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雾霾天气会对人们的健康和当地的经济发展造成极大影 响。 Smog has great impact on people’s health and the local economy. 其中最令人担忧的是PM2.5。 Of particular concern is PM2.5. 造成雾霾的主要原因是工业化进程的加速,极端低温天 气与区域污染也使得空气污染更为严重。 The root cause of the smog is the acceleration of the industrialization, while the accompanied extreme low temperature and regional pollution also contribute to the worse pollution.
分类二:传统文化类 Besides, every Chinese household enjoys pasting red couplets on both sides of the gate and hanging lanterns to welcome the New Year. In Chinese traditional wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom tend to wear in bright red to celebrate the most important day of their life. To some extent, it is the Chinese red that symbolizes Chinese people’s personality.
分类三:经济类 重点词: commerce 商业;贸易 express快递;捷运公司;vt.表达;快递 after-sales service 售后服务 online payments 在线支付 commercial model商业模式 physical shop 实体店
分类一:环境类 篇章: 空气污染是中国当前面临的一个严重的环境问 题。2012年以来,北京、上海、重庆、香港等 多个城市被雾霾笼罩。在2013年的最后几个月 中,东部地区也受大雾天气影响,多地能见度 不到100米,空气污染指数一度达到了危险级 别。雾霾天气会对人们的健康和当地的经济发 展造成极大影响。其中最令人担忧的是PM2.5 。造成雾霾的主要原因是工业化进程的加速, 极端低温天气与区域污染也使得空气污染更为 严重。

分类一:环境类 重点词: low-carbon lifestyle低碳生活 hazardous material 有害物质 garbage classification垃圾分类 a feasible solution可行的解决方法 environmental degradation环境恶化 drinking water饮用水 conductive to good health有益健康的 remedial measure补救性措施
分类一:环境类 空气污染是中国当前面临的一个严重的环境问 题。 Air pollution is a severe environmental problem that China is confronted with currently. 2012年以来,北京、上海、重庆、香港等多个 城市被雾霾笼罩。 Since2012, smog hangs heavy over cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and HongKong.
分类三:经济类 重点词: escalation逐步上升;增加 commodity 商品 globalizing process 全球化进程 workforce劳动力 sustainable development 可持续发展 pillar industry 支柱产业 reputation声誉;名望 transaction交易
分类三:经济类 篇章: 旅游业是全世界最大,增长速度最快的行业。 根据最近的数据显示,在全世界所有收入中, 旅游业贡献了10%,雇佣了近十分之一的劳动 力。到2010年,这些数字将会翻番。很显然, 其实际的,潜在的经济影响令人震惊。例如, 在中国,有许许多多的酒店和餐厅来满足各种 需求,目前已建成的星级宾馆有9751家。所有 的大中型城市和旅游景点都有针对国内外游客 而设的酒店,且设施服务完备。
重点词: exhaust 尾气 sewage污水 forestation植树造林 air pollution空气污染 emission 散发;排放 pollutant 污染物质 energy-saving and emission-reduction 节能减排
分类二:传ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文化类
Red, especially bright red, is the favorite color of Chinese people from ancient times. Red loving customs can be traced back to the ancient worship of fire, which always shelters people with warmth and safety. Today ,Chinese red embraces many different meanings. It is a symbol of blessing, good fortune, joy and enthusiasm and so on. In every Spring Festival, eldest people give red envelope to the young, so as to show their blessings of New Year to the young ones.
分类一:环境类 核心句: 另有850亿元用于新建或升级城市垃圾处理和污 水(sewage)处理设施,加上300亿元投资未 来三年的植树造林(forestation)。 Another 85 billion yuan will be used to establish or up-grade facilities of city garbage disposal and sewage disposal, in addition to 30 billion yuan's investment in afforestation in next 3 years.
分类二:传统文化类 dynasty 朝代;王朝 preserve 保存;维护 profound 寓意深远的;深厚的 flourish 繁荣/兴旺 reflect 反映 typical典型的 artistic艺术的 treasure 财富,瑰宝 handicraft 手工艺;手工艺品 delicate 精美的;雅致的; valuable 有价值的 inherit 传承
分类三:经济类 核心句: 旅游业的蓬勃发展创造了更多的就业机会。很 多人通过经营旅游业摆脱了贫困。 The booming tourist industry has created more job openings. Many people have said good-bye to poverty through involvement in tourist business.
分类二:传统文化类 红色,特别是大红色,自古以来是中国人最钟 情的颜色。中国人喜欢红色的习俗源于祖先对 火的崇拜,因为火给他们带来了温暖和安全。 如今,中国红有更多的含义,它代表着祝福、 好运、快乐、热情等等。每年春节,长辈都会 给晚辈发红包,以表新年祝福;家家户户都喜 欢贴上红色对联,挂上红色灯笼来迎接新年。 在传统的中式婚礼上,新郎新娘也会穿上红色 的礼服庆祝人生中最重要的日子。在某种程度 上,红色正是中国人性格的象征。
分类一:环境类 核心句: 这一新公布的计划旨在减少四种主要污染源, 包括500万辆机动车的尾气(exhaust)排放 、周边地区燃煤、来自北方的沙尘暴和本地的 建筑灰尘。 This newly announced project aims at reducing four main pollutants, which include exhaust from 5 million motor vehicles, coal burning in surrounding areas, sandstorms from the north and local construction dust.
分类二:传统文化类 核心句: 木雕是中国传统的艺术形式。早在6000年前, 中国人就用木雕来装饰建筑。 Wood carving is a traditional Chinese art form. As early as 6000 years ago, the Chinese already used woodcarving to decorate buildings.
分类二:传统文化类 到了明清时期,中国小说发展完全成熟,大量 的短篇故事和小说不断涌现出来。 Ming and Qing Dynasty was the time when Chinese fiction became fully mature, and a wealth of short stories and novels continuously emerged.
分类二:传统文化类 重点词: be listed as 被列为…… historical sites 历史遗迹 World Cultural Heritage 世界文化遗产 excavate 发掘;挖掘 feudal empire 封建帝国 harmony 协调;和睦;融洽 reverence尊敬;尊崇 celebrated著名的;有名望的 celebrity 名人;明星
分类三:经济类 Tourism is the world’s largest and fastest growing industry. According to recent statistics, tourism provides 10 percent of the world’s income and employs almost one-tenth of world’s workforce. By the year 2010, these numbers will be doubled. Obviously, tourism’s actual and potential economic impact is astounding.
分类一:环境类 在2013年的最后几个月中,东部地区也受大雾 天气影响,多地能见度不到100米,空气污染 指数一度达到了危险级别。 During the last few months in 2013, the eastern part of China was also hit by the heavy smog with a dropped visibility of less than 100 meters in some regions, where air pollution reached the hazardous levels.
分类三:经济类 核心句: 随着交通和交流的改善,在20世纪初以后,国 际贸易得到快速发展。 With improvements in transportation and communication, international business grew rapidly after the beginning of the 20th century.