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Importance of the Work Force and How It Is Managed: Southwest Airlines 人力资源的重要性、怎样管理人力资源:西南航空

Fewer Employees per Aircraft (79 vs. 131) 每一个飞机上承载更少的员工(79 vs. 131)

Makes employee turnover less likely 降低员工流动的可能性

Sends a message that the organization values its people
传达公司重视人才的信息 Example: 实例

Wendy’s a popular fast-food chain company 一个叫做Wendy的快餐公司

When facing declining company profitability, the company decided the best way to become the customers’ restaurant of choice was to become the employer of choice. 当公司面临持续走低的效益困境时,公司决定从成为客户的最佳选择转变为成为员工的最 佳选择。
Introduction to PCMM Ver 2.0 & Innovation by Srinivas Thummalapalli(Srini)
The Firm Srini先生的个人咨询公司
• Credo宗旨 • Nourishing Intellect 培养人才 • Mission 使命 • To foster innovation促进创新 • Vision愿景 • To be the preferred trusted advisor成为首选的值得信赖的顾问 • Name名字 • Su = Good
Not readily duplicated 不轻易重复
The Changing Basis of Competitive Success 持续变化的基本竞争优势

Traditional Sources 传统的来源 Product and Process Technology (Sun, GM) 产品和过程技术(Sun, GM) Access to Financial Markets与经济市场接轨 Economies of Scale 规模经济 Current Sources 当前的来源 Leveraging Organization Culture 利用组织文化 Firms Capabilities 公司的能力 People Management Practices 人员管理的实践

Companies need to make their employees more attractive to the external market so that they satisfy the employees‟ real desires for growth & development

Sustainable Competitive Advantage 持续的竞争优势

Distinguishable from competitors 区别于其他竞争对手的显著优势

Provide positive economic benefits 产生积极的经济效益

采用度量与奖励体制,从而清晰地向员工传达:公司期望从员工那里获取什么,并 根据员工的达成情况奖励他们
Sixteen Practices for Managing People 管理人员的16项实践

Employment Security 就业保障 Selectivity in Recruiting 招聘的选择性 High Wages 高薪

Flies more passengers per employee (2318 vs. 848) 每一个员工照顾更多的乘客(2318 vs. 848)

More available seat miles per employee (1,891,082 vs. 1,339,995) 飞行时间延长,而员工的数量减少 (1,891,082 vs. 1,339,995)
The “Externalization” of Employment: A Counter Intuitive Observation 职业发展的延伸

Most motivated & loyal employees are those whose companies help them become star performers by providing a comprehensive set of personal and career development opportunities across the whole enterprise, without functional or divisional restrictions 大多数积极和忠诚的员工之所以成为了绩优人员,是因为他们在所属的公司得到了 全面的个人发展和职业发展的机会,而这些发展机会是不会受到部门和业务类型的 局限。
2. Selectivity in Recruiting招聘的选择性

Choosing the right people, in the right way 用正确的方法选择正确的人员

Rigorous selection process instills a feeling in the person that he/she is joining an elite organization; high expectations for performance are created; and the message sent is that people matter 严格的甄选过程为候选人带来一种感觉:他/她正在加入一家精英公司;同时,也让候 选人了解到,公司对他/她的绩效的高期望,并且通过这样一种合适的途径传达了此 类信息。 Example: 实例
What Effective Firms Do with People 优秀的企业如何管理人才

Learn what employees really want most by communicating with them, including receiving continual feedback

1. Employment Security就业保障

Signals long-standing commitment by the organization to its work force 企业向其员工申明长期的承诺
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Enhances employee involvement as employees are more willing to contribute to the work process 提高员工的参与度因为员工很希望为工作过程贡献他们的力量

Provide a wide range of growth & development opportunities for all levels of employees 为所有层面的员工提供广泛的成长与发展的机会

Adopt measurement & reward systems that clearly articulate what is expected from employees, and reward them accordingly

80% of flights turns in </= 15 Min (vs. 45min) 80%的航班在15分钟内完成降落

Exceptional Service: Triple Crown 9 times (vs. no competitor has ever won) 更高的标准:曾经九次获得“三纬皇冠”奖(没有其他竞争对手曾经获得过此奖项 )

Had a policy on employment security stating that no employee with 3 years or more of service would be laid off for lack of work.
曾经在公司的就业保障政策中申明过,3年以上司龄的员工不会因为工作机会 的减少而被解雇。
Su = 好
• Mantrana = Advise
Mantrana = 建议

Sources of Competitive Advantage 竞争优势的来源 Construct of Successful People Friendly Firms 在人才管理方面的成功的企业结构 Financial Impact of Human Capital 人力资本带来的财务影响 A framework of Talent Management: PCMM 人才管理的体系:PCMM

Incentive Pay 基于奖励的支付
Employee Ownership 员工的股权激励 Information Sharing 信息共享 Participant and Empowerment 参与和授权 Teams and Job Redesign 团队与工作的重新设计 Training and Skill Development 培训和发展 Cross-Utilization and Cross-Training 资源管理和跨领域培训 Symbolic Egalitarianism 践行平等 Wage Compression 工资缩减 Promotion from Within 内部晋升 Long-Term Perspective 远见 Measurement of the Practices 实践的度量 Overarching Philosophy重要的理念

Southwest Airlines 西南航空

Some of its best customers are involved in the Flight Attendant hiring process as the customers are the ones who deal with front-line employees.
企业需要使他们的员工在外部市场上看起来更有吸引力和价值,从而满足员工对成 长与发展的渴望。

Many professionals who switch jobs often do so because they don‟t feel that they have any tangible impact on their company 很多人频繁更换工作,因为他们觉得自己在本公司内没有任何的影响力。
一些优秀的客户参加了西南航空的飞机乘务员的招聘甄选过程,因为这些客户 是最直接与乘务员接触的人。
3. High Wages高薪

Attracts more applicants, permitting the organization to be more selective in its hiring 吸引更多的候选人,让企业在招聘甄选时有更多的选择余地

Contributes to training as both employer and employee have greater incentives to invest in training 投入培训,因为公司和企业都能从培训中获利 Example:实例

The Lincoln Electric Company 林肯电气公司