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Monologue 1:

Language points:

1.2004 TUC launched “Work Your Proper Hours Day” where workers were encouraged to take the

lunch breaks they usually work through and leave for home at their contracted time.


1)TUC: Trades Union Congress 英国劳工联合会

2)Work Your Proper Hours Day:英国劳工联合会提倡的“合理工作时间”

3)Contracted time:合同约定的时间

2. Friday February 25 is the day in 2005 when the TUC estimates that people who do unpaid overtime will stop working for free and start to get paid.

2005年2月25日是英国劳工联合会估计没有报酬加班的人们应该停止加班并开始得到报酬的日子。unpaid overtime 没有报酬的加班工作

3. The TUC is urging people who do unpaid overtime to “work your proper hours” on that day, taking

a proper lunch-break , and arriving and leaving wok on time.


Dialogue 1:

1. Both Clare and Doris are majoring in sociology. Now they are talking about the investigation that they are doing on “Beyond Nine-to-five”.

克莱尔和多维斯专业都是社会学,现在他们正在谈论他们正在做的“早九晚五的工作时间之外” 调查。1)major in 主修科目

She majored in maths and physics.

2)Beyond Nine-to-five早九晚五的工作时间以外

2.I think it is easy to get the idea from the media that, except in unusual cases, everyone works from

nine in the morning to five in the evening, five days a week, in an office or plant of some kind.


1)in unusual cases 在特殊情况下

case 情况

In your case, we are prepared to be lenient. 根据你的情况,我们拟予以从宽处理。

I can not make an exception in your case. 我们不能为你破例。

2)plant 工厂

3.In the stereotyped view of the job, there’s a set time to start work, another to stop.


4.Although Nine-to-five is generally thought of as the work day, many jobs are performed when

Nine-to-five personnel are off the job.


be off the job不上班

5.Most jobs, for example, in the entertainment industry are performed in off hours.


6.And alternating shifts at stores and hospitals, for example, often have personnel working odd



alternating shifts需要轮班的工作

personnel working odd days个人的临时、额外的工作

7.Sunday and holiday work has its good side —time-and-a-half or double-time pay rates in some



Dialogue 2:

Background knowledge:

State Civil Administration Bureau 国家民政局

Merit system 公务员选拔制度

Language points:

1.The government is by far the biggest enterprise in the country.


by far修饰最高级,含义为“------ 的多”

2.One person out of eight in labor force is said to be employed unit on the state or local level.

