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The hyperlipidemias may occur from increased levels of cholesterol and/or triglycerides in a variety of lipoproteins. These disorders may be inherited or of dietary origin. Elevated cholesterol levels in plasma usually involve LDL and result from the increased production and/or delayed or defective removal of LDL cholesterol. Hypercholesterolemia can occur from without or combined with mild hypertriglyceridemia. Elevated triglyceride levels in association with hypercholesterolemia result from genetic defects or diet or both. Primary hypertriglyceridemia may result from overproduction of VLDL alone, or with chylomicrons, or from defective removal via lipoprotein lipase. Thus, the primary hyperlipoproteinemias are metabolic disorders characterized by an excess of one or more lipoproteins in the circulation. Responses to diet modifications vary with the disorder and among individuals. Dietary saturated long-chain fatty acids raise plasma cholesterol levels and decrease LDL receptor activity. Eicosapentaenoic acid and other w-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oils may have a hypocholesterolemic effect in normal subjects or raise LDL and HDL cholesterol in hyperlipidemic subjects and have significant hypotriglyceridemic effects in normal and hyperlipidemic subjects. Monounsaturated liquid vegetable oils have a cholesterol-lowering effect, perhaps

by replacing saturated liquid fat. Polyunsaturated fats of the ε-6 series in liquid vegetable oils result in decreased levels of LDL cholesterol and at high intake may decrease HDL cholesterol. Intake of refined carbohydrates may exacerbate hypertriglyceridemia.





诊断标准:根据《中国成人血脂异常防治指南(2007年)》,中国人血清总胆固醇的合适范围为<5.18mmol/L(200mg/dl),5.18~6.19mmol/L (200~239mg/dl)为边缘升高,≥6.22mmol/L(240mg/dl)为升高;血清LDL-胆固醇的合适范围为<3.37mmol/L(130mg/dl),3.37~4.12mmol/L (130~159mg/dl)为边缘升高,≥4.14mmol/L(160mg/dl)为升高;血清HDL-胆固醇的合适范围为≥1.04mmol/L(40mg/dl),≥1.55mmol/L




1. 饱和脂肪酸高脂肪膳食易导致血浆胆固醇水平升高。脂肪不仅能促进胆汁分泌,其水解产物还有利于形成混合微胶粒,并能促进胆固醇在黏膜细胞中进一步参与形成乳糜微粒、转运入血,从而使血浆胆固醇水平
