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2.abrupt adj.突然的,意外的,粗鲁的 come to an abrupt stop an abrupt manner 3. weep (wept, wept) 1) vi & vt weep for/over sb/sth 流泪、哭泣 weep for joy 喜极而泣 为孩子之死而哭泣的妇女 a mother ____over the death of her child weep tears of joy 流出喜悦的眼泪 2) n.一阵哭泣 A good weep would probably make you feel better.
2. 使陷于;使落网
trap n. 夹子;陷阱;困境;圈套; v. 把 …… 困在,
(1)set/lay a trap for设下圈套 be caught in a trap=fall into a trap落入陷阱
(2)be trapped in 被困在……
trap sb into doing...诱骗某人做……
• 2) vi & vt. (burst, burst)(使某物)爆炸; 胀破; 爆破: • burst the balloon • burst in 突然进入(房间等) • burst in on sb/sth (因突然来到)阻碍某人/ 物 • burst in on a meeting 打断会议 • burst into sth 突然猛烈地发出/产生出某事物 • The aircraft crashed into the hillside , ____ into flames. • burst into tears//laughter =burst out crying/laughing
Claire bid 300 pounds for the furniture.(用名词bid改写) Claire made a bid of 300 pounds for the furniture.
7. conclude v.断定,推断出(decide);得出结论;
had set/laid a trap for him and he had walked straight into it. (2)She was trapped in the burning house at that moment. _____ ____ the burning house , he felt hopeless.
(2)It was reported that 115 miners eight days were pulled alive at last.
A in the flooded mine for
C.were trapped 解析
B.being trapped
D.had trapped
miners ,而非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间是被动关系,且表示 的动作发生在过去,故用过去分词,选A。
3. wipe away擦去,擦掉;去除,消除
wipe sth off/away from从……上擦去;把……彻底清除掉
wipe up擦净,擦干
The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
7.reaction 1.react to=respond to 2.in reaction to=in response to 8.upper 1.have the upper hand in=have an edge over 2.Uppers are drugs that make you feel very happy, excited, and full of energy. (反义词downers 镇定剂)
• That’s all
1. appetite n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望
have an appetite for喜爱,渴望
have a good/poor appetite胃口好/不好
lose one’s appetite食欲减退
give sb. an appetite使某人有食欲
to one’s appetite合某人的胃口
6. rebel rebelled rebelled n. 反叛者;造反者;叛逆者 V .造反;反抗;反感 The rebel wanted to get away from the country. When a lot of people rebel, there is a rebellion.
应试指导 写作高频词汇in conclusion,to conclude (1)conclude sth with...就某事与某人达成协议;以……结束 conclude...from...从……推断出…… to conclude=to sum up 总之;最后 (2)arrive at/reach/come to/draw a conclusion得出结论
1.bathe vt.&vi. (1 )(给……) 洗澡,沐浴 It is high time/about time we ____ the baby. (2) 用清水洗(尤指身体部位) bathe the wound bathe sth (in sth) (以光线)洒满,覆盖;使沐浴( 在光线里) 搭配:be bathed in sunshine 沐浴在阳光下 _____ in the golden sunshine, the garden looks more beautiful. n. go for a bathe 去游泳
(1)用适当的介词填空 ①Were you just trying to trap her intomaking a mistaken decision?
②Her mother Donna,was trapped in the destroyed building.
③Mary set a trap for Peter and he reallyinto fell the trap.
make a conclusion下结论
in conclusion=in a word 总之;最后
So what can we conclude from this debate?
(1)用适当的介词填空 ①He concluded his speech with a famous saying. ②What can we conclude Stafford’s research? from ③ conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed In myself today.
9.slide (v)1.She slid the door open. (使)滑动/行 2.He slid into the driver's seat and start the coach.
3. The economy is sliding . 衰退 4.The US dollar continued to slide. (货币)贬值/下降 5.Don't let things slide. 放任自流
6. bid v.& n.出价;投标
bid against sb.与某人争出高价;抬价竞买
(2)make a bid of...for/on...出价……买…… (1)He bid $5 for an old book. (2)He made a bid of 50 dollars for the table.
4.deadly 致命的;彻底的 (adj.) a deadly disease/a deadly blow. (adv.) The conference was deadly dull.
5. burst on the scene 突然出现 1) n.爆破;爆裂: a burst in a water-pipe 某事物的突然爆发: a burst of enthusiasm热情的迸发 a burst of applause 一阵喝彩.
8. agenda
n. 工作计划表,议事议程
be high on the agenda (for sb.)是某人的 当务之急 put sth. on the agenda 把某事提上议事 日程
• 11. discriminate • Vi & vt.discriminate between A and B ; discriminate A from B 分别, 辨别, 区分 discriminate between right and wrong • discriminate right from wrong • discriminate against sb / in favour of sb 歧视 /偏袒某人 • Society still discriminates against women/in favour of men. • discrimination n.歧视;辨别力,识别力;鉴 赏力 • racial/sex discrimination
(1)他不喜欢卖力气。 He has no appetite for hard work. (2)手术以后,她完全没有食欲。
She has completely lost her appetite since the operation.
(3)出去散散步,午饭时就有食欲了。 Taking a walk will give you an appetitefor your lunch.
(1)用适当的介词填空 ①We had hoped to get the house but another couple was bidding against _____us. ②He made a bid of one hundred dollars on/for the vase.
(n)1. The car began to slide. 滑动/行 2.The economy is on the slide. 衰退
wipe out消除,彻底消灭;擦净……的内部;使疲惫不堪
wiped out (1)The disease almost 这种疾病几乎将全岛的人毁灭。 the people of the island.
(2)Please wipe off/away
the drawing from the blackboard.
A sure to (2)When the group discussion is nearing its end,make
it with important points.
A.conclude C.avoid B.lead D.hold
论。 conclude 下结论,符合题意。 lead 引导; avoid 避免; hold举行。故选A项。
3)Use that cloth to _______the mess. 用那块布把脏东西擦掉。
• 4. unconscious • adj.失去知觉的;昏迷的;无意识的;未察觉 的 • knock sb. unconscious • be unconscious of 不知道的/ 未察觉的: • unconsciously (adv) • unconsciousness n [U] 无知觉; 无意识;神志不清;不知不觉: • 5. artificial • artificial fibers an artificial smile