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In marrying this girl he married a bit more than he could chew.
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. --Santayana
人间是匪窟贼窝,夜色渐渐深沉。强盗凶手转眼就要来了……所以,开心 的时候且尽情开心。我们都要宽容,要慷慨,要体贴,要好心。在这个 (沾亲带故的)小世界,乐趣当然是要有的:可口的饮食,温柔的微笑, 茂盛的果树,还有那翩翩跹跹的几曲圆舞。
Only ambitious nonentities and hearty mediocrities exhibit their rough drafts. It’s like passing round samples of one’s sputum.
选自《文字是肉做 的》一书,除注明 的实例外,都是董 桥的译文
The English find ill-health not only interesting but respectable and often experience death in the effort to avoid a fuss.
英国人天生怪癖。体弱多病反觉大有情趣,甚或大可钦 佩,抱恙常因不想惊动人家而一命呜呼。
The world is a den of thieves, and night is falling. Soon it will be the hour for robbers and murderers… Therefore let us be happy while we are happy, let us be kind, generous, affectionate and good. Therefore it is necessary… to take pleasures in the little world: good food, gentle smiles, fruit trees in bloom, and waltzes. Ingmar Bergman, Fanny and Alexander
Everything is the same, but you are not here, and I still am. In seperation the one who goes away suffers less than the one who stays behind. Byron to his lover 钱锺书译:此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。行行生别离,去者 不如留者神伤之甚也。
意译:凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。 直译:那些不记得过去的人注定要重新过过去的生活。
I did not say so, but the Russians after the experience the 1941 Nazi invasion in violation of the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact, knew full well what I meant. ……经历过纳粹违背1939的希特勒-斯大林条约而于1941年发动侵略 的俄国人完全明白我指的是什么。 《历史的见证》第530页 原文第425页 许译:纳粹违背了1939年希特勒和斯大林签订的条约,在1941年发动 侵略,俄国人身受其害,当然完全明白我指的是什么。
Vladimir Naboபைடு நூலகம்ov
History repeats itself; historians repeat each other. Philip Guedalla
Why do Chinese never smile? Why do they look as if someone had sat up-on their noses as soon as they were born, and they had been weeping bitterly over the calamity ever since?” Charles Kingsley
Some people are awkward with me. When they come up to me and say, “I admire your work, but you intimidate me,” I feel as if I’’ve been slapped in the face. It’s such an act of hostility. Susan Sontag
以上例句选自 许渊冲的《翻译的艺术》
The doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.
医生错手医死人可以埋掉,建筑师则只 能劝客户多种爬藤遮丑。
Your responsibilities are completely different. On stage, you control the pace, the nuances, the action. In film, that’s the director job. So it’s very hard when you start doing film to let go of all those reponsibilities that have been ingrained in your soul. 你的责任是完全不同的。在舞台上,你控制节奏、细微差别、情节发 展。拍电影呢,这却是导演职责。所以开始拍电影时要放开这种种扎 根于灵魂中的责任是很困难的。 你的责任完全不同。在舞台上,你控制节奏、细微差别及情节发展。 但拍电影时,这些都是导演的职责,所以初次拍电影时,很难摆脱 这根深蒂固的责任心。 董桥改译:你分内的事情可完全不一样了。在舞台上,节奏快慢、 一颦一笑、举手投足都由你做主。拍电影则这些都归导演管了。所 以,刚拍戏一下子要抛掉满脑子的这些分内事,实在很难。
中国人为什么都不笑?为什么他们的样子就像一生下来就有人坐 在他们的鼻子上,从此他们就惨得哭个不停?
It (English) is as earthly as it is elegant, as randy as it is fastidious.
Godfrey Smith
有些人对我不好。他们跑来对我说:我拜服你的作品,可是你把我 吓坏了。我听了总觉得一巴掌打过来似的。太不友善了。
By their (Jonathan Swift and Alexander Pope) birth and hereditary fortune deserved to be only a couple of footmen. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
An Englishman thinks he is moral when he is only uncomfortable. --Bernard Shaw
An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one. --George Mikes 英国人就算独自一人也会整整齐齐排成一个人的队伍。