自学考试商务英语本科 第9单元 被动语态的翻译

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foreign exchange fluctuations job category base salary financial assistance parent company subsidiary company bank holding company acquired company joint stock company quoted/listed company target company provision provision for depreciation provision for bad debts refund employee pension fund mutual aid pension pension obligations pension premium pension benefit pension scheme
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在具体翻译实践中,可根据汉语的行文特点, 将某些英语被动句译为汉语的无主语句。 It is suggested that this claimed amount should be deduced from the goods value under the next contract. 建议这笔索赔款在下一份合同货款中予以扣 除。
1)The damage was covered by the insurance company. 受损费用由保险公司承担。 2)Foreign exchange fluctuations are affected not only by economic fundamentals, but also by psychological factors. 汇率波动不仅受经济基本原理的影响,还受各 种心理因素的影响。

汇兑波动 职务 基本工资 资金援助 母公司 子公司 银行控股公司 被收购的公司 股份公司 上市公司 标的公司 规定、条款、准备金 折旧准备金 坏账准备金 退款、退税 员工年退休基金 互助年金 年金债务 年金保险费 退休津贴 年金制度
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主动语态(active voice)
被动语态(passive voice)
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主动语态: 主语是动作的执行者。 被动语态: 主语是动作的承受者。 形式:助动词be /get/become + 及物动词的过去分词
例1: No provisions or terms of this agreement may be waived (放弃) or amended except by a supplemental written agreement executed by both parties. 若没有双方签署的补充书面协议,本协议中 的任何条款或任何条件均不可以被放弃或被 修改。
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The American trade delegation was given a hearty welcome. 美国贸易代表团受到诚挚的欢迎。 The goods are urgently needed. Prompt shipment will be appreciated. 急需此货,请即装运。
补充主语变主动 例析

It is only more recently that it has become increasingly understood that the production of goods is a waste of resources unless those goods can be sold at a fair price within a reasonable time span. 只有在近些年来人们才越来越清楚地认识到, 制造出的产品如果不能在合适的时间内以公平 的价格卖出的话,就是一种资源的浪费。
补充主语变主动 例析

Marketing is seen as the task of finding and stimulating buyers for the firm’s output.
人们认为营销就是为某个公司的产品寻 找买主,并鼓励购买。

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英语中的被动句在译成汉语时,除了可以借助词 汇构成被动句式外,在很多情况下可以充分运用 汉语的行文特点,更贴切、地道地再现原文信息。 The company and the six main banks are expected to reach a basic agreement in early November about the scope of the financial assistance and asset sales. 该公司及那六家主要银行有望于11月初就资金援 助和资产销售的范围达成基本的一致意见。
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如果英语原文中并未指出动作的施 动者,汉语译文可以根据上下文, 把意会的行为主体作为主语,将英 语的被动句译为汉语的主动句。增 加的主语多为“人们”、“有人”、 “大家”等。
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3)The present contract has been signed by representatives of both firms and it is hoped that the shortest delivery time can be guaranteed. 本合同已由双方公司的代表签订,买方希望卖方 能保证最快的交货时间。 4)It is suggested that this claimed amount should be deduced from the goods value under the next contract. 建议这笔索赔款在下一份合同货款中予以扣除。
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为了表达的需要,可将“被” 字改为其它表现形式,如采用 以下词或词组: 由、遭、让、得到、得以、加 以、予以、使得、受到、有待、 为……所……、以……而……
பைடு நூலகம்
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大致来说,英译汉时,英语的被动 句多数情况下要译成汉语的主动句, 只有在特别强调动作的被动性或特 别突出句子的被动意义时才译成汉 语的被动句。
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4. 5. 6. 7.
翻译为被动句 翻译为变体被动句 翻译为当然被动句 保留主语,译为主动句 更换主语,译为主动句 补充主语,译为主动句 翻译为无主语句
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英语被动句如果重在表述被动的动作,译为 汉语时往往译为被动句,以突出其被动意味。
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Four major stages in the product life cycle have been identified: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. 已经确认,产品的生命周期可以划分为 四个主要阶段:引进市场阶段、成长阶 段、成熟阶段和衰退阶段。
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例2:The banks are to be refunded their paid taxes when the amount of their losses has been finally determined as a result of the failure of corporate customers to which they have extended loans. 当银行所遭受损失的金额 因公司客户未能偿 还银行所提供的贷款 而被最终确定时,银行 应被退还之前所支付的税款。
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若在译文中保留原文的主语地位不利于译文的表达, 则可将原句主语改译为宾语,以原句中的施动者作 主语。 Subsidiaries are often set up to enable companies to enter new fields of business, or are established to streamline (精简) parent companies by spinning off (分拆) units to subsidiaries. 成立附属公司,其目的是为了使各家公司能够进入 新的产业领域,或者说,建立附属公司的目的是通 过分割各个单位到附属公司的方式精简母公司的组 织机构。
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使用被动句,往往表示受动对象(主语)遭受了某 种不幸或不快,常在不得已的情况下使用。 人是绝大多数动作的发出者,如表被动时需加虚词 “被”字,还有“叫、受、让、给、由、遭、挨、 予以、为……所”等; 动物既可作动作的执行者,又可作动作的承受者。 当动作不会引起歧义时省“被”字,否则保留“被” 字;(鸡杀了;猫被咬伤了。) 无生命物体和事件常为动作作用对象,一般省略 “被”字。(书出版了。)
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It has been viewed that 有人指出…… It is asserted that 有人主张…… It is noted that 人们注意到…… It is sometimes asked that 人们有时会问…… It is understood that 人们知道…… It has been illustrated that 据说明/图示…… It is found that 人们发现/据发现…… It must be admitted that 必须承认…… It will be seen from this that 由此可见……
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见 P84 Which one is better?

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在现代汉语中,有些句式看似主动,实际上 却表示被动的含义,只是没有用“被”字, 这种句子称为“当然被动句”。 Public servants have ranks according to their job categories, and their base salaries are decided accordingly. 公务员均是按照各自职务来享有职级的,其 基本工资也是按照职级来确定的。