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30% of sentences can be interpreted through linear translation between English and Chinese. 70% of sentences cannot, and have to go through structural and lexical adjustment, in order to fit the expression habit of the target language.
The willingness of China to share its lessons and experiences with other countries through this training center and also learn from them is a demonstration of the Chinese Commitment to help developing countries to improve their development status.
Pausing and Linear interpreting
There will come a day when people the world over will live a happy life under the sun of socialism. 全世界人民在社会主义阳光下过幸福生活的一天是会到来的。 There will come a day 终将有一天 when people the world over 全世界人民 will live a happy life 会过上幸福的生活 under the sun of socialism 沐浴着社会主义的阳光
The willingness of China to share its lessons and experiences with other countries through this training center and also learn from them is a demonstration of the Chinese Commitment to help developing countries to improve their development status.
Growing economic integration ∕and interlinkages among issues ∕suggest ∕the need for∕ new and more comprehensive approaches∕ to capacity building ∕adapted to the constantly evolving needs of developing countries. 经济融合与各种事件之间的联系加深,这一事实说 明我们需要新的、更为全面的方法开展能力建设, 满足发展中国家不断变化的需求。
中国愿意分享经验和教训给其他国家,通过培训中 心的建立,中国还将向其他国家学习,这显示了中 国承诺帮助发展中国家改善提高发展水平的决心。
And I do want to congratulate Greenwich University which was inaugurated as Britain’s second polytechnic college many, many years ago, has been an innovator from the start, now a great university with 23,000 students, right at the heart of this local community, going from strength to strength, a great reputation for teacher training, pioneering initiatives to encourage local young people to think about going to university.
I would fail in my duty if I did not from this rostrum(讲坛) express the deep distress of my government at the news reaching us of the death of the young black leader. 我谨代表我国政府,深切哀悼这位年轻黑人 领袖。
我们要坚持相互尊重、增强互信、求同 存异,以对话和协商的方式解决存在的 问题,共同维护地区的和平与稳定。
我们要坚持相互尊重、增强互信、求同存异,以对 话和协商的方式解决存在的问题,共同维护地区的 和平与稳定。 We should increase mutual trust on the basis of mutual respect, seek common ground while putting aside differences, and work to resolve whatever problems there might be through dialogue and consultation in a joint effort to maintain peace and stability in the region.
Because of the differences in syntactic structure between Chinese and English, restructuring the sentences in accordance with the syntactic rules of the target language is essential for interpreting.

And I think what I would like to say to the Chinese people is that we view China as a very important nation that is going through a period of transformation. 我想告诉中国人民,我们认为中国是一个正在经历变革的非常重要 的国家。 And I think what I would like to say to the Chinese people 我想我要告诉中国人民 is that we view China as a very important nation 我们认为中国是一个非常重要的国家 that is going through a period of transformation 中国正在经历变革
After & Before
The meeting will resume after the delegates have met privately.
他还要做几个关于 金融方面的讲座,然 后才回去。

会议还要继续,但 代表们先要私下里碰 碰头。

He will give a few more lectures on finance before he goes back home.
Sight Interpreting
Texts could be referred to while the speaker is speaking; texts could be presented in PPT, could be provided to the interpreter before or during the meeting. If provided long before the meeting, translation could be done at some places. But, in the process of interpreting, the interpreter shall not only follow the translated text because very often, the speaker does not follow closely the texts. Usually, texts are only provided right before the meeting.
1、顺句驱动,断句成章;2、灵活调整,重 组信息。 1、不重复;2、不停顿;3、不啰嗦;4、 不晦涩。 1、沟通第一;2、达意为重;3、把握逻辑; 4、分清主次。
准确度 40% 流畅度 40% 时间控制 10% 总体效果 10%
Sight Interpreting
视译是介于口笔译之间的翻译形式 引导学生由笔译向口译过渡 视译与同传是“孪生姐妹” 为同传学习做准备 视译培养提取信息和逻辑分析能力 视译促进交传能力提高
How difficult is it to do sight interpreting between English and Chinese?
Chapter Ten
Sight Interpreting
Sight Interpreting
Just as its name implies, the interpreter receives the source information by reading a prepared document in written forms. Unless the situation is urgent or some secret has to be temporarily kept, the interpreter can get the document in advance and do some necessary preparation for interpretation.
Sight Interpreting
It is real time interpretation in which the interpreter uses the text of the speech to translate while the speaker is speaking at the same time.
And I do want to congratulate Greenwich University which was inaugurated as Britain’s second polytechnic college many, many years ago, has been an innovator from the start, now a great university with 23,000 students, right at the heart of this local community, going from strength to strength, a great reputation for teacher training, pioneering initiatives to encourage local young people to think about going to university.
断句与顺译 增补与重复 缩减与省略 特殊句型 词性转换
Growing economic integration and interlinkages among issues suggest the need for new and comprehensive approaches to capacity building adapted to the constantly evolving needs of developing countries.