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• 科技英语的特点 • 科技英语翻译的特点
Laser pulses of 1,000 joules in 10-10 seconds have been achieved, and copious X rays and nuclear-reaction products have been observed from plasma blobs created by a laser pulse. 1000焦耳/ 10的-10 秒的脉冲激光已经形成, 在由脉冲激光产生的等离子斑点里也已经 检测出多种x射线和核反应物质。
注意专有名词翻译Байду номын сангаас
• Beam quality 光束质量 Laser field 激光领域 Optical System 光学系统 Beam transmission transform 光束的传输变换 Gaussian beam parameters of the Characteristic 高斯光束的特性参数 Laser spot radius 激光光斑半径 (blobs斑点) Divergence angle 发散角 Energy distribution parameters能量分布参量
激光设备是一种含有晶体、气体 及其它相应物质的设备。当原子 受到聚光波的刺激就会使聚光波 增强并聚集,释放出狭窄、强烈 的光束。
nuclear-reaction products have been observed from plasma blobs created by a laser pulse.
这种能产生104焦耳脉冲的激光设备 将在加利福尼亚的利弗莫尔实验室 内建立,所产生的脉冲波聚集在含 有重氢和锂的针头上能产生聚变反 应,这正是太阳给我们提供能量的 机理。
专业性 客观性 精确性
科技英语翻译是一门科学 不是一门艺术 不需要大量的再创造 需要的是译者能够准确、客观 的反映所译学科的专业知识。
• A laser installation is to be built at the Livermore Laboratory in California which will produce a 104 joules pulse to be concentrated on a pinhead containing deuterium and lithium to produce a fusion reaction,the mechanism by which the sun supplies us with energy.
难点:分析句子并注意科技英语句式结构 特点,灵活进行翻译。
Laser is a device… Laser has now … It may evolve…
Laser is a device, containing a crystal, gas, or other suitable substance, in which atoms, when stimulated by focused light waves, amplify and concentrate these waves, then emit them in a narrow, very intense beam.
• 激光设备是一种含有晶体、气体及其它相应物质的设备。当原子受到 聚光波的刺激就会使聚光波增强并聚集,释放出狭窄、强烈的光束。 由于激光的广泛应用,它早已成为许多语言中的一个通俗用词。 • 1000焦耳/ 10的-10 秒的脉冲激光已经形成,在由脉冲激光产生的等 离子斑点里也已经检测出多种x射线和核反应物质。这种能产生104焦 耳脉冲的激光设备将在加利福尼亚的利弗莫尔实验室内建立,所产生 的脉冲波聚集在含有重氢和锂的针头上能产生聚变反应,这正是太阳 给我们提供能量的机理。这种系统将由几个钕激光玻璃棒放大器组成 ,它可以演变成为获取受控高热原子核反应堆能量的一种方式。
Laser Applications
Laser is a device, containing a crystal, gas, or other suitable substance, in which atoms, when stimulated by focused light waves, amplify and concentrate these waves, then emit them in a narrow, very intense beam. Laser has now become a household word in many languages, because of its wide range of applications. Laser pulses of 1,000 joules in 10-10 seconds have been achieved, and copious X rays and nuclear-reaction products have been observed from plasma blobs created by a laser pulse. A laser installation is to be built at the Livermore Laboratory in California which will produce a 104 joules pulse to be concentrated on a pinhead containing deuterium and lithium to produce a fusion reaction, the mechanism by which the sun supplies us with energy. This system will consist of several chains of neodymium glass rod laser amplifiers. It may evolve into a method to obtain controlled thermonuclear energy.
注重特定领域的专业知识。 准确理解词义,注意术语的准确表达与翻译。 注意常用词在特定学科中的特定含义;科学技术的相 应新词不断出现,而翻译最新科技成果与信息又往往 是我们翻译实践的主要内容,所以译者应随时关注相 关领域的最新动态与发展,准确理解并再现那些新词 的意义。
Laser pulses of 1,000 joules in 10-10 seconds have been achieved A laser installation is to be built