国际商务函电第五章Unit05 Firm Offers

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
8. be prepared to be prepared to 同意做;打算做;准备做 If you require additional pens of this brand, we shall be prepared to arrange. 如果你方要求增加此品牌笔,我们准备安排此 事。 The Development Co., Ltd. is prepared to place a large order with us. 开发有限公司打算和我们大量订货。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
4. commodity n. 商品,货物 It will be appreciated if you will send us a copy of your commodity list. 如蒙寄来一份商品清单,则不胜感激。 We own your name and address to a Commodities Fair. 承蒙商品展览会得知你方名称及地址。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
9. Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit payable by draft at sight 不可撤销的,凭即期汇票支付的信用证 confirmed Letter of Credit 保兑信用证 documentary Letter of Credit 跟单信用证 Letter of Credit可数的普通名词,有商业书信 中常用大写,单数为(a) Letter of Credit, 且常 用缩写形式,即 (an)L/C 和 Ls/c. 当用 credit 表 示信用证时,复数为credits.
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
10. commission n. 佣金 百分之几佣金 a commission of …% 或 …% commission 你方/我方百分之几佣金 your/our commission of …%或your/our…% commission 两 笔 或 几 笔 佣 金 two or several items of commission This offer is inclusive of your 5% commission.=This offer(or price)includes your 5% commission. 此盘(或价格)包括你方5%的佣金。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
7. in compliance with in compliance with 按照,依照 In compliance with your request of…, we have amended the relative L/C to allow transshipment. 按照你方…的要求,我方已修改有关信用证允 许转船。 In compliance with our terms of payment in the Sales Contract No.088, please send us your L/C one month preceding the date of shipment. 按照我们第No.088号销售合同的支付条款,请 在装运日期前一个月寄来信用证。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
accept v. 接受(报价,邀请等) We offer you our best price. Please accept as early as you can if it satisfies you. 我方报给你方最好价格,如果你方满意的话, 请尽早接受。 We accept your suggestions without reserve. 我们毫无保留地接受你方的建议。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
3. acceptance n. 接受 We suggest you fax us your acceptance with the least possible delay as the market is becoming firm. 因为市场变得坚挺,我方建议你方毫无延误地 来电接受。 Unless we have your acceptance before the end of this week, we will have to put the offer out. 除非你方在本周末前接受,否则我方将普遍发 出报盘。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
acceptable adj. 可接受的 sth. be acceptable to sb. or sb. find sth. acceptable 某人认为某物可以接受。 Should the design and workmanship be acceptable to our clients, large orders will follow. 如果款式和工艺能为我方的客户接受,他们将会 大量订购。 If you compare our price with that from others, you will find our price acceptable. 如果将我方的价格与其他客户的相比较,你将会 发现我方的价格是可以接受的。 Your offe百度文库 is not acceptable. 你方的报盘是不可接 受。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
A firm offer can be developed in the following way:
1. Express thanks for the inquiry, if any. 2. Explain detailed business terms: supply all the information requested including name of commodities, quality, quantity, and specifications; commissions, or discounts, if any; indicate packing and date of delivery; state clearly the validity of the offer. 3. End the letter by asking for an early reply or expressing willingness to do business.
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
1. firm adj. (报盘等)确定的,有效的 firm offer 实盘 The offer is firm. (=The offer is a firm offer.) 本报盘为实盘。 The offer is firm for 10 days. (=The offer is open/valid/good for 10 days.)本报盘有效期十天。 firm adv. 有效地;确定地 We offer you firm 1000m/ts of cocoa bean as follows: 现报一千公吨可可豆实盘如下: firm v.上升 The London stock market firmed up a bit. 伦敦股市略有上升。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
Sample Letter Ⅰ
敬启者: 很高兴收到贵方 5月 19日有关我方“好运”牌电风 扇的询盘。 我方今天已用包裹邮寄给贵方最新的附有插图的 目录。我方产品诱人的设计和合理的价格会使贵方相 信我方的风扇货真价实。假如我方在6月30日收到贵方 订单,我方将按所报价格给贵方报 7 月中旬装运的实 盘。 我方同意给贵方所订 1000 件或更多的货 4%折扣且 盼收到贵方订单。 谨上 中国进出口有限公司 北京分公司 2004年5月20日
1. 实盘的定义 2. 实盘信的撰写
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
Definition of firm offers:
Firm offers are made when the sellers promise to sell goods at a stated price and within a stated period of time.
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
2. a firm offer 实盘,是外贸业务用语,一般都规 定有效期,即有时间的限制。以下短语和句子 都是表示实盘的用语: This offer is subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time Friday, October 15. 此盘以你方 答复于 10 月 15 日星期五,我方时间下午 5 点到 达为有效。 This offer is subject to your reply here within seven days. 此盘以7天内回复为有效。 Our offer is firm (valid, good, open) for five days. 我方报盘有效期为5天。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
Sample Letter Ⅱ
敬启者: 感谢贵方5月9日对拳击手套的询盘。 兹复,我方根据每一个20英尺集装箱整箱装向贵方报盘,以贵方接受不晚于5月20日到 达我处为有效。 商品品名:拳击手套 商品货号:ST005 规格:按照附在此信后的目录 包装:纸箱装,每盒1打,每箱8盒。 价格条件:广州装运港船上交货价 单价:每盒8.5美元 数量:最低购货量2400打 交货装运条件:每一个20英尺集装箱装140箱,7月31日前交货。 付款方式:装运前30天开立保兑的、不可撤消的即期信用证。 不言而喻以上价格是净价,不含佣金。但商品订购数量超过 3000打,则我方可给5%的 折扣。 由于经久耐用和和竞争性的价格,我方的产品在世界上享有独特的声誉。我方建议贵 方立即订购,以便我方保证供货,贵方也不会失去机会。 我方已经另行邮寄给贵方各种尺码的样品及贵方索要的小册子。我们希望贵方与我方 试订货。 期待贵方速复。 谨上
Unit Five Firm Offers Objectives Introduction New Words & Expressions Exercises Keys to Exercises
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
6. item item n. 项目;商品,产品 Please check the items in this bill. 请逐项核对帐单。 Our former needs for these items were mainly met by imports. 以前这些商品主要是通过进口来满足需求。
Unit Five Firm Offers (实盘)
New Words & Expressions
5. specification n. (多用复)规格 The enclosed catalogue will give you the details of specifications and technical data. 随函附寄的目录将提供有关规格和技术资料的 详情。 We are sorry about our delay in sending you the revised specifications. 迟迟告知修改后的规格,甚歉。