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LV Tian ̄runꎬHONG Gu ̄qiꎬCHEN QunꎬSONG Li ̄junꎬLI Xiang ( Department of Traumatic OrthopedicsꎬFirst Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical UniversityꎬNanjing 210029ꎬChina)
【 摘要】 目的 探讨过伸型胫骨平台骨折的临床治疗ꎮ 方法 回顾性分析 2013 年 11 月—2017 年 12 月南京医科大学第一附属医院治疗的 12 例过伸型胫骨平台骨折ꎮ 其中男性 4 例ꎬ女性 8 例ꎻ年龄 24 ~ 65 岁ꎬ平均 53������ 6 岁ꎻ致伤原因均为道路交通伤ꎮ 患者采用屈曲位复位ꎬ植骨后使用内外侧钢板固定ꎮ 观察患者 术后平台后倾角、美国特种外科医院膝关节功能评分( HSS 评分) 、关节屈曲度以及并发症情况ꎮ 结果 术 后 X 线片显示均获得解剖复位ꎮ 术后均无膝关节反曲ꎬ患者均得到随访 6 ~ 18 个月ꎬ平均 9������ 7 个月ꎮ 骨折愈 合时间 8 ~ 12 周ꎬ平均 10������ 0 周ꎮ 所有患者术后测量后倾角 5° ~ 9° ( 平均 7������ 9°) ꎬ术后半年 5° ~ 10° ( 平均 7������ 7°) ꎮ HSS 评分 90 ~ 98 分( 平均 93������ 6 分) ꎮ 术后半年关节屈曲度 120° ~ 145° ( 平均 131°) ꎬ伸直均为 0°ꎮ 术后无一例发生钢板及螺钉断裂现象ꎮ 结论 通过恢复正常后倾角及关节面平整ꎬ充分植骨及锁定钢板固 定治疗过伸型胫骨平台骨折ꎬ效果良好ꎬ值得临床推荐ꎮ
创伤外科杂志 2019 年第 21 卷第 4 期 J Trauma Surgꎬ2019ꎬVol. 21ꎬNo. 4
������论 著������
文章编号:1009 - 4237(2019)04 - 0252 - 05
吕天润ꎬ洪顾麒ꎬ陈 群ꎬ宋李军ꎬ李 翔
【关键词】 胫骨平台骨折ꎻ 过伸损伤ꎻ 锁定钢板ꎻ 后倾角 【 中图分类号】 R 683������ 42 【 文献标识码】 A 【 DOI】 10������ 3969 / j. issn. 1009 - 4237������ 2019������ 04������ 004
Surgical treatment of hyperextension tibial plateau fracture
【 Abstract】 Objective To discuss the surgical treatment for hyperextension tibial plateau fracture. Meth ̄ ods Twelve cases of hyperextension tibial plateau fractures were treated from Nov. 2013 to Dec. 2017 in our de ̄ partment. All these fractures were reduced via lateral / medial Baidu Nhomakorabeapproach. There were 4 males and 8 femalesꎻ their age ranged from 24 to 65 yearsꎬwith an average of 53������ 6 yearsꎻ the causes of injuries were road traffic injuries. Pa ̄ tients underwent flexion reduction and were fixed with internal and external plates after bone grafting. The postopera ̄ tive platform posterior slopeꎬHSS scoreꎬjoint flexion and complications were observed. Results X ̄ray films showed anatomical reduction after operation. There was no knee recursion after operationꎬand the patients were followed up for 6 ̄18 months with an average of 9������ 7 months. The fracture healing time was 8 to 12 weeksꎬwith an average of 10������ 0 weeks. All patients were measured with a slope angle of 5° - 9° after operation( averageꎬ 7������ 9°) and 5° - 10° 6 months after operation( averageꎬ7������ 7°) . The HSS score was 90 to 98 points ( averageꎬ 93������ 6 points) . The joint flexion degree was 120° - 140° ( averageꎬ 131°) after half a yearꎬand the straightness was 0°. There was no case of plate or screw breakage after surgery. Conclusion Recovering posterior slope angle and using locking plate after anatomic reduction can achieve satisfactory treatment in hyperextension tibial plateau fracture.