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Module 9 Interpreter’s professional code of conduct

I Theory and skills


除了口译界普遍认同的《国际会议口译工作者协会关于职业道德准则的规定》外,世界各国如澳大利亚、英国、法国各国也制定了各自的职业道德准则。经国家标准化管理委员会批准,中国于2004年6月起开始实施《翻译服务规范∙第一部分笔译》(Specification for Translation Service Part 1: Translation),以规范翻译企业的服务。相信随着中国口译市场的不断发展,关于口译部分的服务规范也将问世。











II Skills practices

Teaching tips: Interpreters, in-house, freelance or part-time, are service providers and they need to discipline themselves to make sure the service they offer is of high quality and up to the expectations of clients. The guidelines and principles laid down in Section 1 are a summary of our experience working as interpreters with reference to some codes of ethics or codes of conduct for interpreters in some countries such as Britain and Australia. The teacher may invite one or two practicing interpreters in their own localities to give lectures on codes of ethics as well as on how to build up an interpreting career covered in Section 3. In the meantime, the teacher can share his experience in this area with his students.

9.1 Hackers attack Macintosh OS X operating system


Hacker 黑客

operating system 操作系统

anti-virus software 杀病毒软件

Symantec Corp. 赛门铁克公司

safe haven 安全避难处

malicious code 恶意代码

vulnerability 漏洞

Mac mini 迷你Mac(苹果机)

display 显示器

keyboard 键盘

security-savvy users 安全意识高的用户

patch 补丁

glitch 缺陷

Many users of Apple Computer’s Macintosh OS X operating system believe that the Mac platform is virtually immune to attack. But a recent report from anti-virus software vendor Symantec Corp. shows that contrary to popular belief, hacker attacks on the system are on the rise. It is no longer a safe haven for malicious code and is increasingly becoming a target for the malicious activity that is more commonly associated with Microsoft and various Unix-based operating systems. //

While Microsoft’s Windows operating system runs on more than 90 percent of the world’s personal computers, the Macintosh operating system, the current version of which is based on the Unix operating system, has less than 5 percent of the global market for computer operating systems. It is true that all the platforms have vulnerabilities –weaknesses that leave the system open to malicious software attacks. But why is it that Mac, with such a small market share, has become a target? //

According to Symantec, Apple’s recent introduction of the Mac mini, a computer sold at the price of USD500 without a display, keyboard or mouse could actually increase the likelihood of more malicious software computer code targeting the Mac platform. “The market penetration of Macintosh platforms will be accelerated by the much lower priced Mac mini, which may be purchased by less security-savvy users. As a result, the number of vulnerabilities can be expected to increase, as will malicious activity that targets them,”the report says. //

Symantec says in 2004 it documented 37 high-vulnerabilities in Mac OS X. They have been confirmed by the vendor, which, in the Apple case, almost always means that the company has released a patch –a small piece of software designed to shore up a vulnerability or to fix other software glitches. //
