第十一章 护理理论

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概念的组成部分为理论(Basic ingredients of a theory)
五.护理学的概念(Nursing concepts)
Such as health, caring, interaction, stress, adaptation, growth, grief, illness, needs, etc.
Content Implicit assumptions
Relationship among concepts
Descriptive generalizations
Mechanism for relations Taxonomic classification Phenomena
New Vision: Earth Rising as seen from the Moon
第一章 护理理论概述
Introduction to Nursing Theory
Faculty of Nursing School of Medicine Xi’an Jiaotong University
What is a Concept?
“A thought or a notion conceived in the mind”
Two types:
Empirical - observed or experienced through senses
• i.e. stethoscope, cup, chair, etc.
Four Basic Concepts of Nursing
PersonBaidu Nhomakorabea
Environment Health
Person (description)
Each person is a unique individual viewed in holistic terms. By holistic it meant that the individual is considered a total human being with biopsychosocial needs. Each person has the right to dignity, respect, autonomy and the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential and to achieve optimal functioning. Each person is seen within a social context.
Well-being, quality of life
Continuum-health-illness Equilibrium Biopsychosocial dimensions Able to do things one wants Feeling good Objective and subjective elements
Working, family, community, global Animate and inanimate
Time and space
Cultural, customs, rituals
Internal and external
Dynamic, changing
Nursing( Description)
第三节 护理理论 Nursing Theory
一、有关护理理论的基本概念 1、知识(Knowledge)is an awareness or perception of reality acquired through learning or investigation) 通过学习或研究而获得的对 现实世界的认识
concern. 通过系统科学的研究而获得的知识 体系(自然、社会、思维三大知识领域)
3、Metaparadiam (学科领域或观点)
Domain is the perspective and the territory of the discipline. It contains the subject matters of a discipline, the main agreed upon values and beliefs, the central concepts the phenomenon of interest, its central problems, and the methods that are used to provide some answers in the discipline.(学科的主要学术价值及观点,主 要问题)
三、概念的形成过程 (concept formation)
Concept Formation A concept as a thought, idea or notion A concept as an abstract idea generalized from particular instances
Human beings-unique individuals, family or friends Bio-psychosocial Functioning-needs, strengths Rights, responsibilities, dignity Culture Developmental, lifespan Adaptable, self-responsible
The essence of nursing is caring. Nursing is a practice-based profession involving both art and science, the art is the process in terms of the nurse-client relationship. The science is the knowledge and skills the nurse contributes to nursing practice. The aim of nursing is to promote well-being, prevent illness, maintain and restore health, and to help people attain a peaceful death.
第一节 护理理念 Nursing philosophy
理念(philosophy), 拉丁文philia(爱)及sophia (智慧),智慧之爱。寻找真理。 “理念是指导个人思维及行为的价值观与信念”。 以原则的形式左右及指引个人的思维方式及行为举 止 协助个人判断是非 决定事物的价值
Environment (description)
The enrironment is the major determinant of the health of individuals, families, and communities. It provides the context for nursing practice. The environment can be considered along two dimensions: The physical and socio-cultural environment which includes social values, beliefs and customs and internal/external dimension. The environment is ever changing in the context of time and space.
2、科学(Science )refers to a body of knowledge, including facts and theories, generated by the use of controlled, rigorous, and
precise methods within a delimited area of
知识来源 Source of knowledge

Superstition Tradition School learning Authority Trial and Error Media and experience Logical reasoning: deductive and inductive Scientific Methods
Relationship of the Stimulus to the concept Internal Stimulus Scope
External Stimulus
Simple Complex Concrete Abstract
Value in Scientific Inquiry
Caring for individuals, families, communities Promotion of well-being Peaceful death Technical skills A process Supporting life Practice-based Relationship with patient and others
Abstract - not observable
• i.e. self-concept, beliefs, oxygen, etc.
(1)根据人们对概念的认识: 抽象概念 具体概念 (2)根据概念的性质及应用范围:
统计性概念 总结性概念
为护理人员研究护理学的四个核心概念,人、 健康、环境及护理提供专业理念体系。 (Providing the framework for asking questions about central concept of the discipline)
禁欲主义阶段(asceticism )(1850~1920) 浪漫主义阶段 (romanticism) (1921~1940) 实用主义阶段 (pragmatism) (1940~1960) 人本存在主义(humanistic existentialism) (1960~至今)
不同的护理学家,由于其理论的研究重点不 同,对护理理念的四个要素有不同的认识, 也采用了不同的词来描述这四个基本概念。
社会 环境

护理 健康
第二节 护理学的核心概念 Central concepts of nursing 一、定义
Webster: 概念是人们对周围环境中的某种物 体所形成的印象,是人们对客观事物属性及 本质的理性认识。
Health (description)
Health is the multidimensional concept which contains bio-psychosocial elements on a functional continuum. Health is intrinsically related to notions of quality of life, harmony and well-being. Health can be defined objectively and from subjective experience.
二、护理理念(nursing philosophy)
是引导护理人员认识及判断护理及其它相关 方面的价值观及信念。 (concerned with the values and beliefs of a discipline and provide a guidance for the members of discipline)
学习的层次结构 Hierarchy of Learning
Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember
理论研究的层次结构 Level of theoretical discourse
World view Frameworks Theories