国际贸易实务双语 国贸双语Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Force Majeure and Arbitration in International Trade不可抗力和国际贸易仲裁
Force Majeure不可抗力 Arbitration 国际贸易仲裁 Cases 案例
9.1 Force Majeure 不可抗力
Definition 定义 Significance of Force Majeure Clause 约定不可
抗力的意义 Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause不可抗力条
款的规定 Notes to Quoting Force Majeure Clause援引不
Stipulation of Force Majeure Clause 不可抗力条款 的规定 › Scope of Force Majeure Events 不可抗力的范围 › Essential ways of stipulation 不可抗力的规定方法 › Settlement of Force Majeure Events 不可抗力事 件的处理 › Notification and Proof of Force Majeure Events 不可抗力事件的通知和证明
为避免因发生不可抗力事件而引起不必要的纠纷,防止合同当 事人对发生不可抗力事件的性质、范围做任意的解释,或提 出不合理的要求,或无理拒绝对方的合理要求,故有必要在 买卖合同中订立不可抗力条款,明确规定不可抗力时间的性 质、范围、处理原则和处理办法,以利于合同的履行。
9.1 Force Majeure不可抗力
Scope of Force Majeure Events 不可 抗力的范围
Natural disasters such as flood, fire, ice damage, storm, heavy snow, earthquake, etc.
Social disasters such as war, strike, the governmental ban, etc.
With a view to avoiding the unnecessary disputes due to a Force Majeure event, and preventing the arbitrary explanation of the Force Majeure event, unreasonable requirement proposed, or unreasonable refusal of the reasonable requirement proposed by the other party, it is very necessary to make a Force Majeure clause in a sales contract, specifying the nature, scope, principle, and settlement of the Force Majeure clearly so as to the execution of the contract.
Settlement of Force Majeure Events 不可抗力事件的处理
There are two kinds of legal consequences arising from a force majeure event: (1) termination of the contract (2) postponement of the contract fulfillment
9.1 Force Majeure 不可抗力
Definition 定义 Force Majeure, also called Act of God, refers to an event that can neither be anticipated nor be preventable, avoidable and controllable after the conclusion of the contract, not resulted from the fault or neglect of the parties involved, leading to the failure or the delay of the fulfillment of contract; the party who fails or delays to fulfill the contract due to such event can be free from the liabilities, or to be given an option of terminating the contract or postponing the performance of the contract.
由自然力量引起的,如水灾、火灾、冰灾、暴 风雨、大雪、地震等。
由社会力量引起的,如战争、罢工、政府禁令 等。
Essential ways of stipulation 不可抗力的规 定方法
Brief Stipulation 概括规定 Concrete Stipulation 具体规定 Synthesized Stipulation 综合式规定
不可抗力又称人力不可抗拒。它是指在买卖合同签订后,不是由于合同当事 人的过失或疏忽,而是由于发生了合同当事人无法预见、无法预防、无 法避免和无法控制的事件,以致不能履行合同或不能如期履行合同,发 生意外事件的一方可以免除履行合同的责任或推迟履行合同。
9.1 Force Majeure 不可抗力
Significance of Force Majeure Clause约定不可抗力的意义