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内质网[endoplasmic reticulum
细胞壁 cell wall
细胞膜 cell membranel
细胞液 cytosol
细胞核 nucleus
液泡 vacuoles
质体 plastid
1-细胞溶液 2-液泡 3-碳水化合物颗粒 4-胡萝卜素 5-叶绿素 6-细胞核 7-细胞壁 8-中胶层 9-细胞间隙 10-线粒体
作用: (1) 调节胞内水溶液的化学势和pH值 (2) 分解大分子化合物
(1) 白色体:存在于胚细胞及根部和表 皮中
(2) 杂色体:存在于花瓣和果实的外表 皮内
(3) 叶绿体:存在于一ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้进行光合作用 的植物细胞中
禽畜肉:肌肉组织(50-60%) 脂肪组织(20-30%) 结缔组织(7-11%) 骨骼组织(13-20)
The detailed structure of a muscle cell or fibre, showing the transverse tubules, sarcoplasmic reticulum, mitochondriae and sarcomeres
横纹肌 (主 体 , 由 肌 纤 维 构 成 )
平滑肌 (构 成 血 管 壁 、 胃 肠 壁 )
心肌 (构 成 心 脏 )
肌糖细 图
纤原胞 丝膜
852 ---

肌肌线 纹
原纤粒 肌
纤维体 维膜裁
肌 纤
63 维 -- 细
细胶 胞
胞原 核纤

结 构
• The background image shows the internal structure of a muscle fibre (cell). • Myofibrils are the protein rods which are made to slide past each other when a muscle actively contracts • Sarcoplasmic reticulum stores calcium ions and releases it to initiate contraction and pumps it in to end contraction. • Terminal cisternea are specialised regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum which make contact with the transverse tubules. Calcium ions is released from this region onto the contractile filaments. Calcium ions trigger active sliding of the filaments, which produces muscle shortening. • Opening of the transverse tubules to the space outside of the muscle cell. Electrical signals travel from the outside surface of the muscle deep into the muscle fibre down the transverse tubules. • Myoplasm is the surface membrane of the muscle cell. This membrane carries electrical signals (the action potential) along the muscle fibre. The action potential travels into the muscle fibre down tranverse tubules.
Metalloprotein Program Project Overview
One-third of all proteins are "metalloproteins", chemical combinations of protein atoms (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur) with ions of metals such as iron, calcium, copper, and zinc. The hemoglobin, for example, that carries oxygen in the bloodstream, is an iron-containing metalloprotein.
图1-1 植物细胞结构
细胞壁由纤维素、半纤维素、果胶质、 木质素等组成。
(1) 稳定细胞形态 (2) 减少水分散失 (3) 防止微生物侵染和机械损伤
细胞膜由脂类、蛋白质和水组成,是 细胞生命活动的重要场所和组成成分
细胞溶液主要由水、蛋白质、盐、糖 类、脂类组成,水占80%以上。
液泡内主要是水、糖、盐、氨基酸、 色素、维生素等。物质通过液泡膜进 出液泡。
第一章 食品冷冻冷藏的 生物化学基础
§1-1 食品材料的基本构成 §1-2 食品材料的主要化学成分 §1-3 食品冷冻冷藏原理
§1-1 食品材料的基本构成
生物由细胞构成,生物体的新陈代谢都是以细 胞为基础的,细胞是生物体结构与功能的基本 单位。 在冷冻冷藏过程中,食品的物理变化和生物化
学变化均发生在细胞内外。 一、 植物细胞(Plant cell) 二 、 动物肌纤维 (Muscle fibre)
The metal ions in metalloproteins are critical to the protein's function, structure, or stability. In fact, numerous essential biological functions require metal ions, and most of these metal ion functions involve metalloproteins. Thus, metalloproteins make life on Earth possible and the ability to understand and ultimately control the binding and activity of protein metal sites is of great biological and medical importance.