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பைடு நூலகம்
2.我想我真的不适合你(我根本就不喜欢你!) 3.其实你人真的很好(可是我不想和你在一起) 4.你人真的很好(我是真的不想和你在一起) 5.你人真的真的很好....真的(猪头,离我远一点!) 6.我暂时不想交男朋友(闪边儿!你还不到我心中帅哥标 准的一半) 7.我不想伤害我们之间的友谊(我们之间也只会有友谊) 8.我心中牵挂着一个人(他是我专门为你这种人虚构的) 9.我从来没想过这个问题(根本不可能的,还用想吗?)
第六、七句中“是”表示“这”,仅用于书面语中; 第八句中“是”的意思是“认为正确”,作动词,也是 书面语。 因此, “烧纸钱”就不能翻译成 “To burn
4. 表示强调(常与上文的“连”字呼应):
连爷爷也乐得合不拢嘴。 Even Grandpa was so happy that he grinned from ear to ear.
5. 表示委婉:
也只好如此。 We will have to leave it at that. 倒也罢了。 Let it pass. 6. 表示转折或让步(常与上文的“虽然,即使”等呼 应):
然而一切西湖胜迹的名目之中,我知道得最早的却是这雷峰塔。 我的祖母曾经常常对我说,白蛇娘娘就被压在这塔底下。有个叫许仙 的人救了两条蛇:一青一白,后来白蛇就化作女人来报恩,嫁给许仙 了,青蛇化作丫鬟,也跟着。一个和尚,法海禅师,得道的禅师,看 见许仙脸上有妖气,——凡讨妖怪做老婆的人,脸上就有妖气的,但 只有非凡的人才看得出,——便将他藏在金山寺的法座后。白蛇娘娘 来寻夫,于是就“水满金山”。 But of all the vaunted自夸的 beauty spots of West Lake, the first I heard of was Leifeng Pagoda. My grandmother often told me that Lady White Snake was a prisoner underneath it. A man named Xu Xian rescued two snakes, one white and one green. Later the White snake changed into a woman to repay Xu Xian kindness and married him, while the green snake changed into her maid and accompanied her. Then a Buddhist monk by the name of Fa Hai, a most religious man , saw from Xu's face that he had been bewitched施魔法于 by an evil spirit — apparently all men who marry monsters have a ghostly look on their faces, but only those with unusual gifts can detect it, — so he hid Xu behind the shrine in Jinshan Monastery, and when Lady White Snake came to look for her husband the whole place was flooded.
This was a much better story the way my grandmother told it. She probably based it on a ballad歌谣 called The Faithful Serpent; but since I have never read that, I don't know whether I have written the names Xu Xian and Fa Hai correctly or not. Anyway, Fa Hai trapped Lady White Snake, and put her in a small alms-bowl. He buried this bowl in the ground, and built a pagoda over it to prevent her getting out—that was Leifeng Pagoda. This was not the end by any means; for instance, her son who came first in the court examination sacrificed at the pagoda, but I have forgotten all that happened.
我的祖母讲起来还要有趣得多,大约是出于一部弹词叫做《义妖 传》里的,但我没有看过这部书,所以也不知道“许仙…”“法海” 究竟是否这样写。总而言之,白蛇娘娘终于中了法海的计策,被装在 一个小小的钵盂里了。钵盂被埋在地里,上面还造起一座镇压的塔来, 这就是雷峰塔。此后似乎事情还很多,如“白状元祭塔”之类,但我 现在都忘记了。 (鲁迅《论雷峰塔的倒掉》)
如:“月球”和“月亮”。 “月亮”在汉
相同,但英语中“moon”却让英美人联想到 “反复无常的性格、阴森的气氛”,甚至是在 月圆 之夜现身的狼人(传说生活在阴
1.表示同样 also, too, either: 水 库 可 以 灌 溉 、 发 电 、 也 可 以 养 鱼 。 Reservoirs can be used for irrigation and power generation, and also for fish breeding. 2. 叠用,强调两事并列或对待: 他也会种地,也会打铁。He is good at both farming and forging iron. 3. 叠用,表示无论这样或那样: 他左想也不是,右想也不是。He thinks this way and that, and still it is not right.
paper money”, 因“paper money”在英语中并
非指“冥币”,而是“纸币”。 而“纸钱”应当是 “spirit money”。
Connotative Meaning
“词语的蕴涵意义是词语内含的情感 和联想意义,主要体现在词语的修辞色彩、 文体特征、文化内涵等方面”(陈宏薇, 2004:72)。 翻译此类词语时,译者应在不影响指 称意义传达的情况下,尽可能在译文中反 映出原文独特的文化信息和审美价值。
1. 他们都是纸老虎。
See Textbook Chapter 12
1. 学生课堂演示
2. 语境与翻译 3. 课堂作业
4. 课后作业
听说,杭州西湖上的雷峰塔倒掉了,听说而已,我没 有亲见。但我却见过未倒的雷峰塔,破破烂烂的掩映于湖 光山色之间,落山的太阳照着这些四近的地方,就是“雷 峰夕照”,西湖十景之一。“雷峰夕照”的真景我也见过, 并不见佳,我以为。 I hear Leifeng Pagoda by the West Lake in Hangzhou has collapsed. This is hearsay only, not something I have seen for myself. I did see the pagoda before it collapsed, though. A tottering 动摇的 structure standing out between the lake and the hills, with the setting sun gilding its surroundings, this was "Leifeng Pagoda at Sunset", one of the ten sights of the West Lake. Having seen "Leifeng Pagoda at Sunset" for myself, I cannot say I was much impressed.
Key to Exercises
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Books are the stepping stones to human progress. (Maxim Gorky) Activity is the only road to knowledge. (George Bernard Shaw) Knowledge is the wings with which we fly to the heavens. (William Shakespeare) This skirt is really beautiful. He reads every book he can reach. If this can be tolerated, what cannot? When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it --- this is knowledge. (trans by James Legge) Praise the past to condemn the present.
我虽然没见过,也听人说过。I’ve heard about it, though I have never seen it.
1. 书是人类进步阶梯。
2. 行动是通往知识的唯一通道。
3. 知识是我们借以飞向天堂的羽翼。 4. 这条裙子是漂亮。 5. 他是书就读。 6. 是可忍,孰不可忍? 7. 是古非今。 8. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
1. 指称意义与翻译 2. 隐含意义与翻译
3. 数词的意义与翻译
Referential Meaning
【指称意义】是词语、句子和篇章 反映的客观世界,是“词的确切和 字面的意义”(陆国强,1999: 177)。
词语的指称意义往往具有多重性,即一个词语具有 几种不同的指称意义。这种一词多义的现象在语言中广泛 存在。如:
They are all paper tigers. 2. 咱俩的事,一条绳子栓着两只蚂蚱 -- 谁也跑不了! (老舍《骆驼祥子》)
We’re like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away!
3. 在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树, 一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。 (鲁迅《秋夜》) Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees. One is a date tree, the other is also a date tree.
狼人 werewolf
是人型 )。
一位世界著名科学家正在搞一个科研项目, 由于时间紧张,身体消瘦。一次宴会上,一个 胖资本家对科学家说:“先生,见到你,就知 道世界上正在闹饥荒。”科学家回答说:“我 一看见你,就知道世界上闹饥荒的原因。”