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Traditional English food and confluent American food

British food, as we know, is very traditional. They don’t used to change their habit of food very frequently. Like other northern European cuisines, it majors heavily on meats, dairy products, wheat and root vegetables and a diet conductive to manual labor and red-faced citizens. The nineteenth century idea of a varied diet was one with different sorts of meat in it. Milk and vegetables were regarded as not only uneatable raw, but highly dangerous until boiled thoroughly. To a certain extent this is understandable, in an era without refrigeration, when typhoid and cholera could strike even the wealthy; over-cooking everything was probably a sensible course to take. People in English have a special eating habit. Firstly, the main meal in England seems to be eaten in the evening. Secondly, a big English breakfast is not something that many English people seem eat. Most of them have a light meal of cornflakes or toast and marmalade, orange juice and coffee rather than the eggs, sausages, bacon, bread, mushrooms and tomatoes. Fish has always been an important food in Britain. There are jellied eels, kippers or bloaters or crabs and so on. But the most popular of all is fish and chips, splashed with vinegar and eaten in the street out of a paper bag . British have a habit of drinking tea. ‘A nice cup of tea, the stronger the better’is supposed to be the British cure for all problems. Although many different drinks can be found in Britain, tea is undoubtedly the favorite at any time of the day and is the essential basis of afternoon tea. This is a meal that can vary from tea and a biscuit to the cooked high tea with lots of cakes served in the north. In the south west of England it is usually a cream tea, with home-made scones, strawberry jam and piles of thick clotted cream. People vary seldom have the thin cucumber sandwiches described in novels. American cuisine :The United States is a land of delicious eating. The two concepts essential to understanding US food are regionalism and diversity, accent on the latter.After all, Italian food differs from province to province and city to city as well. But key themes run through Italy”s food from south to north simply because its people have such strong roots in the Italian soil. Not so with the US. A nation of newcomers, its food reflects its origins. Long before Europeans set foot on American soil, vibrant and healthy civilizations nurtured themselves off the bounty of the land. They taught the settlers to plant the holy trinity of Native American cuisine—corn, beans and squash. The settlers returned the favor by nearly exterminating their benefactors, but those three foods played a vital in defining American cuisine. They retain their importance today across the continent—grits, cornbread in the South, tortillas and pinto beans in the Southwest, baked beans and succotash in the Northeast and pumpkin pie just about everywhere for Thanksgiving. American cuisine has come a long way since the early days of corn, beans and squash and along the way it has spawned some unforgettable food. Nonetheless the US remains a great place for great eating. Delicious regional styles remain a great place for great eating. Delicious regional styles remain and the new blood of immigrants sparks the imagination of the finest chefs while making for great inexpensive food in the cities. So come and get it.
