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2)意译:为了完整而准确地把意思表达出来,而抛 弃原文的语言形式,按译入语的习惯重新遣词造句。 意译是不同于胡译、乱译的重要翻译方法之 一。
我们将为客户提供热情的服务。 to serve our customers with enthusiasm with passion / with zest
also known as sense-for-sense translation, emphasizes transfer of the meaning or “spirit” of a source text over accurate reproduction of the original wording.
The Methods of Translation
Because in the practice of translation we may find that now and then some words in their usual senses and structures are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between the English and the Chinese languages. In this case, we have to resort to some special means of translation which are Literal Translation & Free Translation, Foreignization & Domestication.
Free translation involves the application of many translation skills such as addition, omission, repetition, conversion, negation, etc. 。
a land of honey and milk 鱼米之乡
贾珍感谢不尽,说:“待服满,亲自带小犬到府 叨谢。”于是作别。 (《红楼梦》)
是指在转达原文意思时,使译文的表达形式和句法结构 尽量同原文一致起来,能完全对等的就完全对等,不能 完全对等的也要大致对等, 强调“形似”。但理想目标是 做到“神”、“形”兼备。即不但表达原文内容,而且 保持原文形式上的特点,如比喻、形象、民族特色等。
burn one’s boat 破釜沉舟 Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳 zebra line 斑马线(人行横道)
一次性用品:one time sex goods
街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生。 Women in the street should be called on to do some
cleaning. “In the street” should be replaced by “in the community”.
Victory/success has a hundred fathers and defeat/failure is an orphan.
胜利/成功有上百个父亲,失败却是个孤儿。(直译) 胜利/成功众人争功,失败无人引咎。(意译)
Fra Baidu bibliotek
They had come as a good bat up the slope and a little out of breath.
one country, two systems 一国两制 The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流 win-win situation 双赢局面
Free/ Liberal translation(意译)
in the dark 直译: 在黑暗中× ,意译 :一无所知√ They are the salt of the earth. 他们都是社会中坚/精英分子。 The child is father of the man. 童年经历决定成年后的性格。/三岁定终生。
What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. 儿时所学,终生难忘。
Literal translation & Free Translation 直译&意译
Literal Translation (直译)
also called word-for-word translation, is ideally the segmentation of the source language text into individual words and target language rendering of those wordsegments one at a time.
指的是将一种语言所表达的意义用另一种语言做释 义性解释,在转换过程中不必过分拘泥于原文形式。
由于英语和汉语之间在词汇、句子结构、语体风格 和文化因素等方面千差万别,因此在转换的过程中 难免存在无法找到完全对等的翻译方法,只能结合 上下文和文化背景正确理解原文的意思之后按照目 标语言的规律和习惯来进行翻译。
根据著名翻译家尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)关于翻 译的定义— “翻译即翻译意义”(“Translation means translating meaning”),翻译可以分为两 种基本方法:
1)直译:在基本保持原文的语言形式(词语、句子 结构、修辞手法等)的同时,完整而准确地把意思表 达出来,且译文流利晓畅。直译是不同于硬译、死译 的重要翻译方法之一。