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The founding of New China 66 years ago opened a new era in the country’s history and set in motion its people’s new drive towards a happy life.


Please allow me to extend, on behalf of…, my sincere thanks to......, my sincere gratitude to, and my heartfelt thanks to....

如果想要表达的感情较多,且没有重复的话,那么久可以用这个固定句式,效果好像很不错。如果出现了同一种感情的重复,就要用到my thanks also goes to.

3.举世瞩目的辉煌成就:universally acknowledged achievements


This is evidenced by the marked rising of China’s comprehensive national strength and international influence, by the gradual prosperity of the ordinary Chinese families, by greater development opportunities as enjoyed by Chinese citizens, as well as by the steady social progress. These achievements have allowed us to console our forefathers who worked and died for China’s rejuvenation over the years and given the Chinese people in the present-day world a good reason to be proud about.


It is expected to mark a new milestone and herald a ‘golden time’for the China-UK relationship. It is also a major event in terms of its regional and global significance. 6.两国高层往来密切,双方建立了总理年度会晤、战略对话、经济财金对话、高级别人文交流等几十个对话机制,就一系列大事、要事深入沟通,双边关系稳定性和成熟度前所未有。

With close contacts and exchanges at the top level and scores of bilateral mechanisms in place including the annual prime ministers’meeting, the economic and financial dialogue, the strategic dialogue and the high-level people-to-people dialogue, China and Britain are having in-depth talks on a series of important issues. The bilateral relationship enjoys unprecedented stability and maturity.


The respective strengths of the two countries dovetail perfectly, offering broad prospects for cooperation.

8.规划美好蓝图:map out the blueprint


As a firm believer in free trade and boasting of a high level of market openness, the UK is already China’s second largest trading partner and No 1 destination of overseas investment in the EU. Britain has also responded positively to China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and taken the lead among western developed country in applying for

a founding membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

10.深切怀念pay high tribute to


We have but one planet and countries share one world. Committed to peaceful development, China upholds a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. 12.中国提出构建人类命运共同体建设理念,给出了人类和平发展的中国方略。当今时代,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,社会信息化、文明多样化持续推进,你中有我、我中有你,兴衰相伴、安危与共,成为人类社会发展的鲜明特征。China advocates the building of a community of shared destiny, providing its strategy for peace and development of mankind. Our world today is witnessing in-depth development in multipolarization and economic globalization, and constant progress is been made in IT application and cultural diversity. It has become a salient feature of human progress that countries are increasingly interdependent and they fall and rise together.

13.在今年3月份博鳌亚洲论坛上,进一步倡议各国要相互尊重、平等相待,要合作共赢、共同发展,要实现共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全,要坚持不同文明兼容并蓄、交流互鉴,这是超越民族国家和意识形态的‚全球观‛,是推动世界迈向持久和平和共同繁荣的创新理念,是携手建设人类美好家园的中国智慧。At the Boao Forum for Asian Annual Conference last March, President Xi further advocated that countries need to respect each other and treat each other as equals, seek win-win cooperation and common development, pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and uphold inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations. This grand vision transcends national and ideological boundaries. It is a new vision that will promote the world to enduring peace and common prosperity, and represents China’s wisdom to work with the rest of the world to build a better home for mankind.


Confrontation must be replaced with cooperation and zero-sum game with mutual benefits if the purposes and principles of the UN Charter are to be carried forward. And this is also the way to achieve peaceful development. To keep up with the times, we cannot live in the 21st century with outdated thinking from the age of colonial expansion or the zero-sum mentality of the Cold War.


seek common ground while shelving differences, increase common interests and defuse disputes


No country can enjoy the security of its own while leaving the rest insecure. Nor can one seek absolute security of itself at the expense of the security of others.

17.兼顾各方安全关切:accommodate the security concerns of others

