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Problem Solving Process Process
1st step: determine the problem 确定及选择问题 6th step: evaluate the action 检讨解决办法 5th step: implement the action 把解决办法付诸实施 4th step: decide&plan the action 选择及策划解决办法
每人写出一个问题 根据资料说明情况 不要列出原因 不要提出解决办法 不要列举一般情况
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题
Example of the PROBLEM
PROBLEM: Punctual delivery is not good.问题:不能按时交货. 问题: 问题 不能按时交货.
问题的定义是, 问题的定义是, 有些事情出错; 现实状况与理想状况出现差距. 问题是一个相对的概念
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题 Rules to determine PROBLEM
State the status as the information Don’t list the reasons Don’t propose the actions Don’t propose the general status
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题 柏拉图原则Philosophy behind a Pareto Diagram? 柏拉图原则 *财富分配 *80/20原则 原则
The basic underlying rule behind Pareto's law is, that in almost every case, 80% of the total problems
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题 What Is a Pareto Diagram?
The Pareto diagram is a graphical overview of the process problems, in ranking order of the most frequent, down to the Least frequent, in descending order from left to right.
Problem Solving Process
1. To solve problem in a systematic method.如何用系统的方法来解决问题 2. How Quality tools can be used during problem solving. 在解决问题的过程中如 何使用品质工具 -----
Check sheet查检表 查检表 Check sheets have the following main functions: 查检表功用
Production process distribution checks - where the distribution lies. 工序分布检查: 分布在哪些区域 Defective item checks - to determine what kind of defects exist in the process. 缺陷项目检查:确定工序中存在何种缺陷. Defect location checks - to determine where the common defects on a part are located. 缺陷位置检查:确定常见问题所在的位置 Defective cause checks - type of defect and thus validate the cause thereof. 缺陷原因检查:缺陷的类型,因而判定缺陷的原因 Check-up confirmation checks - final phase of assembly to check the finished product or work. 查检确认检查:在最终装配阶段来检查成品或工作
Analyze the problem —2nd STEP分析问题
Key to analyze the PROBLEM
Determine the reason to cause the problem Find out root cause by analyzing the information
2nd step: analyze the problem 分析问题 3rd step: suppose the action 推想可能的解决办法
Problem Solving Process Preparation Form the team
Responsible for dealing with the problem Affected by the action Know well about the problem
负责处理该问题的人 受解决方法影响的人 对问题有认识的人
Problem Solving Process Preparation Support
Recognized by the top management Resource distribution Authority & delegation Customer need (CEPQ) Communication channel
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题
Example of Pareto Diagram
Chart 帮助把资料中的{关键}与{次要}因素区别开. 帮助把资料中的{关键} 次要}因素区别开.
250 200 Frequence 150 100 50 0 operation tool equipment process material other 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Percentage
incurred are caused by 20% of the problem cause types;
such as people, machines, parts, processes, and other factors related to the production of the product. Therefore, by concentrating on the major problems first, you can eliminate the majority of your problems. This is called the "vital few over the trivial many" rule.
category operation tool equipment process material other
frequence 105 56 35 23 18 9 246
frequency 0.427 0.228 0.142 0.093 0.073 0.037
Acc. frequency 0.427 0.655 0.797 0.89 0.963 1 1
Benefits of Using a Pareto Diagram
Thus, the Pareto diagram illustrates the frequency of fault types. Using a Pareto, you can decide which fault is the most serious or most frequent offender. 柏拉图: 柏拉图:用图表的方式把过程问题以发生的频次多少从左到右展开
Problem Solving Process
It is, The process to remove the difference between the real situation and the expectation.
解决问题的过程是, 把现实状况与理想状况间的差距消除的过程.
1:10~1:30 Instruction (What’s PSP, Preparation) 1:30~2:20 PSP step 1 & 2 2:20~2:35 Case Study 2:35~2:50 Break 2:50~3:40 PSP step 3, 4, 3:40~4:00 (Case study) 5 & 6 4:00~4:20 Practice 4:20~4:40 How to reply a CAR 4:40~5:00 Conclusion, Question & Feedback
确定有可能引致问题的原因 分析资料 确认问题的根源 分析资料,确认问题的根源
Analyze the problem —2nd STEP分析问题
Three phases in Data precessing. 资料处理的三个阶段 1.Collecting Data 搜集资料 (查检表) 2.Display the Data 展示资料 (直方图,散布图,鱼骨图). 3.Explain the Data 解释资料
Actual status Only 60% products are able to be delivered as customer requirement. 只有60%的产品批次能按时交货
Expectation More than 95% products are able to be delivered as customer requirement. 95%以上的批次能按时交货
高层管理的认知 资源分配 授权程度 认定顾客需要 沟通渠道
Determine the problem—1st STEP 确定及选择问题
Definition of PROBLEM
It is, Something wrong; Difference between the actual and the expectation;
Analyze the problem —2nd STEP分析问题
量度些什么 量度什么地方 什么时候量度 哪些人进行量度 如何进行量度 如何展示资料
Collecting Data
Analyze the problem —2nd STEP分析问题
帮助把资料中的{关键} 次要} 帮助把资料中的{关键}与{次要}因素区别开
Determine the problem—1st STEP确定及选择问题
Example of Pareto Diagram
Batch No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number Inspected 4573 9450 4895 5076 5012 4908 4839 frequence Total frequency Number of Defects 16 88 71 12 17 23 19 246 1 Defect per category operation 7 36 25 9 13 9 6 105 0.427 equipment 6 8 11 3 1 6 0 35 0.142 tool 0 16 21 0 1 5 13 56 0.228 process 3 14 4 0 1 1 0 23 0.093 material 0 9 8 0 1 0 0 18 0.073 other 0 5 2 0 0 2 0 9 0.037