic difference between English and Chinese

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Mr. Smith was arrested when he himself was not aware what crime he had committed. 史密斯先生自己还不知道犯了什么罪,人家就把他 逮捕了。 He was daring and resourceful (足智多谋的) besides being a fine shot. 他不仅枪法好,而且有勇有谋。
奉献爱心, 增进友谊。( 2007 上海特奥会街头标 语) Give a loving heart, and develop deep friendship. Let’s give a loving heart and develop deep friendship.
英汉两种语言的逻辑思维有明显的不同:英语往 往是“开门见山”,先表明结论,再进行论证、 描述或讲述事实,也可简单概括为“先果后因”, 即重心在前;汉语则习惯于“循序渐进”,往往 按照事情的发展顺序,由事实到结论或由因到果 进行论述,可以简单归纳为“先因后果”,即重 心在后。
在英译汉时,我们要注意这种逻辑思维上的差异。 具体地,在正确理解英语原文逻辑关系的基础上, 打Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu英语的句子结构,按照汉语思维逻辑的表达 方式重新安排句子的语序。例如:
3. 英语静态语言;汉语动态语言
禁止通行 禁止停车 禁止摄影 禁止超车 正在施工 油漆未干 No Thoroughfare No Parking No photographing No passing Under construction Wet Paint
3. 英语静态语言;汉语动态语言
English is featured by its predominance of nouns over verbs. S. Potter (1969:101) points out, “Our western civilization, it has been said, favors an over-development of the intellect at the expense of the emotions. That is why people prefer nouns to verbs. They suffer what the Germans call „noun disease‟. They say John‟s arrival was premature instead of John came too soon.”
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
凡是有钱的单身汉 ,总想要娶位太太 ,这已经成了 举世公认的真理。
To clarify the relations between words, phrases or clauses, English more often resorts to overt cohesion(显性衔接), frequently using various cohesive ties (衔接纽带)such as coordinators (并列 连词)(e.g. and, or, but, yet, so, however…),subordinators (从属连词)(e.g. when, while, as, since…), relative pronouns and adverbs( e.g. who, whose, that, which, when…), prepositions and others.
Translation Appreciation:
人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先看到的都是他或 她的优点。 译文1:Human beings are interesting, when they first get in contact with a person, they always see his or her merit. 译文2:Human beings are interesting. When they first get in contact with a person, they always see his or her merit.
3) Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its restless seeking.
春花含苞待放,绿叶缓缓舒展,溪水潺潺流淌, 欢乐的春天涌动着无限的追求与希望,这一切难 以用语言表达。
Basic Difference Between English and Chinese
Read the following passages and their translations.
1) 今天晚上,很好的月亮。(《狂人日记》) The moon is extremely bright tonight. 2) 午后便步行至雀华桥,雇了一只小船,荡起双 桨。朝北不远,便到了历下亭前。(《老残游 记》) After lunch he walked to the Sparrow Flower Bridge, where he hired a small boat and paddled along towards the north. Soon he reached the Li Xia pavilion.
He spoke so well that everybody was convinced of his innocence. a. 他说得那么好听,以至于每个人都相信他是无辜 的。 b. 他说得那么好听,谁都相信他是无辜的。
他说得太快,我们不能理解他的意思。 He spoke so rapidly that we could not clearly understand him.
1、英语重形合,汉语重意合 掌握“英语重形合、汉语重意合”的差异是做好 英汉互译的核心。英译汉时,要尽量在理清英语 各句关系的基础上,打乱其原有的句式结构,按 照“汉语重意合”的表达习惯和方式,重新组织 句序;相反,在汉译英时,要把汉语各个分句的 关系尽量用连接词、时态和标点符号等予以表示, 最后按照英语的表达习惯组合成复杂的句子结构。
我只看到他的背影,认不清是谁。 I could not make out who he is as I only saw his back.
海南岛和台湾的面积差不多,那里有许多资源, 有富铁矿(rich iron ore),有石油天然气,还有 橡胶(rubber)。 Hainan Island, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron ore, oil and natural gas, as well as rubber.
汉语行文层层展开,多用并列结构,有时一个长句可以 包含几个并列短句(即主谓结构),有时一个主语可带 几个并列谓语,各成分之间可能存在着各种不同的联系, 但都不用文字表示出来,表面上只是一个并列结构。 英语行文讲究突出重点,重要的意思放在突出的位置, 次要的意思则通过从句、分词、介词短语等手段放在次 要的位置,各成分之间的关系交待得一清二楚。 汉语的句子结构好比一根竹子,一节一节地连下去,而 英语的句子结构好比一串葡萄,主干可能很短,累累的 果实附着在上面。 ——庄绎传
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
我是北京人,我认识那个地方。 我是北京人,我的孩子也是北京人。 我是北京人(的话),我会感到格外幸福。 我是北京人,我不怎么喜欢北京春天的气候。 我是北京人,你是哪里人?
I‟m from Beijing, so/therefore I know that place. (causal) I was born in Beijing and my son was born in Beijing, too. (additive) If I were a native Beijinger, I would feel all the more happy. (supposal) I am from Beijing, but I don‟t like the weather of Beijing‟s spring. (adversative) I am from Beijing, and where are you from? (parallel)
形合:形显意明,句连严谨, 语序规范,意脉清晰 意合:形隐意在,句连洒脱, 语序顺适,意脉暗承
今天晚上,很好的月亮。 The moon is extremely bright tonight.
Hypotaxis (形合) is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives. English sentence building is characterized by hypotaxis. Parataxis (意合) is the arranging of clauses one after another without connectives showing the relation between them. Chinese sentence building is featured by parataxis.
It is right and necessary that people with different political and social systems should live side by side --- not just in a passive way but as active friends. 生活在不同政治制度下的各国人民应该共处,不 仅仅是消极共处,而是要积极地友好共处,这是 正确而必要的。
Ford’s first pledge was, “Mr. President, you have my support and my loyalty.” 福特一开始就保证说: “总统先生,我支持您,并 效忠于您。” He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃又能睡。 过去我常常有点喜欢胡思乱想。 I used to be a bit of a fancier myself. 在英译汉时要变“静”为“动”,摆脱名词化的框 架和大量介词的干扰,突出原文的动态色彩。
Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance.
2、英语前重心;汉语后重心 汉语中,次要信息和背景信息通 常位于前部,最重要的信息在最 后出现。英语相反。